I hoped you’re enjoying being back with Bramblestar and co. 😀
Here’s your chance to say anything you like about the first book in the Vision of Shadows arc.
If you haven’t read TAQ yet, look away now. The warning in the title of this post!
I hoped you’re enjoying being back with Bramblestar and co. 😀
Here’s your chance to say anything you like about the first book in the Vision of Shadows arc.
If you haven’t read TAQ yet, look away now. The warning in the title of this post!
Thank you so much to everyone who participated in this year’s gift exchange! As always, your creations were absolutely wonderful and you never fail to blow me away with your talent and creativity! To find your name in...
Okay, so this post is a little later than what I would’ve wanted, but I’ve had a busy week 😛 I’m also a little tired, so, only one cat pic this time 😛 You’re getting plenty from Cadvent, anyway...
The seventh edition of the Blog Monthly is here – written by Lil, fresh off the printing press Hello, everyone!! The Blog Monthly is back and better than ever! I hope you all love this edition, in my opinion it is one...
Blackstorm gives warrior names to bears from Care Bears.
Pandapeltl gives warrior names to dragons from Wings of Fire.
Rosefern shares some thoughts on Jayfeather and Jay’s Wing.
The feather part in Thunder and Shadow’s excerpt was very heartbreaking.
i know right?!
Kate, in the Bramblestar’s Storm manga it was stated that Hollytuft wasn’t just named after Hollyleaf, but also that she bears a great resemblance to her. Does this mean that Hollytuft has green eyes as well?
I don’t know. If it wasn’t written, it has not yet been decided by the Great Erin Hunter in the Sky.
ErinHunterStarClan. 😛
Hm, alright. I’ll just go on believing that she green eyes until we get an actual confirmation then. XD
Hello Kate!
Do you have a note which fur colour Kinkfur and her son Sparrowtail have?
I am not sure if it is gray tabby or brown tabby because both is possible and the sibblings of Sparrow are both gray.
Kate, will Ivypool ever get a mate? 🙂 Your response will probably W.A.S. But there’s no harm in asking! 😛
Thank you!
You were right about my response! W.A.S! 😀
😀 xD
What does W.A.S mean?
Kate, since you told us Nightkit and Breezekit’s gender and description, can you also tell us the gender and description of Strikepaw? I really want to know if this cat is a she-cat or tom.
Wait and see 😀
So, does that mean we will find out in Thunder and Shadow? I hope so!
We only have until the 6th to wait.
W.A.S 😀
Ooh, then are they important? 😀
Does Needlepaw have more to do with the series?
Also, Kate.
If Violtetkit has a POV, does that mean she is the second cat in the Warriors series to have a POV when they were not born In the Clans?
Firestar was first, was there anyone else besides Violetkit after him?
Not as far as I know….and interesting observation! Thank you 😀
No problem! Thank you too 😉
Well technically Gray Wing and all the characters in DotC weren’t born in the clans.
Dumb question but will we ever get a Warriors book in December??? My decembers pretty much revolve around Warriors because thats when I bought my first Warriors book like 7 years ago. Now i drive around the Chapters store area look at Christmas lights and nearly pass out from nostalgia… Pathetic i know lol.
Anyways would be cool to get another book that time.
There’s one coming out in November.
Yeah. That’s the Super Edition, Hawkwing’s Journey.
Hi Kate,
When Onestar dies, will we ever get a Special Edition on him? There are so many questions I have about him- and modern WindClan in general- that I think could be answered in it. He’s been so unpredictable- and rather unpleasant- since he became leader, and it would be interesting to see his thoughts and the situation he was in.
None planned, but I agree, it would be interesting to see why he became so an ornery old tom.
You should write a novella!
Call it Onestar’s Crankiness
But other actual GOOD titles are
Onestar’s Change
Onestar’s Transition
Onestar’s Battle (maybe like he battles with the emotions in himself to get help or be strong on his own)
I LOVE Onestar’s Crankiness <3 😀
Onestar’s Crankiness Forever!
Call it Onestar’s… [insert insulting -ness here] 😛
I like Onestar’s Battle, Onestar’s Crankiness, or Onestar’s Change.
Wait Kate! Was it confirmed that Sparkpaw’s warrior name is Sparkpelt? Because in an earlier conversation you hinted at it. Lots. And are you in favor of the name Alderheart? (I’m not but it’s okay if you are. I always wanted it to be Alderleap of Alderleaf. But I think I said that already) 😛
Ooh! You know what would be cool? If you had like a fanfic contest in BlogClan and the winner of each division (kit, apprentice, warrior, senior warrior) gets to challenge you! 😀
ALderheart suits him perfectly! and W.A.S about Spark**** And I let BlogClan organise and judge their own fanfic contests 😀 More fun for you!
Love this book!! Though I hate Rowanstar, I’m not sure he even considered how seperating Violetkit and Twigkit would effect them. While on the subject, I didn’t like him in “Bramblestar’s Storm” either, he was such a jerk in that book.
I want to rip Rowanstar and Onestar’s heads off and drown their already decapitated bodies in the river. We should of have a Russetstar and an Ashstar (or Mudstar). 😀
Are you excited for TAS release? Get ready for a HUGE storm of questions and theories and freakout sessions 😛
The spoiler page will just get filled 😛
I am very excited 😀 So good to be back with the Lake cats (though I miss Gray Wing et al…)
Yay, me too.
Yeah, I’m gonna really miss DOTC too. At least we have Thunder’s novella next year. You should try to write another Super Edition for DOTC!
Yes please! More DoTC! 😀
I miss the Dawn of the Clans cats, too. 🙁
Kate don’t you think Tawnypelt should’ve been leader of ShadowClan? I know why she can’t be though because Bramblestar is her brother and it’ll be just ugh… But I wish she was deputy. Oh well.
She would make an awesome leader. Maybe one day….
I think Tawnypelt would be a great leader, but Hawkfrost was a deputy, Bramblestar’s a leader, Mothwing is a medicine cat, and well Tigerstar’s kin seem to be so high ranking. If she is never a leader or deputy, perhaps she can be challenged by one of her kin for never being as high ranking as her sibling and half-siblings.
Oh yeah, I have a question for you, are you amazing people going to publish novellas after Legends of the Clans? I have three cool ideas for novellas, maybe for 2018, I’m a bit curious what Heatherpaw/Heathertail was feeling when Lionpaw/Lionblaze broke up with her (I really love them, I cried rereading Dark River so much because I was always thinking about them bot beibg together again.) so Heathertail in a novella might be nice!
Ashfur novella… oh my StarClan me and my best friend Kai would probably die of happiness. Starting around the badger attack, and then all the way to his death, and it would explain what he was thinking, and exactly waht went down with Hawkfrost in Sunset!
Lastly, Tawnypelt novella. All about her decision to go to her father in ShadowClan. I’m thinking this one might be too short sadly.
P.S. I promise I’ll buy Legends of the Clans, I’m collecting the novellas. I have Shadows of the Clans, The Untold Stories, and Tales from the Clans. 💕
Well, if Tawnypelt is the right cat for the job, there’s nothing that says she can’t be leader just because her brother is one. I would love to see her be leader/deputy too.
I want Tigerheart to become deputy… Then he’ll be Tigerstar… But WAY more amiture and awesome!!!
I’d like a Russetstar because we haven’t had a female leader of SC since Shadowstar or some other cat in Code of the Clans that I’m forgeting