• Rabbitflameoโ€™s Rotation:
    Exactly what it sounds like
    Aloestem buy Starpaw!
    Belljingle buy VulpineNecromancer!
    Cardinalwing buy Wolffur!
    Daphnepetal buy Midnight!
    Eveningdusk buy Sunnyslip!
    Flaxflicker buy Lillypaw!
    Aloeleaf, Aloevera, Aloewhisp, and Aloebloom buy Lillypaw, VulpineNecromancer, Silverfeather, and Midnight!
    Bellbreeze buy Lillypaw!
    Daphnenectar and Daphneshine buy Sunnyslip and Starpaw!
    Eveningswift buy Midnight!
    Flaxstalk buy Starpaw!
    Viperfrost โ€“ 8 pts
    VulpineNecromancer and Midnight โ€“ 7.5 pts
    Lillypaw – 4.5 pts
    Starpaw – 4 pts
    Shimmerpaw/mist โ€“ 3.5 pts
    Flowermistle, Sunnyslip, and Turtlepaw โ€“ 3 pts
    Cinderwhisker, Silverfeather, Shimmerpaw/storm โ€“ 2.5pts
    Kestrelfeather and Silverwolf โ€“ 1.5 pts
    Stormpaw, Wolffur, and Icestripe โ€“ 1 pt
    Sunpaw โ€“ 0.5 pts
    NTA Game 1 – Kestry and Midnight
    Round 11: In Their Own Words

    1. “I am a queen in the latest Warriors books and had kits with the mentor of a Brother.”
    2. “I am a sister of one of the rebels and my nephew harbors a severe crush on me.”
    3. “I used to be a jerk and fought for the dark side but later joined the rebels who fought for a good cause.”

    Good luck!

  • Hi guys! This is Name It! Remember Maplekit, Stormkit and Hawkkit? Well, you’ll be guessing their warrior names! AAANNNNDD If you get all three names correct and since I have no other thing to offer, YOU will make an appearance in my fanfic!
    Along with your guesses, fill out this form if you wanna take the chance of being in my fanfic! ๐Ÿ˜€

    BlogClan Name:
    Loner, Rogue, Warrior(born into a clan:
    Which clan? ShadeClan(Main clan), StreamClan, TreeClan: FireClan: BreezeClan:
    Other stuffs:

    Goooooood luck! I hope you guys EnJoY!

  • Round 2 of Tied Trees is out! Thank you to those who participated in round one! Here are the answers:

    1. Lioneye had 3 brothers and 1 half-sibling. That half-sibling was Weaselkit.
    2. Brownpaw is the brother of Littlecloud and Wetfoot.
    3. Only one of the Mudclaws has a mate. That would be the ShadowClan Mudclaw, who’s mate was Lizardtail.

    Here are the current scores:
    Starla | Starpaw/mist: 3
    Indigo Flowers of a Mistletoe (Flowermistle/Florie): 3
    Swirlfeather: 2
    This is not fancy text (Raven | Raventhornpaw): 1

    Now, for the second round to begin! Remember, you can join/quit/rejoin at any time!

    1. In what ways is Bristlefrost related to Firestar?
    2. Name the suffixes of all of Graystripe’s kits.
    3. Who is Breezepelt’s mother?

    Have fun! Refer below for more details on what this game is.
    [spoiler title=”Tied Trees Basics”] Tied Trees is a fairly new game I made. It is basically warriors family trivia. Every 3-7 days, I will post a new round, with 3 questions. You can do any round. EX: 1, 3, 4, and 5, but not 2. Each question is worth 1 point, but make sure to number your answers. It’s okay to respond to only some questions. [/spoiler]
    [spoiler title=”Record of all Tied Trees Rounds”] Round 1: 2/24/21. 1. Who was Lioneye’s half-sibling? 2. Who is the other brother? Littlecloud, Wetfoot, ??? 3. Who was Mudclaw’s mate? Answers: Weaselkit, Brownpaw, Lizardtail. +3 Starla. +3 Florie. +2 Swirlfeather. +1 Raventhornpaw. [/spoiler]

  • Artwork prizes for my NTI! Sorry it took so long!
    I think I’ve mentioned before that I’ll only draw a head, but then I changed my mind ๐Ÿ˜›



    Lilypaw’s Stormy


    Thanks to everyone who participated in my game! I will host a Guess The Cat soon, so I hope I’ll see you guys again! <3

    • ๐Ÿฆฆ โ™ฅ ๐™ผ๐š’๐š—๐š”๐š๐šŠ๐š’๐š• ๐š’๐šœ ๐š๐šž๐š—๐š—๐š’๐š—๐š ๐š๐š˜๐š› ๐š‚๐š†! โ™ฅ๐Ÿฆฆ says:

      Oh my gosh, Florie, those turned out absolutely adorable!!! ahjdkhjskl I love the pose you drew for me it’s so adorable aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa thank you so much!!!


    • OMG Florie I love how you drew mine!!! It’s absolutely adorable and I’d love to make it my pfp! Gosh I can’t do that… ๐Ÿ˜›

      • I used a website called Imgur, you press “new post” and put the image on, then drag the whole image to this website and throw it into the comment! ๐Ÿ˜€


    [spoiler title=”New Updates”] > Direct messages to players now moved into the โ€œNew Updatesโ€ tab because I have nowhere else to put it. 
    > Art requests currently disabled because of time crunch with the current request stream, although cats who already have requests in the request stream can have it done quicker for half the price. 
    > Message for Starla: Apologies, but the QAMDO store only takes golden coins, so youโ€™d have to trade out your silver coins first. Also, see above update. 
    > Sorted bank accounts per $10 because why not. 

    [spoiler title=”RULES”] General:
    > QAMDO does not stand for anything. Itโ€™s not an acronym, just a random word I thought at the top of my head.
    > Every round, there will be a new game (e.g NTA) for you to play. Please follow the rules for each game. 

    Slightly differing points system:
    > Every round, the winners and the amount of coins (points) they receive will be determined. This number may be more than one depending on the difficulty of the game. 
    > There are currently three types of coins: Golden coins (g, 1), silver coins (s, 0.5), and bronze coins (b, 0.25). 
    > In the bank accounts, all your coins will be totaled to one balance. Instead of pricing just golden or silver coins for one product, player stores can accept any coins as long as it matches the โ€œtotal priceโ€. 
    > The currency corner is where the winners are announced. 

    *SPECIAL* coins:
    > You DO NOT have to earn the special coins. I donโ€™t want you sacrificing your chance to earn golden or silver coins in favor of special coins. Special coins can only be rewarded through coincidences or knowing me well and not recommended as currency for Player Stores. Also, it isnโ€™t even worth earning special coins as they serve practically no purpose except being cool.
    > Omnia Coins (O): These coins currently have no function other than bragging rights. When OCs are involved in this round, if you *somehow* managed to submit something that is fits them, is related to them, or IS them, you get one of these coins. 
    > Diamond Coins (D): These coins currently have no function and no way to get them. 
    > DH Coins (H): These coins currently have no function other than screaming โ€œIโ€™m a comedianโ€. If your submission is funny to me, you get one of these coins.  
    > Interesting Coins (I): These coins currently have no function other than bragging rights. If your submission just seems, well, interesting to me, you get one of these coins. Actually, scrap that. It doesnโ€™t really have a definition…interestingโ€ฆ
    > Wordplay Coins (W): These coins currently have no function other than proving how good you are at making puns. If your submission in name games are along the lines of puns and wordplay, you get this coin. 

    Stores, something you do not see in games:
    > If you receive enough coins, you may purchase something from the QAMDO store. Right now, there isnโ€™t much, so suggest your ideas for QAMDO rewards below (and play the game). 
    > To buy something from the store, 1. Have enough coins and 2. Just comment what you want I’ll get to your order in the next post. Meanwhile, if Iโ€™m not finished at that time, Iโ€™ll put your purchase in the โ€œpendingโ€ section. 
    > Alternatively, you can also set up your own shop if you want to. Just tell me your product and the pricing. If someone else decides to buy your products, you will recieve the coins. However, your product cannot be a physical object that can be held by human hands and you can only price your products with in-game currency. However, special coins are not recommended as currency. 
    > In order to set up a shop that doesnโ€™t use only one coin type, but instead the โ€œtotal priceโ€, only use the number.  
    > When trading coins, you can only purchase with those newly founded coins AFTER the purchase is verified. Usually, the verifciation pops up the next round in the currency corner. 

    Suggestion Boxes:
    > You may suggest ideas for whatever is in these boxes. Highly recommended.
    > For every suggestion from the suggestion box you suggest, you receive 1 bronze coin. [/spoiler]

    [spoiler title=”Currency Corner”] 
    Viper: +4 silver coins (Crimedapple, Felonysnap, Theftripple, Arsonflicker)
    Sunnie: +1 golden coin, +1 silver coin (Crimeswipe, Robberyleaf)
    Starla: +2 silver coin (Crimecoin, Burglarysneak)
    Swirl: +2 silver coins, +3 golden coins (Crimeshine, Felonyfur, Robberysplash, Burglarystream, Kidnapclaw)
    Crystal: +2 silver coins, +1 golden coin (Crimesneak, Robberyswipe, Vandalismpaint)
    Rabbit: +2 golden coins, +5 silver coins (Misdemeanorgrin, Felonyshadow, Taxfraudthief, Theftsnatch, Burglarysmirk, Vandalismspray, Manslaughterice)
    Lil: +3 silver coins, +3 golden coins (Felonyfeather, Robberyripple, Burglarybreeze, Arsonsnake, Manslaugtermoon, Murdernight)
    Shimmer: +3 silver coins, +1 golden coin (Felonytree, Arsonsnake, Manslaughterknife, Murdershine)
    Leafyz: +1 golden coin, +4 silver coins (Felonyhead, Theftsteal, Arsonblood, Manslaughterbreeze, Murderdirt)
    Silvy: +1 golden coin, +4 silver coins (Taxfraudrock, Vandalismclaw, Arsonsplash, Manslaughterfrost, Kidnapcry)
    Midnight: +1 golden coin, +2 silver coins (Theftstalker, Burglaryswoop, Kidnapdart)

    nothing to see here [/spoiler]

    ROUND 8: NTW
    Stands for Name That Warrior. Give these Warriors a prefix. Winners receive 1 golden coin, Honorable mentions receive 1 silver coin, and any suggestions (from the suggestion box) receive 1 bronze coin. 

    [spoiler title=”Bank Accounts”] $20.01 ~ $30.00: 
    Lil: 15G, 16S, 7B, 1ยฝO, 2H (24.75) 

    $10.01 ~ $20.00:
    Leafyz: 10G, 12S, 2B, 2O (16.5)
    Silvy: 11G, 11S, 2O (16.5)
    Riv: 12G, 4S, 3B, ยฝO (14.75)
    Midnight: 8G, 10S, 6B, 1I (14.5)
    Starla: 5G, 13S, 2B (12)
    Shimmer: 8G, 5S (10.5)

    $0.01 ~ $10.00:
    Rainy: 2G, 13S, 5B (9.75)
    Mink: 5G, 3S (6.5)
    Florie: 2G, 8S, 1W (6)
    Viper: 2G, 7S, 1B (5.75) 
    Rabbit: 2G, 5S (4.5)
    Ice: 3G, 2S (4)
    Swirl: 3G, 2S (4)
    Spring: 2G, 3S (3.5)
    Bright: 2G, 3S (3.5) 
    Crystal: 1G, 2S (2)
    Flame: 3S (1.5)
    Sunnie: 1G, 1S (1.5) 
    Echo: 1G (1)
    River: 1S, 2B (1)
    Silver: 1G (1) 

    [spoiler title=”QAMDO Store”] Used Secret Page (8 remaining) ~ 50 golden coins per page 
    Unused Secret Page (infinite) ~ 100 golden coins per page 
    Golden Coin (infinite) ~ 2 silver coins per 1 golden coin or 4 bronze coins per 1 golden coin
    Silver Coin (infinite) ~ 1 golden coin per 2 silver coins or 2 bronze coins per 1 silver coin
    Art Request (new requests temporarily disabled) ~ 10 golden coins per request [/spoiler]

    [spoiler title=”Player Stores”] Starla: 
    Secret Page 1 ~ 40 golden coins
    Secret Page 2 ~ 60 golden coins
    Secret Page 3 ~ 60 golden coins
    Secret Page 4 ~ 70 golden coins
    Secret Page 5 ~ 70 golden coins [/spoiler]

    [spoiler title=”Pending Orders”] [/spoiler]

    [spoiler title=”Suggestion Box”] > Suggestions for new games. 
    > Suggestions for new products in the QAMDO Store. 
    > Suggestions for new *SPECIAL* coins
    > Suggestions for functions of the *SPECIAL* coins
    > Suggestions for how to get the diamond coin [/spoiler]

  • Hi guys! This is Name It results! The kits names were. . .


    I’m sorry, no one got it but to make it easier, in my next name it, if you get one correct and if you want, you will appear in the story for one chapter. If you get two correct, you’ll be in the story just not for the whole thhing. If you get all three, you’ll be permanent if you want! I can’t promise you’ll be super important but you will be mentioned many times! Anyway thanks for playing guys! (I want to give a point to Flowermistle because Stormclaw is actually someone I really care for irl. )

  • Iโ€™m very sorry, but Iโ€™ve been very busy. I donโ€™t have time for a weekly NTA show anymore. Perhaps during the summer Iโ€™ll think of a re-release , but for now itโ€™s canceled. Pinestripe won, you all did a fantastic job, and Iโ€™ll see you around.


  • Starclan has taken your answers into careful consideration, and the cat the community has made is almost ready.

    Our cat will be:

    A female (100% with 5 votes)

    A Blue Tortie since those were the top 2 (20% and 20% with 3 votes respectively)

    They are Empathetic, Opptimistic, Ambiverted, Friendly, and a bit Skittish. (wowie that’s interesting)

    Now that all that’s done, we can do the last thing, picking a name!

    Go here for the new poll:
    Name: https://www.strawpoll.me/42713964 (There’s a typo but whatever lol) or here to join paw.jpg โ€“ BlogClan

  • Ambieโ€™s Ask StarClan Round 2-2

    [spoiler title=”Rules”] First of all, ask StarClan is a game that is similar to murder mystery, but instead of asking cats, you can only ask StarClan. Here are the rules:

    • Only ask yes or no questions
    • *Hint: Isโ€ฆ or Willโ€ฆ
    • If you TAG the wrong cat, you lose the opportunity to ask a question next round
    • Only ask 1 question each round
    • You can ask for a hint, but if you ask for a hint in a round, you cannot ask questions, which means youโ€™ll have to choose either a hint or a question, but the hint may be a lie
    • To make it a little bit harder, you may not ask for the initials or the alphabets this round, cause it seems to be too easy to guess the alphabets. Letโ€™s try this out! [/spoiler]

    [spoiler title=”Allegiances”] HerbClan Allegiances:
    Leader: Blazingstar – Yellow tom with white dots on his face

    Deputy: Chervilroot – White tabby she-cat

    Medicine cat: Poppyseed – Gray she-cat with silver stripes on her head
    Apprentice, Daisypaw

    Sorrelnut – Brown she-cat with green eyes
    Apprentice, Chamomilepaw
    Yarrowleaf – Golden tom who lost one of his eyes
    Moonpool – White she-cat with blue eyes
    Apprentice, Comfreypaw
    Catnip – Blue tom with a very long tail
    Apprentice, Stempaw
    Juniperberry – Tortoiseshell she-cat with pale blue eyes
    Mousebile – Brown tabby tom
    Apprentice, Sunpaw
    Watermint – Cream-colored tabby tom with a shredded ear
    Apprentice, Oakpaw
    Burdockroot – Muscular black tom
    Calendinemint – Beautiful white she-cat with light spotted back
    Blackberry – Gray she-cat with a black tail
    Apprentice, Wildpaw
    Eclipsefall – Cream-and-brown she-cat with spots
    Skyshatter – Blue tom with shining white eyes
    Riverflame – Dark ginger tom with red eyes
    Apprentice, Forestpaw

    Chamomilepaw – Brown tabby tom with blue eyes
    Comfreypaw – White she-cat with unspotted ginger stripes and amber eyes
    Stempaw – Smoky black she-cat with sparkling green eyes
    Oakpaw – Gray tom with scars on his back
    Daisypaw – Reddish-brown she-cat with white underbelly
    Wildpaw – White tom with red eyes
    Forestpaw – Very unusual green tom
    Sunpaw – Brown tom with white underbelly

    Alderleaf – Silver tabby she-cat (mother to Burdockroot’s kits, Beechkit, silver tom, and Boragekit, pale black tabby she-kit)
    Dandelionflower – Ginger she-cat with a short tail (mother to Watermintโ€™s kit, Tansykit, ginger tabby she-cat)
    Lavenderseed – Tortoiseshell she-cat with bright blue eyes (mother to Catnipโ€™s kits, Parsleykit, blueish she-cat, Thymekit, gray she-cat, and Heatherkit, tortoiseshell she-cat)

    Cobweb – Once-pretty light gray she-cat with a dappled pelt
    Coltsfoot – Orange ginger tom
    Goldenrod – Ginger-brown she-cat with light gray eyes
    Thundershade – Blue-gray tabby tom

    [spoiler title=”Plot”] Round 2 plot: Poppyseed is the Clanโ€™s medicine cat, so sheโ€™s not supposed to have a mate, but recently she brought 2 new kits to the Clan, and said she found it in the woods. You donโ€™t believe it, but who is Poppyseedโ€™s secret mate? Ask questions to find out the truth! [/spoiler]

    [spoiler title=”Q/A”] Q/A:
    Is her mate a warrior?/Yes
    What do the kits look like?/Sorry Shimmerpaw but you can only ask yes or no questions!
    Is her mate a tabby?/No
    Is her mate named after a plant?/Yes
    Is her mate in the Clan?/Yes
    Does her mate have a blue or gray pelt?/No
    Does Poppyseedโ€™s secret mate have an apprentice?/No
    Is her mate in HerbClan?/Yes

    [spoiler title=”Hints”] N/A [/spoiler]

    [spoiler title=”TAG”] N/A [/spoiler]

    [spoiler title=”Leaderboard”] Starpaw – 1 [/spoiler]