I hoped you’re enjoying being back with Bramblestar and co. 😀
Here’s your chance to say anything you like about the first book in the Vision of Shadows arc.
If you haven’t read TAQ yet, look away now. The warning in the title of this post!
I hoped you’re enjoying being back with Bramblestar and co. 😀
Here’s your chance to say anything you like about the first book in the Vision of Shadows arc.
If you haven’t read TAQ yet, look away now. The warning in the title of this post!
Thank you so much to everyone who participated in this year’s gift exchange! As always, your creations were absolutely wonderful and you never fail to blow me away with your talent and creativity! To find your name in...
Okay, so this post is a little later than what I would’ve wanted, but I’ve had a busy week 😛 I’m also a little tired, so, only one cat pic this time 😛 You’re getting plenty from Cadvent, anyway...
The seventh edition of the Blog Monthly is here – written by Lil, fresh off the printing press Hello, everyone!! The Blog Monthly is back and better than ever! I hope you all love this edition, in my opinion it is one...
Blackstorm gives warrior names to bears from Care Bears.
Pandapeltl gives warrior names to dragons from Wings of Fire.
Rosefern shares some thoughts on Jayfeather and Jay’s Wing.
Can’t remember, sorry!
IKR, it’s so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
AlderxNeedle FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kate, who is on the cover of the Shattered Sky?
I don’t know!
1. The POVs are Alderpaw and Violetkit
2. Littlecloud dies!!!!!!!
3. Leafpool is going to stay in ShadowClan and most likely train one of Pinenose’s kits, Puddlekit, as her apprentice.
4. Twigkit wants to be a medicine cat
5. Darktail and his gangsters attack WindClan and Onestar loses a life
6. ShadowClan isn’t being very nice to Violetkit 🙁
Canon? Can you link me to where you found it? I can’t find it.
Read the blurb on the harper collins website.
ShadowClan is nice to her its just they’re different from ThunderClan!
KATE!!!!!!!!!! Quickly before they publish TaS! In the sneak peak Tawnypelt is called deputy of ShadowClan at one point! Though I wish she was, the deputy is Crowfrost(whyyyyyyyyyyyy can’t it be Tawnypelt! She’s awesome! 🙁 )! Please read this quickly and fix the typo before it’s to late!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If Cherith and Vicky overlooked that when they edited Kate’s manuscript (ahh music terms) we’ll know next month.
Vicky is not overlooking anything anymore. She is not part of the Erin team since season 5 anymore. Sadly :c
Wait. Vicky QUIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
She did not “Quit”. There were some coincidences and because of them HarperCollins put her out of the main series. She was only allowed to write the novellas, but since there is no fifth set of novellas planned, it seems she is out now completely.
Vicky dosn’t tell what exactly happend, must be something privat.
So we can only hope there will be more novellas.
I think Sandstorm deserved a better death than getting fertilizer in her cut and reopening it on a fence.
I agree 100%. I don’t believe dying of her wounds did her justice in terms of her death. I know it happens, but this is Sandstorm! Bluestar dies by sacrificing herself for her Clan, Firestar dies by facing off with Tigerstar, Dustpelt dies by fighting badgers, Ravenpaw dies after helping Riley and Bella get to SkyClan. How does Sandstorm die? By reopening her wounds…That’s it.
Actually I think its great she died that way. It shows that the world is unfair and not all noble people die in noble ways!
Can someone link the TAS preview. I cant find it anywhere. Probs cause im in Canada idk
There you go 🙂
What remains when the fire burns out………….a new leader, a new code and a new quest
Who do you think the gray cat is? Maybe Skywatcher? But she would recognize him. Cloudstar isn’t dark gray, Hawkwing isn’t dead. Neither is Jayfeather. Spiderstar has some white. Someone help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think it’s Clear Sky.
What about Gray Wing?
Well Gray Wing was WindClan… but Clear Sky actually fits!
So? Gray Wing was also Tall Shadow’s group and ShadowClan (before it was called ShadowClan) and a very prominent figure in the early Clans. It makes sense that he would be giving Echosong the prophecy, plus he’s Clear Sky’s brother.
True, but the cat does look more like Clear Sky. Both Clear Sky and Gray Wing have gray fur and so does this cat. There is that. This cat also has thick fur, which Clear Sky has. I don’t think it was ever confirmed if Gray Wing does or not. And then there’s the eye colour. Gray Wing has golden eyes and Clear Sky has blue eyes. The cat who spoke to Echosong has blue eyes.
I can’t see it…
I think this will work. Click on the “read now”.
wow thanks cookie!
Why can’t I comment
It was a glitch.
I remember once when the old blog would not let anyone comment at ALL? 🙂 haha
That was awful 😛
Kate, I responded to you on Twitter. Just letting you know!
Thank you! I will look!
Hi Kate!
Hello! 😀
Hiiiii Kate, I have a bunch of weird questions that seem mom elite a conversation. I remember hearing you saying you like those types?
Anyways. Aaaaaaa TAS is coming out soon, are you excited? Are you planning the spoiler page? 😉
Funny thing is, *spoilers for Alderpaw’s warrior name* well Alderpaw was named Alderheart. In my fanfiction, I released a chapter about a week or more before, naming Alderpaw Alderheart 😛 and then the blurb came out. Isn’t that cool?
Also, in the same fanfic: Instead of Queens always having kits to continue bloodline or be parents, I included a surrogate mother! This way barren she-cats or mates that never had a chance or a gay couple (which mine was for :D) could finally be parents, happily, and be like everyone else. Do you think that was a nice idea?
Most Warriors books are written in the same style. Do you ever find it hard to continue on one style and not accidently change it?
That’s all. Sorry if it was too much, I’m just curious.
I will answer one question. Style. Since I wrote the first two Erin Hunter books, it is basically my style. So, no it’s not hard for me to write in my style. You’ll have to ask the other Erins whether it is hard. ;P
Ok! Thanks! So if you tried to write a new book, not Warriors, would that be hard then?
Nope. I’ve written a lot of other books while working on Warriors, funny books, scary books, sad books. They each have a different voice. It’s a bit like acting. You find the voice that suits the book and use it.