Thank you so much to everyone who participated in this year’s gift exchange! As always, your creations were absolutely wonderful and you never fail to blow me away with your talent and creativity! To find your name in...
Okay, so this post is a little later than what I would’ve wanted, but I’ve had a busy week 😛 I’m also a little tired, so, only one cat pic this time 😛 You’re getting plenty from Cadvent, anyway...
The seventh edition of the Blog Monthly is here – written by Lil, fresh off the printing press Hello, everyone!! The Blog Monthly is back and better than ever! I hope you all love this edition, in my opinion it is one...
Blackstorm gives warrior names to bears from Care Bears.
Pandapeltl gives warrior names to dragons from Wings of Fire.
Rosefern shares some thoughts on Jayfeather and Jay’s Wing.
Kate since writing this do you feel like we you got to meet some of the younger TC cats? Shattered Sky had so much plot going on we didn’t get to meet the newer guys much.
I always try to include younger cats in my books. I like a Clan to feel like a family by paying attention to peripheral characters alongside the main plot.
Yea! Cant wait to meat them in DN
Possible spoiler:
I feel like Violetpaw’s warrior name would be either Violetheart, Violetstorm, Violettail (After Needletail hehe,)
Or Violetpebble/Shine. These are just my thoughts. I am trying to not make it seems like I’m saying.”Choose this name you really really should!.” But I would be surprised if any of these names appeared in the Darkest Night. Any who, have a great day Kate!
I like the name Violetstream, but Violetshine would also be really cool, or Violetneedle 🙂
I think Violetpetal, Violetstream or Violetneedle would be cool names too 🙂 And for Twigpaw: Twigshine, Twigleaf or Twigheart 🙂
Of your names I like Violetheart, Violetstorm and Violetshine 😀
Violetneedle doesn’t really fit though. I think Violettail.
Violettail would be a good name but that would be following Darktail and Needletail and I’m picky about things like two t’s put together like that 😛 While I just think Violetneedle is creative and would still be after Needletail 🙂 But that’s just me
I’d like Violetstrike, Violetstorm, or Violetbblaze. For Twigpaw I’d like Twigshine, Twigblossom, or Twigflower.
I agree with Violettail. I think Twigpaw will be Twigshine.
I’m guessing Violettail (although Violetstorm would be really cool) and either Twigfur or Twigleaf.
Kate Sorry to bother you but I have have ideas for Blossomfall’s kits’ warrior names and Snowbird’s kits’ warrior names
Shellwater for Shellkit
Plumberry for Plumkit
Eaglewing or Eaglecloud for Eaglekit
Stemflower or Stempelt for Stemkit
Frondleaf for Frondkit
Gullfeather for Gullkit
Coneberry for Coneberry
bye bye 🙂
I like Coneberry and Frondleaf. 😀
Gullfeather is nice. 🙂
Kate, I was wondering if there is anymore thoughts about Bumblestripe getting a mate soon?
We’ve been too busy with the other plot lines…I’ll set my mind to it!
Oh, sorry, I think something was in my throat.
Amberstorm233 i agree with you on that. I’ve always loved that idea
I agree with that too!
I agreee
I think Cherryfall fits his personality more.
Not really if you noticed it was hinted a couple of times that Rosepetal liked Bumblestripe, but he was chasing Dovewing to notice it seemed that only Blossomfall really noticed.
Also, I sorta see Cherryfall with Stormcloud
I think Twigpaw and Violetpaw should be named “Violetneedle” and “Twigshine.” (After Needletail and Pebbleshine)
I prefer Violettail over Violetneedle.
Twiggy should be…Twigfur or Twigblossom or Twigpool (after Ivypool)….and Violet should be Violetclaw or Violetflame. I like the Twigshine too, though.
Twigneedle and Violetshine. Or Twigheart and Violetflower
I hope we have a lot of cats dying. The clans are WAY too crowded! 25 cats is enough!
Maybe Violetcloud after the white on her pelt, and Twigheart after, obvious reasons.
Snowbird is almost 10 years old now according to the Warriors wiki. Isn’t it a bit odd that she just had kits when Sorreltail was said to have been old to have kits at age 6?
Also I was hoping for more TC cats to retire to the elders den soon like Brackenfur, Thornclaw, Brightheart, and Cloudtail. They are all 10 years old which is older than Mousefur was when she died.
It was confirmed Brackenfur would never want to join the elders though.
Also, Thornclaw is a father now! Blossomfall had his kits. He has to stay a warrior until they’re at least apprentices
That’s a good reason for him to stay a warrior but elders have fathered kits as seen in the first series with Patchpelt and Goldenflower having Swiftpaw.
actually it was whitestorm who fathered swiftpaw
I’m really excited! So far, A Vision of Shadows has been outstanding and is probably one of my favorite warriors series’! I do hope Alderheart gets more to do though in upcoming books. I feel like he’s not really doing much when he was in book 2 and 3. Maybe he could be the next SkyClan medicine cat?
Kate did you by chance have Egg appear in this book? He was the loner who joined skyclan in SD. I tried starting a petition to raise recognition for him to show we miss him and got like 18 people on board so clearly the while fandom misses Egg (jk).
If I recall correctly somewhere I read that Nettlesplash (if thats her name) and her kits will make their way to the lake. Would be cool if he could go with them. Idk I hope its not too late for Egg. Same with shrewtooth, (he was more well known)
I understand if its too late for Egg by book 6, just thought I’d ask.
Thanks 😊
Err…..Nettlesplash is the dad and Mintfur is mom.
Ohhh, well them then
Hey Kate, are Curlypaw and Parslyseed coming back in the story? Im curious about Nettlesplash, Mintfur, Frecklewish, Fidgetpaw, Birdwing, etc, but ive never heard anyone ask about these two and I havent given up hope that theyll come back in the story even if they dont ditch the kittypet life. Is it possible they will aplear in TS?
I’ve not noticed them in the storyline so far…
Curlypaw and Parsleyseed don’t deserve to rejoin SkyClan until they really understand that what they did was selfish and horrible.
What’s selfish and horrible about what they did? O.o Why should they have to stay in a Clan where they’re unhappy and where cats are dying or being captured left and right if the kittypet life really makes them happier and they really feel like it’s where they belong? That’s like saying Rusty was selfish for leaving his twolegs, or Yellowfang was selfish for leaving ShadowClan after Brokenstar was driven out and they needed help putting their shattered Clan back together, or Hutch was selfish for returning to his kittypet life rather than staying with SkyClan. Yeah, SkyClan needs help to stay together and stay alive, but they shouldn’t have to force cats to stay where they’re unhappy to do that. No one should feel like they should be forced to risk their life every day if that’s not the life they want to live. And frankly, I’m glad to see more Clan cats choose a non-Clan life. It just goes to prove that just because a cat is born with Clan blood doesn’t mean Clan life is right for them, as Bluestar once said about Ravenpaw.
I totally agree, Jayfrost. There’s nothing selfish about wanting to be happy; the happier a person is, the happier the people around them are. And vice versa. 🙂
Can’t argue with that, we all want to be happy and to find that happiness is to follow our hearts because it knows the way no matter what. By the way i have a questions regarding Crowfeather because he’s one of my most favorite characters. If Crowfeather gets his Super Edition book that maybe takes place after Vision of Shadows, would he leave WindClan and join ThunderClan and reunite with Leafpool and be together again? I would love to see them happy someday.
I don’t know what will happen to Crowfeather. Part of me feels that he enjoys being miserable too much to choose something that would make himself happy…am I being too hard on him?
No, I think that’s realistic, especially with his character. But, I wish he could find a way to put it aside and be happy with Nightcloud…
Me too. Nightcloud deserves some kindness from him! A LOT of kindness!
I wouldn’t say you’re being too hard on him, i would say that he’s nothing like any of the characters in a good way. He did acknowledge Jayfeather, Lionblaze and Hollyleaf as his own and he regrets nothing. Crowfeather has been through a lot. Losing Feathertail, breaking up with Leafpool, and trying to prove he’s loyal to WindClan by being a mate with Nightcloud even though his heart belongs to Leafpool and no one else. I would say he’s a special character, a character that most people, plus me can relate, understand, and sympathize with as both characters in the book and readers alike. Like i said, Crowfeather deserves to be happy rather than being miserable and maybe it’s his time to shine hopefully but just a thought. 🙂
I think he could be happy if he just started making better choices. Happiness is within his paw-reach, he just won’t reach!
Hardly. 😛 Frankly, I don’t think he deserves to just trot off to ThunderClan to be happy with Leafpool at this point. He was a horrible father to Breezepelt, he neglected Nightcloud and his son, and was a jerk to Leafpool and her kits (though to be fair, he had the whole “we’re actually your kits” thing sprung on him rather out of nowhere, I don’t entirely blame him for not wanting anything to do with them when he’d been lied to about them not being his for so many moons). But really, he was pretty awful to Nightcloud and especially Breezepelt (though I don’t blame Crowfeather for Breezepelt’s bad choices, Breezepelt made his own choices to try and murder an innocent queen and betray the Clans for the Dark Forest), and he needs to take responsibility for that, acknowledge what he did wrong, and try to make up for it, before he deserves any kind of happy ending. 😛
Hehehe. I can’t argue with that. 😛
Yeah…I guess you’re right. even so, Crowfeather has a long way to go. I’ve failed to acknowledge that. 🙂
Even though I really love to see Crowfeather & Leafpool together again and happy as they should be someday in the future because I believe in second chances but realistically I have doubts that it’ll happen and if that’s the case I’ll accept that but all I can do right now is just hope for the best. :/
Sorry that I brought this topic up in the first place and there’s nothing wrong with disagreeing with each other and it’s ok if anyone doesn’t like Crowfeather and the reason why I talk about this is because I feel bad, plus care about him and his future so much. Sorry again for being such a pain. 🙂
No need for apologies, Coldice! I always enjoy a Crowfeather debate. I love characters that divide opinion 😀
I honestly don’t know what to say right now. I’m so glad I joined here 🙂
So are we! 🙂
There’s nothing wrong at all with bringing it up, Coldice. 😀 I still have a soft spot for Crowfeather myself, I liked his character a lot in The New Prophecy, I liked him being the grumpy but still very loyal member of the sun-drown quest, and his grudging loyalty to his friends, and his love for Leafpool. It’s hard sometimes to reconcile that with his terrible behavior later and his neglect of Breezepelt.
Have you noticed Mintfur or Nettlesplash and their four kits? They stayed behind since the kits couldn’t make the journey, but once they’re old enough I’m sure they could find the Clans maybe.
I also hope to see Cherrytail and Cloudmist who stayed with Barley at his farm. It would be cute if Cherrytail knew what happened to her clan since she was so loyal and passionate to Skyclan.
Hey, Kate? Are you going to include Grassheart’s kits in the next book? They weren’t in SS, and if you say that Lilyheart’s kits were about the same age as Grassheart’s, they should at least be pretty experienced apprentices or warriors. They weren’t even in the allegiances, so I was just wondering.
You turned your gravatar black and white nuuuWait and see!
What about Stonewing?
W.A.S 🙂
I have a theory that Minty and Minty’s other siblings were the kits of Floss and Smoky.
Kate do you think this could be canon? 🙂
If you can reference it to a book, yes. If not, , is apocrypha 🙂
Kate Graystripe’s parents are Patchpelt and Willowpelt. How can this be when they are brother and sister?
They are??? I don’t think it was ever written. If it was, then it must have been a Patchpelt or Willowpelt we never met.
Vicky confirmed it a long time ago. Looks like in 2009 after looking at the wiki’s source. But yeah, they were.
(Personally, I have Graystripe’s father as Whitestorm but that’s just me…)
I’m a purest when it comes to canon…if it’s not actually from a source with an ISBN, it’s apocryphal – i.e. you can believe it, but that doesn’t make it true. 😉
Will SkyClan permanently live with the four clans now?
Nobody knows…