• Kate, can you tell us more on the reaction with ThunderClan cats when Dovewing disappeared expectually with Dovewing’s family? We didn’t see or heard about Birchfall & Whitewing reaction when their daughter went missing. Also, we are curious about Bumblestripe reaction when his former mate disappeared too. We got a few glimpses on Ivypool part but it not enough to see what she was thinking about. Can you clarify these things, please?

  • I’m sad 🙁
    I’ve been begging for this book forever, and my Mum’s library still got it first 😛

  • What do you guys think Flowerpaw’s, Whorlpaw’s, and Snakepaw’s warrior names are going to be?

    Possible options:
    Flowerpaw- Flowerstrike, Flowerpelt, Flowerstep 🙂
    Whorlpaw- Whorlstripe, Whorlfoot, Whorlfur
    Snakepaw- snakestripe, Snakewhisker, Snaketail

  • Hey guys, this is sorta off topic, but do you know if Jagged Peak had a crush on Rainswept flower? Or was it brother/sister relationship?

  • what are ivyxfern’s kits gonna be?? my ideas: frond (whisper) kit- grey/white/pale yellow she-cat with dark green eyes, snow (dusk) kit pale yellow tom with blue eyes.. named after snowbush, Dandilion (splash) kit, dark grey tom with yellow eyes and bright pink nose, moor (mist) kit white and grey tabby with ice blue eyes and dark grey paws. These are just some of my ideas.. I think they are nice, not suggesting anything to the authors, but they are some nice names

  • Moonypaw (Moonystar of Moonclan in my fanfics) I want to get LPS and paints so i can customize stuff. (Y am i posting this on here?) says:

    Does it reveal why Rowanstar became Rowanclaw???????
    It angers me that Brokenstar keeps his leader name when he was exiled and demoted but yet Rowanstar gets his name taken away and he did nothing wrong but be a weak leader!

      • that’s kind of sad =( I mean, Rowanclaw was cool, and Rowanstar did make some bad decisions but even Bluestar didn’t step down!! I think the only other leader that did something like that was Pinestar, and he left the clans entirely =) so ahhh. Honestly I didn’t think much about Rowanclaw, I was too busy crying over Flametail when those characters were mentioned =) Flametail was always my favorite of them.

  • ive been absent a while but im rising from the dead on christmas eve to say that By Golly i really hope to see some Graystripe-Twigpaw bonding, because he totally did the same thing leaving ThunderClan for the sake of his family when he was a young warrior. And so did Leafpool, now that I think of it, though kind of in reverse. And that makes me think that they would both try to keep Finpaw in SkyClan, because they know it doesn’t work out :0 (And we all know what that would mean… another forbidden romance…hopefully Finpaw will prove them wrong because id really like them to work out, i think they both deserve that much :’3!)

  • Hey Kate, how did Millie react when she found out about Blossomfall’s kits? Has Blossomfall forgiven her?

  • Merry Christmas Kate!

    I really enjoyed Darkest Night. Sparkpelt was favorite and I loved when she was arguing with Alderheart. It made me sad when Twigpaw decided to go back to ThunderClan, but I can see where she’s coming from. And was Sandynose quoting Mending Wall by Robert Frost?

    By the way, is there an address to send fanmail to?

    • I’m glad you enjoyed Darkest Night! And Sandynose wasn’t quoting Mending Wall (I don’t know it. I’ll have to read it! 🙂 ) I don’t have an address for fanmail. But it’s lovely to speak to you hear. 🙂

      • I don’t know about everyone else, but in this book, i didn’t really like Sandynose. He kept accusing Twigbranch of being disloyal, and criticizing her on literally EVERYTHING. He tried to keep her and Finpaw apart. You can’t do that bro! It’s cruel! I don’t want to be a hater, but does anyone agree with me?

        • I think what happened is Sandynose knew that Twigpaw would back to ThunderClan. He also probably noticed Finpaw’s feelings for her so maybe he was afraid of losing his family again, (I’m talking about when was separated from SkyClan in Hawkwing’s Journey) Or he got mad at Hawkwing for spending so much time with Plumwillow and his kits when he was gone he took it out on his kits? The first one sounds more likely tbh…. #Sandynoseisabutt

  • Where is it possible to find the bonus scene from Darkest Night? I’ve been trying to find it via Google search, but no luck yet…

    Also, I’m so confused as to why I never have the bonus scenes in the copies I buy. I only really get Warriors books from Barnes & Noble, but they never seem to have the bonus scenes in them! Do I have to buy them online via B&N, or do in-store copies also have the bonus scene?


  • Kate, what is Breezepaw of RiverClan’s proper gender and description:
    – a gray tabby-and-white tom with yellow eyes. (This was the description you gave us from your unpublished TAS Allegiances list.)
    – a brown-and-white she-cat. (This is the description Breezepaw has in the allegiances of Darkest Night and Tigerheart’s Shadow.)

    Also, was Breezepaw’s original name going to be Shimmerkit? That was Breezepaw’s name in the original preview of the allegiances for TAQ you gave us, before you gave us the revamped one.

    • With the current editorial team, some of my characters (particularly kits) are changed (names and appearance) after I’ve finished my manuscript and I am not told of the changes. I’m afraid I can’t answer your questions because I’m still trying to find out myself what the changes are. I follow the published allegiances once a book is published and go back and make changes to my own allegiance lists as required.

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