The internet is a storm of URLs, wi-fi and strings of dangerous code, whirling and thundering. Out in the wilderness you can only survive so long unaided, but in here, behind the mellow yellow windows, a safe and comforting place awaits. This place is a respite from the internet; the fire crackles invitingly and alluring rainbow-coloured drinks are poured into glasses. Exciting chatter fills the rooms from tables bustling with friends, eating from trays of warm, rustic carum bread and hearty stews. Gentle music comes from the band in the background.
[image description: a busy tavern lit by orange light]
Come in, chat away, have a great time! The old location may have been overrun by the Codekind, but this new building has three-meter thick walls, three floors and turret bedrooms to rest in at the top! We’ve returned, free from the battles of the secret pages! A safe micro-community of equality and no judgement. Hang up your HTML-reflective suit at the door and settle in with a drink and a meal.
Notice Board: Free candy in the bowl on the counter! What types of candy are there? Yes.
“ hithisismyfirsttimehere” says Willowkit as she runs into a corner and puts headphones on to listen to Blixemi music whilst holding a plate with chocolate cake
“heLLOO” shadoof screams
“Hello!” Willowkit screams back “Are you exieted for A Shadow In RiverClan?”
“YES!” Riverpond says, rushing in right after ordering it on Amazon.
“HIWELCOME,” Peo shrieks back.
“ Does everyone shreik here?” Asks Willowkit while she trips over a conveniently placed chair
(please explain to me what this is)
Minty padded in. “Bring me your donuts!” puts on gamer headphones and picks up laptop “IT’S THE SIMSSSSS 4 TIME!”
“Hi!” Peo greets.
(it’s kind of like a role-play, but with nothing specific going on. Just silliness and whatever.)
(yayayayay i love random rps)
“Hi! I, uh changed my name to Fallenkit now” Fallen mews back cheerfully
“Cool!” Peo says.
“embix has the donuts, but i don’t remember how much it costs” shadoof points in the opposite direction of embix’s counter
(:oooo nice name)
“Thanks” she says and starts crawling towards Embix’s counter. Fallen stands up on her hind legs and stares at them for a loooooong amount of time. “Ooh Nutella donuts!”
(tahnk you good citizen)
“your siggie fits” shadow says, breaking the fourth wall
“Thanks! Wait, wait, waiiiit d-did you ju-just?” fallen replies and slams some monopoly money on embix’s counter, picking up a donut. She places her donut next to the laptop. “google search, mhmuhuh, how to eat a donut withoooout having dirty paws, mhm.”
“perhaps” shadoof stares into the camera like she’s on the office
“also spoiler warning, the first thing that is gonna pop up on google search is how to eat a donut on wikihow”
“oh you’re right! w-waaaaaiiiiit. you did it again!” Fallen shrieks. “Oki, first take a napkin” Fallen meows and pulls out a piece of paper from nowhere. “Hold the donut. Okay done. Take small bites? What even is that?” she complains and eats half the donut. “niom nom niom nom nom! Delicious :3!”
“i may have” shadow pulls up wikihow. “also expect a bunch of insane things on wikihow, like ‘How to Calculate Pi by Throwing Frozen Hot Dogs'”
shadoof tilts the computer for the viewers to see, staring into the camera with a deadpan expression
Fallen stares at shadoof’s screen with a weirded out expression on her face. “Whaaaaaaat? W-Wh-W-Wot? H-How? WHYYY?” she shrieks and shows her screen to shadoof. “How to become a ghost. How to make ice cubes with an ice tray.” she reads out and covers her face with her paws, wailing. “AAAAAAAAAAAAAA”
Raven is munching on Apple Cider donuts hungrily. “Does anyone have any good news to share?” She asks, “I get to go bike riding with my mom today.”
“Yes I have good news!” Red calls from…………………………..Jakku. “I learned this!” She then proceeds to yeet herself away. Vanishing, then showing up two days in the past.
“That’s amazing!” Peo says.
I…. have 10 days of school left!
Let me rephrase that
“ I have 8 days of school left! Says Willowkit as she tears up her math homework and throws it in the air like confetti. “ Now, where did I put my Spelling notebook?”
“That sounds fun!!” Wavey responded. “I just took a big exam and i have so much nervous energy but I don’t have to stress anymore!!”
thanks to the great aquila, red, and peo, shadoof has been pulled out of the hole of inactivity, go praise them they are our saviors
shadow yeets onto a table and chains herself to it to guarantee she will not fall in again
“YAY,” Peo shouts. “We hath succeeded!!”
“Yay!!!!!!!” shrieks Aquila
“I LIKE YOUR SIGGIE,” she screeches back.
oh look my autocorrect comes up with phantom of the opera all in one nice long word, thank you autocorrect 😛“COOL,” Peb hollers.
autocorrectshadoof yeets confetti
Aquila jumps up and down in the confetti!!!
Redblaze jumps up onto the roof too.
Hello ppls
“Why hello Redblaze,” Aquila meows mysteriously
“Why, lookie here! Aquila is being mysterious!”
“I am the phantom of the operaaaaaaaa” screams Aquila, trying to be mysterious like the phantom
Redblaze glares at her, tired of her phantom of the opera obsession
“Why Redblaze you know I’m past the point of no return with my love of Phantom Of The Opera and you know, you should listen to the songs. Honestly, that’s all I ask of you and maybe you’ll think of me when you do.” mews Aquila, grinning at her atrocious puns.
“YESSSSSS!!” Red cries because puns are her favorite thing to do
Aquila smiles mischievously before adding, “Redblaze, my dear old friend, you know that love never dies and my love of POTO most certainly won’t. Maybe once upon another time I might not have liked phantom of the opera so much, but you should look with your heart and you might really like it!”
what musical shall I do next 😛Fallen yeets her donut aside and joins in “AOOAAAAAOAOAAAAAAAAAAA”
*spammity spamming a’s 😛 *
Aquila looks slightly bewildered and loses her thought trail on her phantom of the opera and love never dies puns.
“Aquila you’re awesome,” pen says.
“Not as awesome as you!” Aquila grins.
“WE HAVE DONE IT!!” Red yells
(speedy moddo! I summon thee!)
(But I’m tired and I don’t want to be summoned 😛 )
(Red has caught you, there is no escape 😛)
(I have learned the identity of the speedy moddo! 😛 )
*flower plops down on the ground staring at the ceiling with the weirdest expression on her face
“Ummmm, watch a movie or hang with pets or do both simultaneously…?” Raven suggests from half across the Tavern.
shadowoof throws a 9876543234567890 page book on top of flower
“FAN FICTION ON BLOGCLAN,” Riverpond suggests loudly.
flowerpaw is back and she deiced to break all your eardrums ” OKE I TAUGHT MEH FISH TO SWIM AROUND ITS BOWL, WATCHED THE GREATEST SHOWMAN 3 TIMES STRAIGHT, READ ALL THE BOOKS IN MEH HOUSE, I SPENT LIKE 2 HOURS ON BLOGCLAN, NOW WAT” she screams before passing out exhausted.
“ Ummm, make a warrior cats family tree?” Says Willowkit while mixing all the sodas together
Stormsong sits in a corner, trying out her name with fancy letters. She’s not sure if she likes it better than her name without fancy letters.
…She doesn’t. But it was a nice experiment.
Riverpond does not know how to add fancy letters. Stormsong’s name looks cool to her.
Wavey thinks Stormsong’s name looks very cool and pretty with fancy lettering!!
“Hello again.” Katt yells. “Anyone else feel like randomly chatting? I warn you, I’m very awkward.”
“MEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!” It appears Riverpond is very hyper today, as it is the last day of school and tommorow she will have to do BlogClan on her mom’s laptop, not her chromebook.
She wonders how cats know about Chromebooks.
“Sure, then.” A grin spreads across Katt’s face. “I’ll go get some soda for me and you can go get yours since I don’t know what you like, and then perhaps we can…….”
*Riverpond sneaks into the kitchen and steals Embix’s secret stash of donuts*
“Jokes on you! I don’t have a secret stash of donuts,” calls Embix from the counter.
“the secret stash of donuts is in fact in another dimension. embix summons them with her mighty mod powers”
“always” wavey responded
“aren’t we all”
(I keep going inactive on here, what is wrong with me 😛 Continuing conversation with Peb)
Silver sips the last of her drink, fishing a cherry out of the bottom of her class. Between her and Peo, the nachos were now crumbs. “How about a nice little kitchen raid?” She asks, getting to her paws. “We shall have all of the donuts to ourselves!”
Red pops up randomly. “Let’s! The last one I was in vannished….” (like my spelling abilities…..)
“We can share, but I raided the donuts! Try raiding the soda.” Riverpond says, her mouth stuffed with donuts.
(sorry for stealing ur idea i didnt see this comment when i wrote my secret stash part)
flowerpaw silently walks over and whispered in silver’s ear, “DON’T EVEN THINK ABOUT DOING A KITCHEN RAID WITHOUT MEEEEEEEEE.” flowerpaw slinks of whispering to no one in particular, ” icecream icecream cherry on top, don’t tell me you forgot, that I will haunt you and i will find you if I you dare try to take my icecream icecream cherry on top were you supposed to be alive I forgot…”
everyone is very concerned.
Peo hops up. “YES.”
Willowkit bolts over from the other side of the tavern “Can I join you? “ Asks Willowkit “ I want to see if they have croutons to eat right out of the bag”
“I like donuts!” Brightwing comments, somewhat randomly.
“what is with the sudden influx of donuts here”
Donut is
Huh. Did people name them donuts because they look like dough nuts?
not sorryAquila, Redbkaze I have news for you
then I want her to teach me angel of music.
I have a link I think you might like
Ahh that’s so cool!!
Also I have the exact book that’s in your link but in trumpet edition so I can play it on my b flat instruments!
and I play the b flat parts on my violin which is in C😛I’m currently doing Think Of Me and Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again with my cornet teacher to prepare for an online brass competition! 😀 Maybe if I figure out how to link an audio only thing that doesn’t share my real name I’ll link it on BlogClan 😛
That is awesome!
flowerpaw prances out of the kitchen.
“HALLO,” she squeals, everyone notices that she is way more hyper than she was before she walked into the kitchen.
“YEET” shadoof screams, yeeting through a hole in the roof. “LET’S GOOOO”
(my name rn is literally ‘shadoof jumps off of a roof’ what do you expect)
“YEAHHHHHH,” Peo screeches.
“A-Are you okay?” Raven asks, genuinely concerned.
“NONE OF US ARE” shadoof starts yeeting for that sentence has triggered chaotic evil mode “SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE”
“I GET TO GO BERRY PICKING TODAY!!!!” Raven squeals excitedly, “Of course with proper social distancing.”
flowerpaw glances at Raven, “UMMMMMMMMMMM, i prefer icecream BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT, make sure you grab me 20 baskets full for me…you know what only 10. my mom would notice if I bring in 20…” she said thoughtfully.
“Oki, 10 baskets of strawberries for Flower!” Raven says, handing Flower the baskets.
she turns to Raven.
“you are my new best friend!”
in a half-second, the berries are gone.
“Yay!” Raven says, “I like having friends!”
Get me some blackberries! I yell from across the room
While watching the Mandalorian
My dad got Disneyland plus yesterday
Binge watching Simpsons is soon to comeup
“Oof, sorry, blackberries aren’t in season yet…” Raven says quietly.
flowerpaw stared at the wall, ” today is the first day of summer vacation…should I be happy or disappointed…I FINISHED SCHOOL!!!!! at home… I DONT HAVE TO DO WORK!!!! now I’m bored…life is so confusing…someone needs to make a how-to manual on life…”