• SPOILER ALERT In the sample I posted, it lists Blossomfall as a queen. It is possible she will have her kits in Shattered Sky.

  • I have a theory that instead of Violetpaw/stream and Twigpaw/heart (Hoping those are their warrior names, my personal opinion on what their name should be) being what will clear the sky it will be Shadowclan saving the clans from Darktail. Personally, I think Breezepelt and some of the more cruel warriors from the dark forest that are still alive will join Darktail. Onestar will die, Mistystar still has like 7-8 lives so she’s not going to die in this arc.. Darktail will eventually create his own clan and actually become a clan that believes in Starclan and skyclan will also come back. Preferrably near Thunderclan’s territory since thats how it was in the old forest. It may not become true but thats theories for you, It would be a great twist if Violetpaw and Twigpaw don’t clear the sky like we were meant to believe.

    • I don’t think Breezepelt will. One of the authors mentioned that they were trying to help Breezepelt start over.

    • I wish the name Violet Dawn wasn’t already taken, so it could be used for AVOS. 😛
      (I agree with Ebony . . . it’s a major spoiler, so Kate’s lips are sealed!)

  • Can Twigpaw’s warrior name be Twigshine, in honor of Pebbleshine? I also love Violetstream for Violetpaw.

  • I want Ambermoon to have a kit. And name it Gingerkit. There are so many ginger tabbies in the Warriors universe, but literally no one has the prefix “Ginger-“……….. why?

  • My predictions:

    Violetpaw will leave ShadowClan and go join her father in SkyClan, but Twigpaw will stay in ThunderClan.

    Twigpaw and Violetpaw become warriors, and Ivypool has kits with Fernsong. I hope Twigpaw will become Twigshine in honor of Pebbleshine, and Violetpaw Violetstream because it’s a pretty name.

    Squirrelflight has to retire because of some injury or something, and Lionblaze is the new deputy of ThunderClan.

    Reedwhisker dies, and Mistystar chooses either Minnowtail or Mintfur to be her next deputy.

    Pebbleshine shows up, and joins SkyClan again.

    Also, Hawkstar will start a war against ThunderClan to take back Twigshine.

    Twigshine remains loyal to ThunderClan, and falls in love with Alderheart.

    • Wow I kind of agree with the predictions, but i really dont want squirrelflight retiring. And hawkSTAR means leafstar died… But twig-whatever falling in love with alderheart does make sense (but i’ve always liked alderXneedle)

      • Actually throughout both violet and twig’s lifes, Needletail was like a mother to her and Alder was like a father to twig. There is absolutely no way that will happen. It might but it would make me feel grossed out.

    • Twigpaw will leave ThunderClan and go join her father in SkyClan, but Violetpaw will stay in ThunderClan
      Twigpaw will become Twigshine because It suits her and Violetpaw-Violetstorm because it suits her.
      Squirrelflight will retire or step down for a short time and Brackenfur will become deputy.
      Something happens to either Reedwhisker or Mistystar and Minnowtail will become deputy.
      Ebonyclaw and Frecklewish show up and join SkyClan again.
      Alderheart becomes the medicine cat of SkyClan
      Harespring/star will choose Larkwing or Sedgewhisker as deputy.
      Ivypool has kits with somebody.
      Blossomfall and Thornclaw’s kits will recieve secured genders.

      • If Squirrelflight retires, there’s no way Brackenfur would be deputy. He’s way older than her 😛

      • the genders for Blossomfall and Thornclaw is already set for three of them. Stemkit is male, Eaglekit and Plumkit is female, and Shellkit is the one without a gender.

    • Well, Conenose, (spoiler ahead!) Tigerheart’s Shadow shows that both Twigpaw and Violetpaw went to SkyClan, and SkyClan is between ShadowClan and RiverClan.

    To be honest (now that Darktail is dead), I believe that the main issue in the next few books will be about whether SkyClan, ThunderClan, or ShadowClan gets to keep Violetpaw and Twigpaw. A few random names for (NOW CONFIRMED) Hawkwing and Pebbleshine’s kits.



  • I want to predict SkyClan will join four clans at the lake, but River, Shadow, and WindClan can’t accept them easily. Hawkstar will let Twigpaw stay in ThunderClan if she wants to, and Bumblestripe or Molewhisker will fall in love with her, and Violetpaw will return to ThunderClan to join her sister a while, then decide to go to SkyClan to find her father, Twigpaw will follow her, but won’t join SkyClan. Needletail will return to ShadowClan, along with Darktail’s ShadowClan cats. Needletail will fall in love with Alderheart, but Alderheart wants to be a medicine cat and starts to avoid Needletail. Oh, and Darktail’s ShadowClan cats will be apprentices, so Needletail will be Needlepaw again. Together, five clans killed Darktail and drove his rogues away. Happy ending~ Berrynose and Poppyfrost will have another litter, three kits: Runningkit, Ravenkit, and Willowkit. The names are suggestions.

  • Predictions for the book;;
    – Twigpaw and Violetpaw get they’re warrior names at the beggining of the book. My quesses are Twigtail and Violetpetal.
    – Skyclan will find a place to build they’re clan.
    – Twigpaw/tail goes with Hawkwing to Skyclan. Violetpaw/petal tries to go too, but Rowanstar doesn’t let her.
    – Alderheart and Puddleshine have a shared vision telling them that Dovewing and Tigerheart have to go on a quest.
    – Alderheart becomes Skyclan’s medicine cat.
    – Leafstar dies, Hawkwing becomes Hawkstar.
    – Violetpaw/petal or Alderheart get a dream from Starclan in which Needletail tells one of them something

  • personally, i want violetpaw’s warrior name to be violetfield. as for twigpaw, probably twigheart or twigshine.

    i predict needletail MAY come back. i personally think she is still alive (even if the wiki says it, i’m not giving up on her just yet) and if she is, she may as well go back.

  • I want Reedwhisker to become leader since he’s such a great cat as seen in SS, and I also want Mistystar to get a sad on screen death. Maybe she could see her mother and father as she walks to Starclan.

    I want Puddleshine and Alderheart to get more screen time together. They’re adorable!

    I also hope Skyclan gets settled into their territory and Violetpaw and Twigpaw (with their warrior names) move to Skyclan c:

    • That would be awesome for mistystar to see her parents as she is dieing and she is pretty old I’m guessing like purdy levels of old because she is older than the current oldest cats in Thunderclan

    • Hi, Brackenblaze it’s just my opinion but I think Reedwhisker is too old. Maybe he will retire or die somehow and his son Mintfur will succeed him

      • Reedwhisker isn’t too old. if my calculations are correct: Firestar was 8 years old when he died and he became a warrior at about 11 moons, and after 1 or 2 more moons i think Fireheart and Graystripe rescued Reedkit and one of his siblings. given this math Reedwhisker is between 82 moons of age or about 7 years old. while mistystar is 12 years old. Kate, if I got this wrong can you please correct me… and also how did Nutwhisker from Yellowfang’s Secret die?

  • I like Twigleaf and Violetsky as warrior names.

    I don’t know why people think Twigpaw would leave ThunderClan willy nilly? She didn’t leave ThunderClan for Violetpaw. She also is attached to both Ivypool and Alderheart.

    Yet, I believe that Twigpaw will join SkyClan as it’s Medicine Cat as she has had an interest in it when she was younger and helped out in ShadowClan when she visited Violetpaw. Not only that, she had a vision in Shattered Sky of a cat I believe to be Skystar. Also, she fought like a SkyClan cat near the end of the last book.

    I’m hoping that the new villain is Sleekwhisker.

  • Although it would b nice 2 have Twigpaw 2 become Twigshine after her long lost mother. I’d b nice if her name made at least a bit more sense with her prefix. Here som suggestions: Twigleaf, Twigfall, Twigberry, Twigbee, Twigfoot, Twigbreeze, Twigbird, Twignest, Twigbeetle, Twigtail (After her Grandma Cherrytail), Twigthorn, Twighawk (after her father), Twigstone, Twigstem, Twigneedle, Twigseed, Twigshell, Twignut, Twigcloud (After her Maternal grandma), Twigsparrow, Twigsky, Twigblossom, Twigpetal, Twigbush, Twigbloom, Twigrose, Twigthorn and Twigthumb. For Violet kit: Violethawk (After Hawkwing) Violetshine (After Pebbleshine), Violetpelt, Violetbreeze, Violetfeather, Violetail, Violetsky, Violetcloud, Violetstorm, Violetpebble, Violetblaze, Violetheart, Viloetflame, Violetdawn, Violetleaf, Violetbloom, Violetbush, Violetblossom,
    Violetfall, Violetwind, Violetfur, Violetsun, Violetrose, Violetlight, Violetstem, Violetbird, Violetseed, Violetberry, Violetnose, Violetrain, Violetmoth, Violetflower, Violetsprit, Violetroot, Violetwhisker, Violetmoss, Violetdapple, Violetpetal, Violetpatch & Violetpool.

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