The Rotation

Looking for other games? Check out the games page, the official NTA game, the names page, the name generators page, and the roleplay discussion page!

Playtime 101 — How To Play With Your Cat! | by Relax My Cat | Medium

[image description: a light brown tabby kitten with blue eyes lays on its side on panelled floor while reaching for a feather toy]

Hello! I’m Ospreysplash, and welcome to the Rotation!

The Rotation is a rotation of different game types to participate in, tournament-style! Every Saturday/Sunday, a game will be posted for you to play. At the end of the week, I will judge the results and choose the winners. After twenty rounds, that rotation will be concluded, a winner announced, and a new one begun!

Our current Rotation Helper is Rowanwing


  • Please reply to the original Rotation comment when submitting your responses!
  • You can only enter once a round
  • If you want to host your own Rotation, here’s not the place unfortunately, but the Warriors Games page is the place!
  • Try not to double up on answers, and in rounds that involve giving something a name (eg. Name that Emoji) avoid giving canon names
  • Have fun! (Yes, this is a rule)

Current Games in Rotation:

  1. Name that emoji
  2. Purrsona that name
  3. Name that initial
  4. Name that purrsona (pictures edition)
  5. Kittypet that warrior
  6. Google translated warriors
  7. Who’s that cat?
  8. Tribe That Warrior
  9. Name that purrsona
  10. Purrsona that animal

Hall of Fame:

Game 1: Flowermistle

Game 2: Sunpaw/shadow

Game 3: Shadeleap

Game 4: Amberpaw/wing

Game 5: TBC

Helper Form

Before applying, read this post!

I (Ospreysplash) am no longer the sole runner of the Rotation. Instead, it will be run be helpers! Apply below to become a helper

(Helper applications will open here just before each new game, so you can apply in the future)

Applications close on the 16th of February

Cat spinning on Roomba


  • Winners of Round 16:
    Jake, guessed first by Honeyjade
    Bluestar, guessed first by Pantherpaw/dawn
    Stormfur, guessed first by Honeyjade
    Shadowsight, guessed first by Finch
    Frostdawn, guessed by no one! 😛

    6 points: Jackdawpaw/flight
    5 points: Melodypaw/drift and Pantherpaw/dawn
    4 points: Finch and Honeyjade
    3 points: Coconutkit, Honeybeam, Skypaw/shimmer, and Fallowpaw/speck
    2 points: Sorrelpaw/splash, Rainbowpaw/flower, Ivorypaw, Magpiepaw/heart, Dewpaw/skip, Mistypaw/breeze, Joyfire, Amberpaw/wing, Winterfrost, Willowsong, and Shadeleap
    1 point: Cloudystorm, Rowanpaw, Midnightmoon, Cheesepaw, Flamecloud, Lynxclaw, Onyxpaw, Amberleaf, Spiritflight, Dawnpaw/wind, Skypaw/shimmer, Rosefern, Rosemarypaw/leaf, Silverstorm, Ravenpaw/drift, Lionpaw/fall, Fizzypaw, Ivypaw/cloud, Drifter, Ivypaw/heart, Mouseleaf, and Coonpaw/song

    Round 17: Display Name That Warrior!
    What if some characters from Warriors joined the blog? Would they have long, emoji-filled display names with fun quotes or lyrics? Or would they just have their name and perhaps an emoji or 2? That’s up to you to decide! You can include song lyrics, quotes from the books, quotes from other books/shows/movies, emojis, mentors/apprentices, platonic mates, really anything you would include in a normal BlogClan display name! (and for those of you who don’t know, a display name is the name that appears on top of your comment! for example, mine is “🧡🌉I wish I was me, whoever that is🩵🌊flamepaw/spirit the mess with an s on their chest✨🔥any pronouns except it/its🏘⛵ospreysplash’s appendix🫳🕳man I wish we were 85, the rest of our lives wouldn’t sound so scary✈🗒”!)
    for example, if Jake were to join the blog, his display name might be something like “✨💜 You’re a loser, just like me! 🌀☄ Jake!!! 🌈☔ Any pronouns 😊☀ “Laurens, I like you a lot!” 🏳‍🌈💃 Proud Kittypet 🐾🌚 I am EVERYONE’S dad 😈🥰 I am Kenough 🩷💖” (which is actually a display name I made about a year ago for this same game back when I wasn’t a rotation helper haha 😛 )
    1. Ivypool
    2. Antpelt
    3. Breezepelt
    4. Icewing/star
    5. Blossomfall
    6. Harestar
    Theme: ?

    • ⚜️Fallowpaw/speck⚜️|🐎'I'm not afraid of dying, I'm afraid of tomorrow'🐎|🖤'It’s no insult to say a dead man is dead'🖤|🕊'You gave me peace in a lifetime of war'🕊 says:

      Oh, forgot to add this to my other comment, the theme is former Dark Forest trainees!

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