
Thank you so much to everyone who participated in this year’s gift exchange! As always, your creations were absolutely wonderful and you never fail to blow me away with your talent and creativity! To find your name in...
Okay, so this post is a little later than what I would’ve wanted, but I’ve had a busy week 😛 I’m also a little tired, so, only one cat pic this time 😛 You’re getting plenty from Cadvent, anyway...
The seventh edition of the Blog Monthly is here – written by Lil, fresh off the printing press Hello, everyone!! The Blog Monthly is back and better than ever! I hope you all love this edition, in my opinion it is one...
Sharklight lists their favourite characters from the series.
Guess what everyone? Today we get to celebrate Fireflypaw’s first ever claniversary!! What an exciting day, and a truly momentous achievement! We’re so glad that you’ve stuck around with for this past...
Dawnpaw argues why Yellowfang made the right decision.
There will be multiple team challenges, okay? So, the first team challenge is going to be a bit easy.
Squirrelflight’s Hope pg. 4
Say Hi.. pg. 2
Roleplaying discussion page pg. 5
Name generators pg.3
Blogclan tavern pg.1
Discuss your final answer here, and post it on the main apprentice clan page.
Good luck!
Can I please do the poem contest?
I replied to you in the page before.
Oh sorry
Oh, no it’s okay. Sorry if that sounded a little blunt. I just replied after you asked again, because I didn’t see it, so I just wanted to make sure you knew that I had replied.
GUYS GUYS GUYS I have got it.
You should have been it.
What should we have been?
I’m sorry, I know I’m not part of the team, but what exactly do you mean? (I am taking advantage of my privileges of snooping) ;P
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* Crookedmoon✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
May 30, 2020 at 7:48 pm
There will be multiple team challenges, okay? So, the first team challenge is going to be a bit easy.
Squirrelflight’s Hope pg. 4
Say Hi.. pg. 2
Roleplaying discussion page pg. 5
Name generators pg.3
Blogclan tavern pg.1
Discuss your final answer here, and post it on the main apprentice clan page.
Good luck!
Your comment. That is your comment. I’m answering it.
Oooohhhh!! Okay, that makes MUCH more sense…mm…Okay. I forgot about that…whoooooppsssss. Oookaayyyy. Lemme check if that’s correct! I’m sorry, but it is not correct. So close, but not correct.
Should been have it?
It should have been?
Should It have been?
Those are all wrong, I’m sorry.
Should have it been?
Been should it have
Should been had it
You were closer on the first try.
A kit? A warrior cat fan? Come on, people, work with me here!
I’m bad at riddles but maybe since you included a you in the first one, the answer is it should have been you?
Here’s the second team challenge!
You get extra points if you do the scavenger hunt!
Gooood luck!
Team name idea, pizza rolls! What do you think?
I don’t think I would like our team name to be pizza roles…
Here’s another round of NTA since we have additions to both teams!!!
Assign this NTA to one person!
Could we do like one cat dose Fluffpaw another cat dose Viperpaw…and so on
Well, it was meant to be for one person only, but that does sound like a great idea, Crystal. Yes, you can definitely do that. It will probably give you a higher chance of winning.
Here’s another contest for one person to answer for! Create a backstory and appearance for these names:
Here’s another individual contest:
You have to draw this cat that I give you, and give them a backstory:
Weird name, but you can have fun with it!
i can not draw so someone else can do it
I like drawing, except I don’t colour, so I’m a pass to.
Can I help with the back story please?
I’ll try, but i’m not that good with traditional coloring, soooo sorry if it looks messed up
I can’t draw.
This is a reply
Shadeflake- black she-cat with blue eyes. He is an evil cat, who (of course) tried to take over ThunderClan. He was a loner at first, he hunted, played with his best friend, Bat. His name was shade then, and Bat soon found another cat, Mike. He was a kittypet, so they gave him the name, Cave. Shade noticed that Cave got more attention then him. It soon became worse and worse and Bat was paying no attention to him soon. Shade started to hate Cave and Bat, but he didn’t show a thing. His plan was in action, he committed murder and KILLED Cave. Bat was angry and soon ditched Shade (well of course.) Shade was lonely, he lived like that for a wile, but soon found another cat (yes again with another cat.) Her name was Shadow. They liked each other a lot a soon became mates. Later, Shade found a clan cat (Jetcloud) he was evil, and asked Shade to join the clan. Shade went back with Shadow and told her the news Shadow was grumpy and growled and stomped away. Shade wondered why. He later excepted, and Shadow was vary angry, and Shade was angry and her, to. Shadow scratched Shade and then ran. When Shade went into the clan, the clan was not very welcoming. They hissed, but soon decided that Shade could stay. The leader jumped on to the high rock and started the ritual. When Shade heard that she was an apprentice, she got angry, and thought she wasn’t a full member of the clan. She hissed and scratched the leader, and hissed that if she was going to be a member of this clan, she was to become a full one. The leader surprisingly agreed for her to stay after that, explaining that apprentices are full members of the clan. Jetcloud was his mentor, and taught him to hate ThunderClan. He taught her some deadly and powerful moves. Shadepaw did not get along with thee other apprentices, and preferred to be alone. She disagreed at the gatherings, and in some way broke the trues. (Not physically.) When she got her warrior name, Shadeflake, (which I’m surprised she did) She snook out of the Clan looking for her use-to-be mate. She found Shadow as a kittypet. When Shadow saw him he said, “I thought you where going to stay out of my business, or have you been kicked out of the clan, you filthy beast.” After that, they got into a battle, Shadow did pretty good, but Shadeflake soon killed him. Since Shadeflake had more privileges as a warrior, she started to harm cats more. In a battle with WindClan, Shadeflake made a worst enemy with there medicine cat. When Jetcloud found out, and told Shadeflake to kill her. Shadeflake didn’t like the fact that her use to be mentor was still telling her to do stuff. She said that she was already going to do that, and she gave him a warning. So of course Shadeflake killed Tinyfur. (Yes, Tinyfur.) Now so far Shadeflake killed 3 cats. Wavestar died by another battle, so his deputy, Lightfur became leader. Lightfur didn’t know that Jetcloud was evil, he was a good fighter, and Jetcloud became deputy. (Uh oh) Most cats disagreed, but Lightstar didn’t care. Jetcloud killed Lightstar by a lot of foxes, and he became leader. Jetcloud decided that Shadeflake should become deputy. Jetcloud was a bad cat, and cats started to turn on them. Shadeflake wanted to prove that she was a good cat so cats don’t turn on her, so she joined in, obviously turning to killing Jetstar. Not that much cats knew, but the cats that knew didn’t really care. She turned ThunderClan against each other. She declared war a lot and made apprentices become warrior at 4 moons in training, because he wanted everybody to not fell left out, and wanted more of his army. Cats started to figure out she was bad, and when she figured that out she ran away. Cats tried to hunt her down but couldn’t find her. She started to take of cats one by one, but once she tried a leader, Froststar, she took away three lives, but died on his 6th live. She joined the dark forest after that, she trusted no cats.
Ok now I have to do Tinyfur, it won’t be as long.
This is a reply
Tinyfur- short furred she-cat with a white fur.
Tinyfur was a kit, her littermate was joykit. She was interested in herbs, and soon became a medicine cat apprentice. The other apprentices teased her because she didn’t know any fighting moves. She told he mentor, but they didn’t care. Her sister started to teach her private lesson well she could still learn about herbs. A couple of the other warriors new, and some didn’t like it, but some didn’t care and some thought it was a good idea. When the other apprentices got there warrior name, they teased her, but it was time to show that she was also a good fighter. They ‘battled’ and Tinypaw actually beat one. She proved that she was a good fighter to, and now she only needed to focus on herbs. She got her medicine cat name soon after that, and when she got to the moon pool she got a prophecy from StarClan. It was about ThunderClan, and it said, “This is going to be a hard leaf fall, ThunderClan might wipe out WindClan if they don’t do something, WindClan might get destroyed.” Tinyfur decided to keep it to herself, but then at another half moon it comes back to her, but in a different way, “Beware of the rogue who destroys the trues, beware of the one who join the clans, beware of the one who seems suspicious.” Tinyfur felt dizzy. She decided to not tell anyone about it until she knows. At the next gathering, Wavestar told them about a new cat Shadeflake in the clans. Tinyfur new that the prophecy was about him, and after the gathering she told her use to be mentor. They made a team against him. She told her leader about the prophecy before, for an excuse to attack WindClan. She made enemies with Shadeflake, and wanted to attack her, but knew that she wouldn’t be able to beat him. She made more of a team, with Joyleaf, Jaggedbeak, Grasspelt, and Flamefeather. Later Shadeflake hunted her down, and killed her.
Who likes it? They are rivals!
You don’t have to use this, it was just for fun! 😛
After I did it I found out I wasn’t supspost to.
Here’s a poem for the poem contest:
I got her into this
And now she is stuck here
Under him
Yet she worked
She found a way out
She survived
I will not
I am stuck here
A prisoner
Slowly starving
Violetpaw comes to me
She brings us food
I am proud of her
I am not proud of myself
I do not know why I ever followed him
I do not know what I ever saw in him
I caused so much pain
I have noticed the kits
The queens, the elders
How they are missing
I do not think I could have ever helped
I know Violetpaw is involved
She told me
She said she would get us out too
I wish I had her courage
But I never did
I never could do the right thing
I do not think I was ever right
She came to me
She told us we are leaving soon
I am glad
I wonder how Berryheart is
And Sparrowtail
I wonder if I will see them again
I wish I had had the courage to go with them
I see Darktail coming
Violetpaw is with him
This is not good
He tells me
How she betrayed him
How she put poppy seeds in his fresh kill
I could not have had the courage to do that
We got to the lake
He says he will drown me
He holds me down
Violetpaw pleads that he stop
He agrees
He told me that I deserve a second chance
I think what is coming will need me to be strong
He tells me to kill Violetpaw
That is something I will not do
No matter how much loyalty I will prove
I lunge at Darktail
He and his rouges fight hard
I know I am going to die
But maybe today I can be as brave a Violetpaw
She got me into this
And now I am stuck here
Under him
Yet I worked
I found my way out
I survived
If Needletail could join me she would have done the same
She is stuck here
A prisoner
Slowly starving
I come to them
I bring them food
Needletail is proud of me
I do not think she should be
I do not know why we ever followed him
I do not know what we ever saw in him
We have caused so much pain
I have helped the kits
The queens, the elders
Helped them get away
Needletail would have done more than I did
Needletail knows I’m involved
I told her
I said I would get her out too
I wish I had her courage
But I never did
I always hid behind her
I do not think I can be brave now
I went to her
I told her we are leaving soon
She was glad
I wonder how Twigpaw is
And Alderheart
I wonder if I will see them again
I wish I had the courage to go to them
Darktail finds me
He takes Needletail with me
This is not good
He tells her
How I betrayed him
How I put poppy seeds in his fresh kill
I did not think I was brave enough to do that
We go to the lake
He says he will drown her
He holds her down
I plead that he stop
He agrees
He told her that she deserves a second chance
I think what is coming will need me to be strong
He tells her to kill me
That is something I would let her do
She has so much loyalty she must prove
She lunges at Darktail
Thanks to her
I will live another day
Maybe someday I can be as brave as Needletail
Oh cinderpaw thats the best peom i’ve read in my life. Wow ! (I get really emotional over needletail-its nice to know that there another person who likes needletail i feel like she is really underrated) You’ve got talent Cinderpaw!
Wow that the best peom i’ve seen, cinderpaw (i get emotional over needletail… it is good to know that someone else likes needletail…i think she is underrated) you’ve got talent Cinderpaw! (My previous comment was deleted(i think) or it got lost, sorry if this is a duplicate )
Oops it is a duplicate. I’m a mouse-brain sorry.
No, it’s fine.