Thank you so much to everyone who participated in this year’s gift exchange! As always, your creations were absolutely wonderful and you never fail to blow me away with your talent and creativity! To find your name in...
Okay, so this post is a little later than what I would’ve wanted, but I’ve had a busy week 😛 I’m also a little tired, so, only one cat pic this time 😛 You’re getting plenty from Cadvent, anyway...
The seventh edition of the Blog Monthly is here – written by Lil, fresh off the printing press Hello, everyone!! The Blog Monthly is back and better than ever! I hope you all love this edition, in my opinion it is one...
Blackstorm gives warrior names to bears from Care Bears.
Pandapeltl gives warrior names to dragons from Wings of Fire.
Rosefern shares some thoughts on Jayfeather and Jay’s Wing.
I was wondering if BrambelStar finds his sister TanyPelt when the roghs attack shadow clan?
Hi, Silvershine!
Read TAS and see! 😀
Does this mean no more BlogClanners being secret!y put into books?
But quite honestly, that would be rather bad. Bad publishers! Let us have some fun 😛
Aaand congratulations to Cyp, Wavey, Flo, Whorl and Snakey <3
(Autocorrect changed Cyp to Check and Snakey to Shakey 😛 )
LOVE autocorrect. I will always try to sneak Blogclanners in to books secretly. I’m a one-woman secret railroad!
Ah, very sneaky 😉
Autocorrect can be quite amusing, but very unhelpful when you’re writing and it changes all of your names 😛
Also, I love the new BlogTeam signatures 🙂
I just had a thought.
The Warriors wikia.
Yeah, Wavey and Coy are on there. 😀
Coy? 😛
Would any cat know what a panther is? :O
No. Although there is a chance that rumours have spread from kittypets who live near zoos or safari parks, I suppose….
Well, they know what Lions, Tigers and Leopards are. And a Panther is jsut a Leopard that went black because of a genetic defect, so why not 😀
Maybe SkyClan cats would! They’re more out there. 😉 Also, panther is close to tiger, leopard, lion, etc.! 😀
Haha. xD
Kate….can you sneak me in a book? Pretty please with an oreo on top? PLEASE I’M BEGGING YOU!
Jk I don’t care XD….eheh.
Ha! I have a LONG list 🙂
*strains to see list* Can’t see it, but I’m probably not on, anyways 😛
Strains to see list as well. Well I probably wouldn’t be in any books soon, because there’s a villain right know with Dark, although I wouldn’t mind being portrayed as evil 😛
It’s really nice of you to put the BlogClanners into books, Kate 😀
It’s a pleasure and, frankly, BlogClan think up more interesting names than I do. 🙂
Yes, Kate! I love seeing the BlogClan names in!
I know she was in Moth Flight’s vision, what other book is she in?
oh wait i didn’t realize the apprentice names were what people were referencing. *shrug*
I will never get into the books unless I’m a Kittypet named Winter that confuses the Clans 😛
Wait, Win, are you not Winterpaw anymore? Or are you just commenting under your full name?
Hi, Icy!
There’s a chance, but if people keep asking about You-Know-Who’s (cookie to anyone who gets the reference) kits, then there won’t be.
They’re just doing their job. 😛
Hey Kate, I was wondering, did Reedwhisker have any kits? There are many she-cats with kits without mates in RiverClan, so I’d expect that maybe he’d be a father. Some she-cats that are possibilities are:
Graymist(though they could be related)
Icewing(Her first litter with Petalfur, Beetlewhisker, Pricklepaw and Grasspelt)
Kits without parents are
So, I was just curious if you have decided if Reedwhisker has become a father.
What a useful list! I would love for Reedwhisker to have kits. Duskfur is the mother of Curlfeather and Podlight, but the father is unknown according to my Allegiance list. Do you think I could convincingly slot Reedwhisker in as their father and Duskfur’s mate?
I don’t see why not. She was mateless but had two kits. Not to mention I personally think Reedwhisker would be a great dad despite what little we’ve seen of him.
Ooo, yay, then Bluestar’s bloodline would continue in RiverClan! 😀
Nice 🙂
Wow that would fit perfectly *-*
Please make them mates! You could give Podlight the briliant blue eyes of Reedwhisker 😀 Its a evidence of the Bluestar line ;D
Excellent 🙂 And great eye plan! Thank you!
so is it cannon *o* ? *freaks out because the Bluestar-Bloodline IS ALIVE*
I’ve just written it into my Allegiance list….but it’s not canon until it makes it through the editorial sieve….
*waits patiently*
I have a suggestion. It’ll be probably be ignored but I speak my mind. 😛
What if Lizardtail, Perchwing and Havenpelt are Mosspelt’s kits? She was a queen in The Last Hope and the latter became apprentices in Dovewing’s Silence. Plus, Havenpelt has the -pelt like Mosspelt. (I know, it’s pitiful, but eh) it would give Willowshine siblings and continue Mosspelt’s bloodline, considering Lizardtail is Lakeheart’s mate and father of Wavepaw and Cypresspaw. 😀
My brain melted after the third name. Could you perform your suggestion in the form of interpretive dance, please?
😛 it’s fine, sorry to bug you, but Havenpelt is the allegiance list for TAS, along with the others. I think that’s what you meant. I’m tired to dance right now. 😜
Oh, just written into the allegiances list? You don’t point out who mates with who unless it’s a queen. Kate, perhaps Duskfur is going to have another litter?
Up till now, the parents were listed as “Duskfur and unknown”
Ah okay. I thought it was referring to Duskfur having more kits 😛
The best part of this book…..
The free poster!
No, the best part was when Whitewing had stuck a fart in her belly, I nearly died :’D
Poor kitty had gas 😛
My e-book didn’t come with a free poster. 🙁
Same here 😕
Search online?
Thunder And Shadow only comes with the poster if you get it at Barnes And Nobles.
Barnes and Nobles is SO expensive, but its the only bookstore in my area, besides ____ County Libraries.
Acutally, I hated it because its the cover…AND I WANT THE COVER ON MEH BOOK.
I know EXACTLY how you feel. It’s a cover or a poster. It can’t be both. So I like to think about it as a secret illustration 🙂 Much more satisfying that way. “Poster” is just the wrong name for it.
What if someone just hung up the cover side on their wall so people would know they read it? 😛
Oh Kate, quick question:
Do you prefer BumblexDove or TigerxDove? TigerxDove is one of my favorite ships! 😃
I finished TaS last night… When Rowanstar dies, Tigerheart will become Tigerstar… That’ll be so odd. 😜
I love how you mentioned the cats from the prophecy in the story more than TAQ! 🙂
Glad you enjoyed it, and relieved to hear that I’m not the only one who loves DovexTiger! 🙂
Me too!
DovexTiger is one of my favorite ships.
I’m glad they are getting an SE (maybe).
YAY! I love Tigerheart! He’s my third favorite cat!
Me too. I’m hoping to develop his character to make him even more awesome 🙂
I thought you hated him? XD
was that just a rumour?
Sounds like a rumour. Or someone just asked me on a really bad day.
Hey, awesome book! I was a bit disappointed at first when I realized we’d get less of Alderpaw because he was sharing the spotlight with Violetkit and Twigkit, (I prefer one or two POV’s rather than three or more). But I actually came to appreciate having the addition of the two sisters.
It was a wonderful read, and I must say I was very much emotionally involved with everything that was going on. Good job to Ms. Cary, she really is a talented author.
I was wondering
Is Mistystar going to die soon? She’s super old, older than any other cat alive in fact, seeing as she was a Warrior before Firestar even entered the forest.
And will Brackenfur, and his two living littermates, Thornclaw and Brightheart be retiring to the Elder’s den soon? Because they’re 10ish themselves, and Cloudtail is not much younger.
I tend to think of the older cats as middle aged. You young ‘uns seem just a little to eager to write us old ‘uns off! 😛
Okay, older cats keep stability, but nature has a say in it too.
Lorks a mercy, child. I can hear you sizing me up for my coffin!
Naw, not you, just Mistystar! Cats don’t live much past early teens in real life.
Littlecloud died of old age but he’s the same age as brackenfur, thornclaw, and brightheart. Mistystar is waaay older than all of them
Kate you sound like Purdy, and I love it. We all need to channel our inner Purdy sometimes. I think Brackenfur, Brightheart and Thornclaw still have alot of fight within them (and plus Thornclaw still hasn’t been a father!!). I think fans should remember that cats that live in the wild are waaayyyy more stronger than cats who are raised by humans just naturally, but also this is a scientific fact. Any animal who grows up in captivity will never live as long as its wild counterparts because unfortunately all wild animals have a heightened quality of life that human-care can never match. So all research that says cats die at around 10 or whatever cannot be applied to our warrior cats. There’s no knowing how long they can live!!
Thank you, Darkmist. 🙂 Not every older cat wants to be shoved into the elders den while the young ‘uns flick their tails impatiently, waiting for us to die.
….but nobody does that
Kate, did Beenose go to StarClan when she died? She did leave ShadowClan for the rogues, but she also didn’t do anything bad enough for the Dark Forest.
This is what I told Clearsight: StarClan. She was young and misguided. Misguided isn’t the same as evil. I’m sure a spell with StarClan will set her on a better path. Sending her to the Dark Forest would just have turned her evil for sure.
Okay. c: I’m glad she went to StarClan.
Kate, did Beenose go to StarClan or the Dark Forest when she died?
And speaking of atheist cats, Mothwing apparantly still doesn’t believe in StarClan, but what about Cloudtail?
StarClan. She was young and misguided. Misguided isn’t the same as evil. I’m sure a spell with StarClan will set her on a better path. Sending her to the Dark Forest would just have turned her evil for sure. Cloudtail is keeping his thoughts to himself for the time being.
When did Beenose die? Did she die from the sickness? I don’t remember that part very well, but to be fair I wasn’t good at remembering all the ShadowClan apprentices were, since there were so many.
The book was unclear if she died or not from the sickness, but Kate confirmed she did die.
Poor Beenose 🙁
Yeah it felt really like she was pressured to join the rogues… and she died away from her family and sister Yarrowleaf in a camp full of foreign cats without a proper medicine cat to care for her.
AHH! Idk why I came here; I’m only on like, page 50 and as I was scrolling down I saw somethin’ I wasn’t supposed to see. DANG IT! I thought this time I would be able to make it through the book without spoilers! Hmm…well I guess I better get outta here before I see something else…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..DANG IT!
This page should have border patrols! 😉
xD LOL. I am on page 200 something
Ughhhhh…. I havent gotten the book yet…. My bookstore SOLD OUT!! How do you sell out of a brand new book?
Really? Wow! They must have underestimated the popularity. Did you place an order with the bookstore? Are they getting you a copy?
It’s not out in Australia yet
You can read the PDF! https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=sites&srcid=ZGVmYXVsdGRvbWFpbnx3YXJyaW9yY2F0c2Jvb2tzcGRmfGd4OjUxODg4MGY0MGUyOWE1
Uhm. I don’t think that it is a good thing to read a pdf ._.
Because of people doing this Kate, and many authors, earn only half the money they could do.
And most of them allready don’t see much of the money you spend on buying books…
A writer make a few pence from each book that’s sold. Over 90% of the price you pay goes to the seller and the publisher. So yeah, if you could buy the book, it means I don’t have to get a second job. 🙂
Yea they’re getting me a copy but it’ll be a few days….
Hi Kate! I have two questions:
1) Will we ever meet Bramblestar and Squirrelflight’s two kits that died? (maybe in StarClan?)
2) Will there ever be any more interaction between Leafpool and Crowfeather?
Thanks! Happy writing!
Probably not because it opens the thorny question of whether kits grow older in StarClan. And W.A.S (but it’s not a priority right now and I kinda what Crowfeather to commit to his ShadowClan family instead of looking back over his shoulder and wishing)
Pardon? ShadowClan, did you say?
Oops. Brain burn. WINDClan 🙂
It’s not out in Australia yet
Lol. If not Australia, then definetely not India (no I don’t live there)
Is there something you aren’t telling us? 😛 😉
Nope 🙂
I’m pretty sure one of the Erins (not sure which one) said once that if kits die at birth or before birth, they open their ears and can hear, walk, and talk in StarClan, but look forever young. I figured that meant they grew enough so that they weren’t newborns shuffling around, and were just old enough that they could toddle around on their paws, but didn’t grow any bigger or older than they possibly had to in order to start walking.
Vicky once confirmed that kits in StarClan, that died shortly after birth, grow to the point where they can walk, talk, hear and such and then stop. So they stay tiny BUT you can interact with them. And they are a little more wise then normal kits. So that problem is allready solved 😀
What does W.A.S mean?
Wait and see :3
Hello Kate! I just wanted to let you know I loved this book so much like all of your books! 😀 I wouldn’t mind if my name (Pup) was ever futured in the books. 😉 Haha speaking of the book, who was your favorite character to write? My favorite was Puddleshine. He’s a cutie. C:
I think Puddleshine is my favourite too, although Violetpaw and Twigpaw are just adorable, and Violetpaw’s story seems so heartbreaking that I hate to let her out of my sight. I want to protect her with my words.
I agree! Violetpaw’s POV is one of the best I’ve read. It’s heartbreaking yet I want to read more. Keep up the good writing. 😀
Thanks! I’ll try!
I agree. She has flaws and isn’t the typical, brave but worryish PoV. She’s a kit, so naturally she has questions, but she’s also very driven to find her place.
And Needletail is a whole other type of character 😀
Well I finished TAS in a day. It was awesome! I loved watching the Shadowclan apprentice’s suprise me each time the backtalked someone of authority, especially after I thought they would shut up. I was jumping when I saw DoveXTiger would be in the same clan. And it was cool to see Ivypool mentoring Twigkit. I was hoping she would say something to Twigkit about her herself being held hostage in Shadowclan. Also good to see Ivypool hasnt lost her personality since maturing like some do. Her little scrap with Needletail was a good reminder lol.
Now I sit and wait for 2 months for HJ