Thank you so much to everyone who participated in this year’s gift exchange! As always, your creations were absolutely wonderful and you never fail to blow me away with your talent and creativity! To find your name in...
Okay, so this post is a little later than what I would’ve wanted, but I’ve had a busy week 😛 I’m also a little tired, so, only one cat pic this time 😛 You’re getting plenty from Cadvent, anyway...
The seventh edition of the Blog Monthly is here – written by Lil, fresh off the printing press Hello, everyone!! The Blog Monthly is back and better than ever! I hope you all love this edition, in my opinion it is one...
Dawnkit pairs Dark Forest antagonists with a deadly sin.
Blackstorm gives warrior names to bears from Care Bears.
Pandapeltl gives warrior names to dragons from Wings of Fire.
Dunno why snowbush died. We really didn’t know anything about him in the first place. Also, I have a sinking feeling Kate or Cherish is gonna kill off Finpaw cause they know we like him
I agree.
This was one of my favorite books that we’ve seen since Bramblestar’s Storm.
I love Violetshine now, whereas before I didn’t really care for her. Alderheart is beginning to annoy me though.
Twigpaw and Finpaw are both becoming new favorites of mine.
I like Tree, has his warm, free personality.
Also, did anyone else catch Jayfeather’s snarky comment about ShadowClan? “Rowanstar doesn’t have enough cats to cause a storm. He barely has enough to cause a mild breeze.” Okay that made me laugh and it’s good to see some of his old snarky humor.
Also, FernxIvy is great, and I think Fernsong is gonna be a good match, if the fandom gives him a chance.
Things I Want from RoF and AVOS #6:
More character development for some of the other minor cats as we switch from the older main characters into a new set.
Some of the older TC cats that seem to be hanging onto life need to die. Brackenfur has been a longtime favorite of mine, so I’d love to see him go in a way worthy of a warrior. I think Cloudtail and Brightheart would be a cute elder couple. Time for Graystripe to pass on too tho…
New RiverClan leader/deputy. Reedwhisker is fine but I wouldn’t be sad to see some other cat thrown into the leader position. Maybe they both die somehow, it’d made for an interesting plot. Maybe Mistystar had/has a vision that it will happen and that’s why she sealed the borders.
Squirrelflight dies/retires. I never thought she’d be a good deputy, and I hate the whole power couple thing, considering Firestar’s kin practically runs the entire Clan now. All of them but Bramblestar are related to him. Maybe Leafpool dies somehow too? idk
More development of Tiger/Dove. I actually started to like the ship in THS.
And, for the love of StarClan, the return or explanation of all the SkyClan and ShadowClan cats that went missing/left. I know we saw some of the return on THS and DN, but I hate not know about so many cats. I was honestly relieved to at least see the dead ones in DN so we know what happened to them.
Which leads me to my last wish, some event to dwindle ThunderClan’s numbers. It seems like all the other clans face tragedies and lose cats, especially ShadowClan and SkyClan. It’d be nice to see this to happen to ThunderClan, even if it’s to kill off some of the older cats idk.
The End.
Agreed. ThunderClan is… overpopulated to put it lightly. ShadowClan has what, 5 warriors? ThunderClan has like 25?
Squirrelflight kind of does need to die. I do like Mistystar, just cause I love bluestar. She should be leader for a while longer, but reedwhisker needs to kind of die or something. (What is it with me wanting to kill the deputies?)
Likewise, and I did quite miss Jayfeather’s humour.
Putting this here for anyone who’s interested, but especially for Kate, since she loves kits as much as I do. I’ve always identified Kate as the author who’s really into mates, families, and connections between cats. I love her mushy side, even though I often dread it because usually Kate pairs the cats off, and then sends them to Cherith for death XD
Anyway, I made a little blog on the BlogClan wiki for predictions of future kits.
Here it is!
Novella Set idea: Tales from SkyClan (idk needs a better name) (SPOILER ALERTS)
Pebbleshine’s Trek
A novella about her being taken, giving birth, and then being taken again by twolegs. Maybe she finds some of the other taken cats like Waspwhisker and they “trek” back to the lake somehow.
Darktail’s Past
A novella of his birth, his mother making him hate the Clans, and then him finding SkyClan in the gorge.
Finpaw(or warrior name)’s Resolve
Based on events during/after Darkest Night. Basically him dealing with his father’s pressure, and then showing him leaving to ThunderClan to follow Twigpaw and now SkyClan and his own family judge him for it and ThunderClan sees him as an outsider and he feels misplaced but sticks to Twigpaw’s side. Ends with them both as warriors and becoming mates. Between DN and River of Fire possibly.
annnd that’s all of my Darkest Night stuff for now XD
I’d also want a novella on Harestar as this is the least we’ve ever known about a leader ever from the main arcs ever. Maybe even just a small plot segment about him in Crowfeather’s Trail, like there was a plot segment about Deadfoot in Tallstar’s Revenge, would be good enough.
Ohh yeah, for sure. I hope we learn more about him. Or even a novella “Harestar’s Path” or “Harestar’s Rise” and like it’s about his family and how he became deputy and then it ends with his nine lives ceremony.
Yeah I think a character like Harestar has a lot of potential. Especially since we don’t know much about him currently, the writers can freely write a solid Novella on him just like with Crookedstar when they wrote Crookedstar’s Promise.
The book on Crowfeather is probably about his past, hes tooo old to be getting a book in the present
Crowfeather’s only 7 years old, for my sanity’s sake! He and Leafpool aren’t THAT old.
Agreed. It’s Crowfeather’s Trial by the way, not Trail. I’m so hyped! We’ve got a long way to wait though…
I want a novella about Ivypool or Finpaw. Honestly, I would read literally ANYTHING about Finpaw. I love him that much.
Probably said this a million times (I apologize), but I want to see a Novella on Cloudberry and Hawkheart. A Graystripe Novella taking place during Firestar’s Quest would be cool, and maybe one about Brokenstar after his exile and/or Tree (Though the Thunder and Shadow Bonus Scene probably counts for him).
Kate, is it possible to write a Pebbleshine Novella? Then we can really know if Pebbleshine acutually died or not. I like the idea of that.
I don’t decide stuff like that. But it sounds like a good idea. I feel she didn’t have enough time on the page…
Maybe you could suggest a novella to the editors?
I thought the Erins wrote novellas every year or two.
Before this book, I was always neutral on Twigpaw. She was kinda annoying and bland, but not really enough for me to hate her. Now that she and Finpaw had some development, I’m starting to like her. She’s also adorable with Finpaw.
Me too!
Totally agree
Part of me hopes Kate was joking when she said Twigbranch. It’s just silly. It’d like Firestar being named Fireflame, or Bramblestar being named Bramblethorn (ok that one’s not that bad), or Blackstar being Blackdark or Pebbleshine being Pebblestone or Pebblerock. Idk it just seems silly to me.
Yes. Yes yes yes
Idk why, but Fireflame, Bramblethorn, and Pebblestone actually sound like good names to me XD
This book seemed to have a lot of development of relationships compared to other books! Allow me to rant my opinions on:
IvyxFern- I hate how all the strong female cats get mates and kits and lose their personality. If Ivypool had to have a mate, I’d like it to be blossomfall, since they have good personalities and got through the trauma of the dark forest together. Although the idea of Fernsong being like a stay at home dad makes me willing to give this ship a chance. I hope he gets some development in later books to make him a really interesting character who deserves Ivypool, not just a shallow tomcat.
VioletxTree- NO NO NO NO! Violetshine has captured my heart show much, how she’s grown from an alienated and insecure cat to someone who is brave, strong, and loyal. She is happy in SkyClan with Hawkwing, and like Ivypool, is a strong female cat who don’t need no mate! Tree is a cool character, I like his laid back-ness, and his story is really intriguing. I think Violetshine and Tree are great as friends, butI just don’t ship them and if they become a canon couple I will be so disappointed!
SparkxLark- it’s adorable that their names rhyme, but I’m doubtful on this one. Larksong’s character is not very developed, and neither is their relationship. Also, I think Kate or one of the other authors mentioned that sparkpelt will fall in love, but her love interest will leave her for another she-cat, and she will eat deathebrries, and attempt to be saved by alederheart. So if Larksong breaks Sparpelt’s heart and she eats death berries, than ill hate him forever, but for now I’m willing to give him a chance.
FinxTwig- Love them ship it so pure!! They seems so full of hope, like when they talk about how they’ll be warriors together, aw how young and how in love they are! When Twigpaw saved finpaw’s life, then got him out of his self-pity stage, my heart melted! I think the added stress of Sandynose (grrr I hate him) made their relationship stronger. I predict that their relationship will stand the test of time in ThunderClan, and they will have many adorable kits!
Lol I really needed to rant about this! Also Darkest Night is great overall, can’t wait for River of Fire! 🙂
I totally agree with you on all of these. Even though I love Ivypool and I want her to have it’s just like her, she would be great without a mate. However, the idea of a stay at home dad in warriors is cool and I definitely agree on sparkxlark
I don’t know why some people think TreexViolet will be a thing 😛 I agree it’s a cute friendship, but didn’t Violetpaw/shine say something about him along the lines of “arrogant mouse-brain”? 😛
Are Onestar and Firestar friends again in StarClan, did they rekindle their friendship, as I believe Onestar’s apology/mistakes was directed mainly to Firestar
Fingers crossed.
Why is it called Crowfeather’s Trial? Is he in trouble with his Clanmates?
I think it’s about his entire life. If you look at it, his whole life has been a trial, really.
From going on the journey, to falling in love with Feathertail then her death, falling in love with Leafpool then running away with her. Then his Clan judging him for it, and then them finding out about his ThunderClan kits later on. I think it will probably cover his life up until his leadership, assuming he makes it to leader (I hope).
Again, W.A.S. 😉
I know we have to wait and see. I was merely speculating. : P
I think that Twigpaw’s warrior name will be Twigshadow or Twigsky, after the prophecy.
Too late. It’s Twigbranch.
I like it! 🙂 I will support her name even if other won’t. 😛
I guess it’s ok. But in my opinion, Bramblestar always gives the coolest names (Leafshade, Ambermoon, etc.) So why Twigbranch? D:
I saw on Twigpaw’s wiki page her warrior name is listed as Twigbranch. Was there something I missed? I don’t recall any opportunity for her to get her name in this book, but figured I’d check anyways.
She earned her name during the Barnes and Noble bonus scene.
Oh, wow! 😮 What a major detail to include in a special edition scene! (Can’t say I’m a huge fan of it . . . twig . . . branch . . . eh 😛 )
The Bonus Scene was about Nettlesplash though.
I know; i thought someone said that it was in the bonus scene
Actually, it wasn’t.
wait, I’m confused about this: when I read the b&n bonus scene, it was about Nettlesplash, not twigbranch getting her warrior name. did I miss something can someone explain??
Yeah, I read it too and it was about Nettlesplash.
She gets her name in River of Fire
kate, why do you think Sandynose was so strict on Finpaw?
I think he wasn’t sure Finpaw would take his training seriously. Finpaw? More like FUNpaw! 😀
He’s just too cute.
IKR? 😀 😀 😀
If any cats need a manga, it’s those two. Maybe of them releasing a frog into Jayfeather’s store.
No kidding. Will he and Twigbranch be mates, because I hope so! Also, will he get a warrior name too?
Yes he will become Finleap