Warriors Fan Fiction Organization

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If you’re organising a group fan fiction project, this is where you can discuss your projects with other writers, or scout for new writers for your project. This is also where you should start new group projects as well, including stories that feature BlogClanners. Happy writing!

kit4 001 - Copy (3)

[image description: a black-and-white photo of two kittens crawling over a typewriter]

Wattpad provides an excellent platform for reading and sharing fan fiction. You might wish to use that instead to share your stories. I am not favouring Wattpad. It’s the only one I know of, and I’m sure there are many other platforms out there you might prefer. It’s up to you!

If you can’t make an account on any site, you may use justpaste.it! If you only have access to Google Docs, then you must use a blog email to make the document or link a web-published version of your document. To make a web-published version, set the doc to be viewable by anyone with the link, then go to “File” -> “Share” -> “Publish to web” and click “Publish”, then copy the link provided (it MUST end in “/pub”). Any document found to contain personal information will not be moderated!




    Leader: CLOSED
    Deputy: CLOSED
    Medicine Cats: CLOSED
    Warriors: ummmm I need 20 more
    Apprentices: Just 2 more please
    Queens: I need 1 more and PLEASE GIVE ANY KITS DESCRIPTIONS

    Leader: CLOSED
    Deputy: CLOSED
    Medicine Cats: (1/2) I need an apprentice
    Warriors: MOST DEFINITELY CLOSED because i did some by myself
    Apprentices: CLOSED
    Queens: CLOSED
    Elders: CLOSED

    Leader: CLOSED
    Deputy: CLOSED
    Medicine Cats: CLOSED
    Warriors: would I be crazy if i told you that i need 15 more?
    Apprentices: CLOSED
    Queens: ALSO CLOSED
    Elders: I need one more

    Leader: CLOSED
    Deputy: CLOSED
    Medicine Cats: I need a med cat apprentice
    Warriors: give me mOOORRREEEEEE (i.e. 24 MORE)
    Queens: CLOSED

    So in short, please do not focus on Windclan, submit more elders, apprentices and warriors for the clans that need them and thank you for all yOUR SUBMISSIONS YOU’RE ALL GREAT FROM AN INACTIVE NAVY OK BYEEEEEEEEE

    Oh and also, could you by any chance give any of these descriptions tHANKS BYEEEEEE:
    Lionlight –
    Owlsoar –
    Sageskip –
    Shadowthorn –
    Amberflash –
    Weaselstorm –
    Springtail –
    Leopardclaw –
    Flintfern –
    Mottledbreeze –
    Flickerstreak –
    Sandystem –
    Seedshine –
    Harerunner –

    • !!!!
      SkyClan Warriors & Apprentices
      Wildspirit – Long-furred grey tabby tom with amber eyes
      –Apprentice: Thornpaw – Tortoiseshell she-cat with green eyes
      Cricketspring – Tall mottled she-cat with blue eyes
      –Apprentice: Littlepaw – Small white tom with one black foot and green eyes; Thornpaw’s brother
      Brightsnow – Large pure white tom with amber eyes and lots of scars; Cricketspring’s mate
      –Apprentice: Flickerpaw – Small orange tabby she-cat with amber eyes; Littlepaw & Thornpaw’s sister
      Lightsong – White she-cat with grey patches and blue eyes; Thornpaw, Littlepaw & Flickerpaw’s mother
      Ferntuft – Dark grey tabby tom with nicked ears and green eyes; Lightsong’s mate, Thornpaw, Littlepaw & Flickerpaw’s father
      Pebblebird – Ashy grey she-cat with green eyes

    • Some Shadowclan warriors:

      Ebonyshine: Silky furred black she cat with amber eyes and a very poofy tail

      Rainshade: Grey tabby she cat with black paws and green eyes (Ebonyshine’s mate?)

      Fernwillow: Black & white she cat with blue eyes (Ebonyshine’s sister)

      Brightsnow: White tom with dark blue eyes (Ebonyshine’s brother)

      Qualdapple: Silver tom with dark grey spots and green eyes

      Darkstorm: Dark grey tom with one green eye & one blue eye

      Hailfall: Pale brown tom with white polka dots and grey eyes

      And the last Shadowclan elder:
      Littlenose: Grumpy, thin ginger tom with a smushed in pink nose and blind brown eyes

    • For the descriptions of some those kitties :
      Lionlight-Cream colored tom with ginger stripes and golden eyes
      Owlsoar –Grey and white tom with blue eyes and black speckles
      Sageskip –Silver she cat with green eyes
      Shadowthorn –Gold and black torti she cat with sharp claws and dark blue eyes
      Amberflash –Pale gold tom with white paws and amber eyes
      Weaselstorm –brown tom with a white chest and amber eyes
      Springtail –pale brown she cat with a darker tail and pale green eyes
      Leopardclaw –Spotted brown tabby she cat with amber eyes
      Flintfern –Silver tabby tom with green eyes
      Mottledbreeze –Dappled grey tom with amber eyes and black paws
      Flickerstreak –Cream tabby she cat with white stripes and yellow eyes
      Sandystem –Pale brown tabby she cat with cream patches and green eyes
      Seedshine –Dusty brown tom with bright blue eyes
      Harerunner –Small brown she cat with white patches and green eyes

    • RiverClan!
      Riversong – Silver short furred she-cat with jade green eyes and a long tail
      Fallenfish – Skinny black she-cat with lime green eyes and a fluffy tail (very clumsy)
      Hootcloud – Muscular and handsome black tom with lime green eyes and a fluffy tail (Fallenfish’s brother)
      Silverstreak – Silver pretty and silm she-cat with very sharp teeth, green eyes and a fluffy tail (mother to Hootcloud’s kits Shadekit small pretty black she-cat with jade green eyes and a fluffy tail)
      Bigeye – black tom with huge eyes like dolls
      Smalltooth – silver she-cat with very small teeth

    • WindClan med cat apprentice
      Swiftpaw(swirl) – tan pretty she-cat with emerald green eyes.

      Elders For any clan:
      Eaglewhisker – Long-whiskered brown tom with a white face. He has small black eyes.
      Tanfeather – Yellow she-cat with feather-like spots on her pelt. She has brown eyes.
      Oldsight – Oldest cat in the clans for a long time. He has long brown fur with large yellow eyes.
      Boltskip – Muscular black tom with piercing yellow eyes. He is incredibly handsome.

      Warriors for ShadowClan:
      Lightningcreek – Yellow she-cat with dangerous green eyes.
      Poppypelt – Ginger she-cat with dangerous green eyes.
      Hollydapple – Ginger and Yellow she-cat with dangerous green eyes.
      Goosewish – White tom with caring yellow eyes.

    • Ok time for the dersciptions:
      Lionlight – Golden tabby tom with thick chest fur and amber eyes
      Owlsoar – Pale tabby tom with long fur
      Sageskip – Silver tabby tom with green eyes
      Shadowthorn – Black tom with green eyes
      Amberflash – Pale tabby she-cat with amber eyes
      Weaselstorm – Dark ginger tom with white paws
      Springtail – White she-cat with ginger patches
      Leopardclaw – Yellow tom with black rosettes
      Flintfern – Mottled black she-cat with green eyes
      Mottledbreeze – Mottled dark brown tom
      Flickerstreak – Gray tom with darker flecks and black streak running down back
      Sandystem – Dust-colored tom with amber eyes
      Seedshine – Dark brown tabby she-cat with amber eyes and white flecks
      Harerunner – Light brown and white tom

  • Hey, if anyone needs cats for their fanfictions, I’ve been making sets of cats. In each set there are two cats, each with a name, fursona, and some sort of relationship between them. So if anyone needs any cats, I have a lot.



    Leader: CLOSED
    Deputy: CLOSED
    Medicine Cats: CLOSED
    Warriors: ummmm I need 17 more
    Apprentices: Just 2 more please
    Queens: CLOSED
    Elders: CLOSED

    Windclan is fully closed now! Thanks for submissions!

    Leader: CLOSED
    Deputy: CLOSED
    Medicine Cats: CLOSED
    Warriors: I only need about 3 more!!!!!
    Apprentices: CLOSED
    Queens: ALSO CLOSED
    Elders: CLOSED

    Leader: CLOSED
    Deputy: CLOSED
    Medicine Cats: Still need an apprentice
    Warriors: i need 14 more
    Apprentices: 2 more!
    Queens: CLOSED
    Elders: CLOSED

    • No! I will finish up the RiverClan part…
      Ravenpelt – black tom with sharp claws
      Owlbeam – wise brown tom with yellow eyes
      Goosepuddle – White tabby tom with gray streaks on his tail.
      Jollyfrost – White she-cat with cold blue eyes
      Yellowsong – Yellow she-cat with calm blue eyes
      Streamfeather – dark blue she-cat with serene green eyes
      Hopewhisker – Yellow tabby she-cat with brown eyes
      Lavenderstream – dark blue she-cat with purple eyes
      Littlewater – small dark blue tom with dangerous blue eyes
      Tallcloud – Muscular and tall brown tom

    • Allow me to throw at you my background cats-
      RiverClan Warrior- Softpetal- Small, white tom with black patches and blue eyes.
      RiverClan Warrior- Leopardflower- Brown tom with dark brown speckles and yellow eyes.
      RiverClan Warrior- Daisyheart- Light brown she-cat with dark brown and white patches and yellow eyes.
      RiverClan Apprentice- Muddypaw- Orange tom with dark gray patches and brown stripes and yellow eyes.

      ShadowClan Warrior- Bluelegs- Blue-gray she-cat with dark gray patches and yellow eyes.
      ShadowClan Warrior- Dustleap- Long-legged brown tom with dark brown legs and green eyes.

      ThunderClan Warrior- Briarjaw- Brown she-cat with dark brown legs and yellow eyes. Has a twisted jaw.
      ThunderClan Warrior- Smokeskip- Dark gray tom with a white muzzle and legs with amber eyes.
      ThunderClan Warrior- Maplefur- Red she-cat with dark red ears, nose and paws with green eyes.
      ThunderClan Apprentice- Hailpaw- Dark brown tom with light brown splotches and dark green eyes.

      If you’d like the relationships between them, I can tell you!

    • RiverClan warriors:
      Heathertuft – White she-cat with a fluffy tail
      Leafstream – amber she-cat with yellow eyes
      Runningwater – Dark blue skinny tom with bright yellow eyes
      Pondpaw – Dark blue skinny tom with green eyes

    • SkyClan med cat apprentice:
      Lilypaw-Tortoseshell she-cat with bright blue eyes

  • Re-post ’cause new page and more info. Please reading everything before filling out form
    8 elements
    It has to do with this magic academy in which students (Humans) would learn how to use their magic. Magic types is genetic, and say if your parents have the same element, you are very likely to have the same element. You start going to an academy when you are 12, so any characters under the age of 12 would be minor characters.

    Element stats:
    Flight- No
    Teleport- No
    Control- Yes
    Invisibility- No
    Fighter- Yes
    Healer- No

    Flight- Yes
    Teleport- No
    Control- No
    Invisibility- Yes
    Fighter- Meh
    Healer- No

    Flight- No
    Teleport- No
    Control- Yes
    Invisibility- No
    Fighter- No
    Healer- Yes

    Flight- No
    Teleport- No
    Control- Yes
    Invisibility- No
    Fighter- Yes
    Healer- No

    Flight- No
    Teleport- Yes
    Control- Meh
    Invisibility- No
    Fighter- Yes
    Healer- No

    Flight- Yes
    Teleport- No
    Control- Meh
    Invisibility- No
    Fighter- Yes
    Healer- No

    Flight- Yes
    Teleport- No
    Control- No
    Invisibility- I guess if you count speeding so much no one can see you
    Fighter- Meh
    Healer- Meh

    Flight- No
    Teleport- No
    Control- Yes
    Invisibility- No
    Fighter- Yes
    Healer- No

    Other Character info:
    There will be 8 major characters, one for each element. Blake, a Shadow, Avira, a pixie, and Cadence, an air, are the main main characters, and are the only characters with PoVs. I have all the 5 other major characters on my tasklist, so yeah.

    Setting and background info.
    It takes place on a boarding school campus modern day. There is cellphone service on campus, so lots of students have phones or smartwatches. There is a band and orchestra, so characters can play an instrument as part of their hobbies. Still, the academy is near a forest, so there is a lot of traveling there.

    Note: Please copy and paste the form to make my life easy.

    Character Name (full name please):
    Any nicknames:
    Outfit (no brand names);
    Personal belongings (not a lot and can be a phone, but no other electronics):
    Personality (you can put in personality type):
    Strengths (physical and mental, no Sue-faces):
    Weaknesses: (physical and mental, no Sue-faces):

    Thanks! I’m writing out the plot right now, and I’m excited to post the first chapter!

    • Hello new apprentice!

      Character Name (full name please): Minty Berry
      Any nicknames: Mint
      Age: 14
      Gender: Female
      Description: Pale girl with dyed aqua hair and bright blue eyes.
      Outfit (no brand names); A white turtleneck with with sleeves cut off and a blue skirt. She has light blue flats.
      Personal belongings (not a lot and can be a phone, but no other electronics): Mint green case on her phone.
      Element: Water
      Personality (you can put in personality type): Campaigner
      Strengths (physical and mental, no Sue-faces): Very agile, very smart, good memory
      Weaknesses: (physical and mental, no Sue-faces): Not very strong, tends to get distracted easily, can be insecure
      Hobbies: Experimenting, making little robots things, piano

    • Matthew Richard Tenzuin
      Matt, I guess
      14 years old
      A pale-faced, black-haired tall guy with greyish-blueish eyes. His hair is cropped short, so there’s nothing sticking out- almost like a buzz cut, but there’s a little bit more hair. He’s a pretty wiry dude, surprising due to the fact he acts like your average jock, even if he doesn’t actually feel that way.
      A dark green *insert any random name of random school* here hoodie, even if his hood is never up. Blundstone-like shoes with hard soles, and grey, loose pants. Despite the jock thing noted above, he has thin, round wire-rimmed glasses. Nobody has seen him without his hoodie, so nobody knows what he wears underneath…
      A phone, I guess. A copy of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, (If that’s allowed) an old wrinkled notebook he writes random stuff in. and an old oaken arrow his grandfather gave him. He has no idea why he gave it to him, saying as he doesn’t have a bow. (Though he wants one.)
      He acts like on your average jock/ jerk on the outside, but really he’s a INTJ-T hiding that fact from everyone partly because he’s scared what they will if they find out and partly because it’s his more manipulative side coming out, and he wants to be able to observe people and their actions to analyze them without being noticed.
      He’s very observant, and talented at subtly using those observations to aid him in whatever way he wants. As noted he’s a jock, a fast runner and a high jumper with an instinct to know what to do in high-speed stressing situations. Despite all this, he’s not actually that agile. Just fast.
      He’s very arrogant, on the outside bragging about his stunts and on the inside constantly boasting his ego every time he gets away with another observation. He isn’t very refined, being a rude, blunt person who will not pay attention to anyone’s feelings at all.
      He’s great at chess, being particularly talented and speed chess due to his power duo of analyzation skills and talent under pressure. He isn’t really a bookworm, but is a big fan of Harry Potter (If that’s allowed) and enjoys drawing realistic sketches, to practice his observation skills. (Though he doesn’t really need it.)

      • Feel free to make a character have interest in Harry Potter or just any popular book series. 🙂

    • Character Name (full name please): Alice
      Any nicknames: Ally
      Age: 15
      Gender: Female
      Description: White skin, brown hair
      Outfit (no brand names); T- shirt with a cat on it, purple sneakers with blue jeans
      Personal belongings (not a lot and can be a phone, but no other electronics): phone with cat on case
      Element: Air
      Personality (you can put in personality type): Smart, kind, funny
      Strengths (physical and mental, no Sue-faces): book smart, quick, thinks things through
      Weaknesses: (physical and mental, no Sue-faces): worries a lot, forgetful, introvert
      Hobbies: Reading, playing video games, drawing
      Other: since I am air maybe Alice can go invisible when nervous or embarrassed?

    • Fox Heart is a background character. (Her name matches her personality, also she’s white)

      Character Name (full name please): Fox Heart
      Any nicknames: Foxy
      Age: 12 years
      Gender: Female
      Description: Short; dark red hair and amber eyes
      Outfit (no brand names); Orange long-sleeved shirt, short-sleeved red furry jacket, red tights, red shoes
      Personal belongings (not a lot and can be a phone, but no other electronics): Dark red purse, phone
      Element: Fire
      Personality (you can put in personality type): Fiery/fierce; aggressive/battle-hungry; bully type
      Strengths (physical and mental, no Sue-faces): Fierce; strong
      Weaknesses: (physical and mental, no Sue-faces): does actions without thinking
      Hobbies: Training for battle; fighting
      Other: nah

    • Lillian
      Any nicknames: Lillie
      Age: 12
      Description: tall girl with black hair and light blue eyes
      Outfit (no brand names); black hoodie and short black shorts
      Personal belongings (not a lot and can be a phone, but no other electronics): mechanical pencil that she always loses
      Element: shadow
      Personality (you can put in personality type): shy intelligent, independent
      Strengths (physical and mental, no Sue-faces): speed and stamina
      Weaknesses: (physical and mental, no Sue-faces): does not think before doing things
      Hobbies: writing and exploring forbidden areas
      Other: rule breaker, dark past

    • Character name: Isabella
      Any nicknames: Bella, Izzie, etc.
      Age: 13
      Gender: Female
      Description: pale skinned girl, with wavy blonde hair and green eyes
      Outfit: ripped jeans, leather jackets, tied shirts, frilly shirts, sneakers or high heeled boots
      Personal belongings: phone and black wrinkled sketch pad and pencil which she keeps behind her ear (amazing artist, but is very private about her drawings)
      Element: Storm
      Personality: Cocky, stubborn, sarcastic, proud, funny, daring, adventurous, and sweet to some people
      Strengths: Agility, climbing, speed, strength, and smart (does not show it)
      Weaknesses: swimming, is insecure (does not show it though), acts without thinking, and acts lesser than she is
      Hobbies: art, exploring and traveling, going anywhere and everywhere she’s not supposed to, and including doing what she’s not supposed to do, pulling pranks
      Other: popular, rulebreaker, everyone pretty much knows here, family problems

    • Character Name (full name please): Iya Varilor (said ee-ya vare-il-or)
      Any nicknames: none
      Age: 15
      Gender: female
      Description: slender girl with long, curly, blond hair, the tips are dyed teal. She has green eyes.
      Outfit (no brand names); ripped mom jeans, cropped cable knit sweater, yellow cloth tied headband.
      Personal belongings (not a lot and can be a phone, but no other electronics): smartphone, journal (she uses it as a sketchbook as well), and an old copy of The Hunger Games
      Element: water
      Personality (you can put in personality type): ESFP-T
      Strengths (physical and mental, no Sue-faces): P: great swimmer, fast runner, good climber M: fast reader, witty, good memory
      Weaknesses: (physical and mental, no Sue-faces): P: Low pain tolerance, not very brawny/strong M: Impulsive, anxiety, very stubborn
      Hobbies: writing, drawing, reading, cooking/baking, performing, swimming, training (for battle/fighting)
      Other: nope

  • I just need about 14 Skyclan warriors now for the allegiances, so don’t bother with anything else now. Thanks for your submissions everyone!

    • 1 Dewdrop: Silver tom with legs, chest, and belly, with blue eyes
      2 Snowblaze: Ginger and white she cat with ice blue eyes
      3 Waspwing: Pale ginger tom with black tabby stripes and dark amber eyes
      4 Quailstone: Dark grey tom with brown eyes
      5 Daisywind: Tabby she cat with green eyes
      6 Raintail: White tom with a pale grey tail and yellow eyes
      7 Leafhawk: Tortishell she cat with amber eyes and white paws
      8 Ravenstrike: Black tom with dark indigo eyes
      9 Rubblewhisker: Dappled brown tom with green eyes
      10 Ferretpatch: Calico she cat with green eyes
      11 Shadowwing: Dark grey she cat with black paws and blue eyes
      12 Driftstorm: White tom with green eyes
      13 Spiderthorn: Dark tabby she cat with amber eyes
      14 Paleberry: Cream and white she cat with ice blue eyes

    • Kestrelflower- ginger she-cat with darker paws
      Frondflake- pale gray tom with deep green eyes
      Gladewish- small black she-cat with green eyes and a white paw
      Shadeheart- black tom with blue eyes
      Ottershine- white she-cat with a brown splotch on her face
      Deerwillow- dark brown she-cat with amber eyes
      Ferretleap- skinny light brown tom with white paws
      Shellfang- tortoiseshell she-cat with yellow eyes
      Hazelshock- large brown and gray she-cat
      Springshimmer- very pale gray she-cat with long fur and blue eyes
      Splitberry- small ginger tom with blue eyes
      Splinterfang- dark brown tom
      Owlwisp- tan she-cat with a white muzzle
      Aspenbark- black tom with yellow eyes and a nicked ear
      Poolshade- small gray and black she-cat with blue eyes
      Fringeleap- white tom with yellow eyes
      Blackwind- black she-cat with small ears
      Hopmoth- brown and white she-cat with long inner ear tufts
      Flowerglow- black and white she-cat with green eyes
      Violetheart- tan she-cat with blue eyes
      Honeymeadow- yellow tabby tom

      hope this helped!

  • Skyclan:
    Leader: Ravenstar; black and white sleek she-cat with amber eyes app. LilacPaw
    Deputy: Appletail; white tom with a ginger tail and green eyes
    Medicine cats: Jaypool; silver she cat.with blue eyes. Moon paw; black and silver she cat with green eyes
    Warriors: Doefeather; gray tom with amber eyes app. Grasspaw
    Flamebrook; brown and white she cat with green eyes
    Snowfire; white tom with dark amber eyes
    FeatherFall; silver gray tabby she cat with blue eyes
    Nightstream; pure black tom with dark green eyes app. Lilypaw
    Lionbelly; Golden tom with blazing green eyes
    River heart; silvery she cat with kind green eyes app. Ferretpaw
    AshStorm; gray tom with darker flecks and brown eyes
    Birdfoot; tortishell she cat with blue eyes
    Sparrowbreze; white ginger and black tom with blue eyes
    Sunpelt; Golden she cat with green eyes
    Apprentices: Moonpaw
    LilacPaw; gray she cat with amber eyes
    Grasspaw; brown tom with grass green eyes
    Lilypaw; calico she cat with blue eyes
    Ferretpaw; brown and gray tom with green blue eyes
    Queens: Silverstorm; silver she cat with brown eyes, mother to Windkit; silver tom with blazing green eyes
    Quitfeather ; fluffy ginger she cat with green eyes, mother to HoneyKit; gray she cat with darker flecks and green eyes, and StormKit; fluffy ginger tom with brown eyes
    Cindertail; dark gray tabby she cat with amber eyes, mother to Hopekit ; dark gray tabby she cat with blue eyes, Flowerkit; white ginger and black she cat with amber eyes, and Hopkit; gray and ginger tom with brown eyes
    Elders: Whiteflower; white she cat with green eyes
    Graystone; gray and black tabby tom with blue eyes
    Petalfur; calico she cat with amber eyes
    I need some help with thunderclan
    Leader: none yet
    Deputy: none yet
    Medicine cat: none yet
    Medicine cat app: none yet
    Warriors: I need 10
    Apprentices: I need 5
    Queens: I need 3 who has one more kit then the last one
    Elders: I need 3
    Please put name and description for the form, thank you!

    • Background cats- I choose you!!!

      Newtstar- Ginger calico tom with blue eyes.

      Ivyfern- Silver she-cat with dark silver tabby swirls and green eyes.
      Bubblepaw- Light ginger tom with ginger spots and mint eyes.

      Amberblaze- Red-orange she-cat with a white splash on her face with light orange patches and green eyes.
      Chestnutleaf- Dark brown she-cat with black tabby stripes and bright green eyes. Leafpaw’s mentor.
      Shredslip- Brown tom with a white chest and belly with amber eyes.
      Pigeonnose- Gray tom with white and light gray patches and green eyes.

      Leafpaw- Light brown she-cat with a white stomach, paws, chest, and tail and dark brown patches with yellow eyes.

      Maplewind- Dark red she-cat with darker red swirls and green eyes. Expecting kits.
      Otterglow- Lilac gray she-cat with dark lilac and light lilac patches and amber eyes. Mother to Lightkit- White tom with blue eyes.

      Shellstep- Gray tom with dark gray speckles and yellow-green eyes.

      I can give relationships if you’d like!

    Get your pretend money out, because the best one can be pricey! (This is pretend money. No paying needed!)

    Name: Dark Wingstar
    Cost: $0.50
    Gender: Tom
    Clan: ShadowClan
    Rank: Leader
    Appearance: Black tom with silver stripes; one blue eye, one pink eye, and dragon wings
    Personality: Cute, handsome, nice and sweet, fierce in battles, determined, strong
    Other: His mate his Snowy Wings. He has 10 kits.

    Name: Snowy Wings
    Cost: $1.25
    Gender: She-cat
    Clan: SnowClan
    Rank: Assumed leader
    Appearance: Lovely white she-cat with blue eyes
    Personality: Nice and sweet; caring to 5 of her kits, avoids conflict
    Other: After mating with Dark Wing, they had 10 kits. Dark Wingstar yeets her out ShadowClan, and instead of joining any of the other clans, she creates her own but doesn’t try to seek revenge. She takes 5 of her kits with her.

    Names: Embertail, Snoutbreeze, Cinderwing, Darkscar, Marshwing
    Cost: $5.15
    Gender: Females
    Clan: SnowClan
    Rank: Warriors
    Appearance: Embertail – Dark gray she-cat with black tail, Snoutbreeze – Lighter gray she-cat with gray muzzle, Cinderwing – Dark gray she-cat, Darkscar – Black she-cat with scar over eye, Marshwing – Light gray-green she-cat with green eyes
    Personality: Embertail – Selfish, Snoutbreeze – Sweet, Cinderwing – Sweet, Darkscar – Aggressive, Marshwing – Loyal
    Other: These are the 5 kits Snowy Wings took in.

    Cost: $3.00
    Gender: She-cat
    Clan: ThunderClan
    Rank: Medicine cat apprentice
    Appearance: Light gray she-cat with dark brown tabby stripes
    Personality: Patient; sweet; afraid of fighting; naive
    Other: Dark Wingstar passed this kit to ThunderClan. Leafsong was named after Leafpool.

  • I have an idea for a story. So basically there’s this character whose mind and soul (basically) are immortal, but their body isn’t. So whenever they die, they’re pulled into the body of someone who was in a coma and basically take over that person’s life, with the doctors assuming that the person just has amnesia (so they’d never remember the memories). They live like this for an undetermined amount of time, their lifespan varying by how old the body they inhabit is and what exactly they end up doing with this new life. But when it becomes clear that a lot of the bodies they inhabit are getting killed by other people, they realize that someone, possibly another bodyjumper, is trying to destroy their mind/soul/the part of them that’s immortal. I’m not sure what the plot would be, but the way the story is structured I’d have them start in one body in like the prologue, being chased by someone then shot down, then chapter one starts with them waking up in a new body (21 or so years old, but in a coma for four or so years) and living out that life, interrupted with bits of memory from their other lives as they piece together that someone’s after them.

    So… what do y’all think? Any questions? Do you want me to write this?

  • More characters for sale. This time we’re using scratched Minecraft sticks instead of money to pay.

    Name: Halfface
    Cost: 4 Sticks
    Gender: She-cat
    Appearance: Tortoiseshell she-cat with one half face black with amber eyes and one half face white dappled with blue eyes
    Interests: Vinesnake (tom)
    Clan: ShadowClan
    Rank: Warrior
    Personality: Cheerful; energetic; cute; rude; willing to fight

    Name: Vinesnake
    Cost: 5 Sticks
    Gender: Tom
    Appearance: Dark gray tabby tom with cool green eyes
    Interests: Halfface
    Clan: ShadowClan
    Rank: Warrior
    Personality: Bold; battle-hungry, blood-thirsty

  • Ok, more characters for sale. Thank you customers for giving me lovely sticks. Now I get to craft some of Jayfeather and Half Moon’s kits. Jayfeather broke his previous stick, so he would love the new sticks you gave me. Now you need to pay me live, captured, Tigerstars.
    Yes, Holly Feather and Lake Fall are all Jay and Half’s kits. Also,

    Name: Holly Feather
    Cost: 5 Tigerstars
    Gender: She-cat
    Appearance: Thick-pelted black coat with green eyes
    Interests: Lake Fall (she-cat), Smoke (tom)
    Clan: None
    Rank: Rogue
    Personality: loyal; determined; impatient; naive; rude when impatient

    Name: Lake Fall
    Cost: 4 Tigerstars
    Gender: She-cat
    Appearance: Dark gray tabby with dark blue eyes
    Interests: Holly Feather (she-cat)
    Clan: None
    Rank: Rogue
    Personality: Loyal; naive; kind; peaceful; doesn’t like fighting

    Name: Gingersplash
    Cost: 5 Tigerstars
    Gender: she-cat
    Appearance: Dark ginger coat with amber eyes
    Interests: None
    Clan: RiverClan or any fan clan
    Rank: Deputy
    Personality: Funny; mischevious; oblivious; self-centered; brave

    If you manage to capture a Tigerstar and give it to me for these characters, then I will use them to create another lovely round of characters.

  • After I finish Starkit’s Power, I might start a series about DarkClan (Heathertail version). The allegiances:
    Leader: Heatherstar – Light brown tabby she-cat with heather-blue eyes
    Deputy: Lionblaze – Golden tabby tom with amber eyes and thick chest fur
    Medicine cat:
    Snowfall – White tom with blue eyes and torn deaf ears
    Jayfeather – Gray tabby tom with blind blue eyes
    Goldenspots – Golden tom with black spots
    Swiftflash – Black and white tom
    Juniperbranch – Dark brown tabby tom
    Dandelionseed – Pale ginger tabby she-cat
    Darkshade – Black tom with heather-blue eyes
    Streamfall – Gray tabby she-cat with amber eyes
    Badgerfang – Black and white tom
    Nightflight – Dark she-cat with green eyes
    Stormwillow – Dark gray tabby tom with dark blue eyes
    Thistleheart – Prickly long-furred white she-cat
    Sedgewhisker – Light brown tabby she-cat
    Swallowtail – Dark gray she-cat
    Hollyleaf – Black she-cat with green eyes (mother to Goldenspots’ kits; Leafkit (Black she-kit), Hawkkit (Dark brown tabby she-kit)
    Larchfall – Brown tabby she-cat with green eyes (mother to Stormwillow’s kits: Hollykit (Dark gray tabby she-kit), Berrykit (Brown tabby she-kit)
    Mosspoppy – Gray and white she-cat (expecting Swiftflash’s kits [I don’t care about the age gap])
    Fallen Leaves – White tom with ginger patches
    Fernheart – Dark gray tabby tom

    Current History:
    Heatherpaw and Lionpaw finally end up in the tunnels and never came back. Thistlekit, Sedgekit, and Swallowkit end up in the tunnels and become DarkClan’s first kits. Jaypaw wonders where he went and wanders into ‘DarkClan’ and ends up becoming medicine cat. Heatherpaw decides to receive her 9 lives and somehow becomes Heatherstar. Heatherstar names Lionpaw Lionblaze. Jaypaw is named Jayfeather. Ashfur tries to burn down Hollyleaf to hurt Squirrelflight but Squirrelflight tells her that she is not the mother. Hollyleaf is angry and kills Ashfur, and also makes Squirrelflight tell the truth. The fourth cat in the prophecy is Dovewing. Later, during a famine that every aboveground clan is suffering. Larchfall, Stormpaw, Mosspoppy, Badgerfang, Swiftflash, Juniperpaw, and Dandelionpaw decided to leave and live somewhere else. Heatherstar and Lionblaze had 2 kits, Darkkit and Streamkit. Goldy and Fern decided to live with them. Snowfall is picked up by another hawk and is dropped in front of the DarkClan entrance.

    Also, in this world……….
    – Mosskit lives and becomes Mosspoppy.
    – Badgerfang lives.
    – Snowkit lives and becomes Snowfall. (Also, he had a scar across his ears.)
    – Swiftpaw lives and becomes Swiftflash.
    – Larchkit and Hollykit live becoming Larchfall and Hollyberry. Hollyberry dies of greencough anyways, and that’s why Larchfall left.
    – Hollyleaf has a power, forcing cats to tell the truth.
    – Juniperkit and Dandelionkit live and become Juniperbranch and Dandelionseed.

    If you want add more characters that might show up later.

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