Thank you so much to everyone who participated in this year’s gift exchange! As always, your creations were absolutely wonderful and you never fail to blow me away with your talent and creativity! To find your name in...
Okay, so this post is a little later than what I would’ve wanted, but I’ve had a busy week 😛 I’m also a little tired, so, only one cat pic this time 😛 You’re getting plenty from Cadvent, anyway...
The seventh edition of the Blog Monthly is here – written by Lil, fresh off the printing press Hello, everyone!! The Blog Monthly is back and better than ever! I hope you all love this edition, in my opinion it is one...
Blackstorm gives warrior names to bears from Care Bears.
Pandapeltl gives warrior names to dragons from Wings of Fire.
Rosefern shares some thoughts on Jayfeather and Jay’s Wing.
Hi I thought that it was sad when Duskpaw died and was looking for Two legs food.
Hi it was sad though in the book when Sharpclaw died in Hawkins Journey. It was also sad when the kit died in the stream.
I know, right?!
I always wonder when a apprentice/warrior aged cat will come looking for the clans, finally finding them at the lake and just being generally confused on who Violetshine and Twigbranch are
I realy hope pebbleshine didt die
I think it was confirmed that she is indeed dead. Her daughter, Violetpaw, was given her warrior name after her, Violetshine.
I hope she didn’t die too
But it could be the same as graystripe they might of thought he was dead and he came back it could be the same right??
uh.. well technically he wasn’t confirmed dead, but Pebbleshine is
I love this book! I totally ship HawkXPebble!
What ever happened to Egg?
You mean Egg from SkyClan? Because if that’s who you’re talking about, then I have the same question! He was there in SkyClan’s destiny, but wasn’t in Hawkwing’s Journey Allegiances. And they never mentioned him again after that…
Maybe he is Sandynose! Sandynose has almost the exact same fursona as Egg!
Nah, Sandynose is Clovertail’s kit.
Darktail seemed very fond of Hawkwing, almost as if he had feelings for him. He was super disappointed when Hawkwing wouldn’t join his kin. Do you think Darktail liked Hawkwing in that way?
That would be an interesting question and that nobody knows why Hawkwing did not join Darktail’s kin.
😿This book, so much SkyClan nostalgia, so many dead cats, Sharpclaw, Billystorm, Echosong, Pebbleshine, Duskpaw, etc etc
Anyone know what happened to Egg? He wasn’t listed in the allegiances here even though he became an apprentice in SkyClan’s Destiny.
Maybe he left, or died? Personally, I’m rooting for the theory that he left, because then my snappy-angsty child would be alive.
Kate,What would’ve Pebbleshine named Violetkit and Twigkit?
Ooh! I’v never thought about it. What do you think she’d have named them?
i was thinking the same thing! 😛
Any suggestions?
Hawkkit for Twigbranch (they have the same gray, and maybe she thought she’d never see him again)
Ravenkit for Violetshine.
Very different from the names they have! Much more old-school. 🙂
I like old school! 😀
Oooh, yes, Kate! But I think that Pebbleshine would have likely named one of the kits Pebblekit, after herself if she knew she was going to die, possibly?
I doubt she knew that she would get flattened on the thunderpath. That’s a kinda surprise death.
I think Twigkit would’ve been, like Jaysnow said, either Hawkkit(female) OR Stormkit(male)
Violetkit would’ve been either Barleykit(if she was male) OR Patchkit(female)
But Twigkit and Violetkit is WAY better.
I love all the suggestions, but I like the characters so you could name them anything and I think fondly of them 😀
Hey, Kate! I was re-reading Hawkwing’s Journey and I have a few questions about some of the SkyClan cats:
– What happened to Egg from SkyClan’s Destiny?
– How did Mistfeather join SkyClan? Was he someone in the clan’s kit or did he just join as a loner/ rogue/ kittypet?
– What happened to Rockshade and Creekfeather?
I was thinking maybe Smokekit for Twigbranch after the fire Hawkwing saved her in and Stormkit after her mentor Billystorm?
Lovely 😀
I was thinking Stormkit(Twig)and Patchkit(Violet)for them
Nice 😀
Kate, why did you decide to make Pebbleshine disappear
Because if she hadn’t disappeared, we’d never have had Twig and Violet which would have put a crimp in the storyline…. 🙂