The internet is a storm of URLs, wi-fi and strings of dangerous code, whirling and thundering. Out in the wilderness you can only survive so long unaided, but in here, behind the mellow yellow windows, a safe and comforting place awaits. This place is a respite from the internet; the fire crackles invitingly and alluring rainbow-coloured drinks are poured into glasses. Exciting chatter fills the rooms from tables bustling with friends, eating from trays of warm, rustic carum bread and hearty stews. Gentle music comes from the band in the background.
[image description: a busy tavern lit by orange light]
Come in, chat away, have a great time! The old location may have been overrun by the Codekind, but this new building has three-meter thick walls, three floors and turret bedrooms to rest in at the top! We’ve returned, free from the battles of the secret pages! A safe micro-community of equality and no judgement. Hang up your HTML-reflective suit at the door and settle in with a drink and a meal.
Notice Board: Free candy in the bowl on the counter! What types of candy are there? Yes.
As Plume walks into the Hazelpage Tavern from her Inn Room, she realises that she already has her spaceship nearby.
She facepaws at her forgetful mistake in regret, but the fluffy tabby realises that she now has two rooms to stay in whenever she pleases.
It’s mind-reader Peb back in full force.
shadoof sneaketh outside to find this spaceship that ploom speaks- or thinks- of.
Plume stands in front of the spaceship and Shadow before she could jump into it.
“Don’t you dare! I know what you were doing,” She says, disregarding how she moved so quickly without teleporting. “Please don’t take my spaceship! My Daft Punk music collection is in there!” the tabby whines as she thinks about her belongings. “My Daft Club vinyl AND all my lucky cats! Don’t forget the art supplies…”
shadow walks in while plume rants about her stuff.
Loneheart looks at Plume pleadingly.
”Can I have a ride in that Spaceship?” she asks her eyes wide.
“Me too?”, asks Aquila, “I won’t break anything” she promises
Plume sighs. “Fine, but please don’t touch anything unless I let you.”
“Yay!!!” Aquila shrieked, she turned to follow Plume to the spaceship
I know Shakespeare-Ian insults!
I yell
“No thanks!” Peb yells back.
”You saucy clapper-clawed skainsmate!” Loneheart yells back in response.
“ Thou villainous, clay brained, maggot pie!” I yell back in response
Turtle sits in a pink bean bag, writing Warriors fanfic in a yellow note book covered in stickers.
I like yellow. It is my favorite color. But my sticker collection notebook is black like my sisters soul
“Uh, not nice!” Peb reminds Dew. “No. One’s. Soul is black.”
She says it is so
She says it all the time
It’s a running joke in the family
“What Peb said,” says Turtle, putting down her notebook, facing Dew.
I face you without blinking for 5 minutes
Then I go get my bunny
“She shouldn’t,” Peb points out.
Archkit walks into the room hearing people yell Shakespeare insults, she runs out of the room. She soon comes back in with headphones and cranks up the music. Soon, she starts to sing ” I ate potatoes” over and over again.
Peb notices Archkit and waves greeting. Her friend is here!
I only like mashed potatoes.
I say with my bunny
My bunny eats spinach
gosh… I can’t even manage to draw a bent finger in the air?
Gosh me neither, Peo thinks back.
I cant draw people unless they are stick people
ye that was for april fools, wildlife discord troll then we dragged it here
Peo decides to make a very random noise.
Archkit looks at her and Screams “MEEEEEEEEEEEP!”
beep beep im a mareep
Spiritshadows wanders in and wonders if she can play the perfect prank on someone before the day is over…….
never mind, it didn’t work
“Who were you going to play a prank on? A cow?” Archkit wonders
“Nah, a twoleg”
Bad twolegs I meow to a twoleg. It smacks me. I bite it. It screams.
Navy tries to gracefully enter, but proceeds to trip over her own feet and fall onto the floor.
“You okay?” Peo asks, moving to help her up.
“Thanks Peb.” Navy said, heaving herself up with Peb’s help.
“Ooforoni want a cookie” I ask from my seat, still tracing random body parts in the air.
“Yes please!” Navy answered gratefully.
Peo does the weirdest dance you can imagine.
Archkit looka at her and said “Help!! Samsung ATE MY TV!!!!!” She races around the room screaming.
Peo watches Arch. “I don’t get it,” she informs her.
“Don’t Samsung make TVs?” Plume asked Archkit from where she was in her Spaceship.
Ohhhhhh Yeah they do……….. “My TV Ate Samsung!!!” I scream now
Brambleheart walks in and is very confused.
Peo resumes her dance. What is she dancing to?
Music only she can hearrrr >:]“Hiii!”
Brambleheart replies “Hello!”
She sits down, still visibly confused…
“You look confused,” is what Peb says when she decides to point out the obvious.
“Don’t worry,” Flamecloud mewes, jumping into the conversation, “The more time you spend on the hazel page, the less sense it will make.”
Archkit looks at her blueberries. She throws them at some cats she can’t tell who they are. They stain their pelts
Peo picks a blueberry from her silver fur, and pops it in her mouth. “Thanks,” she calls to Arch.
Yep. Want more? Arch thinks to her
Yessss please, Peo thinks back.
The Water Buffalo song
Everybody’s got a water buffalo
Yours is fast but mine is slow
Oh, where do you get them I don’t know
But everyone’s got a water buffaloooooo……………..
I took my buffalo to the store
Got his head stuck in the door
Spilled some lima beans on the floor
Oh everybody’s got a…
Queen Coral ate my water buffalooooooooooooooo
Then, a tomato named Bob said I can sing and dance……. Then, I ate him >:) He was good. Want some?
Spirit peers through the window, very confused at what everyone is doing and decides to enter through the door.
She sees random cats with blueberry stains on their fur yelling at Archkit
Archkit grins mischievously and throws some blueberries at Spirit. One hits the ceiling and falls down on Archkit. “HEY! I AM THE ONLY ONE THAT CAN THROW BLUEBERRIES!!!! WHO DID THAT!?!” Then she starts to bite cats with her tiny teeth.
Spirit dodges all the blueberries and jumps onto a low-hanging chandelier to avoid her tiny teeth where a few got lodged into the cracks
She continues to throw them at Archkit but they turn into snowballs because she is the only one who can throw blueberries
With the last one in her claws, she throws the now transformed snowball onto Peb doing a weird dance
Aquila smiles and pulls Archkit away from her. “I think it bounced off the ceiling” she laughs.
Ohhh kay. Sorry y’all” I put my head down and cry
Bad twolegs I meow to a twoleg. It smacks me. I bite it. It screams. Now I have something on my mouth. Would you help me get it off?