Thank you so much to everyone who participated in this year’s gift exchange! As always, your creations were absolutely wonderful and you never fail to blow me away with your talent and creativity! To find your name in...
Okay, so this post is a little later than what I would’ve wanted, but I’ve had a busy week 😛 I’m also a little tired, so, only one cat pic this time 😛 You’re getting plenty from Cadvent, anyway...
The seventh edition of the Blog Monthly is here – written by Lil, fresh off the printing press Hello, everyone!! The Blog Monthly is back and better than ever! I hope you all love this edition, in my opinion it is one...
Blackstorm gives warrior names to bears from Care Bears.
Pandapeltl gives warrior names to dragons from Wings of Fire.
Rosefern shares some thoughts on Jayfeather and Jay’s Wing.
Littlecloud is dead….no why…I can’t handle the feels now…
I have a question. Is Crowfeather in this book? I saw him in the allegiances but I was wondering if he would appear. He’s my favorite cat so I’d like to see him again.
He appears a little bit.
Is Wavepaw a tom or a she-cat? It is called “he” two times and “she” one time, now I’m confused °-°
And… are the rogues of Darktail now real ShadowClan cats? Or is it more like there is no ShadowClan anymore and it is just Darktails Group but not a Clan?
According to Warriors Wikia, Wavepaw is a tom, but the article may change.
Darktail and his rogues think of themselves as ShadowClan cats, but they really aren’t. Even though ShadowClan had no real leader or deputy, they are still a Clan. I think Wavepaw is female because she and Cypresspaw were mentioned to be sisters. 🙂
Wait, what happened to Rowanstar and Crowfrost?
Rowanstar was exiled from the clan along with Tigerheart (new deputy) and Tawnypelt. ShadowClan joined the rouges. Crowfrost died of yellowcough.
Wait…. Needlepaw’s name is Needlepelt??
Nope, it’s Needlesomething else. Needlepelt was just a placeholder.
Oh ok. 😛 Thx
You mean Sparky. Sharptongue’s suffix is something else
Thx 😀
I believe her name is Needletail. (Which I personally like.)
Kate, you say that the mother of Wavepaw and Cypresspaw is Lakeheart. But according to the allegiances Lakeheart’s kits are named Harekit, Dapplekit, Gorsekit and Softkit. So did you guys change the names last minute, but forgot to fix the allegiances? And if that’s the case, what happened to Lakeheart’s other two kits? Mistystar stated that she gave birth to four kits in TAQ.
Shhhhh! BlogClan are onto a good thing here. Don’t break it by pointing out the pitfalls!
Kate, you should just slip in BlogClan . . . as in a whole new clan . . . onto the books Allegiance and see if anybody notices. 😉
We should totally be a SE 😀 😀 😀
Blog Clan’s Quest? (I’m so bad at names😐😐😐)
The Time Travelling Otters and Other Stories?
Hi there btw! How did your school project go?
Or just hmmm, forget about “Blog” and put something else there
Because you-know-who might object (no not a ref)
Kate, another question, but you said that Grassheart’s kits are all named after BlogClanners. I think I know who Whorlpaw is named after from what I’ve been told, but who are Flowerpaw and Snakepaw named after?
I really need to come on more. -_-“
you will find out….eventually…. 😀
Hi, Snowflower!
I think Flowerpaw is after Flowerstream, and Whorlpaw is Whorlpelt (great person, btw) and I’m not sure about Snakepaw…
(I hope it was okay for me to say that, Kate.)
Is it possible that Violetpaw and Twigpaw are Hawkwing’s kits?
Two mods. Mapleshade and Brokenstar to be precise.
Alright, maybe I should ask questions in one sitting. Lol!
1. Did Beenose go to StarClan when she died? She did leave ShadowClan for the rogues, but she also didn’t do anything bad enough for the Dark Forest.
2. Is Fernpaw still Sedgewhisker and Emberfoot’s daughter? It was taken off the wiki, so I’m a little confused. I think that she still is.
3. You said that Emberfoot is Smokepaw’s mentor, but who is Brindlepaw’s mentor?
4. Who is the father of Grassheart’s kit? Also who is Whorlpaw, Flowerpaw and Snakepaw’s mentors?
5. Is Snowbird the mentor of Lionpaw? Tigerheart was told to mentor Lionpaw until Snowbird got better.
I’m not Kate but I can answer the first question.
No, she went to StarClan.
On the wiki, Fernpaw is still listed as Sedgewhisker and Emberfoot’s daughter at the moment.
Hi, Snowflower!
Unknown, and W.A.S. You’ll find out the answers to these in the SS and DN allegiances.
W.A.S. See above.
4. Grassheart’s mate is Stonewing.
I just finished reading TAS. 😀 I’ll write up one of my usual long, in-depth reviews of it in a bit, but first I wanted to get out my initial thoughts.
Oh my god, that part where Graystripe comments that he thought Sparkpelt’s name should be Sparkfire. XD Well played, Kate. Well played.
It was so weird to see so many ShadowClan cats being so disrespectful and doing away with the warrior code. On the one hand, it was a cool plot point and different from what we’ve seen before in Warriors, and you really got a sense of just how helpless Rowanstar felt to stop his Clanmates from turning into codeless rogues. On the other hand, I was really glad to see some Clanborn atheists in TAQ, and it was kind of a bummer to see that their atheism came across as wanting to do away with the warrior code and disrespect basically every cat in sight. But Yarrowleaf (great name – I have a Yarrowleaf in my fanfic. :D) doesn’t believe in StarClan either, and she stayed in ShadowClan, so at least some of them are good… though she stayed with the rogues in the end, too. And there’s still Mothwing and Cloudtail. 🙂
Crowfrost was the freaking coolest. 😀 I was kind of wondering what his personality was like, since we never really got to see him that much in the other books, but it turns out here that he’s dedicated to his Clan, kind, thoughtful, and sympathetic to the other Clans, and he just seemed like a really great cat. I was kind of hoping that Rowanstar would die and Crowfrost would get to be leader, he sounded like he would be a great leader. Plus, he has one of my favorite names from the books ever, it just sounds so cool. 😀 I was so sad when he died – although it made me laugh very hard when I found out that Tigerheart was the new deputy. XD I did that too in my fanfic, which is funny enough on its own, but the best part is that if Rowanstar dies and doesn’t change deputies beforehand, ShadowClan will get another Tigerstar in charge, which will contrast wonderfully with the last Tigerstar. 😀
I thought I liked Needlepaw last book, but man did she annoy me in this book. There’s a difference between questioning authority and wanting them to earn your respect instead of just demanding it without reason, and throwing away any code of honor the Clans had in the first place. I kind of wish we could have seen a cat who questioned the morality of the Clans and their laws, without them turning into a codeless rogue, but as Needletail is, I went from kind of liking her to really despising her. And it really felt like she was just using poor Violetpaw. 🙁 And I felt so bad for how no one really tried to like Violetpaw in ShadowClan.
And Onestar. Oh my god, Onestar. I liked him as a warrior. I disliked him strongly as a leader. But now I freaking hate him. He was willing to just sit back and let all of ShadowClan die for the mistake of a few cats! There were kits sick, kits who weren’t possibly old enough to have committed any of the sins against the warrior code that Onestar accused them of. How dare he blame them for the mistakes of their Clanmates, and want them to die for it? And the way he was treating his own Clanmates… it sounded like WindClan had become Oceania, with Onestar as freaking Big Brother, waiting for his Clanmates to make the smallest mistake and pouncing on the chance to punish them for it. He reminded me of Clear Sky, back when he was refusing to let Moth Flight and Micah take the bark to cure Rocky, only he was even worse here. He has earned my total disgust.
Though on the plus side with WindClan, it was nice to see Harespring showing mercy on ShadowClan, to the point of being willing to go behind his leader’s back in order to get the herbs to ShadowClan. I was kind of worried that the new deputies (Harespring and Crowfrost) weren’t getting much character development, but this book solved that wonderfully. 😀 Honestly, I wouldn’t really care if Onestar and Rowanstar (who separated Violetkit from her sister then proceeded to ignore her and make her feel unwelcome) died and let their deputies step up to be the new leaders. I don’t even think Tigerheart would make that good of a leader, but I’d rather him than Rowanstar at this point, and I am in full support of Harestar over Onestar. 😛
Also, it was really awesome to see the BlogClan names in the book! 😀 And Ivypool is an A+ choice for Twigpaw’s mentor. I always thought it would be cool to see Ivypool as a mentor, how she would deal with teaching her apprentice the moves she had learned in the Dark Forest, balancing the viciousness of her training there and the bad memories she has there, with wanting to give her apprentice all of the skills she can to protect her Clan.
Also, random question, but Kate, do you think we’ll learn more about Twigpaw and Violetpaw’s mother later? We saw a bit of her helping Twigpaw when Twigpaw was drowning, which seems to suggest that she survives as a spirit in either some sort of rogue or loner afterlife, or if she was a SkyClan cat (which some people have guessed), then in their StarClan. I dunno. Even if she was just a random rogue and her identity isn’t important to the plot, I think it would be nice to know more about her, you know, what she looked like and what her name was. But I guess we’ll wait and see. ^^
I think that’s it on initial thoughts. ^^ I’ll write a more in-depth review to be posted as an article later.
Wooooow. Like seriously. Everyone’s forgotten code number seventeen/sixteen (it’s been a while since I read CotC and BS) Well maybe not Harespring.
Kate wanted Sparkfire, is this her way of rebelling? Not asking you of course Jayie.
Lots of mixed feelings about the rest, so I won’t say any more.
Usually after I read an SE or one the main books, I usually can’t think straight for a few days. You’ve literally summed up all my thoughts on TaS! I kinda wish RiverClan got a bit more focus, I hardly pay any attention now to them. I loved how in the forest all the clans were heavily talked about (RC and Sunningrocks, TC vs SC, WC and highstones, moonstone etc.
Haha, thanks. 😀 It takes me a while to settle my thoughts on a book as well, but these were just the big things that stood out to me immediately.
Well, with them being on the other side of the lake now from ThunderClan and not sharing any borders with them, I imagine it’s harder to include them as much as they used to. But I’m glad that Mistystar is leader. 😀
Kate, what ever happened to Tree since he last saw Needletail?
Also, you said that Wavepaw and Cypresspaw are Lizardtail and Lakeheart’s kits, but then what about Harekit, Softkit, Dapplekit, and Gorsekit, who are also listed as Lakeheart’s kits in the Allegiances of Thunder and Shadow? Were they changed at the last minute and were just kept in the allegiances by mistake? And if that’s case, what about Lakeheart’s other two kits? She was said to have had four in The Apprentice’s Quest.
And yes, a mistake. I changed the names of the kits, but the publishers must have taken the allegiance list from their original list rather than the updated list I made. It’s best not to mention the discrepancy EVER AGAIN. It might result in a ban on me changing kit names -> no more BlogClan names snuck in….
Totally not fair if HarperCollins does that.
If I make them look bad, it’s totally fair. Now shhhhhh, before I get rumbled.
Mkay *superglues mouth shut*
*whispers* thank you…. 🙂
So its Harekit, Softkit, Cypresspaw and Wavepaw now and Harekit and Softkit well…. died? That would fix the “four kits” thing 😀 (And you could say harper mistook the names hrhrhrhrhrhrhr *evil laught*)
They’d smell a rat. And a bad one at that.
Okay so Lakeheart got 4 kits, thats something that was mentioned so ofthen its not possible to change…. Cypresspaw, Wavepaw and 2 others.
Wich of these four (Harekit, Softkit, Dapplekit, and Gorsekit,) are the two others? I assume they just died. Then it would be fixed 😀
(I’m trying to write a Prologue. Adding and subtracting kits is not helping. Cat maths is the WORST)
So sorry I didn’t want to melt your brain D:
I’m just drawing family trees and now I dont know who to draw as Lakehearts kits.
Wavepaw and Cypresspaw is clear. But Now I have 4 kits left and only need two so I thought you maybe want to fix it now so there won’t be any misstakes later in the books :c
But Cypresspaw and Wavepaw appear in TAS. How do I suddenly drop a wordbomb that makes two previously unmentioned littermates appear? Surely it would be easier for you to delete the empty 2 empty slots on your drawing beside Wave and Cypress? *looks hopeful*
Okay so we settle on Lakeheart X Lizardtail = Wavepaw, Cypresspaw
No one else. No more kits. Agreed?
Totes agreed! 😀 😀
(Not sure if the response on my phone went through or not and I can’t tell on the computer, so I’ll retype it here.)
You don’t have to make the two other kits disappear. They can stay in RiverClan and I have a few ideas on what could happen to them and why they weren’t there/mentioned.
1) They simply died. Perhaps Wavepaw’s and Cypresspaw’s siblings died before they reached apprenticehood.
2) They simply didn’t go to the gathering. While I can’t give a reason for why they weren’t mentioned, perhaps the two other kits weren’t simply chosen to go to the gathering. We know not every apprentice goes to the first gathering right after they’re apprenticed.
3) They were sick and couldn’t attend. Perhaps RiverClan is in a weak state and trying to seem strong, they don’t mention that two of their apprentices aren’t sick which is why Cyresspaw’s and Wavepaw’s siblings simply aren’t mentioned.
You don’t have to make them disappear. I mean, Mistystar stated Lakeheart had four kits. So, keep it at four kits and perhaps just look at the suggestions I put above.
They are great suggestions and, if I had all the time in the world to write a warriors book, I’d definitely use them. But the reality is, I have a deadline which leaves little room for reorganising the time streams of peripheral characters. IKR? But I have a SE to write after this and the schedules are tight…of course, I could find the extra time and headspace by neglecting BlogClan for a while… ;P
Cat maths sounds like the funnest to me. 😛
Rowanstar should’ve made Tawnypelt the new Deputy!
So….Is Needletail Rain’s mate or just some cat to lean on? Poor Violetpaw doesn’t really know who to turn to. Throughout the whole book it seemed as though Needletail manipulated her.
Whoa. Now I’m really starting to be annoyed with her.
If this keeps on, I’ll be her worst enemy by the time I get the book.
Huge Spoiler: Onestar changes his name to Onecruelstar!
Seriously! :0
According to the spoilers I’ve read so far, heck yes. Does anyone remember code number seventeen?
Excuse me, Kate, I have a few questions.
1. What color eyes does Twigpaw have? Are they bright green like on the cover?
2. Does Alderheart and Sparkpelt known about the lie Squirrelflight told about the three? Do they care?
3. Is Sparkpelt pressured by the fact she looks like Firestar?
Green, I’m not sure (which means I don’t remember the lie, let alone who knows about it), Sparkpelt is pressured by nothing; she is totally aware of her own awesomeness. In fact she’s probably worried that Firestar will feel eclipsed by her.
Oh my gosh, you responded! You have been my inspritation since I was a fourth grader. Thank you, Kate! What I meant was if Alder and Spark knew about the lie Squirrelflight told to Bramblestat about Jay, Holly, and Lion being their kits when they were LeafXCrow’s. Do they care, since this is never mentioned and I’ve been curious about this topic.
Hi Confetifur. 🙂 I figure it’s common knowledge in ThunderClan by now and accepted as the new normal. I think Alder and Spark would have just been born into a world where that’s just what happened. I really don’t think they’d care since it doesn’t really affect them at all. If everyone was still feuding and fussing about it, they’d care, but if the Clan and their kin are ok with it, there’s no reason for them to give it a second thought.
So, Kate, if I’m right Wave and Cypress are Wavepaw and Cypresspaw… and we possibly have Whorlpelt.
Are those after Bloggers? (Just wanna get confirmation. 😛 ) And are there any other Bloggers in? I haven’t actually read the book, oops. 😛