A little rebranding!
R.I.P. Pokemon Go
From 1st May 2021, fan fiction comments will no longer be moderated on BlogClan.
This means, comments containing fan fiction will never make it out of moderation. They will languish there, unread and unmoderated, for eternity.
scarlet violet trailer probably coming out tomorrow 👀 i hope they release the final evos for the starters that’s all im waiting for alskdjlfk
Trailer thoughts
– Picnics look neat! the washing pokemon feature kinda reminds me of washing my pet in animal jam lol… now that makes me feel nostalgic
– When i see Farigraif i kinda just see it wearing a hoodie… Tail hoodie…? I think it has the opportunity to become cursed if i think to much about it so i won’t
– I really wanna see the starter evos because if sprigatito becomes green incineroar i might have to rethink my starter choices
same about spriggy
i thought the trailer would actually reveal a lot because i mean FOURTEEN MINUTES but like not really 🙁 the picnics just feel like a reskin of camping with bathing pokemon, farigiraf is just like you said – i think it looks like girafarig is wearing a a halloween costume-, and… the salons are cool ig??
farigiraf has me cackling bc its name is just like. the opposite palindrome as girafarig 😭😭 and it looks SO goofy i love it <33 will i use one? def not lol but hes so funny looking!!
theres SO many hairstyles (that are not sorted by male/female anymore!!) and DIFFERENT EYE SHAPES??? HELLOOOO??? the things i get excited about lol pls
picnics are like. fine lol but i never used camping in swsh so i prob wont use this much either
i mean it doesnt BOTHER me if they add extra features haha but just not prob what i'll spend my time on
ugh the return of single use tms 😭 the crafting items better be easy to find or else im going to be upset
like there was nothing wrong w unlimited tms yknow this is just more work?? grinding for items isnt going to be fun?? but oh well if theyre easy to find i'll survive
wait theyre not sorted male/female anymore???
from what i can TELL it seems like the hairstyles are the same from everyone! but its not super clear, thats just what everybody online has been saying haha
i DEFINITELY wanted to see the starter evos im so sad they didn’t show that 😭 i think the crafting tms could end up pretty fun!!! i agree w the fact that fargiraf looks like it’s wearing a costume lol and i love the customization features :DDD
The Pokemon washing feature reminds me a lot of the minigame in Nintendogs where you wash your dog… Great, now you’re also making me feel nostalgic! 😛
sorry purple dusk i havent read the new chapter of your fanfic – been a bit busy recently but i promise to read over weekend :))
This would be better for the Fan-Fiction page, or possibly the Fan-Fiction Organisation page! ^^
oh uh purple dusk posts their fanfics on here and they’re about pokemon so I didn’t know if they would see it on on of those pages
what free said lol
we put pokemon fanfic stuff specifically on this page because it gets buried super fast on the normal fanfic page
(i used to double post stuff on both but that got way too time consuming lol so it was just better to post it here where the people in the pokemon fandom are more likely to see it!)
It would be better if I posted my Pokemon fanfic on the fanfic page.
When I did do it, however, no one actually read my work. All the readers on the fanfic page are looking for Warriors fanfics and thus are confused at my work’s existence. As they didn’t know about Pokemon, they overlooked my work. But here, with all of these wonderful people, they DO know Pokemon and can appreciate my work. And I say wonderful as they encourage me with my work. I would not be posting fanfiction at all if not for everyone’s encouragement from this discussion page.
lol yeah this entire comment sums up how i felt when posting my fics as well
i tried posting on the fanfic page but got Nothing, but the people on this page are super lovely and give really motivating feedback!
i read the chapter and i love it!
couple things –
“so every emotion and thought were locked away” should be “…and thought WAS locked…” but take this one with a grain of salt as I’m not too sure what the rule is
“he told boy of the lore…” should be “he told the boy of the lore” unless you intended to call him Boy in this instance
“blinking, the boy asked.” should be “blinking, the boy asked, “INSERT DIALOGUE HERE :)””
I think the way you portrayed the huge contrast between ruby and cyrus was so awesome because of the hilarious moments it created. your opening paragraph was so good and i especially enjoyed cyrus’s “yes kindergartener” which was funny as well as further illustrating the fact that cyrus doesn’t pay enough attention to anyone around him to realize ruby is not, in fact, 3 years old. I also thought the ‘everything tried to kill my grasstypes’ line was fantastic and hugely relatable as a grass-starter enthusiast. WOW! this one was so awesome and can’t wait for more!
Thank you for the edit suggestions and compliments!
Chapter has been updated!
Honestly, part of the fun writing this series is putting the hero and villain together and realizing how they do not match up at all. Cyrus might have to consider putting his “Creating a new universe” plan on hold just so he can get Dialga and Palkia to send Ruby back to Archie and Maxie.
I am so happy that I wrote Cyrus well. He is so oblivious that he overlooks the fact that he does have emotions himself along with the fact he does care about his Pokemon (Crobat).
“Everything tries to kill my grass type.” was very personal to write as I am also a grass-starter enthusiast. When I say everything, I mean EVERYTHING. It took me a long time to appreciate fire types after getting roasted alive by five different rivals.
As for next chapter, I hope I can finish it tonight. I am literally riding half-way across a region and back with this one.
about grass-types
we are so lucky that hau and hop had the weaker starters to the ones chosen or i literally wouldve died
it’s fine if you don’t get it done by today/monday!
For Hau, he still chose Fire as my brother and I switched starters for Alola. ( He is a Water-type enthusiast while I’m Grass.) It was funny watching Hau trying to roast my sea lion and get no where. 🤣
I promised someone that I would post this particular one-shot today, so I got to get typing! The story keeps expanding!
Trailer thoughts
Huzzah! I can finally fulfill my Subway worker dreams.
Can’t pronounce it and it looks rlly weird, so an L for me
-Char Customisation
SQUEEEEE- I’m dead
-Three Stories
I’m going Team Star route, seems unique and cool.
I love the idea of crafting but I hate single use tms, why did they have to return?!
yeah same opinions on the tms like whyyy 😭😭
Chapter Five of Whoops! Wrong Region! is up!
Red gets to drive a train!
My goodness, this chapter single-handed doubled my word count. And I didn’t even write everything in the outline. 🙀
WOW! been reading this chapter in little bits per day so now i finished!
“emmet’s opponent rarely call out” should be “rarely calls out”.
“why this trainers was” should be “why this trainer was”
the Ball in Poketoolazytoputaccent Ball should be capitalized
in the paragraph starting with “How did the japanese regions of”, Johto is spelles with an H before the T.
in the paragraph beginning with “Bianca began”, it should be, “Bianca began, “It’s a crazy idea, but-“” instead of “Bianca began “It’s a crazy idea but-“”.
*the levitating ability trick BAHAHHAHA*
the incredible depth you added to the personalities of red and emmet really made their relationship special, and it was such a creative way how you portrayed how red communicates and commands moves for his Poketoolazytoputaccentmon. the thing with children which i’m not sure i’m allowed to discuss here was so depressing and dark… ;(
Such a beautiful chapter with a beautiful blend of action and peacefulness :DD loved it!
I am still shocked at how big that chapter got. And to think the Muse was still going! “Excuse Miss. Muse, I must disembark here. I cannot continue on this train.”
Thank you for the edits! I shall get to them eventually!
The levitating trick is so fun! And to think that Emmet actually holds back in game by NOT teaching his Elektross Aqua Tail or Giga Drain!
Thank you for the compliment for Red and Emmet’s relationship as I was worried how it would go. (Writing Emmet’s speech pattern is hard!)
I read a fanfic where they gave Red the Clicker technique, and I went “Yes! That is why Red is a Champion at such a young age! He doesn’t like to talk!”
All of Red’s Pokemon now carry wooden whistles with them just in case he loses his. 🙂
Yeah…poor kids…
I had to show why Kanto and Unova are so different and unfortunately my best way was to draw from real life. My dad actually lived in Kanto at age ten, so I was able to learn about the train systems from him. Don’t worry about the kids too much though! The Battle Subway keeps all of its little passengers safe! The advantages of having alert trainers and observant Pokemon on your side!
oh your dad lived in real-life-in-japan-kanto? that’s really cool! great job on that chapter 🙂
Yep! He did at age ten too!
If he lived in the Pokemon world instead of real life Kanto, he would have gotten a Charamander. But, instead, he was a Boy Scout helping his mom out.
New trailer YAY
Farigiraf is cute, I love the palindrome
Picnics are a meh for me, but hey I can be a subway worker now lol
No starter evos which is sad 🙁
More character customization AHHHH I LOVE IT
I like the idea of crafting, but single use tms suck
Pokémon washing def brings back nostalgia
Looks like you’re not dead yet!
The new trailer was nice…and they just released another video! We finally meet a new gym leader!
Farigiraf is amazing and I cannot wait to learn more.
I’ll be honest, I swear I have seen some of that character customization on the Mii creator program. That was NOT the nostalgia I was expecting to be hit with today.
Oh….that’s wonderful :/ I haven’t been on my Wii in AGES. But being able to change so much on my character excites me (character customization is always one of my favorite things to mess around with).
Haven’t gotten around to the new trailer yet but soon hopefully! Seeing a new gym leader sound exciting!
yeah the single use tms are 😭😭
i love farigiraf flaksdjf the palindrome is like. the opposite of girafarig's!! its so cuteee
Inspired by Purple Dusk, I have made my own Pokemon Fanfic! StarClan knows how I had time, but here it is!
Moonbreeze! The cycle of Inspiration continues! We have another Pokemon fanfic writer on this page now!
The story is interesting!
It begs so many questions, such as why is Aura outlawed in this tiny town when Riolu and Lucario are so amazing!?!
Also, I love the love given to Scolipede. It is a giant bug-horse thing, but I love it.
It will be interesting to see where you go with the villain sense it appears his motivation is to be the very best, just like Ash. But I must wait and see how the parallels go and how far the two divulge!
Aura Pokémon are outlawed because of Hanz’s evil plan. Since they can predict their opponents moves. But now…he is gone for time being **evil laugh**😏😏😏
Hmm…that makes sense for the aura. But now that we are hundred years later…
Oh dear. Those are hyena laughs. Something is going to happen.
yay for more fanfic!! glad to see people writing :DD
It issssssss I love it
Will I use it on my team?
Probably not because I would like to actually do well in the game lol, but still it’s cute nonetheless
Iono’s partner…
– New pokemon (probably)
– Some pokemon i haven’t looked at which isn’t electric type and just terestralised to be (IT’S A JIGGLYPUFF, SEEN FROM ABOVE AND TERESTRALISED INTO THE ELECTRIC TYPE!)
– Stunfisk (sure there’s nothing to indicate its eyes are fake but i can see them making a cutesy gym leader and giving them a conventionally ugly pokemon – and it’s squishy!) (PALDEAN STUNFISK??)
wait so the magnemite are just for show?? that’s so disappointing lol it would be cool if she had two of them on her team
Yep, she says that they aren’t her pokemon and they are just ‘hairclips’
hmmmm i dont like the idea of paldean stunfisk honestly. i think galarian stunfisk was cool but one form is enough. this is why i loathe wiglett. we already had an alolan diglett smh
i actually forgot there was a galarian stunfisk lol
better be a new pokemon flkasdjf
bellibolt update: ITS SO CUTE
THE FAKE EYESSS im melting
Someone said that they used the beta form of Palpitoad to create Belibolt and I think it is so cool. Not only are they reusing old designs and referencing other generations, but Belibolt looks so unique!
oh thats so cool!!
New Chapter for Whoops! Wrong Region!
In this case, Black has to deal with Knuckleheads!
Guess which two stubborn people he has to deal with? Your hint: Black is going to need a dragon for this.
Link HERE:
sorry im so late!
“Razer Shell” should be “Razor Shell”
i loved it! the style of writing you used to portray Black’s determination to stop Maxie and Archie is genius :)) almost no editing notes today! great job!
Dang’it, the evil dragon of spelling errors strikes again. Back to the battlefield!
Thank you for the compliment! It was my favorite chapter to work on. 😃
A new chapter for my Fanfic “Worth a thousand words” (previously titled “Book”(unknown to most)) is out!
Ash meets Skye!
A bit of Skye’s past is revealed!
Here is the link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SkMGhcFCIBqhUACroXSLfM_bHM9tLOON80_ixpOsmwk/edit
The plot thickens!
My main advice is you are going have to find a way to make it easier for your readers to find your next chapter. Right now, it is easy. But later on, as your chapters start reaching double digits, you will find some problems.
Unfortunately, I do not have much experience in sharing chapters of works via Google Docs. My best advice would be to add page numbers. When you post your next chapter, you can tell your readers which page the chapter starts on, making it easier for us to read your work. 🙂
(i personally make diff docs for each chapter – once a fic hits over 100 pages in total, the doc lags a TON so it was just easier to do multiple docs in a large folder!)
my fic with my friend lagged when it hit 25 words lol
we do write in tiny font though :’)
*25 pages
25 words and i wouldve quit google docs 😛
Does anyone still watch Pokemon Journeys? I love it so much and it seems no one watches it- D’:
My little siblings do. They just put another season of Pokemon Journeys on Netflix today.
sometimes i watch journeys!! like… rarely flaksdjf
idk i keep getting let down so hard by it lol so ive. given up! but ive seen decent chunks of it? (mostly all of the old character returns)
i personally watch the japanese ver (w eng subs) as they come out, if im interested in the particular episode, bc i lack patience w netflix haha
I watched up to ep 105 in Japanese and got bored, tbh I don’t like Journeys.
i dont have the patience to scan through the anime’s filler episodes for actual content, so i’ve given up on watching it! it seems like it would be nice to binge on a rainy day
(like today! for me at least shbrejhkgs)
I totally ship Satogou – which is Ash x Goh from Pokemon Journeys- and they are so adorable, in my opinion.
I also have a Satogou fanfic under Shaded_Heart on wattpad, so if you like Satogou, maybe… give it a read? I update it every two weeks- with a BIG update.
Love journeys! I especially like allister, and I love the face they released “the spectral express” today!
I’m glad someone else likes it too!
allister is king, there is no denying
journeys is not my favorite thing in the world
but if allister is in it then i am buying netflix lol
Hee Hee, the way Allister can talk to pokemon and how much ash can relate to him is just adorable, and Allister calling ash a weirdo as a joke makes me love him even more! Best gym leader is…tied with Allister and Korrina!
Question! Are you getting Scarlet or Violet? I should get Violet since I always get the bluish version of games e.g X, Moon, Black, Soul Silver but Koraidon is so cool so I’m breaking my pattern!
Idk which one. This will probably be the first game of Pokémon I get. I’m siding with violet because I am. Deal with it, scarlet.
i always get the second game (exception: black 2, red (doesn’t really count as I played yellow first and was interested in seeing gameplay w/o third version), omega ruby) or the third game (ex. crystal, yellow, and platinum but not emerald; never been able to find a legitimate copy).
mainline games i’ve played (earliest first play to latest first play):
ultra moon, y, omega ruby, platinum, black 2, yellow, shield, crystal, red, moon, and soon violet!!
Violet! I usually pick the version based on the box art pokemon, but I like Koraidon and Miraidon equally, but Ceruledge was what really made me chose Violet
This is the first time I picked based on version exclusives that aren’t the box art legends (besides the Let’s Go games, which don’t have box art legendaries)
violet for sure haha
miraidon and ceruledge <33
Cerulean and Miraidon are better! I like Koriadon, but it just feels like a rip-off of Groudon! (*cough*name, color*cough*) (so is Miraidon with name btw)
Probably violet for Miraidon, but i don’t know the rest of the version exclusives
At first I was going to go with Scarlet because I like the colour red, but then I saw Miraidon and was like ‘WAIT, THAT LOOKS COOL’ so I think I might get Violet because of the box legendary being all robotic and futuristic, and I love Sci-Fi stuff, so yeah. 😛
I still like Koraidon and have a preference for the School uniforms in Scarlet, so I could get both games, but I know that I won’t play both of them if I did because I’d only really play one of the games and then give the other to a friend or something. 😛
I’m gonna binge the Hoenn anime, it’s been my favourite season of the anime since i was little, and i haven’t watched it in a while.
oooh fun!