A little rebranding!
R.I.P. Pokemon Go
From 1st May 2021, fan fiction comments will no longer be moderated on BlogClan.
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I need opinions! Instead of Scarvio, my parents are telling me that Legends: Arceus has better graphics! Is it true? Is Scarvio better then Legends? Plz help!
theyre just incredibly different games imo!
legends arceus was too much into typical video game land for me bc it required more quick thinking and fast reflexes. i played maybe 5 hours, got 1/6 through the game, and gave up. it just wasnt rly my style!
scarlet violet is probably one of my favorite games of all time. its a slightly different version of the very classic pokemon formula – things are much slower and turn based like usual and its far less stressful for somebody like me (who sucks at 99.9% of video games). it is true that the graphics struggle a bit, but i dont want you to base your decision purely on that. i loved the game regardless of its glitches and somewhat poor graphics.
overall, they’re so different i cant tell you what to get – it depends on what you like! if youre open to a more action-esque game, you might LOVE legends! i certainly know a lot of people that hail it as the best game pokemon has ever created. but if youre like me and you prefer the old, tried-and-true pokemon formula, scarlet violet is a great option – it’s different than the usual without being too different that the game fundamentally changes.
also its good to note that its very likely s/v will get DLC and whatnot in the future! it will have events, ranked battles, etc. legends arceus is def not going to be supported in that way by pokemon – it’s a solo game and def will not get DLC as its not the main title of its generation
perhaps somebody who has played through all of legends can speak more for its strong points! but overall i loved scarlet/violet a lot :DD
Honestly, Legends is better than Scarvio. It has better graphics (well…a lot better), is more responsive, and has a more dynamic and interesting battle style. However, both games are good to try out, and Scarvio supports multiplayer, while Legends (I believe) does not, and likely never well.
we’re getting a performance patch for scarvio coming out today!! hoorah
all its going to fix is music for elite four and “other select bug”s smh but this could be a sign of things (specifically, more patches) to come!!
i got the update and idk if rly changed much bc i havent played a lot since downloading it, but yes i definitely agree! i hope things continue to improve :DD
Okay, so I do NOT have Scarlet/Violet, but let me tell you something.
What. Is. Wrong. With. Bipedal. SPRIGATITO!
I think the fandom is focusing too much on the “two legs”. Florgato and Meowscarada are amazing Pokemon with cool designs! Honestly, these are some of the best evolutions so far!
i love florgato but intensely dislike meowscarada it makes me uncomfy
at first i was disappointed at it being bipedal (but not surprised), but meowscarada REALLY grew on me!! its actually prob one of my favs now, great concept and its animations (pose and signature move especially) have so much personality. and floragato is quite good for a middle evo! but yeah i agree theyre great designs and evos and i love them a lot :DD
I got violet earlier than expected! 1/5 on starfall street, 2/8 on victory road and 2/5 on path of legends
i’m really enjoying the fact i have no idea what the ‘correct’ level route is, the second path of legends path i did was NOT the second in terms of levelling but i just went “SCREW IT ALL, I WILL MURDER YOU DONPHAN EVEN IF I AM LEVEL 28!” and i did 😛
omg thats impressive flksadjf
tbh u def wanna be high enough level for the star bases tho, the first challenge part is easy regardless of ur level but the boss fights?? nah those revavrooms will sweep u if u arent a high enough level 😭
how are you enjoying the game in general so far?
Enjoying the gameplay but i’m a bit disappointed with a lot of the new pokemon. I hear the story’s good but i don’t think i’ve gotten to much of the story yet
And yeah the revavrooms are brutal, my first bossfight was using a bunch of revives and super potions on my azumarill and hoping for the best. (my azumarill is the MVP though he’s so tanky!! my boy! also i think he switched genders)
the revavrooms are definitely insane haha
the story lacks buildup but the ending of the plot is really what makes it special to me! i hope you enjoy it :DD
Since I can’t play Scarlett and Violet due to not owing a Switch, can you all recommend a good YouTube channel that I can watch a playthrough? I’m trying to plan the next chapters of my fanfic and realized I know next to nothing about Gen 9. (Trailers give bare bones information)
Also, who is Scarlett and who is Violet? I can’t tell which one is Florian or Juliana. (Fun fact, both names mean youthful.)
i mostly watched full, unedited playthroughs and skipped through a bit! and i watched youtubers i already liked for pokemon content
my fav pokemon youtubers are wolfeyvgc and cybertronvgc so i watched those, cybertron in general is a very chill person if thats what u would prefer
and if you really like seeing people’s reactions, mandjtv’s reactions to the plot were quite entertaining!
Thank you so much. I just realize that I have to watch two whole different playthroughs since it appears that Scarlett and Violet will have major version differences. Again, this is me knowing nothing but the trailer, so who knows how crazy this will go.
omg have fun!! wolfey and mandjtv played scarlet while cybertron played violet, if that helps at all 🙂
also i forgot to answer ur question about the protags, but juliana is scarlet and florian is violet!
Thank you so much!
The choice of colors is surprising to me as I reasoned it the other way around due to the names’ history. Did you know the names Florian and Juliana have a history with the Roman Empire and in particular the Roman Emperor? St. Florian was a fire-fighter on top of being a Roman Officer in the army whereas Juliana was the daughter of Caeser.
I guess I have to watch the games then to figure out more about Juliana and Florian!
oh thats really cool! as usual, i feel like the protags in the games are pretty interchangeable, but im sure theyll have more differentiation in the manga 🙂
AHHHHH theyre getting rid of ash
this is so bittersweet ahhhhh
i wanted a new protagonist but this is so sudden
they say there will be a completely new series now but what will happen to all the characters like serena and team rocket??
can you imagine a pokemon anime w/o team rocket??? AHHH
anyway thoughts on this?
To be honest, i’ve thought they should do this for a while now… but i’m still crying :’D
There’s going to be an 11-episode mini series starting next year which will conclude his journey (and include all of his previous travelling partners apparently) so he isn’t completely gone yet.
yeah.. i am excited for the miniseries but also curious (and sad) to see how it ends
Including Misty and Serena at the same time is going to be a job for the writers-
Wonder which one he’s gonna end up with..Or maybe none at all? :0
I can’t see them canonising either ship tbh
I’m not much into the ash ships but i am loyal to pokeshipping since i liked it before
Honestly I really do not want them to bring back Serena.
If I had to pick out of all of Ash’s female traveling partners, though, I’d pick Misty. She has the most history and got the most hints out of them imo.
She’s also literally one of the only ones with any character developmenti assume theyre bringing back all companions, probably with individual episodes for each region, and will not make any ships canon 🙂
Did I hear you right?
They’re replacing Ash?
My goodness! This is long over due!
And fitting that they do it AFTER Ash became a Pokemon Master, way after he became Alola’s champion. Plus, not only do we get a victory tour with Pokemon Journeys, but we get a sound off with the mini-series? Nice!
As for the new series, these original characters look so good! And they get introduced along with a new region! Smart move GameFreak!
Though…those two don’t look like Juliana or Florian…I wonder who they are…
*checks google*
OMG they areeeeeeeeee, wow, um, never thought I’d see that, honestly it is long overdue but nonetheless bittersweet. IMO it won’t really be a Pokemon anime without Ash, so we’ll see. I refuse to believe they will also take Jessie, James, and Meowth out of the anime, given at that point it would be a complete and total revamp of the show and would possibly turn people away from the show (like me, I’m not watching it if Team Rocket isn’t in it). This is definitely a shock though.
I am 100% not watching it if they remove Team Rocket
ngl i talked to some of my friends about this and i had Many thoughts but i will try and summarize!!
overall, unsurprising and not overly disappointing. theres literally nothing left for him in the main series considering hes the world champion and therefore a pokemon master. the mini series will serve as (hopefully) some really love closure! i just think that theres nothing more for him in the main series and its time to move on
i can def see why people are sad, it means we also lose his pokemon and his companions and team rocket and whatnot. especially sad that pikachu (ash’s pikachu specifically) will be mostly gone :(( for a lot of us, ash was a huge part of our childhood! but i really think its a natural point for his story to come to an end
i also think theres a good chance ash and the characters from his story will show up/make cameos or even play decent roles in the new series! esp team rocket
im also really excited for the new series. i think its a chance to go in a slightly different direction, rather than repeating the same formula! im hoping for something that is more accurate to the games? i like certain parts of the games and certain parts of the anime but sometimes i think about the lack of spotlight on the galar characters, the poor execution of the actual gen 7 plot, etc, so idk flakds im torn but it has potential! also i love riko’s design lol
this is so sad, honestly without Team Rocket Pokemon is incomplete, also were lucky if Ash were to age only a day!
Agree! Team Rocket is so bad but so good “:00
(Also, about the Ash aging thing, pretty sure he would be 12/13 by now, but that poor child aging about two years in the anime’s entire run is a bit… u h)
hah yea! (it’s also very un-natural for Ash to age-)
Hey yall, im back, maybe, havent had a chance to play very much of scarvio, Ive played like twice and the first tie lasted five minutes because i was following mairaidon and got stuck on a rock lol
the game def has some issues but they are easy enough to look past, and i LOVEEEEEE the character customization options, i mean my character pretty much looks like me but with freckles, its a lot of fun so far, def will try playing more
is it just me or are pokemon sword and shield super fast
What is your favourite Pokemon? Mine is Charzard. Also there are so many people I have never met before, just lurking on this page 😛
I know! It’s a lovely place to meet new people!
Hi Bloss! Are you active on other pages or just this one?
I tend to be more active on this one, but I also lurk around on the apprentice army page and art page, though you’ll see me around in other pages
this page is home to what i would like to call the “poke-dwellers”, forever residing on the pokemon discussion page 😛
and my favourite pokemon is Cubone!
What can I say? This page makes the best home. 😜
when i tell u that before i became a mod. i spent about three years on this page ONLY lfkajsdf
my fav is sylveon!
Mudkip =D
Welcome Scorchy!
This is the best page to be on, if you ask me.
My favorite Pokemon is Serperior, with Scolipede and Kecleon falling up close behind.
Best Pokemon is Riolu, hands down. Sylveon close second, Eevee third.
this page is so nice
i dont really know but tatsugiri and glaceon are definitely in my top 5…
I have quite a few favourite Pokemon because I can’t decide on one. 😛
Meowth, Buizel, Raichu, Delibird, Bewear and more. 😛
Okay so, Bloompetal and I have been working on a Pokemon Warriors Crossover Roleplay that we were thinking of turning into an actual fanfic, would anyone here be interested in reading that? It would probably be on AO3. Also currently we have a fanfic about to be posted on AO3 (if I can get her to stop procrastinating it lol) called Dawn of Darkness, its a Warriors fanfic but has a completely original cast and storyline. If/when she finally post the first chapter would you like for me to put the links here on this page?
P.S. Im trying to prove to Bloom that there are people on here who would actually like to read her stories .
And I am aware that this is more fit for the Fanfic pages, but I find that people here are more likely to actually look at it, then in the fanfic page where it’ll likely just be skimmed past.
I will subscribe if you post it.
Also, tell Bloom that such a fanfic will attract both people from the Pokemon page as well as the normal Warriors cats fans. You are crossovering two fandoms, which have fans on this website.
I would definitely read that! Probably more than one time lol
Incorrect Pokémon Quotes: Day One
Make sure to let me know which one’s your favorite in the replies!
Ash: Not gonna lie, I’m kind of afraid of Misty
Brock: As you should be
Ash: No really, she’s kind of-
Brock: As. You. Should. Be.
Serena: Jail’s no fun.
Iris: You’ve been?
Serena: Once. In Monopoly.
Misty: Did you know penguins can fly if you throw it hard enough?
Misty: Just like c h i l d r e n
Misty: Fun facts with Misty <3
Cilan: I had a feeling once. 0/10 would not recommend.
Misty: *slapping Ash in the face with his own hand* Why are you hitting yourself? Haha, stop hitting yourself!
Brock: *crying* Is this why you wanted an open casket?
(I have some really good incorrect quotes in my roster, but I’ll save those for next time :3)
First one is my favorite.
Thanks 😀
all of them are so good i really liked 2
Thanks! I like that one too 😛
With the college semester now over, I can finally post the latest chapter of “Whoops! Wrong Region!”
Chapter 11 is up and I hope I don’t drive Moonbreeze crazy with this chapter. After-all, there is a Moon but no Gladion.
flkjasdf you know me too well 😭
Pikachu- is cool