Thank you so much to everyone who participated in this year’s gift exchange! As always, your creations were absolutely wonderful and you never fail to blow me away with your talent and creativity! To find your name in...
Okay, so this post is a little later than what I would’ve wanted, but I’ve had a busy week 😛 I’m also a little tired, so, only one cat pic this time 😛 You’re getting plenty from Cadvent, anyway...
The seventh edition of the Blog Monthly is here – written by Lil, fresh off the printing press Hello, everyone!! The Blog Monthly is back and better than ever! I hope you all love this edition, in my opinion it is one...
Blackstorm gives warrior names to bears from Care Bears.
Pandapeltl gives warrior names to dragons from Wings of Fire.
Rosefern shares some thoughts on Jayfeather and Jay’s Wing.
Would you say the rogues took over and joined ShadowClan, so they belong to it and ARE ShadowClan?
Or do you think ShadowClan and all the cats thad DIDN’T follow Rowanstar when he left are rogues now? So that only Rowanstar, Tigerheart and Tawnypelt are considdered ShadowClan now? I’m just not shure if the cats living in ShadowClan-Territory now are still ShadowClan or if they count as groop of rogues. It was so confusing D:
Depends whose POV you’re looking from…
Well whats YOUR point of view on that 😀
It depends which character I’m writing at the time. I have no POV because I am all cats at once 😛
😮 mind blown.
Kate is a human and yet 100+ cats at once.
One day I will see through the Cat Matrix….
There were some things I was just confused about. 😀
How did Spiderleg die? You said it would be mentioned.
It is. Jayfeather says that if they’d gathered more catmint the year before, Spiderleg wouldn’t have died, implying that he’d died of green cough… it’s subtle but should be there (unless it was edited out after my final draft)
No it was not edited out, the sentence is there and sais clearly that he died last leafbare of greencought 🙂
Hurray! And thank you 🙂
It was mentioned. He died of greencough. It says in Chapter 1.
Thank, Jaysnow! 😀
Is Spiderleg in StarClan?
Okay, heh, I was wondering because I look up spoilers on the wiki before I read because I’m lame, and the page stated him as alive. Thanks for replying, Kate.
Did he ever go to StarClan?
So does this mean he went to StarClan? Also did Crowfrost?
Hi Kate. I finished TAS last night. 😀
So my thoughts are….
Great book. I think it was better than TAQ, but yes. I’m glad Alderheart sorta bonded more with Twigpaw and Twigpaw came to truths and realizations. I liked the new apprentices, hope to see more of them soon. I, for one, like Sparkpelt’s warrior name, it’s original. But that line with Sparkfire XD. I’m also pleased that Ivypool is Twigpaw’s mentor.
In ShadowClan, I think I really do like Violetpaw. She’s an interesting character. I was saddened when Crowfrost died, he would’ve made a good leader. Violetpaw in ShadowClan was a bit heartbreaking, so in my opinion, her actions were understandable.
However, yeah, I really HATE Onestar now. Kinkfur, Wasptail, Crowfrost, Beenose and Slatekit could’ve lived of it wasn’t for him. He’s officially on my hate list, which I must say, I’m not surprised. So happy when Harespring stood up to him.
I’m angry at how Needletail and the other apps behaved. I think she’ll be expecting Rain’s kits soon enough, and that’ll be an eye-opener for Violetpaw. I think Dovewing and Tigerheart will become involved again, so I think she might actually become pregnant, too. We’ll see.
Overall, great book, HYPE for Shattered Sky! 😀
Woop woop! Thank you for sharing your thoughts 😀
Welcome! 🙂
Since you killed Kinkfur now, can you finally reveal of she is a gray or a brown tabby since she most likely won’t appear ever again xD
Also her son Sparrowfeather could be brown or gray, so I asume he will have the same colour as his mother.
I know you hate that question, but according to her ktis it’s not clear if brown or gray :’D
Dark gray
Sparrow is brown though.
Thank you so much!
I get the book today!!! I’m so excited! Also Kate, I submitted an article when the forms were being glitchy and I don’t know if it actually got submitted, but I want to make sure that it wasn’t submitted already. Thanks!
If you didn’t get an error message the you submitted it, it will have arrived 🙂
I just thought of something. Kate, when you and the other Erins originally planned the clans for the first series, did you plan SkyClan then or was it something that was thought of later? I was just thinking, maybe there were only supposed to be four clans originally! 😋
Ah! It must be a secret. 😛
Hi, Sunnystripe!
I think it was thought of later.
Kate, when Beenose caught the sickness one of Darktail’s rogues, Silt, caught the sickness as well. Did Silt die or is she still alive?
Did Silt go to StarClan or the DF?
I would think she would go to the place Scourge and other rogues go when they die.
Okay, thanks!
Kate, when Rowanstar caught the sickness Crowfrost stated that he was losing his lives one by one. Do you know how many lives Rowanstar lost to it?
Also, Onestar reminded me of how Bluestar acted during the final books from the OS. I hope that means he dies soon. I don’t even think Harespring will be a bad leader anymore, based on what he did in TAS.
Hi, Snowflower!
Yeah, his acting is similar to that. I hope he dies soon….
Did Crowfrost make it to StarClan? He was such a good deputy…
I don’t see why he wouldn’t. I loved Crowfrost too but he wasn’t as good as Blackbae.
Hi, Happycat! Nice username xD
I don’t see why not.
Kate, has you (or any other of the Erins) thought of who might be the next -star!? (leader). And if you had to pick one cat from ThunderClan to be leader right now, who would it be!? (No pressure tehe)
Hi, Pantherpaw!
As far as we know, Bramblestar hasn’t lost a single life, so it’s a bit too early to be thinking about that.
Alright, I just finished this book and I loved it! I really enjoyed seeing the plot partly from Alderheart’s perspective, since he’s one of my favourite characters. Twigpaw is a really good character, but I don’t particularly like Violetpaw. I liked Needletail in the last book, but I can’t stand her here. In TAQ she was just a bit annoying at times but mostly it was interesting to see a cat who didn’t follow all the rules. It was really sad and upsetting for me to read about how many apprentices and warriors left ShadowClan, and how WindClan refused to help. I did like seeing ShadowClan’s perspective, since it’s my favourite Clan, though.
Also, Kate, did you add in the apprentices Wavepaw and Cypresspaw because they’re BlogClanners? I noticed them in the books and I thought it was really cool 😀
I was a little shocked to hear how Ivypool and Rosepetal got more apprentices. When will Brightheart, Birchfall, and Dovewing ever get one? Just wondering.
Brightheart has never really gotten a real apprentice, but she was Jayfeather’s mentor for about a moon before he became medicine cat, right?
Well, it’s kind of hard for Brightheart to get one, though she was supposed to “get another one soon” in The Sight 😛
Some warriors are said not to be cut out to become mentors. I guess that’s just how it works.