Wolfkit discusses what would happen if Thistleclaw didn’t mentor Tigerstar.
Hi there I’m Wolfkit and this is my first article! Today we are going to play a game of What If! See, I’ve never read Bluestar’s Phophecy (yet) so it might be off. But I have the general idea!
Snowfur would still be run over by a monster and Thistleclaw would still be evil but in this timeline, Tigerpaw is in the paws of Patchpelt. So he would be good which would change everything and Tiny would never have been attacked which means no BloodClan either.
StarClan would have no need to call Rusty over either because there is no need to kill Tigerclaw, and they would need a leader after Sunstar died but it would neither be Bluefur nor Thistleclaw.
I’m guessing while hunting Bluefur would tell him about everything he has done (which from what I heard is not very much) and they would leap into a big fight with each other. Sunstar and her Clanmates would be so mad that they either exile her or, she would die right on the spot while talking, and StarClan has a big debate like they did with Ashfur. She would most likely end up in StarClan like Hollyleaf because she was doing it for the right reason.
Tiny would probably go back to his house and either end up living with Nutmeg or get adopted.
Tigerpaw would not get a violent name from the reality timeline, like Tigertail and would maybe become a very content deputy. He would be mates with Goldenflower and they would have Bramblekit and Tawnykit who would not be judged for Tigertail’s crimes. Tawnypaw would not go to ShadowClan. And cats like Runningwind, Brindleface, Swiftpaw, and Redtail would never die because of Tigertail. Cinderpaw would never get crippled because of the trap and would get to be the warrior that she wanted to become. Ravenpaw would not have to move to the farm, and Cloudtail the pest did not have join ThunderClan.
Whitestorm would most likely become leader and wouldn’t die in the battle with BloodClan. (Because it was never made!) Whitestar and the other leaders would soon find out about the people who were going to destroy their home and they would move as fast as they can. They would not have Squirrlepaw trailing along and there would be a new ShadowClan warrior to go on the journey since Tawnypelt is in ThunderClan. They would meet Midnight and the lovey dovey relationship between Leafpool and Crowfeather would never happen. They would have another Medicine cat that would probably survive the badger attack because it is not crippled. Tigertail would have most likely died fighting for his Clan.
Since Brokenstar might still be making the Dark Forest gang and StarClan would make a new Three because Jayfeather, Lionblaze, and Dovewing were never born. That also means no Holyleaf so the Ashfur, Squirrelflight, Hollyleaf, I killed you, Leafpool and Crowfeather had kits, fire, you are not allowed to have kits, secret, Gathering, does not exist.
Firestar would not go on the quest to find SkyClan but maybe Tigertail would? Probably not. So, no Vision of Shadows. There is no Alderheart or Sparkpelt anyway.
I almost forgot to tell you about the battle with ShadowClan. Brokenstar would still be sheltered and Tigertail would eventually drive him out after consulting with Whitestar about how dangerous he was. Lionheart and Spottedleaf would still die, and Tigertail would become deputy.
Yellowfang would probably based on how humble Whitestar was, be sheltered and then become an elder, after Spottedleaf died they would probably take one of the apprentices (Sandpaw) out of their training to become a Medicine cat. They would ask the other Clans, which would refuse starting a big battle killing Yellowfang.
As you can see, it would be very different! As I already said, this is my first article I just joined last night and it already feels like a little warrior family! Bye!
Very interesting! I never thought about this subject before, and you’ve really surprised about how much would be different! Nice article! 🙂
Mind blown
This is a great article! I never wondered what would happen if Tigerstar had a different mentor, and you gave a fabulous explanation of it without even reading Bluestar’s Prophecy.
Very interesting thoughts Wolfkit! You thought about everything here in this new world without evil Tigerstar. Amazing opinions and great depth… Fabulous first article Wolfkit!
Great first article, Wolfkit! I’m excited to see more from you 😀
Wow really deep Wolfkit! Imagine if the Erin’s had chosen this storyline, things would be completely different!
If Rusty still came anyway somehow he might become friends with Tigertail (Tigerclaw)*mind is double blown*🙀
Great article, but i think you mean Quince for Tiny, not Nutmeg 🙂
yeah… SO CONFUSING (Jake needs to quit dating other cats LOL)
But Tigerstar was evil before he was apprenticed to Thistleclaw, Thistleclaw just encouraged him but even if he hadn’t Tigerclaw/star would’ve still been evil… He was power hungry…
This was great Wolfy!!!
While it would be interesting if Tigerclaw hadn’t been trained by Thistleclaw, there were a few assumptions that didn’t make sense.
Why would Bluefur be driven out or killed? You said she’d talk about what he’d done… Who? Neither Thistleclaw or Tigerclaw had done anything by this point so there was nothing to talk about. Is it about her kits? I doubt Tigerclaw not being mentored by Thistleclaw would suddenly lead to that information being revealed.
I don’t understand your reasoning for why Bluefur is suddenly on the same scale as Ashfur, she would have no reason to get into a fight with either Thistleclaw or Tigerclaw. Or why she is suddenly exiled. You need to better explain that jump in logic. I know you said you haven’t read Bluestar’s prophecy, and it just occured to me you could be talking about Rise of Scourge when Bluestar defended Tiny, I doubt that she and Thistleclaw would get in a fight and even if they did it would look badly on Thistleclaw not Bluestar.
Also Whitestorm couldn’t become leader, someone else would have to become leader after Sunstar, Bluestar is Whitestorm’s aunt and she was made leader long before Whitestorm had the experience to be a leader in his own right. So Bluestar would still be leader regardless of Tigerclaw’s mentor, also I think Tigerclaw’s warrior name would still be Tigerclaw, just having claw at the end of your name doesn’t mean you’re automatically violent. Admittedly the ‘claw’ suffix could’ve been a nod to Thistleclaw as his mentor, but Tigerclaw had long sharp claws, hence Tigerclaw.
I think the reality would’ve been had Thistleclaw not been Tigerclaw’s mentor, that Tiny wouldn’t have become Scourge (or he might’ve, or he might’ve died if Thistleclaw decided to kill him when he found him along with Bluestar it just would mean that Scourge would forever hate Thistleclaw, but since Tigerstar wasn’t there to provide the lure of vengeance Scourge still might not have ever come to the clan territories (or if he does it’s for another reason).
Redtail would still be Bluestar’s deputy since Tigerclaw wouldn’t have killed him, and I think Rusty would still come to the forest, granted his prophecy might not come into play (or a different prophecy will happen) but he was too curious and eager to be free to simply not become a part of the clans.
I’m not sure how things would play out with Brokenstar, probably very similarly with Spottedleaf dying, maybe either Redtail or Lionheart dying during that fight, though that wouldn’t enable Tigerclaw to be deputy if either one still lived.
To be honest I think it really depends on who mentors Tigerclaw instead of Thistleclaw if he got say Bluestar for a mentor I think he could’ve turned out to be a really noble cat. Or yes even Patchpelt could be a good choice. But it would have to be a mentor who could teach him to find pride in himself and feel comfortable in his place in the clan despite his father Pinestar leaving the clan to become a kittypet which had a negative impact on Tigerstar.
I applaud your efforts Wolfkit, but you should be wary of making large leaps in logic, especially if you haven’t consulted some of the source material (ie Bluestar’s Prophecy).
That was very well written!