Whorlpaw and Flowerpaw get mentors called Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff respectively and when they go hunting for their assesment a badger suddenly attacks Whorlpaw while Flowerpaw just stares. Afterwards Flowerpaw remarks to Whorlpaw “Told you not to shame us”

  • Based on the Clans becoming uncomfortable with SkyClan, especially after Darktail and his group invading ShadowClan, I predict there may be a battle between one Clan, or possibly two or three, against SkyClan. After many seasons of hiding the long lost SkyClan, many cats will most likely find it hard to believe, or even a new possible threat. Unless StarClan appears before a gathering and explains to the other Clans what happened all those seasons ago.

    • I agree with a lot of that. But SkyClan is only about nine of ten cats at the moment, so they’re going to have to have at least some allies. I predict RiverClan (because they’re the most stable Clan at the moment!!) and ThunderClan will come to SkyClan’s aid, but Onestar will oppose them and then a big moment in the book will be when Onestar strikes a deal with Darktail and his ShadowClan/Rogues and they join forces. Then it will be SkyClan, ThunderClan and RiverClan vs WindClan and ShadowClan (and the Rogues). I think the turning point will come with Onestar’s death, where Harespring (as the new leader) will bring his Clan onto the other side. I think then Darktail and his rogues will disappear, and we won’t see the rogues again, but Darktail won’t be gone. Then Rowanstar will reform ShadowClan, SkyClan will find some territory and WindClan will stop being so darn annoying under Harespring’s leadership.

      • I doubt WindClan would side with ShadowClan/Darktail’s Rogues, but perhaps try and fight them on their own?

      • I love that theory!!!! At the very least, im guessing onestar will die, probably from a battle he started. I can picture windclan siding with the rogues, maybe not all of them will agree to it, and onestar will create the alliance on his own from a twist of fate.

  • Wouldn’t it be a great twist if Darktail turned out to be the father of Twigpaw and Violetpaw? There isn’t much evidence to support this theory but I find it rather interesting.

  • I’ll post my Shattered Sky predictions here, if nobody minds c: .
    ((Also there’s a lot predicting here. Most of this is predicted from TS and DN blurbs))
    So, Alderheart comes back from the moonpool and tells Bramblestar about the vision he had. Bramblestar either believes him or thinks it might mean something else. But, Bramblestar doesn’t know what to do because if Skyclan really is out there, they’re not in they’re camp. Tensions between clans rise. Tigerheart, Tawnypelt and Rowanstar manage to convince Thunderclan to get rid of the rouges in they’re territory and help them. Bramblestar remmembers Alderheart’s dream and agrees to help. They have a few battles and eventually Darktail and his rouges either die or leave. Rowanstar, Tawnypelt and Tigerheart return to Shadowclan and try to make things work there. Some of the apprentices leave, the others stay. Violetpaw definetly stays and so does Needletail, though and tries her best to help out. Near the middle or the end of the book, Dovewing and Tigerheart come to Alderheart to tell him that they had a dream, the exact same dream that Alderheart had and then Alderheart realized that they have to save Skyclan. So the two sneak out at night. Because Tigerheart is gone, Tawnypelt (or someone else) is named as the new deputy of Shadowclan.
    Oh also Violetpaw and Twigpaw will probably interact in the book. They’ll also probably get warrior names (predictions for warrior names;; Twigtail and Violetpetal)

  • AVOS book five working title is “River of Fire,” as per Kate’s Facebook. I posted this on the tavern as well, though it doesn’t belong there.

  • I’m probably a bit late here (it’s hard to keep up with a series when you have no bookstores in town; we have four barbeque joints but no bookstores someone really needs to look in on this) but I must say that I really really REALLY hate the idea of Fernsong and Ivypool being mates. Ivypool doesn’t need a mate (she’s fantastic on her own) and if she absolutely must have one it should probably be someone who isn’t related to her. I’ve been affected by incest in real life (I won’t specify) and having to sit through yet another incestuous couple is really honestly jarring. Ivypool is good and strong and there’s no strong female characters that aren’t in relationships in Warriors with the exception of Mousefur, who’s dead.

    • I’m so sorry you’ve had real life experiences with incest, that must be really difficulty and I don’t want to offend you. But Fernsong and Ivypool really are not that closely related. They share great-great-grandparents (Nutmeg and Jake) which only makes them third cousins. By Warriors’ Standards, this is pretty good (Dustpelt and Ferncloud, Squirrelflight and Bramblestar, Cinderheart and Lionblaze and Whitewing and Birchfall are all tenuously related somehow).
      However, I do agree with your point that Ivypool doesn’t need a mate and that it would be cool to see her stand on her own.

      • They’re also related to each other through Dustpelt’s family. Ivypool’s dad is Birchfall, whose dad is Dustpelt. Meanwhile, Fernsong’s mom is Cinderheart whose father is Brackenfur whose mother is Frostfur whose brother is Dustpelt. At this point, like half the Clan is related to Dustpelt thanks to Frostfur and Brindleface being his sisters.

        Also, I just realized they’re related another way: Cinderheart’s mother, Sorreltail, is half-sister to Birchfall’s mother, Ferncloud, as they share a father in Whitestorm.

    • I see your point. I’m sorry, I don’t know what incest means, and I don’t want to hurt your feelings or anything, but here’s what I think.

      The whole FernxIvy thing was started because they went hunting together. I don’t think it necessarily means they’ll be mates, maybe Fernsong just has a crush on Ivypool and she’s oblivious. Or, maybe they will become mates, and Ivypool’s softer side will come out and they will be mates. We’ll just have to wait and see.

    • I agree that Ivypool is better off alone. She’s a strong, independent women who don’t need no man!!!!!!!!!!! 😉 (and if she has to be with someone . . . then Blossomfall all the way.)

    • Eyyyyy are you the Mousedapple from Wattpad? I’m PurpleDragon2003 😀

    • Yes, Redtail dies in Into the Wild, the book everyone has read. I am trying not to sound mean, but Redtail dieing is not really new to me. If you could find out who dies in AVoS, that would be great!

  • If we had it already from relationships.. I saw at the german Warrior Cats Wiki that Blossomfall is listed as a Queen. I think she will have her kits in Darkest Night..

    • Blossomfall is a queen in Shattered Sky, so she’ll either have her kits in Darkest Night or River of Fire. I wonder if her kits will turn out like her (Please no) or be more mature than she was (hopefully).

    • In the Shattered Sky sample…

      …She is said to be heavily pregnant, enough that Leafpool won’t go to the Gathering so that there’s a medicine cat if her kits come.
      I’m pretty sure she’ll be having them in Shattered Sky.

  • I also think Mosspelt is going to die of old age soon. Mosspelt was Feathertail and Stormfur’s foster mother (She may not be the oldest clan cat now, but she’s definitely the second oldest).

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