The internet is a storm of URLs, wi-fi and strings of dangerous code, whirling and thundering. Out in the wilderness you can only survive so long unaided, but in here, behind the mellow yellow windows, a safe and comforting place awaits. This place is a respite from the internet; the fire crackles invitingly and alluring rainbow-coloured drinks are poured into glasses. Exciting chatter fills the rooms from tables bustling with friends, eating from trays of warm, rustic carum bread and hearty stews. Gentle music comes from the band in the background.
[image description: a busy tavern lit by orange light]
Come in, chat away, have a great time! The old location may have been overrun by the Codekind, but this new building has three-meter thick walls, three floors and turret bedrooms to rest in at the top! We’ve returned, free from the battles of the secret pages! A safe micro-community of equality and no judgement. Hang up your HTML-reflective suit at the door and settle in with a drink and a meal.
Notice Board: Free candy in the bowl on the counter! What types of candy are there? Yes.
Ttera pulls out her laptop as well because that seems to be the trend at the moment.
“Yay laptops!” Aquila yells, showing Ttera her laptop and nearly dropping it on the floor.
Raven decided to pull out her laptop as well and do absolutely nothing on it. Except stare at the black screen. Because her laptop runs on elemental essence and she has to be in her cosmodog form to power it.
“That’s smart,” Aquila mind reads, “Mine runs on…batteries.” She waves her power bank at Raven.
“Yes,” said Raven, “I got this wonderful elemental essence powered computer from the only friendly one in solars that also isn’t too big.”
Raven then transformed into a cosmodog – a petram, to be specific, which basically look like pomchis but as big as a small labrador and has wings.
The computer then turned on as soon as Raven touched it.
Raven then opened a doc on her laptop and struggled over trying not to make Round 3 seem offensive to enbies.
Redblaze blinks. “Mine… actually needs to be plugged in right about now” she mews
“I haz a laptop,” says Pear proudly.
“Is it considered cannibalism if I eat a pear?” asks Pear™.
“If you’re a pear.” Rainy repiled.
“Well,” said Raven, flicking her tail, “If I eat a raven, then it’s not cannibalism because I’m just a shapeshifter-cat named Raven. However, if I transform into my Raven form and eat a raven, then it’s cannibalism. And what I see, you’re just a cat named Pear™, so it should be fine to eat a pear.”
“Yes.” Ttera narrows her eyes. “Never. Eat. A. Pear.”
“But I like pears…” Redblaze mews
Pear guiltily spits out a piece of pear into her napkin. “O-Okay.”
Redblaze’s head droops down onto the table. “I’m awake! I’m awake!” she suddenly yelps, exhausted even though its only Tuesday.
“It’s okay, I’m tired too…” Aquila sighs, “My friend wanted me to go to the park with her but I was too tired to go. She came to my house instead and we had ice cream in my garden which was nice!”
Redblaze shakes herself awake again. “Hmmm? Oh that sounds nice”
“Yeah it was,” Aquila meowed, “But it did mess up my evening schedule though!”
“You have an evening schedule?” Redblaze mews. “Eh I just tend to go with the flow”
“Yeah!!! How else would I know how and when to do things?? I have my life planned out (except my career 😛 ) and I love structure and continuity.”
“That’s not like me at all.” Redblaze chuckles. “I’m so disorganised.”
“I couldn’t stand being disorganised, my whole life would be such a mess!”
“My life is a mess.” Redblaze laughs
“So am I,” say Pear in her sleep.
Wait.. What is this place???
“This, my dear Ferretpaw, is The Hazelpage, our weird little secret roleplay room” Redbaze mews
(Sorry if this posts twice, my thing is glitching)
Ferretpaw smiled, “thanks Redblaze!”
(Thanks, I can’t wait to explore! 😀 )
Redblaze frowns. “That’s happened to me before- doesn’t wordpress tell you if you’ve posted the same comment twice? Anyway, it usually has been posted even if you can’t see it.”
“This is the hazelpage, or the root of all chaos,” said Raven bluntly, flicking her cape.
Can I get a coca cola over here, please? Asks Dove, walking throught the door.
“WHY IS MERLIN SO FREAKING GOOD????? ONLY ON THE SECOND EPISODE SO NO SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!!” Red yells running into the Hazelpage, slamming the door behind her.
Redblaze grins. “I’ve watched only a bit of it because I think Doctor Who’s better but it’s alright”
“I prefer Merlin to Doctor Who,” Aquila chuckles, “It’s just that I’m currently watching Doctor Who so I talk about it more! And Red, yeah I know!!!!!!! Merlin is amazing!!!!! You’ll have to tell me what you think of all the characters!!”
(what are we, can I be a clan cat, or are we something different?)
“Oh, we’re just vibing in a tavern,” Bea replies. She sits on an empty chair, takes out her laptop, and begins rewatching The Owl House season finale for the 18th time.
“Anything!” shouts Ttera. “It doesn’t really matter!”
“Well”, says Pear. “You can be anything. I am a Pear.”
“I think we’re human-cat hybirds.” Redblaze mews. “Honestly, I’ve been here for ages and even I’m not sure.” she grins
Ferretpaw laughs, but suddenly stops, “how in Starclan did I get here?”
“Who knows!”
Imma cat hooman
“You just roleplay here and vibe?”
A fluffy cat slowly walks in. “H-hello, my name is Ashie. What’s yours? Is anyone nice here?”
“Hi, my name is Pear!” says Pear, glancing up from her laptop. “I’m nice to everyone unless they’re my sister.”
”I’m pretty nice to everyone unless your mean to me, I hate you, or your my brother.” Flamey said. She tilted her head, thinking. “Actually, I’m only mean to you if your mean to me or if your my brother, because I don’t know you, so I can’t hate you!”
“Redblaze here!” Redblaze mews. “And don’t worry! We’re all nice, a little crazy but nice!”
“hello, shadow here” mewed shadow, “welcome!”
“Am I nice? I don’t think so,” said Raven, “My OCs are not nice either.”
“finally my dad got me a laptop!” yells shadow running through the door and proceeds to nearly slip.
“Yay!!!! That’s awesome!!!” Aquila grins, “I ‘borrow’ my dad’s laptop that he never uses (we have like 5, it’s ridiculous) and I like it because it’s small!”
“my sister had a small laptop too” replied shadow, ” shame she needs it to teach her classes”
“Ooh is she a teacher then?” Aquila asks, fiddling with the strap of her vortex manipulator.
“yeah, its actually really awkward because she works at the same school as i go to” explains shadow
“Oh oof!” Aquila smiles sympathetically, “Imagine if she was your teacher for one of your lessons one year!”
“i don’t think i could live with the embarrassment” shadow chuckles
“And I hope you never have to!” Aquila mews, a playful sparkle in her eyes.
“That’s awesome!” Redblaze yelps
“i know right!” shadow agreed.
Ferretpaw paces back and forth, “where is my clan. How in Starclan did I get here, and how do I know these people. I’m freaking out!”
Ferretpaw stops talking and stares at her.
Redblaze smothers a laugh. “Don’t mind Aquila, she’s loud.”
“I’M NOT LOUD,” Aquila yowls, “YOU’RE ALL JUST QUIET!!!”
Redblaze smiles. “You’re right I am quiet.”
“You have a point,” says Pear.
Ferretpaw laughs a little bit, still shocked.
¨Hello loud hooman.¨ Murmures Dove as she gives a little catlike laugh.
“Helloooo Dove!!!” Aquila grins, “You’re pretty loud on BlogChat, so yay loudness!” (oof that sounds cringey)
“Hi! No reason to freak out!” exclaims the giant pear-shaped organism in the corner.
“We’re your clanmates, whether you like it or not,” said Raven, “Now why don’t we have a little drink.”
Sunfur went into the hazlepage it has been quite a while sience he has been here. “Hello”he said out loud to everyone
“hello sunfur nice to meet you” shadow replied as he kept losing concentration trying to levitate
Falling Feather looks up then back down and waits for Sunfur to say something else.
“Hello there.” Redblaze looks up from the table she had been studying for the part half hour.
“HELLO PEEPS,” Shouts Fearsome Flowerstien, “Who wants some icies? i’m going to this icey van thing today?”
¨MEEEEEEEE!¨ Shouts Dove
“They got anything bubblegum flavoured?” asks Aquila, “Or mint, I love mint!”
Ferretpaw smiles still a bit shocked, “can we catch fresh-kill here?”
“you could” replied shadow, sipping his extra thick italian hot chocolate with home made wipped cream and chocolate dusting and marshmallows.
Ferretpaw scented the air, “what is that? Mmmm…” Then she though, what am I thinking, the warrior code forbids!
“Well, we can, but it doesn’t taste good.” Raven then somehow got a random mug filled with hot chocolate with fluffy gooey marshmallow floating at the top, and a waffle halfway dipped into the drink. “I think you should eat something more….sweet.“
Her eyes grew big, “it sure does smell good…But doesn’t the warrior code forbid?”
“We have a different warrior code here.” Raven placed a straw into the hot chocolate and sipped it.