Thank you so much to everyone who participated in this year’s gift exchange! As always, your creations were absolutely wonderful and you never fail to blow me away with your talent and creativity! To find your name in...
Okay, so this post is a little later than what I would’ve wanted, but I’ve had a busy week 😛 I’m also a little tired, so, only one cat pic this time 😛 You’re getting plenty from Cadvent, anyway...
The seventh edition of the Blog Monthly is here – written by Lil, fresh off the printing press Hello, everyone!! The Blog Monthly is back and better than ever! I hope you all love this edition, in my opinion it is one...
Blackstorm gives warrior names to bears from Care Bears.
Pandapeltl gives warrior names to dragons from Wings of Fire.
Rosefern shares some thoughts on Jayfeather and Jay’s Wing.
ya y first co m ment 😀
W ho are t he cats on t he cover?
Oh, wow. Spoiler pages this early? Hm. I didn’t expect this to be a thing until the release dates were approaching. I want to say stuff about the blurb, but again, I don’t want to spoil Jayie…..is another mod modding these?
I believe they are Tigerheart and Hawkwing. I did a photoshop job too albeit a terrible one, if you want to see it.
Yeah, other BlogTeam members will be moderating these spoiler pages
It is all coming together!!!
Who are the cats on the front of each of the AVoS books?
I belive they are Finpaw (left) and Twigpaw (left) due to them being main characters and matching the descriptions in the book.
I presume this is the 4th book?
Hello, Starstripe!
Yes, it’s AVOS book 4. Owen does a spectacular job with the covers. Bravo to him.
So, this is the blurb:
SkyClan has returned to its rightful place among the other four warrior Clans, hoping to find a new territory to call home. But not every cat is convinced that this is where SkyClan belongs. The careful balance around the lake is more fragile than ever before—and the fate of all the warrior Clans remains uncertain.
“SkyClan has returned to its rightful place among the other four warrior Clans…”
I kind of figured SkyClan would return by Shattered Sky, given the end for Hawkwing’s Journey and Thunder and Shadow, and the title “Shattered Sky”. So this didn’t give away too much for me. It just confirmed some theories. I wonder about the prophecy, though: “Embrace what you find in the shadows, for only they can clear the sky.” How does this tie in with SkyClan’s return? The sky is cleared now, right? Or is it not quite yet? Does ShadowClan have a role to play in this, or is it Twigpaw and Violetpaw because they were found “in the shadows”? Is it a double meaning? Or is it as straightforward as it seems (which I doubt)? I think it would be interesting to have ShadowClan be the heroes this time. It would be a unique twist. And Tigerheart and Hawkwing are by the lake, so…what are they doing there? Why do they seem to be meeting in secret? I think this might tie in with Tigerheart’s Shadow, but I’m not sure. And how would we even know about it as readers? Does Hawkwing get a POV in Shattered Sky? I dunno, and now I’m rambling. d:
“[…]hoping to find a new territory to call home.” I find this bit strange. I get that they probably only just got to the lake, but I thought the territory mentioned in the Bramblestar’s Storm manga would become their new home. I thought that was foreshadowing, but I guess not. I wonder where they will live, though…there’s not a whole lot of room by the actual lake now. Will there be a battle with all 5 Clans to settle this? Or will they *try* to settle it peacefully? Will Bramblestar consider splitting his territory with SkyClan, for the sake of peace? This could cause discord in ThunderClan, though. Those who believe SkyClan could stay and those who don’t. Leading into the next part of the blurb….
“But not every cat is convinced that this is where SkyClan belongs.” This much is obvious. Certain aggressive cats *cough* Breezepelt *cough* and others like him won’t want SkyClan at the lake and taking up more territory, even if SkyClan doesn’t have many cats left after Hawkwing’s Journey. I can see Rowanstar being aggressive about it, and Onestar too (if he doesn’t die soon, which I kinda doubt). Anyhow, I wonder about the reactions to SkyClan. Probably much shock, and then anger at their warrior ancestors for keeping it a secret. Or maybe some just won’t care and want to help SkyClan find territory to stay at. Bramblestar will want them to stay, for sure.. But this will probably spread much discord between the Clans, which might even lead to a battle, as I mentioned above. This is called “Darkest Night” after all, and Firestar’s ghost in TAQ mentioned dark times ahead. This is probably the dawn of them. (This isn’t relevant, but I wonder *how* SkyClan will return in Shattered Sky. Dramatic entrance? End of book kind of dramatic entrance? I don’t know.)
“The careful balance around the lake is more fragile than ever before—and the fate of all the warrior Clans remains uncertain.” Ever all the living cats could remember, there have been 4 Clans and 4 Clans only. The territory was divided equally between the 4 Clans in Starlight. A new Clan will disrupt this balance, and cause even more discord seeing as Darktail and his rogues had just been tramping about (even though it seems like they are defeated by Shattered Sky given the Tigerheart’s Shadow blurb). So a new Clan, however small, is bound to cause nothing but discord. And thus, the fate of all the Clans remains vague and unclear.
All in all, this blurb didn’t give as much away as previous blurbs have, which I am thankful for. This is mostly stuff I had already guessed.
Whew, that’s it. I think I’ll do an analysis for the Tigerheart’s Shadow blurb next, and then go back to do one for Shattered Sky on their respective spoiler pages. I might post theories for this book later.
Yus!!!! Finally!!!!
You’re not far off from what I was thinking after reading the blurb. But I am curious to see how StarClan explains themselves as to why they kept SkyClan a secret and let their memory die off with exception to Firestar (when they sent him to rebuild SkyClan back in the day). And because ThunderClan kept it a secret from the other clans, I am almost sure Onestar is going to have a serious issue with that. Not to mention ThunderClan themselves. Since only a few cats knew of SkyClan’s existence in the first place. As for the cover, I thought it was Bramblestar and Hawkwing. I may be wrong. But they are both strong cats who are well liked by their own clan members. And something tells me that Hawkwing is going to be leader of SkyClan really soon. Looking foward to this book along with Shattered Sky and Tigerheart’s Shadow.
Actually Mint, in canon Leafstar has lost only 1-3 lives (She very well could have lost more due to off screen developement) I believe that Skyclan will recieve Windclan’s forest and part of Thunderclan’s simply due to the fact that it’s uncharacteristic for Windclan to hunt in a forest. That very well could be skyclan’s territory,
I’m guessing that gray cat on the cover is Hawkwing, since it matches HJ cover 😛
Oooh!!! Interesting!!! 😀 The brown cat on the front reminds me of Tigerheart, then again I don’t know many of the new characters!!! 😛 Who do you think it is???
Not sure 😛 although I get the feeling its a SkyClan cat
And I have a feeling Hawkwing is very, VERY closely related to….. Twig and Violet. Like, FATHER kind of related.
Ah, the joy of early spoiler pages *a content sigh*
I think it may be alderheart??? I mean, it is night so everything would be shadowed..
Kate when will you say the title of the 5th book? and I think on the cover is Leafstar and Bramblestar
When I know it 🙂 Sounds like a good cover theory…I don’t know for sure.
I think the cats are Tigerheart and Hawkwing. I did a photoshop if you want to see for yourself.
i spoiled every moment
like how on page 23 there were words
Pretty sure that’s Tigerhonk and Honkwing on the cover
I showed this to my two and half year old sister and she said when I get it, she gets to read it too. <3 It comes out the day before my older sister's birthday, and I told thst to my little sister, and she said I would get it and we would resd it together on my sister's birthday. She loves Warriors because I have The Ultinate Guide and she knows most of the names… I am so proud.
Soooo many spoiler pages suddenly
Just being prepared! 😀
I’ll have to post my prediction for Shattered Sky here, mainly because it holds some spoilers from the Darkest Night blurb.
I think that in Shattered Sky, the Clans are going to have a series of battles to reclaim ShadowClan. Each one causes more cats to lose their lives, and possibly a few well-liked characters die in it too. That’s why it’s going to be tragic.
I’m predicting that there will be a major battle in “Darkest Night” too, and it’s going to happen during the night. It would be more of blood-shedding instead of life-stealing though. The battle is going to be due to arguments between the leaders. If Onestar doesn’t die in Shattered Sky, he’ll die in Darkest Night because of a battle he started.
I think that SkyClan is going to mingle with ShadowClan after Darkest Night. Possibly Leafstar(and maybe Rowanstar) will die, and that will give them an opportunity.
I like this idea! I feel like Mistystar and Reedwhisker should also die, leaving RiverClan in chaos without their leader or deputy.
Jeez, for all we know Misytystar still has her nine lives. SHE’S FREAKING 12 YEARS OLD WAHH
Can StarClan halt old age? Idk.
I absolutely adore Mistystar but 12 years old does seem a bit ridiculous. She’s older than Graystripe and he’s been an elder for quite some time. I find it very likely that she’ll die by the sixth book in this series, as will Onestar.
My predictions are Graystripe will die……. and yes maybe Mistystar and Onestar
Onstar is dead
Onestar is dead now and Hairstar now rules Windclan with crowfeather as depudy. Skyclan is back in the forest and Tigerheart is the new leader of Shadowclan……Tigerstar the 2nd. Dovewing has three kits with Tigerstar, and now lives with him in Shadowclan
I really hope Rowanstar doesn’t die. He’s the same age as Bramblestar and became a leader after Bramblestar so if he dies before Bramblestar, it will only enforce the message that ThunderClan cats are better than anyone else, which is something they’ve been trying to get rid off this arc. I think it would me much more satisfying to see Rowanstar learn how to take control of ShadowClan and reclaim it as rightfully his. But I fear the Erins will take the easy route and have Darktail kill him, meaning he’ll die a failure and it’ll be up to some new cat (probably (and annoyingly) Tigerheart) to take control of ShadowClan again.
Who are the cats on the front cover?
It looks like Tigerheart and Hawkwing.
Im pretty sure its Tigerheart and Dovewing.
Dovewing isn’t a tabby. The one on the right is almost definitely Hawkwing. That carts artwork is basically identical to the Hawkwing on the cover of Hawkwing’s Journey. And the other one could be Leafstar, although it looks like a dark tabby (and Leafstar is a light tabby) so I would guess its Tigerheart or Bramblestar.
Darkmist with it being Night time it could easily make a light tabby like leafstar look like a dark tabby.
Unknown– but most people have guessed that they are Leafstar/Tigerheart/Alderheart and Hawkwing.
They look like Leafstar and Hawkwing.
The cover of what
I think it’s Alderheart and Hawkwing.
I’m thinking Bramblestar and Hawkwing. Possibly Hawkstar??
I agree Hawkwing will probably be leader by this time. I predict both Onestar and Leafstar will die in Shattered Sky
I agree hawkwing will probably become leader at this point, but I hope that after all the dedication she has put into her clan, leafstar will get to see them arrive and settle in at the lake. Im guessing she will die like tallstar, although probably without the last minute deputy change. I love leafstar, she totally deserves to see her hard work and sacrifice pay off!
I love her too! She reminds me so much of Bluestar, especially after she lost so much in Hawkwing’s Journey (Billystorm and two of her three kits). I think she will make it to the lake and die soon after from exhaustion. She’s such an amazing cat though.
To me it looks like Tigerheart and Dovewing……
I actually thought Tigerheart and Dovewing, as the book right before it is “Tigerheart’s Shadow” and is about him and Dovewing going on yet ANOTHER quest…
ME TOO! 😀 😀 😀
I haven’t been this excited for new books in a series since Power of Three. I’m so impatient.