A little rebranding!
R.I.P. Pokemon Go
From 1st May 2021, fan fiction comments will no longer be moderated on BlogClan.
This means, comments containing fan fiction will never make it out of moderation. They will languish there, unread and unmoderated, for eternity.
I just bought a sleeping Oshawott plushie, as well as one of a sleeping Rowlet yesterday. 😛
I’ve put them together with my sleeping Pikachu plush in my room, and they all look really cute. 😛
My goodness, that sounds adorable.
I have 5 Pokemon plushies. The Eevee is getting too old and now it looks like a horrible monster even though it was one of my favourites:(
I would bet they would be cute
Oshawott also just so happens to be one of my favorite starter Pokémon 🙂
And Rowlet is just so cute!!
Those sound so cute!
I got a Pikachu Bulbasaur and Squirtle all together!
I got a circle Pikachu with ears and a normal Pikachu
I have like seventeen Pokemon plushes in my house all relatively new
I got Eevee, all of its evolutions, Pikachu, Scorbunny, Gengar, Mew, Sprigatito, Fuecoco, and Quaxly. An Oshawott plush sounds adorable!
:0 so cute!
Finally turned in the rough draft to my thesis!!!! Guess who has more time to play Pokemon now? And write fanfic? 😉
Anyways, this is Purple Dusk and just wanted to let you know that I uploaded a new chapter to my fanfic “Whoops! Wrong Region!” featuring some fanart of Pokemon characters.
Also, still alive. Now don’t mind me as I try to figure out how to party tonight after turning in my rough draft…while also catching up on homework. 🤣
i don’t think i’ve seen you here recently hi!!
actually a while ago i stumbled upon your fanfic by chance on ao3 when i was looking at recently updated fics!
Oh no, I haven’t been here in a good while. That’s what happens when you are a thesising senior (just defended my thesis! 😭).
Good to know you found my fanfic! I hope you enjoyed it a lot. 😊
Ahhhhhhh CONGRATS Purple Dusk!!!! That’s awesome!!! (I’m aware this is super super late but still)
oh my goodness i remember this fic it’s incredible!! :DDD this is late but youre great and im about to go reread the whole thing!! i hope you’re doing well and the end of your senior year is going well!!
Sounds cool!
My fav is alolan vulpix
That is a very lovely Pokemon. My little sister and I did a drawing contest on who could draw the cutest Vuplix.
I like that one too!
That’s so cute!
Yessss I finally found this page!!!!!!!
Does anybody like Dragonite? That’s my favourite Pokemon. Another one of my favourites are Umbreon. Why does EVERYBODY like Umbreon????
I think Umbreon is so popular because it’s a perfect middle ground between cool and cute!
Idk, but Dragonite is a cute Pokémon
It’s too bad Iris’s Dragonite never evolves…
(Judging from the anime)
I like Dragonite! 😀
I have a plush of that Pokemon from years ago because I got him as a child. 😛
My brother has a plushie of Dragonite..
I REALLY liked the indigo disk. With all the Unova references, how could i not! 😛 But also, i really like the stuff you can do after the main story of the dlc (i’ve been calling it the post-post-game) in the league club with calling characters in as coaches! its so fun to see all the little interactions they have with each other and i am going to be spending FOREVER calling in every combination to see their dialogues (Grusha called me uncool after learning that i told Geeta he was my favourite gym leader – thanks, Grusha). This and the little side stories you can do with the Paldea rivals in the normal postgame have solidified that i really want a Pokemon game where you can just hang out with all the different characters!! Pokemon masters ex kinda does this, but you have to get through all the battles in-between, and i know that’s what Pokemon is all about, but I don’t really enjoy the battle system in masters ex and they just feel like a chore whenever I’m playing it.
That tangent aside, does anyone else agree that all four of the Blueberry elite four are children of Unova gym leaders? Lacey is explicitly stated as the daughter of a gym leader, and it’s pretty easy to tell that it’s Clay, and Drayton is very easy to tell as well from the name, though he’s actually Drayden’s grandchild. I also think that Crispin is Chilli’s son and Amarys is Lenora’s daughter.
Idk about that
(I’ve only watched the black and white anime, not play the game, sooo-)
Yes, the indigo disk was awesome! Also I’m hesitant to say that crispin and Amarys are children of gym leaders, though it’s definitely possible!
I have only watched 4 Pokemon series, so I don’t know that much about Pokemon:P
I was wondering if I could make a clan about Pokemon. If anyone decides to do that, then ask me for tips. I have lots of them!
Me and another friend who has gone inactive from the Blog once made like a Pokemon Warriors Crossover RP and it was a lot of fun 😉
That sounds sick!
I’ve just re watched “XYZ” and i found i Interesting how “Squishy” broke free of the mind control when only Ash-Gerninja was able to
Also in the newer show theres almost NOTHING about Ash-Gerninja WHYS that?
Don’t look at this comment if you haven’t seen it yet.
Pokémon Legends Z-A.
Better late than never.
*preorders* *sleeps until 2025*
If your Blogclan purrsona was a Pokemon, which one would they be?
(Note: It doesn’t have to be a cat Pokemon)
Mine would definitely be a Meowth. 😛
shiny sylveon, Solglao, or cosmog. (sorry for the bad spelling)
solgaleo is such an underrated design
I feel like Tinyfrost would be Whimsicott, personality wise
Maybe that’s just because i really like Whimsicott though 😛 actually, looking at Shiny Whimsicott, the colour pallet kinda fits too
Probably Pikachu..
Silly, sociable, cute😏
I think Falcon would be a Talonflame. A great mon btw(I may be a LITTLE biased bc I love fire types) and they are smart, I can imagine them being quite stubborn and they are strong. Infact, the reason I came up with the name Falconblaze is bc Falcons are some of the smartest birds in the world, and the suffix blaze usually means fierce, strong or a strong personality.
this page is absolutely not alive anymore but
popping in just to take a little trip down memory lane! my fellow old members will know that i used to be SO active here, posting fanfics and whatnot. that’s honestly what got me seriously into writing which is so funny! now it’s been what. 5 years???
anyways i thought scarlet violet and the dlcs were absolute masterpieces. imo the best pokemon games yet. INSANE characters and arcs. wow.
so so SO hyped about z-a, anybody who knows me knows that i am kalos stan #1!!
my name links to my ao3 which is 99% pokemon fic btw 😉 it’s mostly gens 6 and 7! i posted a fic yesterday, in fact – if you’re a big fan of xy, or the xyz anime, i would recommend hehe!
(but also not 100% blog appropriate, there’s a disclaimer on this page but here’s another one! nothing major but for those of you familiar with ao3’s system, i do rate most of my fics as T/teen)
I wholeheartedly agree with you!! Scarlet and Violet are my all-time favorite Pokèmon games.
yesss u get it! theyre so insanely good i loved them
what were ur fav aspects? (for me it was the storyline! the main game climax, arven’s family history, kieran’s arc, etc)
I think my favorite aspect is also the story, definitely! Especially with the main game’s climax! It had such an incredible vibe to it, and I really enjoyed the final boss. I also really love the soundtrack
because it has Toby Fox in it.I especially loved the final boss theme, Penny’s battle theme, and the end credits. I also thought being open-world was really cool!today I learned there was a Pokemon discussion page :0
Scarlet and Violet were my favorite games in the series along with Legends Arceus! It feels like they actually took feedback from the community for once (story, open world, difficulty, quality of life features, etc.)! Z-A is also exciting, and since Kalos is coming back they are probably gonna bring back mega evolutions too! I also like how Z-A appears to be set in the future, in contrast to L:Arceus being set in the past.
Legends Arceus is/was an absolute diamond in the rough (Between Sun/Moon; no explanation needed 💀 and S/V LAGG 💀💀💀) I completed the main game I just don’t think i’m meeting god anytime soon bc I hate trying to fill the pokedex
i LOVE the s/v plot SO much but it’s visually just okay. i don’t think it’s as consistently bad as other people around the internet have said, but when it gets bad, it gets BAD
OH MY GOSH Hiiiiiiiiii! It’s been so long! How are you?
Im so so so excited for z-a, x and y were my first Pokemon games, so I have a soft spot in my heart for kalos!
I haven’t watched S/V, but I will when I have time😛
I think my fave plot is probably B/W and D/P!
:0 it exists
What are yalls fave Pokémon ships?
I like LanaxMallow 😎👍
When i was younger i was a HUGE Contestshipping (May x Drew) fan. I still do like that pairing but not as intensely, cause at my age it’s kinda weird to ship two ten year olds that much.
Other than that I like Dawn x Zoey, Airplaneshipping (Skyla x Elesa) Ruby x Sapphire (manga pairing) and Cheren x Lear (from Masters EX)
HELP??? This page is so dead lmao, just wanted to say hi to those of you who may remember my existence lol, how is everyone?
Howdy! 😛 Been a while since you posted this one, but I don’t see anyone else on here. This poor page…alas. Maybe someday it will return to its former glory