• Kate, I’ve got two questions.

    1) Any BlogClan names for the new litter of LionCinder kits?
    2) Will Sparkpelt and RiverClan be getting any attention paid to them in the upcoming books?

  • Kate, would you say Breezepelt’s focus is pretty much over? Or do you think we will ever get to see some more of him?

  • Kate I have another question (I’m sorry I’m new to warriors and I want to know EVERYTHING about them XD)
    How did Mintkit and Marigoldkit die?

    Into The Wild= Brokenstar killed them
    Yellowfang’s secret= Mr. Fox killed them

    So which one is correct?

    Another question!

    Willowkit from Dawn, The New Prophecy and Dawnflower’s kit and Willowshine from The Power Of Three series are the same cat?If not who are Willowshine’s family?

    • Hey, Amy. 🙂
      I don’t know which is correct – both were written so both are correct – it’s just a mixup and I’m afraid you will have to live with the duality. 😛 Have you checked out Warriors Wiki – it has far more information than my poor old noodle…

      • Yes, I’ve been checking the wiki it’s just since everybody seems to be annoyed by this or confused ^^

        • And they’re right to be. It is a big mistake, but we have a lot of characters to manage. I hope we will someday be forgiven.

          • 🙂 We readers have piercing eyes…….

            And it’s probably easier to hope that people won’t notice out of ThunderClan mistakes.

            Willowshine is Mosspelt’s kit.

    • Not Kate but according to Warriors Wikia, Marigoldkit and Mintkit were killed by a fox, and Willowkit and Willowshine are the same character ^^

    • I like to think that Brokenstar killed them, and then rubbed fox scent on the kits so nobody knew it was him.

    • You could see the death of Mintkit and Marigoldkit like this:
      In Yellowfang’s Secret, Brokenstar took the kits out of campand let Mr.Fox kill them. He then blames Yellowfang for their death.
      In Into The Wild, it’s said that Brokenstar killed those two kits, but that statement could be assumed as a rumor, since no other cats know about the fox, not even in Shadowclan.

  • Kate,

    Mistystar… well, she must die.
    She was older than Firestar, Sandstorm, Greystripe…
    She is the oldest cat alive as of Shattered Sky!

  • Hey, Kate I have some name suggestions if you need some ^^

    Lionkit-Lionclaw-Lionfang- Liontail

  • So..is it safe to say Harespring is Harestar now? (warriors.wikia.com is waiting for the conformation)

  • are there any chances of tree ( a character in the bonus scene at the end of the apprentices quest ) appearing again?

  • Kate do the fans have any input into what we would want the 7th series to be about? Or just the time zone really.
    Does HC just go with what they feel would be nice/sell a lot, or do they see what the fans would want.
    Im hoping for post AVOS but im sure it will be great either way.

  • Im confused Kate, so do you and Cherith come up with the plot, or is that solely HC? And who are the “editors” are they HC or a different group. Basically my question is, who gets to make the ideas for plot?
    You, the editors, or HC?

    • An editorial team at Working Partners Ltd creates the plots, collaborating with editors at HC, and then Cherith and I contribute our ideas to shape the finished storyline. Then Cherith or I turn the outline into a novel.

  • Am I the only one who thinks Needletail is alive?

  • I know who is one hundred percent going to die… Graystri.. I mean Mistystar, yeah…

    • Give her a good death though – protecting the nursery as her grandkits are born or saving another cat from a monster – not greencough. Graystripe can be an elder for ages like his dad Patchpelt, and him and Millie can kitsit for Blossomfall.