A little rebranding!
R.I.P. Pokemon Go
From 1st May 2021, fan fiction comments will no longer be moderated on BlogClan.
This means, comments containing fan fiction will never make it out of moderation. They will languish there, unread and unmoderated, for eternity.
Finally beat Cynthia! After failing to beat the Pokémon League twice, I finally got to Cynthia, lost to her the first time, soft resetted because StarClan knows I’m not gonna redo the league and then beat up all her Pokémon but Garchomp, and she beat up mine, then rotated intimate and continued to revive and switch out my Pokémon so that I lowered attack and stalled out it’s Earthquake, and then finally beat her and her stupid Garchomp! I’m super happy to finally have beaten her because I procrastinated that battle for ages
Pfffftttt I just realized I don’t know how to spell and autocorrect changed intimidate to intimate XD
Anyway what I meant to say was intimidate
omg congrats!! that battle was super hard for me too haha (bc ofc it was), i was rly happy bc i beat her first try but it took a lot of max revives and sacking off all of my team so gardevoir could activate quick claw and moonblast the garchomp 😂 i literally caught a weavile thinking i could use it to outspeed bc it has higher base speed garchomp but it didnt even outspeed since cynthia’s garchomp is ev and iv trained rip
the rest of the league was pretty challenging too tbh but it was a nice change! def the best part of bdsp
If I hear Cynthia’s battle theme I get trauma. That piano *shudders*
I know that I am late, but congrats! That is awesome!
im so inactive guys im so sorry lol
lately i’ve been on pokeani twitter which was lowkey a mistake but i wanted other people to be mad at pokemon journeys with me, so 😂 it did work haha everyone’s just salty
hey at least this week’s episode was. okay? pokeani diantha is easily my favorite champion and she deserved that win lol i love to see actual strategy in pokeani
but the animation was very. meh.
anyways does anybody have any fun pokemon things to share?
I’ll probably get attacked for this so I have to whisper……. i like koharu and goh.
see i havent watched enough of journeys to have strong opinions on them and i can see why some people dislike them but they do get absurd amounts of hate flkjasdf
i think goh gets hate just for existing and koharu gets hate because the writer’s handled her arc poorly which is rly too bad :((
i rly dont mind them! theyre cool ig haha
honestly, I don’t watch the anime, but Pokemon Journeys seems pretty terrible O_o
I don’t know if anyone else shares this opinion but nowadays Ash just looks weird :,)
honestly pretty mediocre, entertaining but not much else – there’s a lot of bad and meh with a few highlights. my fav journey’s ep is, imo, one of the best episodes of pokeani EVER, but there’s a lot of downsides to the series tbh and its not worth watching the whole thing
xy/xyz and sun & moon are way more worth your time 😭
not a huge fan of the journeys artstyle tbh, but the sun & moon artstyle was also meh yet the rest of the series made up for it (it was a really good series overall!)
i try not to let it bother me too much flaksdjf
im a huge xy/xyz stan so ofc i think thats the best but. best eps and best story and best characters and best artstyle so <33
xy/xyz were honestly just the best
ok so the new trailer!!!!! personally i’m really excited for the game i thought the new gimmick looked really pretty (tho i’m not sure how much more powerful it’ll be and it reminds me of the rift thing in dragonvale which. got complicated REALLY fast) and OMG FIDOUGH!!! IM IN LOVE and the region is also super pretty and the character designs are great too
but some things i don’t like are, still, the uniforms (why do we have to wear uniforms when we’re not at school??), the legendaries being available so easily and their vehicle forms make me shudder, and the storylines seem so laid back idk if it’ll be fun after a while yknow
lmk ur thoughts yall!!! flameo and free i saw on the hug page you guys were disappointed in it and im sorry to hear that, sometimes game companies do prioritize marketing strategies over value :(( hopefully they announce some other stuff about it later!
I’m kinda disappointed :(. The Pokémon are lovely, but you just get handed a LEGENDARY? Also I don’t really like a school theme :/ I don’t really have high hopes for the game, but I guess we just have wait and see if it is actually a really good game 🙂
aww yeah the legendary thing is a weird and it takes out the novelty of legendaries :C and yeah i hate the uniforms for the school thing, but i’m hoping there will be some cool pokemon and that the gimmick will have some potential!
tbh i loved almost everything we saw and im like. 3x as hyped now so 😭 maybe bc my priorities are in diff places than other people’s priorities? idk idk but anyways
and cetitan <33
only thing i dont like is how easily you just get. handed a legendary lol thats just dumb (and the forms are wack)
i rly hope there's a third legendary involved in the plot that you actually have to fight for
but everything else looks great and im pretty glad with how much info we've gotten, it's just the right amount imo (dont want a sun/moon repeat where you knew the entire game before it got released lmao)
if i wanted more info, i'd look at the centro leaks but im avoiding them on purpose? i think we got a good amount of info in this trailer and the games look good and i am personally very hype
(piney you literally know all of this bc discord LMAO)
(lol yeah)
CETITAN <333 chonky baby
PLEASE there has to be a third legendary,,,there has to be a point to this game alksjdlfkj
yeah i think i like it a bit better after spending a few days replaying it constantly :p i love the multiplayer idea and WOOPER ayduijkhusknxl
but really they just have infinite copies of legendaries to give to beginner players at no cost like 😛
Have not seen the trailer but if you just get handed a LEGENDARY it’s not really a legendary 😛
I’m just here for Penny, Penny needs to be protected. Penny=Wally. Her eevee backpack is just 😊😊😊
YESSS PENNY!!!! i love grusha and nemona sm too
i love grusha sm sjhknvbffua
*breaks through wall*
just wanted to ask if any of you read the Pokemon Adventures manga or any other Pokemanga? i’m a big fan of it 🙂 if you don’t read it, you definitely should, you can pick it up in most bookstores and the Pokemon creator said it was the most accurate depiction of what he wanted the franchise to be 😀
I have read some (The first 6 and some others from various arcs)
you should read some more! the Emerald arc is very good 🙂
yes i love it so much, i have most of the red & blue arc
hhh i’ve never met anyone else who reads it!
red & green arc was one of the best 😀
my favorite character is a tie between blue (because she’s cool and I love all of the Pokemon that she has) and yellow (she’s just such a sweet character)
I read every arc apart form the Sword and Shield one. Which is your favourite mine is Ruby and Sapphire
i like emerald, the part where they all meet is *chef’s kiss*
Yes, yes it it. I find it so cute they all have a tournament at the end
yessss 😀
I love the manga 😀 I’ve finished all except the kalos, alola and galar mini-novels
the newer ones aren’t as good 🙁 who are your favorite characters? mine are blue (female), green (male), and yellow! 😀
(late reply haha) my favourites are yellow, blue (f) crystal and silver
i literally
its so funny bc ive been asking about pokespe for like. years now?? and its always been a no and THEN i forget to check the page for a week and theres so many spe stans?? hello????
unfortunately i’ve only read xy and sun/moon and i’d love to read more but they’re a bit hard to access (my libraries dont have them and theyre so frustrating to find online) :(( i see you saying the newer ones arent as good but XY AND S/M WERE SO GOOD so i cant even imagine the older arcs then??? idk 😭😭
i just. i love gen 6 and gen 7 sm in general
but the xy manga. hits different. LAVERRESHIPPING hits different???? i love them i love them so much, def my fav spe ship and my second favorite pokemon ship overall (after lona flakdsjf which is gladion and moon, if you weren’t aware)
Sometimes I feel like I don’t respond enough on this page because I read a good chunk of pokespe for a while (yellow all the way to diamond/pearl and maaaaybe platinum, and some of bw and b2w2) 😛 i miss yellow so much, she was my favourite and i was a diehard red/yellow shipper
see i’ve got a friend that also loves red/yellow, and i was reading one of their fics and those two are just vibing in the background very in love and it’s hilarious
omg that’s great
shujbuhjkuihbs YELLOW IS MY FAVORIT
I ship way too much red/yellow for my own good 😛
lol i just got back into the series so i haven’t been here in a while
x/y and s/m are really goood 😀 i would recommend using MangaDex website (link: https://mangadex.org/title/47e5c76d-1420-4bfa-a973-90524c9d6f13/pocket-monsters-special) as a last resort – it’s obviously not paying the authors which makes me sad, but if you really want to read it that’s an option 🙂
Laverreshipping ahhh oh my goodness i haven’t read xy in foreverrr lona is precious 10/10
X is so relatable
yeah i used mangadex for sm and xy but i just hate navigating that site flakjsdf so thats why i havent read the others
x is actually a mood LMAO antisocial king <3
How did I not get asked that question? xD
Oh yes have I read that manga and yes I love it.
just saw the library got a bunch of manga
time to place 1000000 holds
lol – read it in order it definitely helps!
i will now start posting my progress on the full pokedex every once in a while! i’m very bad at completing the Pokedex so it will go very slow 😛
DAY 1: today i have 478 in the Pokedex! mostly kanto and galar Pokemon because the let’s go games and sword/shield 😛 after purchasing BDSP and Legends Arceus, Sinnoh is going pretty well so far too, just still beginning both games so a bit slow 😛 also started playing the Shield DLC so I have a few legendaries already 🙂
Also, Kleavor is so hard to beat ahhhh and you don’t even get to catch it 😐
I wish you luck in completing the Pokedex!
Also, don’t feel bad about it taking so long. There are a lot of Pokemon, so the challenge is rough, but worth it! (That I still haven’t finished a challenge I made on Pokemon Diamond. It’s been 1 and 1/2 years.)
I’m scared. I have this one game with trainer voicelines, most people are perfectly fine, but (sword and shield players will know) Hop’s voice… Idk what to say…
Hello! I have updates on my progress on a bunch of games 😛
Defeated Kleavor in PLA
About to defeat Roark in BDSP
Defeated Leon in SWSH
Got Pokedex in Pokemon Home to 494/905
I’m doing pretty good on the Pokedex 😀
update: I got the Pokedex to 509 🙂
Thats so cool. I never bother to complete the pokedex in any game, I just catch the 6 pokemon I want on my team 😛. The only game I’ve ever finished the pokedex in was Legends Arceus.
kleavor was actually so hard for me to beat and for what LMAO
very impressive w the dex, i dont have enough free time for that flkajdsf but very admirable!
lol :p
i started back in 2019 so it’s not super impressive but thanks <33
I just finished playing mystery dungeon explorers of sky last night. Cried a little, I have to agree with the crowd which calls this the best written pokemon game
explorers of sky omg dysujefdiatok that was such a good game
The only mystery dungeon games I have are Super Mystery Dungeon and Mystery Dungeon DX,but everyone in the community say Explorers of Sky are really good so I might save up for it.
havent played any mystery dungeon 😭 i’d rly like to bc i’ve heard it’s so good but i don’t even have time to play much of the main series anymore :((
so i leave this page for like. a week. and suddenly it’s alive again and i’m just like ????? so many questions so many questions but it’s so wonderful to see so 🥺
anyways bc im annoying like that im gonna take this chance to plug my ao3 and fanfics LFKAJDSF
a long time ago i shared my fics on this page to help it stay alive but obviously there’s rules against directly posting fic now for the sanity of our mods (which, tbh, is a very reasonable rule haha)
but i’ve been writing pokemon fic for about 4 years now! it’s played a huge part in my life and was started, in a large part, because of blogclan and this page! this was the very first place i ever shared fanfic
warning: all of my fics are rated T, mostly for swearing/strong language. i would absolutely love if you guys read them and left comments, but i also entirely understand that people might not be comfortable with that and it’s totally cool!
anyways my current main WIP has been going on for like. a year and a half? it’s called The Fire of a Thousand Stars, it’s a series that retells the entire storyline of XY. it’s a combo of the games, manga, and anime!
ao3 link above has links to fics and more info on the series itself. protagonist is X from pokespe, main ship is X/Y (laverreshipping). features a combo of the manga cast and anime cast (alain and mairin <33).
my ao3 user in general is here: https://archiveofourown.org/users/Moonbreeze19
while FTS is my main fic right now, i recently finished a lonashipping (gladion/moon) figure skating AU. i also have various oneshots and fics written over the past few years if you're interested! i primarily write for gens 6 and 7.
anyways if you do read PLEASE comment on the fics themselves it'll totally make my day 😭 gonna shut up now bc this self promo got very long flkadsjf but ily guys and ty <33
“ao3 authors always begging for comments on their fics” solidarity
the instant serotonin i get at getting one
pls. give me comments. i need comments 😭
it’s not helped by the fact that some of the things I want comments on the most are rarepairs and thus nobody is gonna see those fics
relatable 😭😭
hoping the character trevor is in one of these because he is precious and must be protected at all costs
anyway i shall rEAD!! i’ve read some of your stuff already, you’re incredible author <3333
oh my gosh that was so good :OOOOO
thank you so much for sharing that!
i’m sorry i didn’t leave a comment, don’t like giving email address out to websites that idk but i left kudos <33
Thoughts About Story So Far (SPOILER):
i especially loved in particular how Shauna spoke about her furfrou, hit me in the feels 😛
can't wait to see y's mom get developed, because she seems quite nice if she's willing to put up with x lol
i love trevor so much and loved his little rambling thing <33
I really liked Highlight because it takes that plot point from the manga and executes it in a way that pokespe couldn't – visuals are nice but your writing really brought that part to life! excited to read more <3
thank you!! oh my god i LOVEEEE trevor hes a precious bean and i have sm fun writing him
shauna and furfrou also. hit ME right in the feels so you’ll be getting a lot more of that 😭 how much have you read?
Has anyone here seen Pokemon Chronicles?
funny, i was actually going to begin watching yesterday but didn’t have time! it looks very good though 🙂
OPINION: GEN VII was the best of all the games.
There were unique cities, towns, and plotlines, and the characters didn’t feel reused. The music was absolutely fabulous and the most memorable from Pokémon imo. The Pokémon themselves were unique as well, and didn’t feel like copies. For instance, the Pikipek line was a perfect refresher after generations of Pokémon that were basically Pidgey. I do wish USUM could’ve been DLC for SM but honestly I’m also happy that it was a full game because it had really great advanced graphics. To me, Gen VII was the best generation visually as well. It just felt entirely new after Gens I-V. Gen VI was my second favorite but Gen VII really took it that final step forward.
What do you all think?
also pkmn center theme in gen viii slaps ngl
My personal opinion is that Gen V is the best of all the games, but that is my own opinion for a reason. 🙂
I can see your points though. Alola is truly unique with only Easter Eggs instead of heavily drawing from previous games. (Looking at you Gen VI and Gen V) The visual was amazing and music fitted every scene so well. At times, I say that Alola is the most beautiful region, even over Kalos just for the visual, music, and atmosphere.
Gen V was certainly fantastic as well and a close third! I loved how big Unova was (especially in B2W2) and how each of the 156 new Pokémon introduced were all fitting in their environment – if I lived in Castelia City I wouldn’t be surprised to see a Pidove or Trubbish! What do you like about Gen V?
I agree! I really like seeing characters like Colress, Sina/Dexio, Burnet, and Red and Green (M) on vacation. It was really cool seeing some characters from older, more obscure games – Burnet came from Pokémon Dream Radar, an obscure Pokémon AR game that tied in with the mainline Gen V games, and it was so great to have her back as Dream Radar was such a nice little game to play when you were bored! Like you said, the music was fitted well, and the region itself was beautiful as well! <33
My opinion on why Gen 5 is the best of all the games is based off the story, the characters, the arcs, the music, all the amazing Pokemon, and the region itself.
As for why I like it so much, I honestly have to say it is because of all the above and then some. The Pokemon, while based off the same ideas as Kanto, still feel like their own Pokemon. Afterall, you can never mistake a Purrlion for a Meowth. Though I say the reason why I like Gen 5 the most is because you got to feel the whole world of the Unova thru its Pokemon, cities, and characters. The only games that really came close to the connection Unova did, in my opinion, is Alola and LoA.
As for Alola, oh the feels when I realized that Grimsley was on screen. I think I started screaming with joy when the Unova Elite Four theme came on.
i love gen 7 as well!! it’s honestly my fav too
it’s objectively GREAT and probably second best after bw/bw2?? but i personally prefer it over gen 5 bc of emotional attachment, written fic for it for 4+ years, etc etc lol
plot was exceptional, second best pokemon plot after gen 5 but my personal fav. gladion exists so 100000 bonus points for gen 7 for that too LMAO
great pokemon, refreshing take on the pokemon formula, challenging (usum mostly) and way more interesting to play as a result. really pushed the 3ds to its limit and i really appreciate that. gorgeousss visually, design of the region itself was absolutely incredible. def one of my fav regions visually (tied w kalos, they have totally different vibes so it’s hard for me to pick one or the other. france and hawaii are also super different so it makes sense!), vibes were ON POINT. i cannot describe how good the vibes were, actually, they were summery and beautiful and so refreshing.
also got to give credit for the ultra beasts, space concept, and dimensional stuff. absolutely incredible.
and i could talk about everything i love about gen 7’s storyline, the characters, the AETHER FAMILY DYNAMIC, for literal years. it’s so good. it’s honestly extremely dark and messed up if you think about it, and i though it was the perfect contrast to the typical vibe of the rest of the games (sunny and fun).
i do think gen 5 might objectively be better and gen 6 is my personal favorite in terms of emotional attachment and nostalgia, but gen 7 is absolutely second in both of those categories to me so maybe it is best overall???
overall just absolutely incredible games and if i we ever get a gen 7 remake game on a console that can handle more graphically and we see a BEAUTIFULLY rendered alola on a home console i will actually start sobbing. on the spot.
I like Gen 5 so much. But Gen 7 were my first games so I’m nostalgic about those games.
Gen 5 had a great plot, unique pokemon and a banger soundtrack.
gen 7 best gen <333 definitely my favorite for the story, pokemon, and region
I haven’t played gen 7, but for me i have to say gen 5 is the best. From what i’ve seen though i can see why gen 7 is considered so great
I have returned! To ask for help. 😅
I been hit with inspiration for several Pokemon stories and need help with research. I will ask three different questions that need answering, and as Pokemon fans, you will be able to answer them all. When I collect all the answers, I shall post a sneak peek at the series I have planned.
Thank you for reading and the help. Hopefully, you will all enjoy my stories and the community discussion that my questions shall spark.
So exciting! Ofc we’ll help <33 I’ll try my best to answer any questions!!
Thank you so much.
I believe you can, as it appears you read the whole Pokemon manga as well as played most of the games. Which means you can answer all the questions!
i hope so <33
My first question for this Pokemon series!
What is the theme of each Pokemon Generation?
To help you out, this is a defintion of theme:
• A theme is the vehicle used to support a premise.
The premise is what the story is about, while the theme demonstrates it. For example, The Hobbit: Premise of growth, theme the loss of comfort.
If you can think of more than one theme, feel free to add it! I need at least two different ones for each region, so it will be interesting to see your thoughts! (I have to somehow get four for Kanto! Why Gamefreak must you have so many remakes and protagonist for Kanto?) Sorry, the last part is a me problem. 😅
Red and Green: ahhhh perseverance? Red goes through a lot in this game (+ manga especially) from Team Rocket to finding that Green beat him to the champion rank?
Yellow: Bonding?? In this game Red was very close to Pikachu, and there would be cute little things you can do with Pikachu in the game.
Gold and Silver: exploration? After the first generation of Pokémon, when Johto came I assume it felt like the players were exploring a whole new world with 100 new Pokémon. Now it’s not the same, because it’s normal and has been happening for 26 years.
Crystal: Battles, bravery? They added the battle tower + female protagonist in this game, so bravery seems fitting.
Ruby and Sapphire: Balance? I know a lot of games could technically obtain this theme, but between two completely opposite things – land + sea – and sky – rayquaza – to balance them out, this game felt like the game that tries to push balance the most.
I’m sorry these are bad! I’m about to go to school so I’m getting ready lol I’ll finish this list later <33
Thank you so much for taking the time to focus on Gen 1 and 2!
I honestly haven’t played a Kanto game (mostly because the console), but this is amazing!
Red and green. Generic Good v Evil.
Gold and Silver. Morals and Rights
Ruby and Sapphire. Climate Change, Balance and the land v sea argument.
Diamond and pearl. Regrets, choices and New begginings.
Black and White. Truth v Ideals
X and Y. It has none
Sun and Moon. Work v Family
Sword and Shield. Preservation v Adapting to the future.
Thank you for the comment!
It is very short, but it cuts right to the point and gives me tons to think about!
ngl im not qualified to answer for most of the earlier gens flkajsdf so
black/white is obviously truth vs ideals since thats like. canonically its theme flaksdjf
and also just the ideas of everything existing on a grayscale? things are not right or wrong (or black and white, duh), there’s always that in between
x/y has themes of beauty and perfection, and to what point people are willing to go to achieve those things. lysandre’s obsession with a perfect world is what drives the (rather poorly executed plot), because he believed the world was so ugly that it would be better to start all over again.
one could also say the theme is the balance between life and death – bc of the legendaries, obviously, but also just life/death in general? the lore behind the ultimate weapon is centered around the idea of sacrificing many lives for the sake of one. zygarde represents the balance between life and death, and the lack of order that stems from an uneven balance of the two?
idk x/y is hard bc they rly had some stuff going there but just. dropped the ball on it entirely lol
ik the most about x/y so lmk if you ever wanna talk abt it (esp lore!), my thoughts are pretty jumbled rn bc im tired but i can always discuss/brainstorm more
(hang on i’m gonna hit the character limit, i’ll make a new comment for sm and swsh)
sun moon’s theme is like. i could see tradition vs future (even though that’s obviously the scarlet/violet theme), because we have a lot of traditional and cultural aspects (island challenge, the importance of the altar of the sun/moon, legends that drive the solgaleo/lunala plot) but also technology/futuristic ideas (aether foundation, ultra beasts look VERY futuristic and other-wordly)? and lusamine’s obsession/reliance on pushing past traditional boundaries and dealing with the ultra beasts and increasing research and development in technology, is what kinda makes her evil and makes her kids hate her LMAO
but a lot of the actually storyline is the aether family dynamic so ig. smth family related
ugh idk i dont have enough braincells for this
lusamine also has beauty obsession bc thats like. not rly related to the theme of the plot? i think ive gotta think on this one a bit more and get back to you
swsh is uh. well. it lacks plot. so thats very not helpful unfortunately
ig maybe you could say it’s like. the double-edged sword that is pushing for change and placing so much importance on the future?? obviously rose is pushing for change and improving the future and thats why the whole plot happens, but there’s also the player’s gym challenge and the player’s pursuit of further strength and power that has hop and his dreams as collateral damage. and there’s the idea that not everything good lays in the future, because the way the world is saved is by using an old, rusted sword and shield? idk idk, swsh is really hard bc the plot is so poorly done
this is such a. not helpful comment flakdsjf im sorry
(mods im so sorry)
thou art forgiven
Thank you so much for both comments as I was having trouble with Gens 6, 7, and 8.
Gen 6 because it is a mess; Gen 7 because how I can put into words; and Gen 8 because I haven’t played it.
I don’t know about the others, but the upcoming Scarlet & Violet games could have the theme of Tradition vs. Innovation.
Thanks for the comment!
We’ll see if I can get around to adding Scarlet and Violet to the roster of what I have planned. Unfortunately, I don’t have a Switch, so I will be less likely to be inspired plus will not know enough of the game’ story, characters, and themes to create a good fanfic.
For gens 2, 4, 6 and 7 i really don’t have an answer. And people have already made other answers but i’d like to input my two cents. This is going to be really long because i feel the need to explain at length my reasoning sooorrry
For Red/Blue/Green/Yellow: I’d say that exploration is a key theme of the game that also ties into youth, I have absolutely no evidence for this but I think it’s a comment on how kids should be given the opportunity to gain independence through experience. Though obviously not on the scale of letting your 11 year old journey through the country by themselves. Also, bonds between humans and pokemon. Also, technology! Although most of the technology in gen I is technology staple to the series, back when it gen I was released it would’ve been, well, new. You’ve got the PC and Pokeballs as a concept, pokemon created by human technology (grimer, weezing voltorb, mewtwo, etc) And that’s given more focus in the pokemon yellow manga with the elite four.
For Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald: Land vs Sea is quite obvious, but doesn’t mean much in the context of the games. The theme of this generation is based on arguments in Japan over turning the sea into land. Japan is a small, highly populated country and they have trouble balancing housing with land area and preserving nature/farmland because much of the country is mountainous and hard to build housing on. So their most viable options are to demolish farmland/nature reserves and such to build housing on or reclaim land from the sea to build housing on. This affects ecosystems and biodiversity in the ocean so it becomes a question of how much is too much and if they can afford to not disrupt the balance of nature in these areas
(i will continue for BW and SWSH in a different comment this is so long)
For Black/White/B2/W2 Truth and ideals is a given as the comments above have already explained but also i think industry and nature is a theme here too. It’s presented through the different versions of this game Eg Mistralton city having farmland in white version and warehouses replacing that farmland in black version. Opelucid city completely changes in each version, from the overworld look of the town to the gym leader to even the music. Also, ethics/morality through Team Plasma. Though Ghetsis didn’t actually believe in the message of team plasma and just used it to manipulate people, Owning pokemon and using them to battle is a very real and controversial question of ethics in universe
SWSH: It’s hard to pick a theme for SWSH as it’s all over the place but i do believe it pertains to climate change. Rose attempting to get people’s awareness towards this ‘crisis’ that will happen to Galar in the future, except it’s just kind of confusing because no real reason is presented as to why Rose so desperately needs everyone to focus on the solution now instead of any other time as it’s supposedly going to happen in ‘a thousand years’ and isn’t already happening as opposed to climate change in our world. It kind of just makes the plot, and Chairman Rose, weaker.
Here in America, industry vs nature is an ongoing issue, so I am not surprised that it appeared in Unova as well. Though, Gen 5 does a lovely twist that separates it from Gen 3.
Ethics is not dead. People still have questions about morality, even if others like to say that such questions don’t exist. And then we have Ghetsis, who uses both parties to further his own goals of power…I hate people like him.
That portion might fit better with my other question of how the villian breaks the theme. Rose is so focused on the far, FAR future that he doesn’t take time for the concrete reality in front of him.
Thank you for taking time out of your day to post this!
I honestly didn’t know that about Japan. That suddenly puts Maxie and Archie in a much more sympathetic light.
Also, thank you for Gen 1. Since I never played any Kanto games, I can’t find the subtle, but key parts that can highlight the theme of the game.