Thank you so much to everyone who participated in this year’s gift exchange! As always, your creations were absolutely wonderful and you never fail to blow me away with your talent and creativity! To find your name in...
Okay, so this post is a little later than what I would’ve wanted, but I’ve had a busy week 😛 I’m also a little tired, so, only one cat pic this time 😛 You’re getting plenty from Cadvent, anyway...
The seventh edition of the Blog Monthly is here – written by Lil, fresh off the printing press Hello, everyone!! The Blog Monthly is back and better than ever! I hope you all love this edition, in my opinion it is one...
Blackstorm gives warrior names to bears from Care Bears.
Pandapeltl gives warrior names to dragons from Wings of Fire.
Rosefern shares some thoughts on Jayfeather and Jay’s Wing.
Yay! Know we know that Hawkwing and Pebbleshine are the parents of Violetpaw and Twigpaw!!!!!
There’s already a Hawkwing’s Journey spoiler page!
That’s a discussion page, not a Spoiler page. That’s for speculation; this is for confirmed facts.
Lol. You’re right. I just saw the title!
Subscribing, but not looking until I read the book.
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I read a spoiler!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Its okay Shadowpaw, just wait ONE
I can’t wait for it to come out know that I know that he is the father of Violetpaw and Twigpaw.
Am I the only person here who actually fine with – and kinda enjoys – spoilers? 😛
I like small spoilers. What I don’t like is finding out the major spoilers for the book (like deaths and huge plot twists) only days before the book comes out.
I agree! I was cool with knowing the names of some of the characters for TAS but nothing much more than that.
Agreed. I’ve seen so many spoilers already 😛
Oh, yeah, that’s what I meant 🙂
This announcement was about major spoilers, anyway, not speculation.
I don’t know how, but I’m not questioning it!
I’ve already read it!
UGH. I have to wait one more day!!!!!!!!!!!
Billystorm DIED!?!?!?!?!?!?
(He was my favourite cat from SC)
I was sad that Sharpbae died.
NEW NAMES/CATS: Bellaleaf, Betsy, Birdwing, Blossomheart, Branch, Cloudmist, Curlypaw, Dewpaw, Fidgetpaw, Finpaw, Foggy, Harrybrook, Honeytail, Max, Night, Pebbleshine, Parsleyseed, Reedpaw, Rileypool, Sagenose, Sandynose, Stone, Stormheart, Suzy, Toad,
DEAD CATS: Duskpaw, Echosong, Firefern, Patchfoot, Honeytail, Bouncefire, Rileypool, Sharpclaw, Snipkit, Stormheart, Billystorm
I hope SO MUCH that we will find out who MIntfurs 4 kits are and what happend to the SkyClan Cats that were left behind T-T
Where did Finpaw, Dewpaw and Reedpaw come from?
Theyy are the kits of Plumwillow and Sandynose 😀
Cool!!! Who are the mates of Honeytail and Mistfeather?
Honeytail doesn’t have a mate because she was not pregnant. She just helped the other queens.
The mate of Mistfeather stayed unknown.
Oh, OK. Who are the mentors of the new apprentices?And what about Betsy, Toad, Branch, Max, Suzy, Stone and Night? Are they rogues, kittypets or loners? Or even a mix?
Betsy is a kittypet that informed Hawkwing and his group that were attacked by badgers, that the badger dens were never empty.
Toad was a friend of Darktail’s (supposedly), that died after falling out of a tree and getting ripped to shreds by huge dogs.
Max is a kittypet that gave SkyClan some advice, then later on in the book he is mentioned again when Sandynose, and Fallowfern, make their way back to the Clan.
Suzy, Stone, and Night, are the kits of Shorty and Cora.
Suzy is not a kit of Shorty and Cora. Suzy is just a stray.
Branch, Stone and Night are the kits of Shorty and Cora.
The mentors are:
Curlypaw – Hawkwing (But she goes away to be a kittypet. Basically Hawkwing becomes depudy without training an apprentice!)
Dewpaw – Macgyver
Fidgetpaw – Echosong
Finpaw – Blossomheart
Reedpaw – Bellaleaf
Don’t forget all the missing cats or cats stolen by animal control. 🙁 I hope they come back.
Any more details about Echosong and Sharpclaw’s deaths? I haven’t got the book yet, but I always love hearing the juicy details about deaths.
Echosong is just mentioned on the manga to have died from a sickness, maybe that yellowcough that came up.
Sharpclaw is shred by Darktail in battle. Darktail is really… Dark.
Ummm…… what happened to Frecklewish?
She just went missing and no one knows where she has gone.
Who are the mates of the queens in the nursery?
So are the dead cats in this book are considered SkyClan Ancestors now? Plus, what happened to Rockshade, Shrewtooth, Creekfeather, Petalnose, Tangle and Egg? I assume they are dead, but I guess they are ancestors as well? It’s also been a while since Lichenfur died. Is she a SkyClan Ancestor too?
I am purchasing this book later this month!
My guess would be a sickness came and killed them off, but they were never mentioned so far.
This is something I’ve been wondering too.
Kate will there’s going to be a special Barnes and Noble edition of Hawkwing’s Journey like there has been for the AVoS books so far?
Try looking on b and n’s website! 🙂
a simple yes or no would be ok y’know
Hi, Magmawing.
No, there will be no Exclusive B/N Edition. That’s only for the books in the “mainstream” series. So, only A Vision of Shadows books.
The special thing about SE’s are the short mangas, and that’s in every SE.
And in all of the hardcovers, they have a special picture if you take off the jacket.
Cake, could there possibly be a e-book story about Pebbles Hine while she has Twigkit and Violetkit after she was taken by two legs?