Thank you so much to everyone who participated in this year’s gift exchange! As always, your creations were absolutely wonderful and you never fail to blow me away with your talent and creativity! To find your name in...
Okay, so this post is a little later than what I would’ve wanted, but I’ve had a busy week 😛 I’m also a little tired, so, only one cat pic this time 😛 You’re getting plenty from Cadvent, anyway...
The seventh edition of the Blog Monthly is here – written by Lil, fresh off the printing press Hello, everyone!! The Blog Monthly is back and better than ever! I hope you all love this edition, in my opinion it is one...
Blackstorm gives warrior names to bears from Care Bears.
Pandapeltl gives warrior names to dragons from Wings of Fire.
Rosefern shares some thoughts on Jayfeather and Jay’s Wing.
Kate, what is Dawnpelt’s eye colour? We know the eye colours of her brothers and her parents, but not her. And I’ve always been curious.
EDIT: I personally like the idea of her having green eyes, like her parents. And don’t forget the similarities to Leafpool’s litter.
Jayfeather and Flametail have blue eyes.
Lionblaze and Tigerheart have amber eyes.
Hollyleaf has green eyes.
I like that idea too 🙂
Pop up with a question: Which one is older between Alderpaw & Sparkpaw? Or is it still unknown/undecided?
And, well… which one is older, Twig or Violet?
Perhaps I was in a hurry yesterday, but I’m asking this because in Chinese, we usually explicitly distinguish between “older brother” or “younger brother” when we say “brother”; so is “sister”. For example, it seems that the translated edition of PO3 has assumed that the Three, listed from older one to younger one, are Lion, Holy, and Jay, while we can infer from Leafpool’s Wish that the order of birth should be Holy, Lion, and Jay. Thus Lion should have called Holy as his “older sister” rather than “younger” one.
Though actually this problem could be evaded, the result might not be satisfactory enough; it would be like evading personal pronoun or using gender neutral words when we don’t know one’s gender.
That sounds super-complicated. I hope it’s something that the translators/Chines publisher will manage – all they need do is decide the exact birth order of each character when they first appear and make sure they refer to them consistently throughout the rest of the translation.
Okay, I see. So I’ll wait for the publication of translated edition. Thank you for the clarification, Kate!
It’s a pleasure 🙂
i believe violetpaw is older for some reason. and i thinksparkpaw is older but it’s just my headcannons. I can actually imagine twig going, but ur my sister!/ 你可是我姐姐! when they ask about parents
Good evening, Kate! (It’s so exciting outside – I love the snow!)
I hope you started well in the new year. (I’m sorry this is comming so late!)
My question is about Bumblestripe’s eye colour, so what do you think it should be? Personally, I thought of warm, dark yellow eyes, like a bumble bee 🙂 That matchs his name….
I wish you a nice (maybe snowy?) evening!
That’s lovely! Yes! 😀
GAH. I can’t wait for Onestar to die. Harespring would make a good leader. Maybe Emberfoot or Sedgewhisker as the deputy…Leaftail or Gorsetail would be okay also…
Or Crowfeather!
If he stopped being as cold…
We will have to wait for the the next books to find out😉
In my imaginative scenario, Harestar makes Leaftail deputy.
Leedle leedle leedle lee
Hey Kate, are Lightningtail, Shattered Ice, Ripplestar(ancient ShadowClan leader), Poppycloud(ancient SkyClan she-cat), Brindleclaw(Ancient RiverClan warrior), Mothpelt (ancient SkyClan cat who wanted to be leader), Brightwhisker(ancient ShadowClan deputy that died of greencough) and Lionstar(ancient ThunderClan leader) in StarClan. Sorry for the long list.
I think some of the older cats may have faded from StarClan – cats fade in StarClan when they are forgotten by their ancestors…
And they fade to the after-StarClan!
Exactly, the the after-after-StarClan. It’s StarClans all the way to the bottom.
I believe Shattered Ice was mentioned in Tallstar’s Revenge as the creator of tunneling.
OMG. He totes was! I remember now. He was like the trainspotter of WindClan. A cat with a very dull obsession.
But did they go to StarClan before they faded?
I assume StarClan began when the first Clan cats started dying. So there’s no reason they didn’t go to StarClan unless they did something beyond redemption. Let’s just assume, any dead Clan cat who didn’t totally horrify us with their cruelty went to StarClan.
cough- Ashfur-cough
That stinks for Shaded Moss I guess 😛
Can you guys please make a 2nd StarClan like a cat can enter The 2nd StarClan in their dreams but the spirits can not see them and a 2nd and so on StarClan cat can go into the living world and that the living and StarClan cats can not see them
cause I want to see if Ripplestar is in The Place of No Stars or not
Ripplestar is confirmed to be in the dark forest.
I don’t think he is.
Vicky thinks he is. 🙂
I like to believe that Ripplestar went to the Dark Forest.
Since there is no Shattered Sky spoiler page, I decided to post this here.
Is it possible to get Shattered Sky on kindle?
It should be possible🤔
OK, I doubt it is. My friend said he has but he has to borrow it. I have to pre-order it on my Kindle Paperwhite.
Hey Kate Did Shadowstar really die in battle that she ’caused’ but I do not believe it I think Shadowstar is not like Modern ShadowClan leaders today cough cough Rowanstar cough I like her I don’t want her portrayed like a Rowanstar or a Brokenstar I think she is more like a half a bit like Leopardstar cause I think Skystar would cause more battles then Shadowstar cause not all stuff in Secrets of the Clans are cannon by the way and I do not think all ShadowClan leaders are like those evil ones and I also think the ShadowClan leaders just started to grow more evil or just a bad leader over the years. And will Thunderstar, Windstar, Riverstar and Shadowstar appear again in more books as StarClan cats Thanks bye bye 🙂
I got confused somewhere after the “cough cough” because it’s early here and I’m in the middle of housework and don’t yet have my warriors head on, but thank you for your suggestion…
Pretty sure Bluebellkit’s asking whether Tall Shadow/Shadowstar died in a battle that was her fault.
After the coughing, I believe she was saying her opinion on Shadowstar (not like Brokenstar or Rowanstar, more like Leopardstar etc.) I also think she theorized that ShadowClan got more, well, darker, (more unfriendly, a tad evil maybe *looks pointedly at Brokenstar and Tigerstar*) with the decades.
There’s a novella called Thunderstar’s Echo set to be released sometime this year, but we don’t know if we’ll see them as StarClan or living cats.
Thanks, Rainpaw. If Tall Shadow’s fate hasn’t been depicted in a book yet, than I can neither confirm nor deny. And I thought ShadowClan had lightened up over the years, and simply become more disorganised.
It’s mentioned in Secrets of the Clans that Shadowstar was the first of the Clan founders to die, in a battle she started. However, that book also claims she helped the other founders form the Warrior Code (which Code of the Clans showed us formed more gradually over generations) and then spent the rest of her life complaining about it (which doesn’t sound very much like Shadowstar to me.) That book also claims that Riverstar was uninterested in the troubles of the other Clans to the point of skipping Gatherings when he could (which doesn’t sound much like Riverstar to me), fails to mention Skystar or SkyClan at all, and tells a story of the First Battle that formed the Clans which ends up not being very accurate to how the First Battle actually went. As a result, I like to think that the story of the First Battle and the founders that’s told in Secrets of the Clans is the version that is told in elders’ stories generations after the events actually happened, and they’ve been changed and simplified over the many tellings – and thus Shadowstar’s hostile personality and death in a battle she started was made up from applying typical ShadowClan stereotypes to her (I’m guessing this is the version they tell in the ThunderClan elder’s den. :P) At least, that’s my personal take on it.
Thanks, Jayfrost. Your personal take sounds very believable. 🙂
No problem. 🙂
From the future here,
We’re getting a novella called Shadowstar’s Life soon. We’ll find out then. 🙂
Maybe this book was made before Firestar’s quest
It was, I believe.
I was very sick that’s why I put cough cough cause I am mad about this stupid coughing
Oh, Bluebellkit. 🙁 I’m sorry to hear that. I hope you feel better soon and I answered your question under Rainpaw’s comment. 🙂
I just realized after redwillow was killed he could’ve came back in the dark forest and rejoined the fight
I always thought that Redwillow stayed completely dead until all the Dark Forest cats got back into the Dark Forest, and then they had a “warrior” ceremony for him.
It seemed like most of the cats who died in that battle didnt rise as spirits until after the battle was over, like Hollyleaf, Mousefur, Firestar, and Ferncloud at the end. I’m guessing it was the same for Redwillow.
It takes a while for dead cats to find StarClan/Dark Forest, and anyway, by that point the Dark Forest was long gone anyway.
I like the idea of blossomfall and Mousewhisker since minnowtail won’t work out
Random question Kate, will Mistystar be *coughs in a formal way* LEAVING her spot as leader in this arc?
I can no longer predict what Mistystar will do….
she’s really old.
she’s like the rose from titanic , just a gazillion years old. She lived through all of Bluestar’s nine lives and Blackstar’s and Firestar’s….. and she’s still alive.
Hey Kate does Breezepelt care for his mate Heathertail and his kits Brindlepaw and Smokepaw like a normal father
Anyone else feel the Onestar will be err… leaving the lake soon?
WE can only HOPE.