Fan Fiction

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[image description: a black-and-white photo of a kitten sleeping in a cavity of a typewriter]


  • ˜”*°•.˜”*°• Despised: Prologue •°*”˜.•°*”˜
    𝓝𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓻 𝔀𝓲𝓵𝓵 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓿𝓲𝓮𝔀 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓼 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓼𝓮𝓮 𝓫𝓮𝓯𝓸𝓻𝓮 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝔀𝓲𝓽𝓱 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓼𝓪𝓶𝓮 𝓲𝓷𝓷𝓸𝓬𝓮𝓷𝓬𝓮 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓭𝓲𝓭 𝓪𝓼 𝓪 𝓬𝓱𝓲𝓵𝓭. 𝓛𝓸𝓸𝓴 𝓪𝓽 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓼𝓽𝓪𝓻𝓼- 𝓪𝓻𝓮 𝓽𝓱𝓮𝔂 𝓼𝓽𝓲𝓵𝓵 𝓪𝓼 𝓫𝓮𝓪𝓾𝓽𝓲𝓯𝓾𝓵 𝓪𝓼 𝓽𝓱𝓮𝔂 𝓸𝓷𝓬𝓮 𝔀𝓮𝓻𝓮? 
    RavenClan was in a state of disarray. Warriors bickered openly in the clearing, and Burrstar sat watching them apathetically from her seat outside of the nursery. Inside, a furious she-cat’s voice could be heard, followed by a softer, exasperated tom’s voice.
    “I never wanted kits, Ashfire!” The she-cat snarled, looking down at her newborn kits with a look of sheer bitterness and contempt in her gray-green eyes.
    “I know, Sandshadow- I didn’t either, but here we are, stuck with them. You can’t just get rid of them. There are no other queens in the nursery that can take them. So, for the last time, what are their names?” Ashfire kneaded the ground in frustration, an uncomfortable look in his eye. Sandshadow snorted, giving the kits another contemptuous glare.
    “Brokenkit, Deadkit, and Nokit.” Ashfire’s eyes widened as she said each name. He blinked down at the kits. Tiny, snow-white Brokenkit, bramble-colored Deadkit, and solid black Nokit. With a sigh, Ashfire licked the top of his mate’s head, then turned and padded out of the RavenClan nursery, his head and tail drooping. Burrstar looked up expectantly.
    “I do hope they have names? The Gathering is tonight. I have to make an announcement, as stupid as it is. I don’t want any more flack from FerretClan,” she mewed blandly, curling her lip as she looked at the gray tom. Ashfire sighed, nodding.
    “Brokenkit, Deadkit, and Nokit,” he repeated disconsolately, meeting Burrstar’s dim amber gaze. She raised an eyebrow.
    “Creative. Sandshadow chose them, I assume?” He nodded, and the big tortoiseshell she-cat let out a snort. “Of course she did. RavenClan! Shut your traps and get on your paws- we have a Gathering to attend.” One by one, the squabbling cats scattered around the clearing filed out of camp, Burrstar in the lead. Ashfire cast one last glance at the nursery, then turned to leave, his ears flat against his head.


    During the night, a tiny black shape stirred in the nursery.
    Nokit squirmed against the shapes of his siblings, who kicked back in protest.
    “Sleep, Nokit!” He turned to the sound of his sister’s tiny, squeaky voice, and slowly, eyes the color of the full moon opened into the darkness.
    “Mama?”  mewled, looking up at the snoring Sandshadow. His silver eyes clouded with confusion, and he finally rested his tiny head on the edge of the nest with a sigh. He stared out at the sky through the nursery den at the strange, twinkling lights that glittered there. They were beautiful, and the reflection that they cast in his eyes was even more beautiful. He saw the sky without knowing what a “sky” was, and so he was able to take in its full beauty. He did not know that he’d never see the sky in the same innocent way that he did now, and even if he did, he wouldn’t have cared- all he cared about was the beauty of it at the moment.
    After a while, he closed his eyes against the stars and slept soundly, his dreams filled with swirling visions of endless skies.
    Today’s Questions:

    1. How do you think Ashfire really feels about his kits? Do you think he was lying about not wanting them at all?
    2. Do you think Sandshadow will ever learn to love her kits?
    3. Do you think Burrstar will change the kits’ names at their apprentice ceremony? If so, what do you think their names should be?

    Author’s Note:
    Hi guys! This is a reboot of a very old fanfiction I wrote in 2017. I hope you liked the prologue. The first chapter is already in the works! You can submit characters for this fanfiction on the Fanfiction Organization page.
    As always, constructive criticism is always greatly appreciated!

    • 1. Ashfire wants the kits I think
      2. That depends on if she’s just not interested at all or if she’s perhaps going through a really difficult time in her life, such as post-partum depression.
      3. I would really hope so oh my gosh. Name them something nice like Hopekit, or Faithkit, or sOMETHING BURRSTAR SDIOFJSDOFJ

    • hey Mink, I gave a character, but I think it might still be waiting for approval. I like this fanfiction!

    • 1.)While he may not have wanted kits, I think Ashfire is attached to them now that he has them.
      2.) I hope so! It would make interesting character development!
      3.) Again, I hope so 😛
      if I was in charge of remaining them, I’d go Swankit for Brokenkit, Sablekit for Deadkit, and Coalkit for Nokit.

    • 1. I get the impression that Ashfire wants the kits; he seemed pretty upset when he learned their names
      2. Maybe, but I don’t know enough about her to say. If she stays like this, then no.
      3. Again maybe, but I don’t think so. She seems REALLLLLY apathetic; even more apathetic than I pretend to be 😛

    • 1. He was lying… I think
      2. Maybe? I REALLY hope she does and doesn’t end up as bad of a mother as Rainflower
      3. Yes please!
      Brokenkit- Snowypaw
      Deadkit- Berrypaw
      Nokit- Nightpaw

      • And maybe the warrior names can be;
        (btw these are just suggestions)

    • I think this is great! Very beautifully written, and RavenClan is a neat name for a Clan.
      I think that Ashfire does want the kits, because he was sad and angry at Sandshadow when she named them Brokenkit, Deadkit, and Nokit. So I think he was lying about not wanting the kits, afraid of his mate’s sharp tongue.
      I think she might at the very end, though I find it unlikely at the moment. Maybe her bitterness will melt away as she see’s how great her kits are.
      And I think that Burrstar will. But it’s really hard to tell, because we have not seen much of her character, except that she used a kind of rude way to call her Clan together for the gathering, and she really wanted to hear the names of Sandshadow’s kits.

  • Chapter Four
    Starpaw padded out of the volcano with Preyhunter. FOR THE FIRST TIME. It was just after her apprentice ceremony. This was the moment, the second, she’d dreamed for her whole life. She’d always dreamed that there would be a big forest with soft, peaceful moonlight coming filtering through the trees and stars gleaming in the sky. She shouldn’t of gotten her hopes up. If the volcano was a dump, the outside of it was worse. It was terrible. There was a long lava river around the volcano, and just a big strech of empty ground that looked boring. And then there were caves on the cliff. Starpaw wondered what was in those caves. Almost as though to answer her question, Mastermind emerged from one of the caves with an old red RainClan cat following him sadly. Starpaw wondered why the RainClan cat was here. She also felt sorry for the RainClan cat. The only trees on the island were a few unhealthy looking trees on the shore. Then there was ocean all around. The only light was from the lava, as there were clouds across the sky for as far as Starpaw could see. She didn’t want Preyhunter to see she hated it, so she just pretended it was okay.
    “This is it,” Preyhunter meowed, “Terrible, right?”
    “Even more of a dump than the volcano,” Starpaw agreed. Preyhunter nodded. They padded down the volcano.
    “Careful!” Preyhunter meowed at the lava river, “There are stepping stones that don’t get touched by lava. Before you were kitted Foreshadow slipped and fell into the lava. A few cats have done that before.” Preyhunter used his tail to gesture at some ashy black tufts of fur. Starpaw shivered despite the immense heat. She got a tour of the island, and she saw very few bits of prey.
    “We usually hunt in the rainforest,” Preyhunter explained, “You’re not allowed off the island yet, so I’ll have to teach you here.” Starpaw nodded, staring at the terrible landscape. Ew. After they were done, Darkpaw helped Starpaw find the apprentices den. Starpaw saw that there were four ledges. Darkpaw lept onto a top one. Blackpaw was on a bottom one. Starpaw lept up onto the one next to Darkpaw’s. It was hard and rocky. She wasn’t used to sleeping on a hard and rocky ledge. Sure, she had in the nursery with Farsight, but Farsight had made sure that Starpaw wasn’t feeling hard rock and felt Farsight’s warm and comforting fur. Starpaw didn’t want to show to Darkpaw and Blackpaw that she wasn’t comftorble, so she didn’t say anything.
    “UP!” Feirceteeth’s shout broke into Starpaw’s dream. Starpaw woke up and looked around. Feirceteeth had padded in to get Darkpaw. Strongwing padded in after and took Blackpaw. Preyhunter, smelling of milk(he probably visited Moonseer, Mightykit, and Mindkit), took Starpaw out. Starpaw learned some hunting tricks. When Starpaw went to the fresh-kill pile, Morrowseer stepped in front of her.
    “Hey, I’m hungry!” Starpaw complained.
    “You get to eat in three weeks,” Morrowseer meowed.
    “WHAT?!” Starpaw screamed.
    “Would you like it to be four?” Morrowseer asked. Starpaw shook her head and padded away. She tried to ignore the hunger prowling her belly like a cat stalking it’s prey. Perhaps this wasn’t the life she’d hoped for. But it was better than nothing. Right?

  • Your First day of school
    Teacher ” Hello everyone my name is Mrs.Green but you can call me Mrs. Green”
    Hermione 2.0 ” Mrs. Green what are we going to learn today ”
    Teacher “Well uh” looks at nametag “Alice we’re not going to learn anything that’ll start tomorrow.
    Hermione 2.0 “well that simply just I’m lost for words whats the use of school if we don’t learn.” Under her breath mutter ” I told my parents I should have skipped to High School.”
    the Teacher looks thoughtfully ” What about multiplying fractions by decimals.”
    Everyone else sighs
    Hermoine 2.0 “are we in kindergarden I learned that stuff years ago
    Teacher “Alice I’ll go to the 8 grade teacher and ask for her hardest stuff everyone else can do this.”
    After the Teacher and Hermione 2.0 leave Random kid cries
    Next Day
    the teacher ” Where’s you Homework ”
    You ” the dog ate it ”
    the teacher ” I didn’t know dogs eat homework”
    You “Oh they love it with some kibble and dog food on top its better if you add some dog treats too than roll it up like a tortia and it’ll eat it easily.”
    the teacher pulls out detention ship and write because “Uh kid whats your name.”
    You run out of the classroom
    teacher ” uh does anyone know that kids name.”
    Hermione 2.0 ” check his desk.”
    Teacher looks and writes because dave fed his dog his homework. “all right I’ll ask the principal to aprove this i’ll be right back
    Principal’s office
    The principal trashes the detention slip and tell teacher” Go back to teaching.”
    The End

  • What is love?

    First interview- Ashton 

    “Ashton,” Faith said. “what does love mean?” Prince snorted and Ash flushed. “What kind of question is that?” He yelped, his dark blue eyes wide with panic. “Please,” Frost sighed. “It’s a simple question. What does love mean to you?” Prince put his phone down, “This’ll be interesting.” He squinted at Ash. “I.. Um-” Prince cut him off, “You better say the right thing.” He warned him. The black haired boy gulped. “I don’t have all dayyy.” Faith whined. “Ok ok,” Ash took in a deep breath. “I think love is.. Strange.” Prince facepalmed, “Seriously?” Ash glanced at him, offended. “Hey!” Faith waved her hand, annoyed. “Go on, Ash.” “I fell in love with this weird guy,” He jerked his thumb at Prince, who was smiling. “And now I’m his boyfriend. Love can be amazing sometimes and it could be the worst thing ever.” Faith nodded, “Wise words there.” Ashton grinned as he wrapped his fingers around his pencil. “Well see you guys later,” Faith flipped her hair. “Thanks, see you around Ash, Prince.”


    What did I do? I made a love interviewing tv show fanfiction thing with my ocs..

  • A poem I wrote called “As I Fall,” I’d love some constructive criticism.

    As  I fall through the mist 
    I pondered the end
    Shades of blue embrace me
    Where the clouds had not
    Wind both softens and encourages my fall
    A shriek of excitement tears through my lips
    It was gone in an instant
    Swallowed by the sky I fall through 
    My hands grasp at air
    Air I am struggling to breath
    I was crashing from my high
    This is what happens as you fall from cloud nine
    Cerulean backdrop, pearl clouds, golden light
    They make up the palace of which I have been evicted
    The palace of the stars
    The night 
    The day
    And everything in between
    As I fall through the sky, it snatches my thoughts
    As fleeting and faint as the breeze
    My hair whips around me and I can no longer see
    People talk of what happens as the sky is falling
    No one ever talks of what happens as you fall through the sky
    My heart beats in time with the wings of the birds
    My smile fades as the light does
    I fall
                           and hit the ground
    The earth doesn’t hold me like the sky did
    I had wings and they burn
    Bones break and shatter
    They scatter like shards of glass
    The wind has gone
    And I am alone
    Clouds didn’t support my weight
    I was weightless for mere moments
    And now I have fallen

  • I am trying to make a fanfic…how many cats per Clan are there/should there be? I have 11 warriors, 2 queens, 5 kits, 2 elders, and 2 apps. Also med cat, leader, and deputy. This will be the main Clan, the others won’t be as big.

  • I have made the prologue to a Foxcraft-Warriors fanfiction. Constructive critisism pls. Btw Foxcraft is an awesome trilogy about foxes who can do magic. The fanfic is mostly warriors though. [spoiler title=”Prologue”] Prologue
      Isla heard a noise over the den. Scrape, scratch, scratch. Something was digging in! She leapt to her feet in panic. Her cubs! They were only a few days old, unable to protect themselves from the thing digging towards her. As massive claws broke through the top of the den, Isla stood over her three cubs. Muttering to herself, “I am the fur that ruffles your back, I am the twist and shake of your tail. Let me appear in the shape of your body: no one can tell; others will fear; dare not come near! I am Isla. I am changing. I am the female coyote. Her small dark paws became bristled and tan, her slippery body grew. A scarred female coyote stood where Isla once stood, snapping and snarling and the paws descending into the den. 

    Soon a dog the color of dust had dug its way into the den. Isla in coyote form bit at it and scratched it, but the dog was strong. A well placed blow knocked Isla across the den, and she slipped back into fox form. Half unconscious, she watched the dog fix her cubs with a hungry expression. No! Isla thought, her rage channeling into foxcraft. As the dog picked up a cub she sent angry red ribbons blasting towards it. The dog yelped and bolted out of the hole. It had one of her cubs in its jaws. Her heart broke.

    A short while later, Shadestone told Beetlepaw, “What do you smell?” She opened her mouth and twisted her head back and forth. Beetlepaw answered confidently, “ShadowClan, squirrel, growing things, and oh, wait. Dog I think. And maybe some fox.” Shadestone twisted and sniffed the air. There was the scent of a dog. Coming from the same direction. Although Shadestone was the oldest warrior in the Clan, he was still insanely rash. “Your right. It’s coming from over there. Let’s go check it out. 

    The scent of dog was strong now. Shadestone got nervous and glanced at the patrol. Beetlepaw, his overconfident apprentice, Mousefoot, who preferred to stay quiet, but was loyal all the same, and Shiverbird, a small warrior who had lost her littermates, and right foreleg, to a badger attack, and was never quite the same since. “Don’t attack the dog. At least until I say so.” Mousefoot nodded mutley and headed for the nearest tree. Shiverbird skittered after him, her eyes wide. 

    Peering through the bush, Shadestone saw an enormous dust colored dog come to a halt. It was favoring one of its hind legs. And it had something in its jaws. “Is that a cat kit?” Beetlepaw exclaimed, sliding in next to him. “Look! It’s still alive! Shadestone we can’t let the dog kill it. That would be horrible! Please.” She begged. Shadestone wanted to ignore it, chase the dog off the territory, but seeing the kit in the dog’s jaws he relented.

    “Look at its leg. Something scratched it before. Probably not too long ago. I am going to target that leg, and Mousefoot and Shiverbird will grab the kit.” He tore out of the bush leaving Beetlepaw looking like he ate the last piece of fresh kill. Never mind that, he yowled his instructions at the tree. Mousefoot literally flew off the tree at the dog. Raking his claws down the dog’s leg he saw Shiverbird looking torn in the tree. Poor cat. Too afraid to fight. Nearly unable to hunt. But Mousefoot was losing the fight. Suddenly a tortoiseshell blur shot out of the bushes. She scrabbled, claws out, at the dog. Mousefoot took his chance and grabbed the kit. He stashed it in a bush and helped Shadestone drive it away.

    As they sprawled on their bellies panting, Shiverbird came out of the tree. “I’m sorry,” she squeaked. “I kept seeing the badger every time I tried to help. I didn’t mean to be disloyal. But it was very brave of you.” She said warmly to Beetlepaw. 

    “Yeah, so don’t leave me out of the plan next time. I’m just as good as any warrior.” Beetlepaw sniped at him. Shadestone sighed. She could be a total nightmare sometimes. “ Let’s just bring the kit back to camp….”

    [/spoiler] (This is the first time I shared my stories. I hope it’s good.)

  • Here’s my sorta prologue of my fanfiction

    Dawn ran into the clan camp. She pounced on a white cat who was attacking her friend. “RETREAT” Her leader cried. She got of the cat and watched the rest of her group leave. She felt a sudden strike her eyes. She couldn’t see. “Leave before I make you” Dawn rushed out of the camp and ran off blind. It was in the middle of Leaf-Bare. She felt the snowflakes land on her and she felt at peace. Dawn sniffed the air hoping to get a scent of her group. Nothing. She sniffed the air and scented something. It was not a scent of her group but a badger. Why do I have to be blind now! Dawn felt a strike of pain at her side. She was pushed down into the snow. The cold engulfing her. Her body was left in the snow. I guess this is the end. She thought. A darkness engulfed her and her body was lifeless. Dawn’s spirit rose up to the stars, and she saw her mother and her sister who died at birth. Her spirit is in a sacred place called the Navanuk. (Nah-ven-nuk) Dawn watched over her brother and friends and all cats. She is known as Lawanda. Which means Little wanderer.

    I need some help on my book name idea

  • Hey guys! I’m making a KotLC fanfic, and this is the preface. hope u like 😛

    The bright gleam of the cerulean leaping crystal shone in the pure moonlight. The light broke and a slim figure emerged from it. In front was a large crystal mansion, surrounded by a massive garden with growing roses, with the crescent moon throbbing heavily in the background. 
    The breeze was soft that night, as the figure – a girl – in a dark green dress walked gingerly over to the house, her long chestnut hair waving in the wind.
    She stopped, and sighed, a salty tear dropping down her tan face. As she head her hung low, she cupped her hands on her face. 
    “I’ve been away for so long.” She whispered.
    “Willowcrest,” the name of her home hung in the air, quietly. 
    Out of the house came little gnomes, one by one, all escorting the girl – a teenager – to her home. 
    “Ms. Sypa!” One of the gnomes said, rushing with joy. 
    “Werthi, you know you can call me Ahsara. I feel royal when you call me that.” She blushed a shade of pin
    “Well, okay,” Werthi responded.
    “It’s so late, Ahsara. Why don’t you get to bed?” Werthi suggested.
    “No.” She responded firmly. “I need to keep practicing!” Ahsara spoke.
    “Then why did you come home?” Werthi asked. 
    “No..” Ahsara said wearily, not aware of the moment.
    “Master?” Werthi squeaked.
    Ahsara groaned, then she felt her eyes close in a world of darkness.

  • Chapter Five
    Starpaw sat up. She had trained herself to wake up before Feirceteeth’s rude awakening so she didn’t have to get a rude awakening. Feirceteeth padded in.
    “UP!” she shouted. Starpaw covered her ears. Darkpaw had better get up, Feiceteeth thought, her Warrior assesment is today. Mightykit and Mindkit are almost ready to join Starpaw here. Good. Those kits need training. I think kits should leave their mothers when they are weaned, not at 6 moons. Starpaw was happy that Feirceteeth was not inline for the Treetop. If she were, she’d be Feircestar, the leader who destroyed NightClan. She saw a very unlikely vision of it.
    “Feirceteeth, do we have to be so-what’s the word I’m looking for-loud?” Strongwing meowed as he padded in after Feirceteeth. I love her, but sometimes Feirceteeth is too loud, Strongwing thought. Starpaw had seen a very unlikely, like 1 out of 100 % chance, vision where Feirceteeth and Strongwing had three kits named Bravekit, Leaderkit, and Scratchkit. They would all be insecure because they had such a feirce mother and a weak father. Nope, those kits would probably never have life. But, wait, it was Darkpaw and Blackpaw’s assesment day? That would mean Starpaw would be the only apprentice, and when Mightykit and Mindkit came, she would be the lead apprentice, not Darkpaw! Yay! Preyhunter padded in and took Starpaw out hunting. It was the apprentices turn to eat this week, so Starpaw hunted as much as she could. Her hunger threatened to make her collapse, as though the hunger prowled her belly as a cat hunting it’s prey. Starpaw quickly killed a big bird thing and took it back to the volcano. She ate it, and did she feel sick? Yes. Did she feel hungry? No. Darkpaw and Blackpaw bounced in.
    “We’re going to be Warriors!” Darkpaw exclaimed.
    “Yay!” Starpaw meowed.
    “Yeah, we passed!” Blackpaw meowed. Starpaw padded outside of the volcano as Feirceteeth and Strongwing padded into the apprentices den to groom Darkpaw and Blackpaw. Starpaw, being an apprentice, wasn’t invited. She watched her father and Venganceclaw take a golden RainClan she-cat into one of those caves. Wait, that RainClan she-cat didn’t look big or old enough to be a Warrior. The she-cat looked even younger than Starpaw! Why, Venganceclaw had taken back a RainClan apprentice and Mastermind, Starpaw’s father, was fine with it?! How dare Mastermind tell me no more? Vengeanceclaw thought, If I can, I’ll get more. More what? RainClan cats? I’m not sure Vengeanceclaw will obey me, Mastermind thought, well, I’d better go join Farsight at the meeting. Starpaw decided not to show her father she was shaken up.
    After the meeting, Darkpaw and Blackpaw came over to Starpaw.
    “I’m Darkshade now!” Darkshade meowed.
    “And I’m Blackshadow,” Blackshadow meowed.
    “Cool!” Starpaw meowed. She padded to the apprentices den, where it felt quite lonely. Then she had a vision. There were screaming NightClan cats, running through the tunnel in the rainforest. Morrowseer stood in front of five cats, a brown tom, a blue she-cat, a greenish she-cat, a black tom, and a golden she-cat.
    “The prophecy isn’t real,” Morrowseer meowed, “none of them were.” Oh but how this one was real. And in the background, behind everything, was what NightClan cats were running from.
    The volcano. It was errupting.

    • lol i have an oc (wait no its Draco’s warrior name) named Darkshade

    • Wow. All I can say is wow. It is really well written, and it is such a creative idea. I love Wings of fire and Warriors, so this is the perfect combination!
      Good job!

  • reposting because i have fixed some mistakes and wrote another 2 chapters.

    [spoiler title=”my story”] CHAPTER 1

    So this was it.
    Minttail took a few hesitant steps forwards.
    “Hey,”  he mewed quietly, looking at the floor, “Can I ask you something?”
    Rosewhisker gazed at him.
    “Sure thing!” she purred, rubbing her muzzle against his cheek.
    Minttail pulled away.
    “N-no, no, it doesn’t matter” he mewed quickly and then without another word he bounded off deeper into the forest.
    How can she do this, he thought ,sadly.

    Titpaw popped her head out of the ground.
    Minttail stared at her.
    “Get out of there this instant!” he snapped. Seeing Titpaw’s face, he quickly mewed:
    “I’m sorry, I’m not angry at you, it’s not your fault,”.
    “Come look!” mewed Titpaw, “We found our new camp!”.
    Minttail brushed through the damp ferns and peered over a boulder, behind it was a small tunnel, way too small for him to ever fit through. Titpaw waved her tail at a patch of wet moss a couple of tail-lengths away and Minttail cautiously padded towards it. He hooked one of his claws under the moss and pulled. The moss lifted, revealing a wide cave with rock ledges around the walls.
    “This is perfect!” he purred.

    It was 4 sunrises later and the forest had finally dried. Minttail buried half his prey deep in the earth and took the other half back to the Stormclan camp.
    It had once been a beautiful camp, before the first cat was born, a massive storm wrecked the place he calls home. Mossclan found it and fixed it and after that, new growth started growing, the medicine cat took this as a sign that Starclan wanted them to settle there and so the cats re-named themselves and became Stormclan.
    Then, the cats mated and the she-cats had kits. Both the camp and the cats thrived for many moons before Snowheart became leader. He was a white tom and white was the colour of innocence, but where there innocence there is also  trickery and lies and this cat was named Snowheart because his heart was as cold as the snow he was named after.
    Minttail rebelled and the 6 apprentices joined him, but they knew no one could know so they pretended to stay loyal to their leader.
    No other cat knew this, not even Rosewhisker, who he loved dearly but wasn’t brave enough to tell her about the rebels in case he lost her love. 


    Rosewhisker felt heavy, even though the forest was dry and so was her pelt.
    “Looks like you’ve eaten one too many mice ,” observed Squirreltail.
    Rosewhisker looked at her belly. It was swollen 
    The truth hit her like a monster running on the thunderpath.
    She was having kits!
    She stumbled out of her den and found a quiet place in the nursery.
    The nursery was at the front of the camp and ever so slightly raised and from her den she could see all the cats in the whole camp.
    She made a list in her head of all the toms.

    Mossy Wing

    Someone was missing.
    Of course!
    But he had made it clear he didn’t love her.
    Their father was probably Mossy Wing, who she was in love with before she met Minttail.
    She hoped Minttail wasn’t her kit’s father. At least Mossy Wing actually loved her.


    Each and everyday the rebels were growing bigger and bigger.
    Her, Minttail, her brother Woodpeckerpaw,Smallpaw, Quickpaw,Lightpaw and his brother Stripypaw and there were more. Minttail had found a loner and her sister and they said they knew what Snow Heart was doing so Minttail invited them too and they accepted. 
    The tiny tunnel Titpaw had found was the apprentice’s den because all the apprentices were small and only they could fit and the big cave was the warrior’s den where  Minttail, Acorn and Lightning stayed.
    Everyday they would hunt and bury half the prey in their secret camp and bring the other half back to The Stormclan camp so no one suspected anything.
    Titpaw and Lightning would find some herbs and put them one the ledges in the warriors den.
    They now had a supply of Borage, Marigold, Poppy Seeds and cobweb, just in case and if anything bad happened, then they could move and live in their secret camp.

    Titpaw was back in camp,
    “What if someone finds out about the hidden camp?” she whispered to Minttail.
    “I won’t let them harm any of the rebels,” he murmured in her ear.
    “Let all cats old enough to be of use to their clan gather here, for I have summoned you!” yowled Snow Heart.
    Many cats pricked up their eyes at the new meeting call, but they still obeyed. Titpaw noticed that Rosewhisker was in the nursery and Minttail was next to her.
    “Shouldn’t you be comforting your mate?” she mewed to him.
    “Why?” Minttail asked.
    “You, dumb furball! Just look around for once!”
    Minttail looked about the camp and then raced towards Rosewhisker.

    The clan meeting had been about loners scented on clan territory. Most probably Acorn and Lightning.

    CHAPTER 4 

    Minttail felt his shy side coming up, even though he was near Rosewhisker.
    She could never join the rebels now she was having kits and Minttail didn’t want her kits to be raised as rebels, either.
    “What are you doing here?!” spat Rosewhisker.
    “Are you OK?” Minttail asked.
    “I’m having kits,” she mewed.
    “I can see that,” replied Minttail calmly.
    “Minttail,” Rosewhisker whispered, “What are you hiding from me?”
    Minttail looked around the nursery. They were the only cats there. So he told her.
    Rosewhisker sat up.
    “Minttail! I thought you didn’t love me,”
    “I do,” Minttail murmured softly, “I was worried if I told you about the rebels you wouldn’t love me anymore, you still do, right?”
    “Of course,” purred Rosewhisker.  [/spoiler]

  • Small little thing I created with my OCs. I’ll be posting a few stories of them soon!

    Someone random: So, whose prettier, Priya or Julia?
    Gale: I say Priya all the way. Pleasedon’tkillmeJulia.
    Luke: And I say Julia, no questions asked. *stumbles quickly away from Priya*
    Phoebe: This is a really dangerous question…..
    Taylor: For the sake of my life, I’m not answering.
    Chrissy: I have to go now.
    Priya: Julia
    Julia: Priya
    Heroine: Oh look…. a tree.
    Kylie: Me no speak English

  • Chapter 1. I don’t think it’s very good- but the story does get better.
    [spoiler title=”Chapter 1.”] Chapter 1
    Longwillow just had her trio of kits. She can take the new kit. Brittlestar thought to himself. Can’t be Flowerleaf though. Her kits don’t need milk but the new kit does. His mind had been going in circles like this for a long time. What did Shadestone have to get the kit in the first place? He thought crossly, didn’t he realize he keeps dumping work all over my shoulders?

    “Have you made a decision yet?” Midnightshine, the deputy poked her head in. “The whole Clan knows about the little kit now. They’re getting impatient.” Brittlestar sighed. His Clan never thought about what he needed to do. All they wanted was answers to every major thing that happened, like he had to lead all of them.

    “Yes,” he grumbled, “fine. I’ll go tell them.” He snorted and stalked out of the den. Midnightshine trailed behind him, a sad look on her face. “Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey bow-er join beneath the Highroot for a Clan meeting.” He loved to say those words, but as when his Clan came to see what was happening, their faces uplifted and curious, his happiness diminished.

    “The kit,” he yolwed “will stay with Longwillow!” Longwillow, who was watching from the nursery bristled. “Do I have any say in this? I feel like I should.”

    “No Longwillow, I’m afraid you are not Clan leader. I am. And part of the warrior code states ‘The word of the Clan leader is the warrior code.’” He sat down feeling smug. “Come collect the kit.”
    She fixed a death stare on him, filled with so much anger, any other cat would have withered underneath it. She looked down to grab the kit and her gaze softened. Longwillow was always weak when it came to kits. He knew the kit would be treated kindly, and everyone could go back to normal.

    Half a moon passed. The kit now named Barkkit started to grow up. Her dark fur brightened, and her tail puffed up her floppy ears pricked and her eyes opened to reveal intelligent golden eyes. Darkkit-her foster littermate-watched her. Silky black fur ran halfway up all four of her legs and her ears. The tip of her puffy tail was white, but the rest of her was bright red. A red he had never seen before. 

    Others had seen it too. Drizzlekit-an older kit-squeaked “You look different. Kind of…poofy. And bright.” This comment sent Barkkit skittering towards Longwillow, asking if she was weird. Longwillow got up and walked out of the den. She came back moments later with two new cats. One had very patchy, messy fur, though she didn’t look very old, just, overwhelmed. The other was small and slight boned, and very curious. Longwillow gestured toward Barkkit. Patchy-cat said “I see.”

    Barkkit was nervous. Longwillow was speaking quickly to two new cats. Too quickly for her to understand. But she caught the words “Fox…red pelt…my kits…” Another cat who was very small spoke up. “What if… foxes are bad because…but she is…cat…please don’t hurt her.”

    Barkkit knew from Drizzlekit and Fogkit that foxes were terrifying. They were violent and cruel and killed for no reason. How could they say ‘Fox’ and ‘Barkkit’ in the same sentence?  Longwillow was coming. She’d explain what was going on. But as she said “Hey Barkkit, can I talk to you,” She could help but get an ominous feeling. 

    [/spoiler] I hope you like it though 🙂

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