Thank you so much to everyone who participated in this year’s gift exchange! As always, your creations were absolutely wonderful and you never fail to blow me away with your talent and creativity! To find your name in...
Okay, so this post is a little later than what I would’ve wanted, but I’ve had a busy week 😛 I’m also a little tired, so, only one cat pic this time 😛 You’re getting plenty from Cadvent, anyway...
The seventh edition of the Blog Monthly is here – written by Lil, fresh off the printing press Hello, everyone!! The Blog Monthly is back and better than ever! I hope you all love this edition, in my opinion it is one...
Blackstorm gives warrior names to bears from Care Bears.
Pandapeltl gives warrior names to dragons from Wings of Fire.
Rosefern shares some thoughts on Jayfeather and Jay’s Wing.
I really don’t want Twigpaw and Violetpaw to join SkyClan. We just got a ShadowClan POV that will last the whole arc, instead just a few chapters, and they’ve both settled into their Clans. It’s not that I support broken families, but that I really feel like it’ll just be awkward, unless Twigpaw becomes a medicine cat, which she probably won’t do. Also Violetpaw will want to respect Needletail and stay in ShadowClan. But Needletail (or Pebbleshine, or Pebbleshine and Needletail) will probably come to her in a dream and tell her to follow her heart. Maybe she’ll move to SkyClan and realize it’s not right for her and go back to ShadowClan… I just really don’t want them to just go and stay in SkyClan… it’s really hard to explain why…
Also, Hawkwing is acting really weird. In his super edition he seemed really great, but in Shattered Sky he just seemed annoying and pushy… did anyone else notice that?
A mod is speeding…
Hawkwing was pushy in SS. About 90 percent of his lines were “Oh, I can’t wait for you to join SkyClan with me!” What happened, Hawkwing?
I thinked I like Hawkwing in Hawkwing’s Journey more 😛 He was always either grumpy or he’s making a fool of himself 😛
What he met his kits who he thought were dead, so stop being so mean to that cat
Hawkwing is amazing!!!
I’m not, don’t worry. I just felt like in SS he wasn’t acting like the character that he was established to be in HJ. He just seemed overly pushy which made him kind of annoying in SS.
Yeah. The Hawkwing we saw in HJ rocketed up to be m favorite character in AVoS, but SS Hawkwing… is different. Hopefully it’s just shock from meeting his kits and he’ll go back to normal once that situation is resolved.
I think Twigpaw is going to join Skyclan with Hawkwing because she has been looking for her family for a long time and she finds them and she does planned to live with her family already but I think Violetpaw won’t and stay in Shadow clan like how Tawnypelt did ( Twig and Violet paw is so much like Bramble and Tawny )
I hope she stays in ThunderClan, and Violetpaw stays in ShadowClan.
Only the blurb…
A mod has appeared…
Whoa fast moderator where you at!
Kate, when Darktail does die (because anything is possible until he is completely and totally confirmed dead) will he go to the Dark Forest?
He was sort of a part of SkyClan, and when he took over he took over Clan territory and almost all the ShadowClan cats and 4 RiverClan cats.
He was a rogue, but so was Slash and he went to the Dark Forest… So will Darktail go?
He may of believed in starclan and stuff
Kate do you read the Warriors Wiki to help you when you write books? Just curious 😄
I use it to fact-check while I’m writing. 🙂
Ahh I was just wondering if you heard of the Missing Kits project created by Vicky and superfan Su. It solved all of the unknown families in Series 1 and 2!
VICKY…she will forever be missed. Because there are only 2 peoples left, will there be another series???
Wel Vicky said “… But the latest series continues to top the bestselling charts, which proves what a fabulous job the new editorial team is doing (with the ongoing brilliance of Kate and Cherith, of course).” so I’m pretty sure books will continue to be written, especially with the movie in production. 🙂
But Vicky has since stated that Su’s word is not canon though.
Vicky has said a while ago that Su’s word was canon though. I also don’t see why Su would answer questions with false answers.
But as Kate has earlier said: “The book is the word”, meaning that if it’s not in the book it’s not canon. She wasn’t giving false answers, she was giving suggestions.
Hey Kate do you have people who send you hate mail? Just curious?
No. 🙂 All mail comes through my publisher, and I expect they weed out the haters. To be honest, I’ve never come into contact with haters or trolls, mainly because I spend most of my Warriors-time here on BlogClan, where everyone is lovely 🙂
Thank you Kate!!!
Thank you! 😀
What’s going to happen next? Like Darktail is dead, along with Onestar Purdy Rain and Neadletail, But the Kin is still out there, You know Darktails followers, and didn’t Fernsong have a speacial part in the book, like his name wasn’t name in the book at all!!! I love the Book Kate, ( By the way isn’t the sixth one called Starclans promise?)
I don’t know the title of the sixth one yet. And you’ll have to W.A.S. 🙂
If Tinycloud’s kits are the first kits born with all five Clans together again it would be really cool if she named them after the five Clans!
Or maybe if Dovewing and Tigerheart have kits they can name them after the Clans…
That’d be cool. Perhaps something involving the territories, what animal lives there, something to do with their Clan names, etc.?
Galekit(A type of wind)
Glaekit(A type of wind)
Kate I love how you workedbthe rogues into the story! I haven’t seen any rogue group besides scourges this vicious but I just for some reason keep waiting for Darktail to DIE
…but…er….. have you read Shattered Sky?
Rainpaw. In SS we have no confirmed death of Darktail but we do get a confirmed death of Onestar. I would really hope that we see more Darktail where its like “Darktail Unhinged” and we finally see the more chaotic version of him but I do feel like he is dead. If he isn’t that would be awesome to see him finish up the arc as our first villain who actually stayed with the entire arc.
Hi, Kate! When do we get the allegiances for DN? I know we got SS’s allegiances before the book itself, but when do we get DN’s? 🙂
When DN is published.
Okay, thanks for the clarification. 😊
Kate how come queens have 4 kits max? Is it to keep population under control? lol
Yes! Any more and we’d be overwhelmed!
I’m imagining a bunch of tiny kittens flying out from the drafts of the books… That would be a mess…
Umm Kate I am making a fanfic with my best friend and her twin sister (kinda friend) i’m wondering if five kits are too many cuz we made 5 kit (three are our characters) and two of the kits play an important role in our story and I’m wondering if it ok to have that many kits because we needed 5 or it wouldn’t make any sense we were thinking when we are done to send it to u if that’s ok?
Is that hawkwing I see?
Hey Kate, when Cherith is writing AVOS #5, what do you do? Are you already on book 6 planning or do you justvgetvto chill here on Blogclan?
She’s resting atm, but she’s starting work on book 6 sometime over the summer, I believe.
Source: am her son 🙂
On the topic of that, Kate? Is Hazelburrow really your son?
Yep. I made him myself. Aren’t I clever? 😀
I had no idea, awesome your boy likes warriors.
Is dawnpelt dead?
Darktail drowned her in the lake right?
Someone else asked Kate this, and she responded with W.A.S
Whoawhoawhoa! Maaajor plot twist: What if Twigpaw goes to SkyClan to become their medicine cat, now that Echosong is dead, and Frecklewish and Fidgetpaw are missing!!! 😱😱😱
PLEASE LET THIS HAPPEN THAT WOULD BE SOOOO COOL. Personally, I’m kinda hoping that Leafstar’s going to kick the bucket soon. I liked her as a character, but since a new era of SkyClan is sort of upon us, a change of leader would make a lot of sense.
#TWIGPAWFORMEDCAT2K17 Yeah, Leafstar is quite old. And if Hawkwing becomes leader in DN I feel like Twigpaw will join them. Who’s older, Leafstar or Mistystar? I think it’s Mistystar, but I’m not sure…
I believe Mistystar is older but Leafstar has been a leader longer as back in the old forest era is when Leafstar became a leader and in the lake territory and even then she was like 13 years old.
Hey Kate! Are there any new cats with Blogclan names going into The Darkest Night? Cinderheart is pregnant so I was just wondering. c:
I slipped some in, but the editorial team slipped them out again…I will keep trying! 😀
Aww that’s sad to hear. Maybe the editors were just too shook from all the good name suggestions. 😅