The internet is a storm of URLs, wi-fi and strings of dangerous code, whirling and thundering. Out in the wilderness you can only survive so long unaided, but in here, behind the mellow yellow windows, a safe and comforting place awaits. This place is a respite from the internet; the fire crackles invitingly and alluring rainbow-coloured drinks are poured into glasses. Exciting chatter fills the rooms from tables bustling with friends, eating from trays of warm, rustic carum bread and hearty stews. Gentle music comes from the band in the background.
[image description: a busy tavern lit by orange light]
Come in, chat away, have a great time! The old location may have been overrun by the Codekind, but this new building has three-meter thick walls, three floors and turret bedrooms to rest in at the top! We’ve returned, free from the battles of the secret pages! A safe micro-community of equality and no judgement. Hang up your HTML-reflective suit at the door and settle in with a drink and a meal.
Notice Board: Free candy in the bowl on the counter! What types of candy are there? Yes.
willow finally appears after her 4 month nap. “HELLO!” 😀
‘hElLo wElCoMe DNJOFIKJnkfjoknjoijibhjowjb ‘ blackie needs to do his homework but why bother
“ayYyyYYyy wiLLOW” shadow yeets over and screeeeees into her ear
Pinestripe walks in, waving her tail in greeting.
Shadow smacks her tail against Pinestripe’s. “AYYY HOW’S IT GOIN”
“Great!” Pinestripe mews as she heads over to get some food.
Dappy chills in a corner, doing homework and writing fanfic.
shadow marvels at this 10/10 multitasking. “hOW dID yOU ACCOMPLISH THIS??”
Peb stops next to Dappy. She offers down the tray she holds. “Pastry? I have a wide variety. It could help you with you’re homework or writing or both!”
‘can i have a apple danish?’ asks blackie, but instead of waiting for peo’s answer, he leaps up, grabs one with his fangs, and runs away to the place under the stairs.
“Okay—‘bye!” calls Peb.
Dappy selects all the baklava and macarons the tray holds. “Thanks!” they said through and crunchy mouthful. “And I’m good! Nothing too hard, and I’m getting to some actual plot.” They took thoughtful bite. “Though I COULD use some help with a graphic novel series still in the planning stages.”
Peo whips around. “Graphic novel series????” she says. “That’s awesome!! Is there anything I could help with?”
“Who likes my new avatar?” I ask through a mouthful of giant popcorn pieces as I try to write my Brokenstar case thingy. For fun.
“I do!” says Peb, passing by with a tray of pastries.
Ambixie walks over to the bar and gets a watermelon juice
peo realizes that is a great idea, and the smell of watermelon makes her do the same. She orders an iced peach drink, and immediately longs for summer.
But then she gets an idea…
I walk over to get ice cream. blue Bell is the best!
Today i dissected and owl pellet
There were a lot of bones
I eat my ice cream while playing on the iPad, writing, and ordering books with my unlimited money
we’re gonna dissect a sheep eye
Peo cringes.
With a glance down at her pastries, she hurries away from this dissection-area before something regrettable happened.
*evil grin*
blackie eats his apple danish under the stairs, and peeks his head out and checks if peo is looking for him. he jumps up and heads to the kitchen.
Peo ponders on wether or not to follow Blackie and start some drama. But then she flops down on a recliner and picks a cherry danish from her own tray and starts eating the flaky, warm, delicious pastry. She decides on seeing if her fresh batch of pastries she made in record time will call some bait.
Moons comes to this page she didn’t even know existed due to the smell of Peb’s pastries.
“Here!” Peo holds out the tray. “Have as many as you like!”
The embodiment of cliche, Loneheart proudly stalks in, her tail raised, and strikes a pose.
”Hello, hello, hello.” she meows quite calmly, doing her utmost to keep a streight face.
Your straight face is not gonna be around when im here. The prove my point-
“Why don’t cats play poker in the jungle?” I ask
“Because there are to many cheetahs” I finish in an attempt to make you laugh
Peo claps. “Hahaha didn’t see that one coming.”
Flamecloud peers her head through the door, after having forgotten about the Hazelpage once again. 😛
Peo waves in welcome. “Pastry?”
Spirit waltzes into the Hazelpage after forgetting to go on the Hazelpage for about a month. She walks over to a secluded corner to watch the madness unfold.
“Danish?” Peo offers from her Welcoming People With Pastries Post Near The Door.
“Sure! Do you have blueberry?” asks Spirit as she looks at Peo with confusion of why she was standing near the door with pastries.
Peo nods to the danish in the middle of the tray. “Yes! Oh by the way, you’re the Spirit who won the Caption Contest, right? I’m going to be drawing your prize. What do you want it to be?”
“Wha???? I’ve been looking for the results, but the site says that it’s still coming. What was the winning caption?” she says whilst she takes the blueberry danish.
“Oh no. I just checked and that is not me! Sorry!”
Peo laughs. “Sorry! Different Spirit!”
“Yeah! There happens to be a lot of Spirit’s! Somehow…”
Dappy turns to Peb after a few days. “It’s called Yeah, We’re Doomed and it’s about cats taking over the world. I need characters.”
Peo grins at them. “That sounds cool. I can help with the characters part if you need anyone!”
“Joke of they day!” I yell as I jump on the stage. The musician dissipate as I go back down and grab a mini chocolate pie with frosting and sprinkles from Peb. Then I run back up and say “The police pull a guy over and say ‘you need to use your turn signals’ so the guy they pulled over said ‘I don’t want anyone to know where I’m going!’” Then I jump off and grab all the pies left on Peb’s tray and throw out the ones I don’t like.
Then I eat
And eat
And eat
“Hey!” Peo calls over. “Mind giving back the ones you don’t like instead?”
“Nope” i shout as i proceed to throw them to the faces of…….
Dappy, Loneheart, Flamecloud, Moons, and blackpaw
(I don’t hate you, you just happened to be closest to me)
Then i eat some more pies
:d with this cool emote that is licking its lips
Peo sighs. “I’m coming to get them then!” Tray swinging at her side as she marches, she goes to retrieve those pies from the trash that she worked very hard to make.
Aquila revives herself and enters the HazelPage.
“Hi!”, she meows, “What did I miss?”
Spirit stares at Aquila. “Am I the only one who heard that then immedeately thought of ‘What Did I Miss?’ from Hamilton?” she asks, bewildered
“I don’t know”, meowed Aquila, “One of my irl friends likes Hamilton too, although I have literally no idea what it is! :P”
I threw pies in some cats faces
Peb is mad at me because i took all her pies
And i told a not so funny joke
“I saw that! I thought it was a good joke!” Spirit says while humming Hamilton to herself
“Sounds fun,” meowed Aquila to Dew, she nodded to Spirit, “What was the joke?”, she asked.
“It was something along the lines of smashing pies and driving and cops………” Spirit says trying to recall, hoping that Dewfeather could take over for her in the middle of a brain fart.