The internet is a storm of URLs, wi-fi and strings of dangerous code, whirling and thundering. Out in the wilderness you can only survive so long unaided, but in here, behind the mellow yellow windows, a safe and comforting place awaits. This place is a respite from the internet; the fire crackles invitingly and alluring rainbow-coloured drinks are poured into glasses. Exciting chatter fills the rooms from tables bustling with friends, eating from trays of warm, rustic carum bread and hearty stews. Gentle music comes from the band in the background.
[image description: a busy tavern lit by orange light]
Come in, chat away, have a great time! The old location may have been overrun by the Codekind, but this new building has three-meter thick walls, three floors and turret bedrooms to rest in at the top! We’ve returned, free from the battles of the secret pages! A safe micro-community of equality and no judgement. Hang up your HTML-reflective suit at the door and settle in with a drink and a meal.
Notice Board: Free candy in the bowl on the counter! What types of candy are there? Yes.
Ttera randomly puts on her headphones and starts watching Epithet Erased cause she is b o r e d.
“Hey, Ttera!” Frost meowed happily, curling her tail. “How ya doin?”
what’s this page about?
Redblaze looks up from the floor. “Oh this is a kind of roleplay page where we chat about random things and eat food.”
“Craziness.” Peb glances at the ceiling and launches onto a beam just because she can.
Cindie bounced in. “I live on a 𝕗𝕒𝕦𝕝𝕥 𝕝𝕚𝕟𝕖, so an earthquake could happen at any moment!” She looked worried.
Clue for the Cinder Inn!
Poppypaw looks around nervously from the doorway. “I’ve never been here before,what is this place for?”
Redblaze looks up sleepily. “Not much just a random rp page.”
“I’ve never really been here either,” Icepaw said, “I think this is a roleplay page sort of.”
Frost smiled, encouragingly. “It’s a rolepaying page!” She grabbed cookies. “Here!”
Poppypaw took the cookie,smiling. “Thanks. I guess I’ll find a place to sit.”
Kestrelfeather opened to door looking around the new place of luxury he had sandy brown hair with a black t and some blue jeans with his boney hands in his pockets looking around. He saw many faces around a table that seemed to never stop the feast. He went up to a room and set his stuff down grabbing his sketchbook and pulled a pencil from his ear sand started doodling some cats not wanting to meet anyone or interact with the world he just wanted to draw.
Frost walks into a room full of people. “Hi.” She smiled.
“Hello!” Redblaze grins
“Hey Redblaze!” Frost waved to her
He looked up then went back to drawing.
Frost sighed as she continued writing her fanfiction. She sipped here coffee, it was way too hot.”ARGH, IT BURNED MY LIPS! WHY IS THIS SO HARD?!” She yelled in frustration.
“Will you keep it down!” He hissed pushing his pencil into his paper breaking the lead. “Great doesnt anybody have a sharpener!”
“No!” Frost shouted, slamming her fists down on her table.
“Ug” he said in annoyance
Aquila slides her sharpener across the table, “Here. But don’t break it, I like that one.”
He sharpened his pencil and gave it back then got up from the table and walked outside and sat on the steps. “Finally some peace” he said going back to drawing his dead cat malamute.
“Not for long!” Frost smirked, and started singing, badly. “I KNOW A SONG THAT GETS ON EVERYBODY’S NERVES, EVERYBODY’S NERVES, EVERYBODY’S NERVES!!!” She yelled at the top of her lungs
His pencil slid across his drawling of his beloved cat and he spot in anger. “YOU!!” He grabbed gorilla tape and slammed it over frosts mouth grabbed a water bottle and went upstairs sighing. “Why do I have to stay here” he growled
“Mmrmero!” She protested, through the tape, she took it up, ignoring the pain. “Bye Kestry!” Frost snickered. She went back to her fanfic.
“What–just–happened.” Raven casually walks away. This was no weirder than what happens within her OCs anyway.
“Kestry got mad at me again,” Frost shrugged. “It happens all the time.” Frost giggled as she yelled, “HOW YA DOIN KESTRY?” Frost rolled her eyes, she did not expect a response from him. “I try to leave him alone, but I can’t.” She grabbed her coffee, her ears alert.
“Patience is a virtue.” Redblaze mews solemnly. “One which I do not have but still.”
*yeets in*
I still don’t know what ‘yeet’ means“Hey, Pebblepaw.” Frost greeted her, grabbing a pink drink. “Want one?”
*drops from ceiling* Yes, thanks!
Pinestripe looks up from her seat and waves. “Hi, Peb!” she yowls cheerfully.
“Hi, Piney!” Peo yowls back.
“Yeets means to throw something with a very high velocity. My adult OCs do this a lot.”
“Ahhh makes sense thank yous,” Peb says.
Frost turns on the tv, and pressed netflix. “Ooh, korean drama!” She starts My First First Love.
Peb plops down next to Frost to watch, pink drink in hand.
Frost coughed as pizza got stuck in her throat. “Help… Me….” She rasped
He growled in annoyance and pumped his chest getting the pizza out. “You idiot”
“I’m sorry!” She said, flicking her tail (I’m a neko :D), annoyed. She puffed her cheeks, mad. “I’m sooo sorry for choking!” She scoffed, sarcastically, she grumbled something under her breath.
“Interesting, I’m a shapeshifter in my cat form right now.”
Although no one could hear, Pear was appearently speaking.
Frost turned around to look at Pear. “Oh, hey Pear, when did ya get here?” She asked.
Pear said something but no one could hear her over the bubbling of the rug.
Frost’s left ear twitched. She let out her claws, and put them back in. She hissed when someone stepped on her black tail. “Hey!” She growled.
Kestrel slammed his head on his notebook. Sadnesss overwhelmed him as he remembers his brothers death the lay’ed on the bed with his arms outstretched and went into a troubled sleep.
You lost your brother? I’m sorry. 🙁
Oh not it real life I thought this was roleplaying but I did lose my grandma)
{Ah. I’m sorry about your grandma. The hazelpage is roleplaying yourself tho! ;D)
“Aw…. Sorry Kestry,” Frost murmured from where she was standing, she was instantly sorry for all the teasing and yelling at him. She sighed, she could feel empathy for him, after all, she lost someone too.
He grumbled something but nobody heard and went to sleep. When everyone was asleep he got up and makes chickens cookies all the foods everyone liked and set the table then write from secret cat then went back to the bed and turned cable on.
Frost woke up, thirsty. She walked downstairs, seeing chicken cookies, “hmm,” She picked up the paper that said ‘secret cat’. “wonder who it is.” She paused, flicking her tail, than smiled. Thanks, secret cat. She drank water and went to room, as she was passing Kestry’s room, she thought see saw something, but she just shrugged and went back to her room, curling her tail, she fell asleep.