Pokemon Discussion Page


A little rebranding!


R.I.P. Pokemon Go

From 1st May 2021, fan fiction comments will no longer be moderated on BlogClan.

This means, comments containing fan fiction will never make it out of moderation. They will languish there, unread and unmoderated, for eternity.





  • I want a Scorbunny, Raichu and/or Meowth plush so much. 😛

    I also want to reset my childhood save data for Pokemon Black so I can get a Tepig and call him Crackle. Like crackling fire & pork cracklings. 😛

  • Thank you all so much for responding to my first question!
    No, seriously. I am clueless to Sword and Shield since I don’t have a switch, so I greatly appreciate the feedback from those who have played the games.

    On to the next question!
    How do the villains of the games work against the theme?

    Maxie and Archie are extremists against Gen 3’s theme of Balance.
    What makes them deadly is that the extremes they take don’t seem bad at first. Maxie is focused on Humanity and progress, so he tries to create land to further Humanity. Problem: without water, everyone is going to die, including humans as we need water to drink. Archie focuses on the Pokemon, creating more water for a better, bigger habitat for them. Problem: Humanity isn’t used to living on the waves and most in Hoenn will drown. Furthermore, the water Pokemon will die as well since the storms Korgye makes affect those even below the surface.

    • Red, Green: Having played these games furiously for hours and hours, I know for a fact that I hate Giovanni >:((( within my theme of perseverance, i would say that Giovanni is just EVIL. that’s like, all he is. evil. He’s like a stop to the perseverance. ugh i hate that character
      Yellow: Team Rocket as a whole loves to steal Pokémon (especially with the presence of jessie and james in this game) so I would say they’re thieves more in this game, while in RGB they’re more terrorists. That puts a stop to my Yellow theme, bonding.
      Gold, Silver, Crystal: Team Rocket is back, and I’d say they combat the theme of Exploration through how they inhabit many many places in the region and try to stop the player from experiencing what the johto region has to offer, eg. Team Rocket tries to stop the player in Azalea Town after caught selling SlowpokeTails.
      Ruby + Sapphire, Emerald: what you said lol
      *skips gen 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. 9*
      that’s all :)))

      • Thank you for the reminder that Giovanni is actually evil. He takes the easy way out of gaining power when we KNOW that he is more than capable of earning power through his skill and strength.

        Thank you for expanding on Team Rocket. I tend to overlook them since they are so simple, but their evil cannot be overlooked. Especially since it breaks down the very foundation of Kanto by destroying the bonds between trainers and Pokemon.

    • Ghetsis is against the truth and ideal argument as he hides the truth and lies about his ideals of ‘liberating pokemon’.

      Rose takes preservation and over does it. Almost destroying the world for something that might happen 10,000 years in the future.

      Cyrus is against new beginnings and chances and leans to into his regrets. To the point were he resets the world for his ‘regrets’ and wants to be number one.

      Sorry my answers are short 😛 I’m not good at elaborating.

      • My head canon for Ghetsis is that he is such a lair that he must always wear robes lest some Pokemon sneeze and light his pants on fire.

        Rose is a villain who takes a good thing and blows it so out of proportion that it becomes evil. But oh goodness, that is seriously out of proportion.

        I have never thought about Cyrus like that. Oh the irony in how he is giving himself a new beginning without realizing it!

        Short can and is good. Example: beautiful sonnets.

  • thoughts on reveal of Grafaiai?
    nature documentary style was really cool, definitely adding this guy to my team! as long as it doesn’t go full-on beast-mode like Grimmsnarl, idk about you all but Grafaiai honestly gives me Impidimp vibes

  • Heyo! Bloss is back! Ummmmm sorry for my extreme inactivity recently I’ve been swamped with dance and more dance and then sleep, but hopefully I’ll be better about being on here! Ummmm yeah anyways hi guys
    Also I’m taking on apprentice so if any of you apps on the page would like to be my app I’m giving y’all first pick because I know you guys 😉


    i love them sm 😭😭 all of these purple designs have been SO GOOD FLAKSDJ

    first we got miraidon!! then we got ceruledge!! and now the (very likely) CHAMPION is also PURPLE and shes so so cool!! her design is so amazing and she appears to be south asian which is also incredibly hype!

    im just very happy abt these two things okay 😭 dont ask me abt the rest of the trailer… i have no thoughts just ceruledge and geeta <33

    • you posted this right before i was going to say something lol

      the purple fire thing is so incredible im dying
      geeta AHHHHH south asian representation is so great

      honestly the other story paths were disappointing to me shnfreisngj
      my excitement for this game is a rollercoaster XD

      • im trying to be optimistic about the other two storylines – team star is definitely more like a team yell and not the actual evil team (AT LEAST THEY BETTER), and i think there will be more type-specific leaders in that storyline so it could end up being fun! (they showed the fire one so im wondering how many others there might be?)

        and the uhhh one with the big crab could end up similar to totem battles in gen 7 and alphas in legends arceus?? really hoping its on a large scale like that bc that would be so cool!
        but yeah i was also initially disappointed so i dont blame you :((

        • team star is great, especially the type stuff but really? a whole third of the story dedicated to fighting gangsters on a single street? im not sure about it…

          same with the large scale hoping for the big crab. i really love arven so i’m excited but i wish that they could’ve brought Trials back, that would’ve been epic. i also feel like gen VII got a lot of cameo appearances from past characters which personally love but doesn’t seem like this gen will

          • i doubt the “star street” is literally just one street, i’d assume it’s multiple locations around the region each w a different type? 🤔

            i think its too early to tell about cameos, gen 7 had a lot but they also spoiled literally the entire game before release, and they are definitely taking a different promotional approach this time. i wouldnt totallyyyy rule out cameos just yet? i’d love to see some too, i just don’t think they’d share that info in advance!

    • Those new Pokemon revealed today look amazing! Designs like that make me want one on my team.

      Can I say that I like how the “evil” teams are not really going to be evil? It’s just a bunch of teens trying to show who’s boss at a school. Hopefully people will enjoy the evil teams like they enjoy Blue/Green from Gen 1. Because that’s what the evil teams look like to me.

  • Thanks for answering my last two questions! For my third and last question, feel free to go back to those two if you need to review.

    Third Question: How does the main character counter the villian and reenforce the theme?

    • RBGY – I don’t know… in this era games were pretty simple so I can’t think of a time where the main character actually showed any emotion. I guess because Giovanni is evil, Player is just a force against the evil? Can’t think of much else…
      GS – I guess that Team Rocket was quite annoying in these games. Definitely stopping them was a force for exploration as Team Rocket was often found blocking towns and routes, forcing the player to fight? And once you stopped Team Rocket and got through the gyms and stuff, you could even explore Kanto again.
      C – Player reinforces bravery through the determination to fight Team Rocket?
      RSE – Player tries to reintroduce a sense of balance into Hoenn after Maxie/Archie goes extremely insane and tries to put one over the other
      That’s all I have <3

      • First things first, thank you answering the question! 😃

        Hmm…RBG…yeah. That Gen was really focused on bringing the player into the world of Pokemon, so it is difficult to see how the character uniquely contribute to the theme. Perhaps the player character is to show that all it takes is one person to make a difference in the battle between good and evil. After all, Red in the manga affected so many lives, helping them all turn around and stand up for what is right. A complete foil to Giovanni too.

    • Since this third question seems to give people some trouble, I shall write my own example:

      Gen 4: Lucus 🙂

      Theme: Spirit drives us and allows us to do great things
      Villian: Cyrus despises Spirit, blaming it as the cause of all weakness and evil in the word. As such, he wishes to get rid of it. Problem: Cyrus doesn’t see the problem with his metaphysics. Example: who is keeping Time and Space bound? The Lake Trio, who all represent different parts of the Spirit. Mespirit=emotion, Uxie=Intellect, and Azelf=willpower. If Cyrus gets rid of all Spirit, he gets rid of Uxie and Azelf too. I could go into why that is horrible for Cyrus, but the mods would hate me more. Instead, let us focus on Cyrus’s real beef with Spirit, emotion, which he sees are making one weak, imperfect, unable to function.
      Enter in Lucus:
      He represents Compassion and stands against Cyrus’s apathy. Why Lucus? Aren’t girls more emotional? The answer is first, Dawn gets her own unique role in stopping Cyrus and second, Lucus is the only one who can show that having emotions doesn’t make you less manly. Cyrus has been abused by his father to believe that emotions are useless and prevent you from using your intellect. Lucus, though his actions and battles, proves that his emotions make him stronger than Cynthia. Lucus is the one whom the Legendaries naturally respond to, not Cyrus. Finally, despite being so ticked off, Lucus was able to keep a cool head while rescuing Mespirit from Cyrus. That is because Compassion requires all three parts of the Spirit: emotion, intellect, and willpower. When Cyrus, Saturn, etc., fall down into depression, it will be Lucus’s shining example of Compassion that lifts them up.

    • Now that I have done and example of Lucus, we must do his counterpart: Dawn.

      Theme: Connection
      Villian: Cyrus believes that all Connection holds you back and must be severed to move onward. He acts on this belief by resetting the whole world. Only then, does Cyrus think that the world will be perfect.

      Enter in Dawn
      The thing about humans, and Pokemon, is that we need connections to exist. Some examples are our parents (physical existence), our past experiences (skill, personality, life), and our social communities (friends, Blogclan, school, cities, countries). Not every connection is good, nor does it guarantee we will not be hurt. But in order to appreciate true joy, we must go thru pain and sorrow. It is our choices, however, that determine whether we let that pain control us or strengthen us. Dawn grows from her connections to her Pokemon, her friends, and the past whereas Cyrus denies having such connections (though his Crobat and Sunnyshore say otherwise). Because Dawn embraces Connection despite the ability to get hurt, she is able to figure out Cyrus’s plan, run to the top of Spear Pillar, and defeat him.

      Lastly, have any of you noticed that in art with reformed Cyrus, or in the process of reform, it is Dawn who is with Cyrus, not Lucus? That is because Connection is about reaching out to others, and Dawn is the one who sees that Cyrus needs that connection desperately. And since the Commanders all hero-worship Cyrus and everyone else distrusts him, Dawn takes it upon herself to be the one helping Cyrus out.

    • Yes…Dia is an amazing cinnamon bun.

      There is a quote I know that fits him. “Beware the quiet ones…they change the universe. It’s the loud ones who take all the credit.” And goodness gracious do Dia and Reg change the universe over and over by their presence.

    • Yess! I love him. And Sinnoh trio was amazing in terms of their friendship 😀

  • This might not go with what everyone is talking about, but here are some opinions I have:

    Ash is cool but annoying. Like, I know you refused to be an Aura Guardian, but great StarClan, you could at least acnowlage (srry bad speller) you have it! Like, ever since lucario faded Ash seemingly forgot everything.

    Also, since when does Mewtwo have a pokedex entry?

    I think Goh should give up on catching mew. MeW dOeSnT wAnT tO bE fOuNd.

    Okie bye!

    • Hmm… something tells me that whomever makes the Pokemon anime doesn’t care enough about the Pokemon movies to add stuff from the movies into the show. On the other paw, it seems that the people who make the Pokemon movies must pay very close attention to the anime lest they get in trouble…

      As for Mew, I really want to see an episode where Mew just spends the whole time pranking Goh. Can you imagine the crazy stuff Mew would do? Just think of all the crazy stuff cats do + physic powers on top of that = delicious chaos.

    • theres always such a lack of continuity from the movies to the main series anime flaksd like a lot of them we cant even consider anime canon (ex. volcanion and the mechanical marvel shows 100% zygarde, but we know that isn’t possible in the main anime timeline until end of xyz, so that entire movie is considered non-canon)

      journeys def SHOWS that ash has aura (at least. i think? idk i dont watch enough of it to remember correctly) but yeah hes never going to acknowledge anything that happened in a movie, they always do that :((
      idk i saw some some frames from the most recently aired episode (in japan, but i wont say WHAT it is in case you arent aware of how the series is playing out in japan and only know the dub) and it looks like ash and lucario are using aura together or smth?? idk i still need to watch it but

      journeys is :((( to me after the disrespect they served alain and diantha 😭😭

      • For some reason I am super defensive about mew. Again, MeW dOeSnT wANt To Be FoUnD.

        Also,can anyone tell me why gothitelle made ash faint? Okie byes!

          • Okay so by gothitelle I mean damons gothitelle in Pokémon black victini and reshiram. While trying to save victini gothitelle caught everyone with a confusion attack and made it stronger on ash, eventually causing him to lose consciousness. Victini, seeing that, becomes distressed and sends ash the vision, thus saving the kingdom.

            Also, is it weird that I think Riolu is cute?

            Okie bye!

              • It’s okay I watched it just yesterday!

                It’s amazing to see another person who thinks Riolu is cute.

                I was confused why psychic is an attack. I mean, it just makes things move, yet it does damage. How?

                Also, response to previous, I think it’s a great idea for a whole episode to feature mew pranking goh. I imagine mew to drop toys on gohs head and teleport him around. It’ll be soooooo funny!

                Is anyone else a fan of the Riolu and Lucario and mega Lucario evolution line! Cause I am!

                Okie bye! 🙂

                • i think a lot of people like the lucario line and think riolu is cute! its one of the most popular pokemon

                  the way the anime does psychic is weird lol, in the games its just a burst of purple light that does damage and its the main psychic type sp. atk
                  usually in the anime, psychic is used to move things (including opposing pokemon) and ig like. if you used psychic and slammed a pokemon into a building, its the actual hitting the building that does damage, not the psychic power?

                  ngl journeys is almost done airing in japan and they still have SO much left to cover so i find a fully mew episode pretty unlikely unless it has major plot relevance

                • Okie but my friend hates Riolu and Lucario because she says they are ugly and I’m now mad at her.

                  I also made my name a reference to Pokémon Lucario and the mystery of mew cause “aura” gleam?😉

                  Also, how is charizard not a dragon type?🤔🤔

                  Okie bye!

                • Okie but my friend hates Riolu and Lucario because she says they are ugly and I’m now mad at her.

                  I also made my name a reference to Pokémon Lucario and the mystery of mew cause “aura” gleam?😉

                  Also, how is charizard not a dragon type?🤔🤔

                  Okie bye
                  Sorry duplicate comment

  • i’ve started my first nuzlocke: omega ruby!
    i am naming all my pokemon after fruits and veggies: apple, strawberry, blackberry, coconut, etc.
    thats all lol i havent had time to do much yet but yeah excited!!

  • Thank you everyone for answering my questions!
    You all really did help me think on each of the games’ themes, the villains, and the player characters.

    With all the answers in, it pleases me to announce the release of a new fanfic series that I am working on! I shall take all the player characters and send them to…the wrong region where they must reenforce themes and defeat villains that they are not perfectly equipped for.

    The first story is up and ready for viewing!
    Story tease is Red and “No Surrender; No Retreat.”

    Here is the link!

    • hello! looking very good so far!
      * in the first sentence of Whoops! Wrong Region!, red wipes the “sweet” off his brow. i believe this should be “sweat”.
      * after “After all of that,” , you capitalized “He”. but i’m pretty sure it should be “he”.
      * in the 13th paragraph, you said “Red could not possible comprehend” although it should be “possibly comprehend”.
      * in the final paragraph, I would change “fire-type” to “Fire-Type”, and decapitalize Surrender, Retreat, and Victory. I would also capitalize Good vs. Evil.

      wow! this was an incredibly heart-pounding sequence! the scene with Ghetsis and N just goes to show how terrible their relationship was, and the scene where Red does not understand much, but he does understand that surrender is not an option. i literally can not wait for more!

      Your fanfiction is incredible so far and I can not wait to see how you further bring the world of Poktoolazytoputaccentemon!

      • Thank you so much for the critique! The fanfic has been updated!

        I kept the capitalization of Surrender, Retreat, and Victory as they are a reference to a TV show were the main characters have to make a choice between submitting to a fascist dictator or stand up for good against evil at the risk of getting alienated from all their loved ones. There was no surrender against such a force that would kill them anyway, nor could they retreat as there was nowhere to hide. There was only death in battle or victory.

        I did capitalize the Good and Evil part at the end as that is the part that matters to Red. People often praise Gen 5 for showing that the world is not black and white, but complicated. Those same people, however; overlook the fact that Evil does indeed exist, and its name is Ghetsis. Red does not overlook this but steps up to fight.

        Thank you for the commentary!
        I shall send your comment to my beta reader. She helped me by asking I show N’s relationship with Ghetsis.

        As for Red, I just had to write how he was NOT supposed to be there. Black, White, Rosa, and Nate would understand everything whereas Red can only understand the most important fact. In the end, Red’s understanding was enough.

        I’ll post another chapter next Monday! I hope you look forward to seeing Crystal!

  • Second chapter of “Whoops! Wrong Region!” is up!

    Free, this chapter is for you! Thanks for helping me figure out Gen 2.

    Here is the Tease!
    “Hey Cynthia, this is Crystal. Just calling to give you an update on my adventures. I don’t know if the call didn’t go through, but I needed to call you anyway. Sinnoh’s map needs updating. You have four lakes, not three.”


    • WOW! this is so good and i love how it’s told through a voice-messaging lens. a few things!

      in the beginning of the chapter you wrote “Play? Delate?” when it should be “Delete?”.
      a comma should be here: “Crazy name huh?” = “Crazy name, huh?”

      that was an incredible way to tell the story and crystal’s enthusiasm makes it such a fun chapter! i don’t know if the “im gonna catch it” was a reference to manga Crystal but i love it anyway 😛 look forward to more!

      • Happy to hear that you love this chapter! After all, you inspired it!

        I will get to the edits tomorrow when I post the next chapter. 😃

        In the 18th century, the first novels were written in an epistolary style aka letters. It allowed the readers to get hooked in as well as personal information to be revealed. These days, the only epistolary style we have are chatfics, so I decided to add some variety. Thank you for the encouragement; I need to talk with one of my professors to see about using voice messages to bring back the epistolary style.

        The “I’m going catch it” and Meganium are a 100% reference to manga Crystal. 😊

      • You should try it!
        It is really fun. I advise looking at authors such as Jane Austin and Mary Shelly as they wrote in epistolary style. There are surely many more authors who wrote in that style, but they are not coming to my mind. 😅

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