The internet is a storm of URLs, wi-fi and strings of dangerous code, whirling and thundering. Out in the wilderness you can only survive so long unaided, but in here, behind the mellow yellow windows, a safe and comforting place awaits. This place is a respite from the internet; the fire crackles invitingly and alluring rainbow-coloured drinks are poured into glasses. Exciting chatter fills the rooms from tables bustling with friends, eating from trays of warm, rustic carum bread and hearty stews. Gentle music comes from the band in the background.
[image description: a busy tavern lit by orange light]
Come in, chat away, have a great time! The old location may have been overrun by the Codekind, but this new building has three-meter thick walls, three floors and turret bedrooms to rest in at the top! We’ve returned, free from the battles of the secret pages! A safe micro-community of equality and no judgement. Hang up your HTML-reflective suit at the door and settle in with a drink and a meal.
Notice Board: Free candy in the bowl on the counter! What types of candy are there? Yes.
Okay y’all, seems like the wars are starting up again, but I have a suggestion for you! If you don’t want to pick sides and battle, join the Peace Side, led by me! Here is our mascot:
Currently it consists of just me, your lovely first in command, but I’d love more peeps to join!
I second this lovely wise statement🥰
Yay we have more Star Wars Commanders!!!!!! (But would you please return Grogu you can have him back after) **Proceeds to jump on a bantha that appeared from SOMEWHERE and ambush any Triple-Hs she sees, Yelling FOR THE REPUBLIC!!! as she fires stun blasts at them, knocking them out.**
I am not very peaceful but I watched neither Star Wars nor Hamilton, so why not :DDDDDDDD
YAYYYYYYY would ya like to be my second in command :DD
yasssss, the only thing I’m capable of is being 2nd in command (i was also 2nd in command of the wafflez side)
I don’t want to choose a side cuz I don’t know either of them……..BUT I WANT ANOTHER WAR >:D
that’s so real omg
Real 😭
erm erm i’m physically incapable of creating peace fun fact🙂↕️
“yes indeedy!” flamilton agrees.
Can I join?
Hello dear, may I join? Husker is mine after all~
who is this, the bellhop? /ref /lhj
Of course!!
guys look can the war be over i miss marshmallow’s cheese library and i never pulled off the infamous icey watch heist /hj
SOMEONE WHO WANTS TO STOP THE WAR?! You should join the peace side!
POV: The Talons of Peace in Wings of Fire
Lol yeah call me Kestrel
Call me Dune cuz his name sounds cool + don’t wanna be Webs
naurrr the whole point of wanting the war to end is not choosing a side 😛
But our side wants to stop the war😭
What are those? They both sMeLl yummy
yeah it really isn’t the same anymore tbh :c The cheese library was very cool and I was scheming a master plan to steal that watch aswell
I mean the war has been very fun but it’s getting old lol. But there’s no helping the roleplay if people still want it 😛 /nm
the watch agjakdghasgh
Aaaaaaah do you also think there shouldn’t be a war, Foamy? Would ya like to assist the Peace army?
lol ikr
lol fr tho
I’ve heard some yammering for an end to the war >:D here goes
*summons inner Trunchbull*
Lio hops off the table she was yelling on while holding a mug of Sam Adams (Mocktail Edition). She notices Foamy and goes over to them. “How’d I do? >:3” she whispers loudly as the page erupts into chaos once more.
‘UM, EXCUSE ME? THOU SHALL NOW FACE THE WRATH OF THE PEACE DOVES! ATTAAAAAAAAACK!’, Fallowsy yowls, and her army of doves storms at Lio.
Lio faints from the pure irony. “If you’re on the peace side, why are you attacking me?” ;-;
*summons inner Mufasa*
We are only peaceful when we have to be…
*disappears into the void*
Shrubpaw spawns and joins the chat with a random Hamilton shirt. “Have you watched the Mufasa movie yet?” she asks Sparri curiously.
What else would I watch lol 😛
A quote in my display name^^^ is from Mufasa. Have u?
No, but I have listened to a few of their songs!
Nice :D!
flucifer, sitting next to foamy, gives lio a thumbs-up. “couldn’t have said it better than myself! we shall always fight the fight and win the war, after all!” /ref
Lio grins, toasting with Flam with her Sam Adams (Mocktail Edition). Then she stares at Flam seriously for a moment, before stage gasping the loudest stage gasp in the history of stage gasps. “I’VE FOUND IT! THE FINAL H!” she yowls at the top of her lungs.
“IT’S HEATHERS THE MUSICAL!” with a snap of her nonexistent fingers she spawns a JD costume. Liomadison pulls out Gru’s freeze ray and starts freezing random cats in the page, screaming, “FREEZE YOUR BRAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIN SWIM IN THE ICE FIGHT PAIN WITH MORE PAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIN!!”
not me just adding every random reference i could think of lolflamilton spits out ice juice (aka water) for a solid minute. “hold on… is it bad that I actually haven’t listened to heathers?” they sob
“Ice juice” I’ve never heard it described that way before but you’re so right 😭😭
nah frr thoo like thats literally it ☠
Lio gasps loudly once again (I hereby dub myself the Queen of Gasping). “YOU HAVEN’T LISTENED TO HEATHERS???” she screams at the top of her lungs. Her mouth curves into a smirk like this: >:3
Liomadison spawns a kareoke set.
STEP INTO MY CANDY STOOOORE (aka go listen to heathers now or i will find you >:D /lh)”
man i have way too many hear me outs, and JD is absolutely one of them ;-;“ATTENTION EVERYONE” Dawny hops on a barstool. “I AM JOINING THE PEACE SIDE! THIS WAR MUST END!” Dawny gets off the barstool and asks for a lemonade.
‘YAYYYYYY!’, Fallowsy yowls. ‘Welcome to the most fantabulous side there is!’ She then serves Dawny the tastiest lemonade in history, plus extra peace flavor!
*shlurps lemonade in 0.00001 seconds*
“YUMMY” Dawnpaw says. Dawnpaw then finds a Duolingo to join the peace side. Duolingo agrees and now the peace side has the power of Spanish or Vanish, French or the Trench, Greek or Your teeth, Finnish or you’re Finished etc.
You also get to stare at this on a daily basis:
Yessir, we all love peas
True words right here
flamilton loudly slurps some water, which is really just ice juice, if you think about it. “you know, this war would end so much quicker if you just all surrendered to the glory of the triple-h army!” they proceed to quite speedily spin around on one of the spinny chairs while still slurping ice juice. “
I’m a general!wheeeeeeeeee!” /ref they yell.“Yeah,” Shrubpaw agrees, floating down from a pink bubble like Glinda. She points deliberately at Flamilton. “She starts sayin’ this to anybody who can listen.” /ref
“THE PEACE SIDE CANNOT BE LEFT ALONE TO THEIR DEVICES, INDECISIVE FROM CRISIS TO CRISIS!” /ref flamilton yells while running around the hazelpage madly.
‘Erm, AcTuAlLy, we can.’😌
Hart raised an eyebrow. “Just you wait,” she said ominously, “Just you wait.” /ref
‘Yeah, nice idea and all, but that ain’t happening’, Fallowsy meows.🙂↕️
“ha! no.😌” /ref flamilton disagrees with fallowsy’s disagreement
Dawny hops on a table. “ATTENTION EVERYONE! I HAVE AN ANNOUNCEMENT!” Dawny surveys the crowd. “I HAVE GOTTEN MY…” Dawny takes her arm from behind her back and a white dove is perched on it. “VERY OWN DOVE!!! Name suggestions welcome” Dawny says very very very excitedly.
Shrubsy gasped, dramatically and excitedly. “What type of dove?”
“A peace one💅duhhhhh💅” Dawny says with super long baddie nails
‘Ooooh that reminds me, I need to name my dove ( as well!’, Fallowsy exclaims. ‘I’ll name her… Lollypop!’
Moonli stares silently from the corner of the room. She is the last Star Wars General active, but ever since joining this blog, all she had known was the war. She was forged by it. /ref. With a heavy heart and the knoledge that star wars will always rein supreme makes a declaration (why can’t I spell?) “I hearby state that my Star Wars efforts will be diverted to the Peace Side. And to aid in their conquest, I hearby summon the greatest creature of all! NYAN CAT!” *Theme Music Starts Playing* (over-dramtic cos im bored. Third-person cos im bored.)
Fallowsy gratefully accepts the help of nyan cat and gives him? Her? Them? Idk what pronouns a hug🥰 Then she introduces Nyan Cat to her dove Lollypop.
Rowny raises her paw. “um, does that mean we don’t have an army anymore?” she asks.
It means that lovely peace shall now reign🥰🕊
“what is the goal of your peace army anyway?” Rowny asks, becoming slightly interested in the Peace Side.
Their goal is to bring peace, harmony and role-play back to the page, Rowanpaw will you join their conquest?
you know what? I’ll join. On one condition: Can I keep my lightsaber?
Yay, now all that’s left to take is something called Triple-H and then we can start building a cheese library even if I have no idea what it is 🙃
flamilton appears from the shadows and hides in a corner of this room with binoculars and a bucket of popcorn. “oh man, this is getting juicy!” she summons her dear pal liomadison from the shadows. “have you
readseen this?” /ref she whispers.“ATTENTION EVERYONE!!!” Dawny hops on top of a table. “I have named my dove!” Dawny pauses for extra drama. “Her name is…Rosie!!! Now I might need a middle name but first name is good enough!” Dawny hops off the table.
The self-proclaimed Queen of Gasps gasps. “Well, HELLO ROSIE!!” /ref
Lio dashes off to her computer, spawning a Rosie costume from Amazon. She places the magictastical hat on the dove’s head. She grins at her work proudly. Lio yowls at the Hazbeans™ to come over and see the now transformed dove, which now wears a massive hat and dress.
(!!mention of the hh season 2 leaks and potential spoilers!!)
flamilton spits out their ice juice and starts wheezing and then sobbing after the season 2 leak fiasco (iykyk :’P) after the mention of the name rosie.
Lio dejectedly snatches the hat off of the dove’s head. “We were not ready for this,” /ref 😞
“wElL aNyWaYs, whp wants a magictastical backflipping rubber duck
ha hathat spits fire?!”flamilton immediately recovers at the mention of the magictastical backflipping rubber duck that spits fire. “MEEEEEEE!”
Liomadison dashes off and promptly returns with a dump truck filled to the brim with Magictastical Backflipping Rubber Ducks (That Spit Fire!) and dumps it on flam, cackling loudly.
“TAKE THAT, DEPRESSION!” /ref flucifer yells while swimming in the newly made Rubber Duck Ocean
“ROSIE HIDE!” Dawny grabs Rosie and they duck under a table to dodge the fire being spat
“THAT’S RIGHT, ROSIE!! GO DISAPPEAR FOR 7 YEARS!!” Lio shouts, still cackling madly. /ref /lhj /nm
“LE GASP!!! ROSIE SHALL NOT BE INSULTED!!!” Dawny opens her phone and calls her bestie Duolingo.
Mysteriously, Lio’s phone starts ringing. She shows dawny the caller. “I am Duolingo,” >:3
flamilton has yet another emotional breakdown thanks to the recent state of duolingo and its social medias😭 (again, iykyk :’)))
Wait to the Triple-Hs are happy with peace? This is unexpected, but yay!!!
“ha! no.” flamilton interrupts. “I shall never be satisfied! at least, not with peace, that is D:<" /lh
“we will never be sastisfiedddd /ref” Drifter called out, agreeing with flamilton with a triple-h t-shirt cannon in paw
But if i am mistaken and yall are not happy with peace, harmony, role-play, some kind of watch and cheese (what a fine collection) then *summons Nyan Cat*
“well I do enjoy me some cheese,” flamilton admits. “but peace just simply can never be! and besides, we all know that no matter how hard you all try, the almighty glorious triple-h army is by far the strongest in numbers and sigma-ness and silly quotes!”
Silvs teleports herself into the Hazelpage and stares around at the chaos with a look on her face that read “erm what in the rick astley is going on”
“Ha! No.” /ref Lio sticks her tongue out at Silva (approved nickname?) “I am Trunchbull and I do what I want,” >:3 /lhj /nm
flamilton dances around the hazelpage like good ol rick in his glorious mv.
Moonli sighs and ignites a white bladed lightsaber (Which has Choose Mildly Violent Peace written on it) Before grabbing a giant cake with the force and cutting it into many pieces. She proceeds to throw the pieces at unsuspecting Triple-Hs. “I just want to see what this page is like without the war. Please rally to my cause I beg you. The Star Wars Side seems to no longer have anyone except Rowanpaw if they are still here. I will do every thing in my power to end the war I am partially responsible for continuing. Good relations with the other franchises I have /ref. But Star Wars is Superior. ” She steps down from the podium she was definitely standing on
flucifer just stands there and then grabs a flying piece of cake, oblivious to anything anyone just said.
MelodyPaw stumbles into the Hazelpage for the first time in a few months, cutely sipping catnip juice /jk. “What in the moddo soup-“ She mewed as she saw the chaos in the small pub-thingy. “uhm- who wants to join the…CATNIP-JUICE SIDE!” She screams, and everyone stares and her with evil andsjsusjshshsv eyes. She grabs a small T-shirt cannon and mews “IF YOU JOIN YOU GET A FREE TSHIRT!”
flamilton loudly slurps ice juice from across the room. “nah, I’m chill as the unofficial leader of the triple-h army!” he says sigma-ly. “but I wouldn’t mind forming an alliance! for a price, that is🥰”
alastor would be so proud :’D
fOr A pRiCe Of CoUrSe
Nooooooo join the peace side😭
“You can join the peace side! We bring peace to the hazelpage! Our number one enemy is triple-H and you get to stare at our mascot Lollipop, Fallowpaw’s dove!” (Link: Dawny says. “Also you get free delicious lemonade! It’s unlimited and very delicious!” Rosie flies up to Dawny. “Also this is Rosie, my dove. And also I can guarantee that the peace side is a ✨bajillion✨ times better than the triple-H and we will restore peace together!” Dawny finishes her speech and helps herself to a very delicious lemonade.
“ATTENTION EVERYONE WE HAVE A PROBLEM!” Dawny hops around the hazelpage showing everyone Duolingo’s recent social media. “OUR POOKIE IS GONE! FOREVER!!!” Dawny then hops around with a tissue box giving tissues to everyone who is crying.
flamilton has been spending the last 24 hours sobbing while listening to duolingo on ice and consuming an ungodly amount of ice cream. “we don’t talk about that,” they sob.