Pokemon Discussion Page


A little rebranding!


R.I.P. Pokemon Go

From 1st May 2021, fan fiction comments will no longer be moderated on BlogClan.

This means, comments containing fan fiction will never make it out of moderation. They will languish there, unread and unmoderated, for eternity.





    • (𝖋𝖊𝖒𝖆𝖑𝖊, 𝖈𝖍𝖗𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖎𝖆𝖓) 🐍🐉 𝙰𝚍𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚙𝚊𝚠/𝚍𝚛𝚊𝚐𝚘𝚗 (𝙿𝚛𝚘𝚏𝚒𝚕𝚎 𝚙𝚒𝚌𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚎 𝚋𝚢 𝙳𝚞𝚜𝚔𝚕𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝) says:

      I think that this Pokemon Presents was underrated. We get a new game and a Scarvio DLC! I guess other fans were disappointed, but Pokemon Sleep and Area Zero is enough for me! 🙂


      the sv dlc looks SO good. catch me sobbing at the concept of the indigo one bc like. a) terapagos is SO cute and so pretty and so cool and is. absolutely perfect. babey. b) the school looks so cool u dont understand c) its giving battle facility vibes (PLEASE GIVE ME A BATTLE FACILITY)
      im so excited for more area zero/tera lore 😭😭

      i think fans expect a little too much from pokemon each year tbh
      ppl always complain that games are rushed and then go “why didnt we get a new game?? why arent we getting the old games ported to the switch??”
      but then also go “these games are so unfinished!!” when theyre released flkasdjf like its a bit contradictory 😭

      that being said ik u are def not the only one disappointed that we dont have more mystery dungeon! tho im not sure i quite followed why everybody thought it was “confirmed” we were getting it this year – would u mind explaining why everybody was so convinced this was mystery dungeon’s year? just so i can understand haha

      personally – i am so thankful we finally got dates for worlds (TOOK THEM LONG ENOUGH HELLO)
      i cant go but im so thankful for all of the players who can actually buy plane tickets now lol, im a big fan of vgc and i follow vgc twitter pretty closely and ppl were rly stressed bc plane tickets are so expensive these days, especially booking last minute. so the fact that they finally gave dates for worlds is absolutely huge and im so excited for it :DD
      also im in love with the artwork!! the pikachu eating ramen is so cute and the inclusion of dozo+tatsu is hilarious on. multiple levels. bc a) japanese food motif ofc b) their IMMEDIATE presence in sv vgc and the amount of memes made about them makes it even better
      i truly loved loved london worlds but this year could be even better and that makes me so excited :DD

      overall i was satisfied w presents! especially for our first year into a new gen 🙂

      • Yeah i do agree pokemon fans can be hypocritical i just found it a little sad that like 70% of the presents was updates to their mobile apps… not that they’re all bad (i do like masters) plus that dlc was to be expected and sleep wasn’t exactly new as it was announced beforehand. i personally really want them to pace the main series out more because the condition sv were released in shows they clearly needed more time, and i really do hope that employees at game freak aren’t made to do crunch time but they probably are 🙁

        The reason people thought mystery dungeon was confirmed was because there was some source code found on the website with the copyright for the studio which produced mystery dungeon which would suggest something about mystery dungeon would be in the presents.

        the worlds art was exciting and i am excited to watch the matches even if i’ll probably just pop in and out the whole time lol. and i agree the art was adorable! im a little sad i cant go as opposed to london (i dont think it helped my fomo that the first worlds i took interest in was in my home country lol)

      • the reason everyone was hyped for mystery dungeon was i think they trademarked the name of a mustery dungeon game or smth i really did not follow either

  • im sorry i disappeared for a minute
    dlc is cool ig but i dont have too much interest in the mainline games anymore. Hopefully at least there will be some nice returning pokemon (minior my beloved)
    pokemon sleep is so nice to finally see! i have been waiting, i actually really wanted to have it, would probably be fun and help me have an incentive to sleep better!!
    also no mystery dungeon sad :((

  • in about a week? bye bye ash ketchum 😢

    ALSO guys, has anyone ever thought about:
    1) professor oak being ash ketchum’s father?
    2) professor oak marrying delia?
    3) liko being ash’s daughter?

    …but with the way the episode seems to be going, I guess we’ll never know who ash’s dad is, unless it really does turn out to be professor oak. which I seriously doubt.

    • BTW, I’m not saying I support/don’t support any of these theories, I’m just putting them out there and seeing what ya’all think

    • Yeshhhh, I do think Liko is Ash’s daughter, but not really sure who the mother is, I’m guessing Dawn or Misty, even though basically everyone is guessing Serena. For Professor Oak being Ash’s dad, that theory is interesting and I’m not sure if I have any thoughts about if it’s real or not.

      • i think, how else are they going to introduce liko

        i completely agree with you about the liko thing. i’m about 88% percent sure that dawn or misty is the mom. serena’s eyes are similar to liko’s. i won’t deny that they are very close on the color scale (or whatever it’s called). but these people are freaking out and acting like they’re carbon copies 🤪

        as much as a pokéshipper as i am, i think misty is probably less likely to be the mom as opposed to dawn or even serena. roy actually looks a lot like an ash x misty copy (did anyone notice the hair? it looked quite orange in some promo/concept art) but that doesn’t explain the skin tone 😛 maybe a brock kid?

        and with ash’s final episode out, no details on the dad 🙁

  • I am afraid I have an announcement to make.
    I will be discontinuing posting “Whoops! Wrong Region” on this website. Note keywords “Posting” and “on this website”. I am still writing the fanfic but will not be posting it on here, but rather keep it exclusive to Ao3.

    The answer why is that I had two plot holes that could only be solved by bringing in a controversial topic. And the thing about a controversial topic is that no matter which side you are on, people are going to get their feelings deeply hurt. The type of hurt where the mods would not let me post my comment. Even I take a neutral stance, the mere chance of you getting hurt is too much just by introducing the topic. And considering my track record of being less than tacit…

    Yeah. I will not be cruel to you.
    Though making you go through Ao3’s awful search system to find my fanfic is a cruel torture in and of itself…

    Anyways, thank you all for your support. It was wonderful discussing Pokemon themes, the protags, and villains with you. Any greatness in the characters is thanks to you cats on here.

    Keep on your journey young trainers! You never know what fun adventures you and your friends will discover today!

    • hi purple dusk!
      im so sorry i havent been reading recently life caught up w/ me and my interests have shifted quite a bit but ill be sure to read!
      will you be leaving blogclan? 🙁 or just stop posting your fic here?
      anyway yeah ill catch up with reading it 🙂 i dont have an ao3 account so i cant comment there or anything but yeah i hope you know that i love and support your writing <33
      see you soon 🙂

      • It’s okay, life IS crazy. I know since it is Holy Week and that is not even counting the three research papers I have due this month. 🙃

        Considering that, I will be taking an absence from Blogclan. I might pop back in every once in a while, but it will not be for my fanfic.

        You can still comment on Ao3 as a guest! 😄 Luckily, I haven’t had to limit all comment moderation on that fanfic. Thank Starclan the spammer left my main Pokemon fanfic alone.

        Anyways, I hope you keep having wonderful adventures!

  • Time for Ashy’s big reappearance! I’m back! Here are my opinions on the new Pokémon stuff!

    Area zero DLC? Cool! I love the gem turtle thing that I forgot the name of, and it is so pretty!

    Pokémon sleep? I wonder what happens if you put jigglypuff…

    Also, I’ve recently gotten into Pokémon ships and the only one I like is Shalourshipping 😅 sorry Serena fans.

    Well that’s all! See ya!

    • hi! i was wondering about the jigglypuff thing too, lol.

      also, my shipping brain is dead, so…what’s shalourshipping? 😆

      • Shalourshipping is the not very popular shipping of Ash and Korrina. I don’t blame you, not many people like it, but Korrina is the most amazing gym leader and I love the ship. No amourshipping for me!


        • I haven’t heard /much/ of Korrina…but that does sound good 👀. And I love how Korrina looks.

      • i know i saw an official youtube link somewhere, but i can’t find it now ☠️

        i want to watch the undubbed episodes from aim to be a pokemon master but can’t find them either 😕

        • oo! fortunately i can pick up on a bit of japanese, so ill be sure to check it out!!
          i might also just look for a fandub on youtube since it’s been long enough since it started that someone probably did it ahaha

  • Hey guys! Sorry for my months long disappearance, school and dance rehearsals kind of took over my life haha. But since school is ending this week and so are my dance classes, i’ll be back and more alive than ever. though this will probably the only time I say anything this week because its show week at my dance studio and the last week of school so there is a LOT going on right now. I hope everyone is having a wonderful day/night!

    • Black and white has the most nostalgia for me, it was super fundamental to me as a child lol

    • the OS series is hilarious (imo 4kids was much better at the dub than tpci) and i also like a few parts of sun and moon and journeys because they don’t have as much insults and stuff (especially from misty my beloved 😂😂😂) as the OS and they have kind of a chill vibe.

      no offense to the people who like those series, but none of the other ones look very interesting…i would prefer they kept misty instead of Awkward Third Wheel (aka brock) as a traveling companion. there were times when brock did come of use in the situation but misty and ash held up their episodes fine 😛 (and misty is actually extremely interesting to watch on her own imo)

  • ⚡️Lightingpaw/strike/Lightning that strikes burning tree/Light/Lightning/Strike/he/him/looking for a mentor!⚡️ says:

    Sun and moon is the best anime imo

    • im pretty sure this was meant for tinyfrost’s comment above!! if you want to reply, click the reply button under the comment :))