A little rebranding!
R.I.P. Pokemon Go
From 1st May 2021, fan fiction comments will no longer be moderated on BlogClan.
This means, comments containing fan fiction will never make it out of moderation. They will languish there, unread and unmoderated, for eternity.
Some crazy Pokemon go music on the piano!
Aaaaaa they’re too good, go away talented people. 😛
Can’t stop listening to this!
a super random pokemon pokeshipping (ash x misty) one-shot which probably sucks-
[Note- self-harm included]
Dear Mr-I-wannabe-a-pokemon-master
If you want to see me, come to Cerulean. I’ll be performing in a show, for extra earnings to support what’s left of me and my life.
You’re with that Serena girl, and the rest of them aren’t you? They are your traveling companions after all. I only wish you wouldn’t forget about me, the girl with the mallet.
I can’t think of anything else to write, which is weird, because I have so much to say to you. I guess I just can’t put it in words. Oh Ash, I really need to tell you something, but it’s something I can only express seeing you. Please come back to Kanto.
Dear Mr-guy-who-almost-won-the-kalos-league,
I’d much rather be in the gym all the time but I can’t live with that. Or rather, I can live with that but my family can’t. I’m doing this overtime. I give performances at midnight to save up for something special.
Why am I telling you this? I don’t even know if you care. I’m saving up for something, Ash, a surprise, for you. I hope you’ll like it.
I wish there was someone important still here. I could be just at the gym. At the gym I could live a normal life, be a normal girl, and I wouldn’t have to do this. But I’m not a normal girl.
Dear Ash, i wish you were here.
Dear mr-guy-who-is-dating-Serena-Yvonne,
Everyone I know has a boyfriend, and they ask me if I have one. I tell them I’m waiting for someone special, but I know you’ll never come back. Even if you do, you’ll have Her, so I guess I don’t matter.
I’ve pretty much given up on it all, now that you’ve gone. I saved up for ages to go to Kalos to see you, but you forgot about me. I worked myself to the limit to get that ticket. I could’ve quit, i could’ve stopped acting when I got sick working overtime, acting for the underwater show. I could’ve drowned, once, twice. But I didn’t, for you. You were the only reason I didn’t give in ages ago.
And you didn’t care.
But I didn’t expect you to anyway.
Dear The guy who forgot I exist,
If Serena went off with another guy, would you chase her, or come back and chase me?
You don’t need to tell me.
I already know the answer.
Dear the one who will never read these letters,
This is it.
I don’t need to say much more.
Dear Ash,
This is goodbye.
I’ll see you again.
Tears threatened to spill out as Misty tore every single letter she had written to him into pieces, and threw them into the pool. No. She was not going to cry. She swore she was going to forget about him. Everything about him.
She took the silver bracelet he gave her for Valentine’s Day, and threw it in with the letters, hoping she would never see it again. Then she promptly threw all her pokeballs in the water. They brought back too many memories.
She took her old clothes, the one she used to where on her travels, and cut them up. She took every single one of her Mini Misty lures except one and threw them out of the window. She brought out Ash’s old pokemon league hat, and wiped all the prospect of tears from her eyes by taking the last lure and scraping the hook over her wrist. She didn’t wince, even though blood was trickling from the cut. She didn’t want to do it. She really didn’t want to. But she did it anyway. She burnt the hat in the oven.
Finally, she took the photographs from her pocket. Photographs of her and ash together. This was it.
She held them in her hands, and began tearing them apart, not daring to look at them. She tore them apart until only one was left.
it was of her and ash together, ash with Pikachu on his shoulder eating ketchup, her with togepi in her arms. It was the most precious thing in her life. The most precious now, now that Ash had fallen to the least. She had to do it
Slowly, slowly, she began tearing the photo apart, her heart tearing as she did so.
But she only got halfway, when everything fell at her feet.
A single tear trickled down her cheek.
And then there came a voice.
“Misty, it’s okay. You don’t have to.”
She looked up. He was standing there. Just him. The most precious thing in the world.
“It’s okay to cry, Mist.” Ash said, as she broke down.
to see the contestshipping one, here-
also this is from the pokemon anime universe, ot pokemon go
Yeah, that was really random
Okay, I was scrolling through this, and that was seriously beautiful. /srs /pos
again, still crying 😭
omg that was so amazing and emotional <33
My stater Pokemon was a bulbsaur what’s yours?
Like, the first Pokémon I caught? Charmander. If that’s not what you mean then ignore this 😛
Yesterday I caught a Mr Mime in the town centre!!!
I don’t play Pokemon Go, however, I absolutely adore Pokemon in general and am absolutely psyched for Sun and Moon.
Exact same here 😛
What do you guys think of the new S&M news? I think Alolan Rattata is okay, but I’m not a huge fan of its mustache 😛 The Pulverizing Pancake animation, it’s… strange 😛
I agree. Rattata was never a very good Pokemon to me, so I like it even less with a weird mustache (but a cool typing). THE NEW SNORLAX THING IS AMAZING. THE EYES LIGHT UP AND IT TURNS EVERYTHING INTO A PANCAKE AHHHHHHHHHHH! 😀
the mustache makes it seem italian XD
also I’m hoping for alolan ponyta/rapidash/ekans/arbok
I’m hoping for maybe a Alolan Drapion (Maybe Poison/Fighting) or Alolan Escavalier (Maybe Bug/Fire).
Favorite Eeveelotions everyone?
Mine? either Glaceon or Espeon
Espeon forever!
Favorite Eeveelotions everyone?
Mine? Glaceon and Espeon
Leafeon again 😛
Flareon 😀
Flareon or Umbreon
who has seen Snorlax’s Z-move
it’s terrifying
It used to be a Pancake Pulverizer. Now its enemies are Pulverized Pancakes 😛
that play pokemon go everyday 😛
So I was playing Pokemon Go today and my little sister says she hopes I catch a Ponyta because she really likes them. Ten minutes later I get a Ponyta out of a 5k egg. Needless to say, my sister was very happy 😛
I just hatched one from a 5K egg today too. 😀 And it has 660 CP. 😀
I hatched a Doduo
I caught a Ponyta and named it “Hot Pony” because my little brother begged me to 😛
I named mine Hoku after a character from a book series I read as a kid. ^^ Well, actually I only read a few books in that series, I mostly read from the series that preceeded it. But I like the name Hoku. 😛
I named mine Flame. I’m SOOO original! 😉
Anyone else love natewantstobattle Pokemon parodies
I saw a Growlithe when I was driving through my neighborhood and begged my mom to pull over so I could catch it! I had to walk around the whole street but I got it! :3 Then I named it Firetail. 🙂
What Pokemon do you have?
A ton. ^^
1 Vaporeon, CP 1390 (Button)
3 Pigeots, CPs 1007 (Phoenix), 986 (Crown), and 902 (Peregrine)
1 Lapras, CP 955 (Melody)
1 Tauros, CP 903 (Burr)
1 Jolteon, CP 803 (Sparky)
1 Venomoth, CP 787 (Dustbunny)
1 Golbat, CP 750 (Screech)
1 Fearow, CP 737 (Longbeak)
1 Seaking, CP 736 (Goldie)
1 Parasect, CP 711 (Snapper)
1 Weepinbell, CP 691 (Belle)
1 Pinsir, CP 689 (Bruiser)
1 Raticate, CP 671 (Chomper)
1 Ponyata, CP 660 (Hoku)
1 Flareon, CP 585 (Firefox)
1 Beedrill, CP 543 (Breeze)
1 Gloom, CP 487 (Toadstool)
1 Kingler, CP 482 (Mr. Krabs)
1 Oddish, CP 468 (Oddish)
1 Eevee, CP 464 (Eevee)
1 Venonat, CP 455 (Venonat)
1 Poliwhirl, CP 120 (Swirly)
1 Tangela, CP 425 (Noodle)
1 Jigglypuff, CP 413 (Harmony)
1 Nidorina, CP 411 (Chitter)
1 Butterfree, CP 403 (Wiggle)
1 Exeggcute, CP 392 (Scramble)
1 Horsea, CP 377 (Bubbles)
1 Psyduck, CP 376 (Waddles)
1 Goldeen, CP 370 (Goldeen)
1 Koffing, CP 367 (Grin)
1 Vulpix, CP 323 (Copper)
1 Magnemite, CP 318 (Maggie)
1 Spearow, CP 292 (Spearow)
1 Ekans, CP 274 (Rattle)
1 Voltorb, CP 271 (Bounce)
1 Dratini, CP 270 (Skydancer)
1 Slowpoke, CP 265 (Sleepy)
1 Drowzee, CP 258 (Trumpet)
1 Gastly, CP 238 (Spooky)
1 Squirtle, CP 228 (Shelby)
1 Growlithe, CP 207 (Howl)
1 Nidorino, CP 206 (Chatter)
1 Meowth, CP 191 (Sunpaw)
1 Abra, CP 160 (Imperio)
1 Ivysaur, CP 153 (Blossom)
1 Rhyhorn, CP 150 (Gauntlet)
1 Snorlax, CP 136 (Baymax)
1 Staryu, CP 118 (Patrick)
1 Doduo, CP 87 (Do and Re)
1 Shellder, CP 82 (Sheldon)
1 Magikarp, CP 54 (Destructor)
1 Sandshrew, CP 53 (Sandy)
1 Diglett, CP 18 (Resetti)
and 1 Charmander, CP 12 (Wildfire)
Man, you have a lot o’ Pokemon there, Jayie!
I have more. Wayyyyyyyyyyy more.
1 Squirtle
(I just joined the game)
Indeed. ^^
I picked Charmander as my starter. ^^
Magikarp is truly a destructor. 😛
Indeed. 😀 Or at least he will be. 😛
Only 399 more to go!