• Was Stormheart Mistfeather’s mate? Mistfeather mentions his mate was killed in battle and Stormheart was the only she-cat that was killed in the battle.

  • I believe that the cover is Tigerheart and Hawkwing. In the Tigerheart’s Shadow, it mentions something about a quest. In the background, there is a river/lake/possible sun-drown place. Hawkwing could be searching for Pebbleshine after all the time. There is also a possibility that the art was messed up, and it could be Dovewing. The cover could be forshadowing about Tiger and Dove leaving on a quest.

  • I really don’t want to say this but I fear that either Leafpool, Crowfeather, Graystripe, Millie, or any most important character(s) may die. I know it’s a hearwrenching and crule prediction but clearly the title Darkest Night is very obvious but a prediction nonetheless which I hope that none of that happens.

  • I really hope that alderheart, violetpaw or twigpaw find pebbleshine and bring her back to Hawkwing! i would love if twigpaw and violetpaw find her and then notice the similarites between mother and daughters!!!!!!! (๑꒪▿꒪)

  • I’m starting to think that Bramblestar and Hawkwing are the cats on the cover. It’d make sense, especially if something happens to Leafstar and Hawkwing becomes Hawkstar; the cover would be depicting the leaders of ThunderClan and SkyClan. After all, they’re important to AVoS and have a close connection.

  • Predictions:

    -Skyclan settles in between Shadowclan and Thunderclan territory.
    -Tinycloud’s kits are born.
    -Cinderheart’s kits are born.
    -Brightheart and Cloudtail join the elders.
    -Mintfur comes back with one or two kits, Nettlesplash and her other two or three kits are dead.
    -Alderheart joins Skyclan and becomes the medicine cat there.
    -Violetpaw and Twigpaw stay in their own clans.
    -Leafstar dies.
    -Hawkwing is leader and his deputy is Sandynose
    -Harestar’s deputy is Gorsetail or Sedgewhisker.
    -Violetpaw’s warrior name is Violettail and Twigpaw’s warrior name is Twigheart.
    -Squirrelflight dies
    -Squirrelflight’s death causes Leafpool to retire.
    -Twigpaw/heart becomes Thunderclan’s next medicine cat apprentice.
    -Jayfeather is angry.
    -Needletail is hinted at to be alive
    -Dawnpelt is confirmed alive in the last sentence of the book.
    -Bonus Scene is about Skyclan.

  • Predictions (And Hopes):

    • A large amount of ThunderClan cats die, or switch allegiances due to controversial decisions. There’s just too many of them given that River/Shadow/SkyClan were basically obliterated.
    • Bramblestar and/or Squirrelflight die
    • Leafstar and Mistystar die. A new female leader arises.
    • Some of the cats left behind on the journey make their way back.
    • Conflict with Dovewing’s inevitable pregnancy; Tigerheart may resign deputyship and/or she may join ShadowClan
    • Some of the ShadowClan warriors (eg Dawnpelt) survived
    • Starvation/some event causes conflict with SkyClan and Thunder/ShadowClan.
    • Sleekwhisker comes back with the Kin.
    • Twigpaw initially joins SkyClan, and Alderheart follows her and becomes their medicine cat

    A lot of this is wishful thinking. I just want the leadership positions to be changed up a bit since, with the exception of WindClan, they’re all filled by ThunderClan relatives (Rowanstar is linked through Tawnypelt). The only issue is that all the other cats are completely underdeveloped.

  • I really hope my predictions are wrong and I’m not gonna lie but I’ve never felt so anxious and worried about what will happen. Kate have you seen predictions like this from previous books before their releases or is this the first time?

    • I hope Breezepelt doesn’t go to the DF, hopefully he’ll get a bit nicer (eventually?). Idk.

    • Tho his actions cannot be justified, and I really hate him, I don’t agree. I think he believed he was following the warrior code, but then again, so did every other villain . 😛

      • Scourge and Darktail didn’t believe in the Warrior Code though… 😛
        I hope Breezepelt redeems himself though and makes up with his half-brothers and Crowfeather 🙂

  • Hai! I was just wondering, is Harespring Harestar now? 😛 I’m asking because I just feel like we have seen so little character development in him – and he was a DF trainee.

    • In the final chapter, Squirrelflight says something like “Don’t interrupt Harespring’s nine lives ceremony”.

    • Some DF trainee. On the border Brambleclaw could literally kill him single pawed and pinned him down with just one too. Great fighting skills Harey.

  • I think Bramblestar and Hawkwing are on the cover. Then again, Hawkwing is supposed to be gray. Also, in case some people still think it is Alderheart, he is DARK GINGER, while this cat clearly has STRIPES. I also just realized that everyone flocked to Thunderclan when they lost their territory. Hmm…is that what they think of precious Thunderclan? Here comes the “just because you protected us and all doesn’t mean we owe you any debts!”

    • I imagine Alderheart as a yellow tabby with orange stripes 😛 But I think he actually looks like Squirrelflight, but with stripes. I think all ginger cats have stripes though some just aren’t as visible as others. So Alderehart might look more like a dark ginger tabby or something, but it doesn’t really matter anyway. The art isn’t always that consistent. It’s more about how the readers imagine it in their head.

    • The official artwork for Alderheart depicts him with stripes, and cover artists make mistakes all the time. Firestar has been yellow, Squirrelflight has had a non-bushy tail, etc. Hawkwing is a tabby. He is a dark gray tabby, however.

  • I feel like the series is leading Alderheart to become the SkyClan medicine cat permanently, which I don’t really like… I have nothing against SkyClan or anything, but that’s basically a way to shatter Bramblestar and Squirrelflight’s family again, which isn’t really fair to them because it took so long just to have a normal relationship and family without broken codes and Ashfur breathing down their necks. I would find it a lot more preferable to have Alderheart train a cat in SkyClan, then return to ThunderClan, as Leafpool did in ShadowClan.
    This way, Alderheart’s family can just have peace and Twigpaw and potentially Violetpaw (just when we got a ShadowClan POV!) won’t be strung along into joining SkyClan as well…

    And hopefully Hawkwing gains back the personality and character he had in HJ instead of keeping this annoying, pushy vibe he seems to have now (no offense to anyone who had a part in creating that vibe).

    • You’re definetly right. The erins seem to be hinting that Alderheart will be involved with SkyClan somehow and a big part of the fandom thinks that he’ll be the next medicine cat, permenantly or not. After all, the other medicine cats don’t have a connection to SkyClan like Alderheart does, and while Twigpaw might’ve been staying near Alderheart a lot as a kit and might kno more about herbs then the avarage warrior, she definetly doesn’t know enough to become a medicine cat. She’d need to be trained more by either Alderheart, or some other cat. I honestly don’t want to see Alderheart leave his friends, family and clan who care so much about him just so he can be with a group of strangers. I hope he’s not leaving permenantly.

      As for Twigpaw and Violetpaw, I actually want them to leave. I just want them to be happy for once and live together as a family. However, I don’t really want to see Twigpaw leave Alderheart and I imagine he’d be heartbroken to see her leave. I honestly don’t get why some people say “Twigpaw would never leave Thunderclan”, though. Other then Alderheart and Ivypool, I really don’t see why she would stay. After all, she did leave Thunderclan just to see her father.

      I never really liked Hawkwing, if I’m being honest .

  • Predictions

    * The book begins with SkyClan finding their territory.
    * A huge fight revolving around SkyClan takes place, and Leafstar worries they will be driven out again.
    * In the battle, Leafstar and Rowanstar both die.
    * Tigerheart becomes the new, kinder Tigerstar and chooses Strikestone as his deputy.
    * Hawkwing is denied to go to Moonpool.
    * Tigerstar learns Dovewing is pregnant with his kits.
    * Without a medicine cat, many cats in SkyClan die. – Squirrelflight too
    * Lionblaze is the new ThunderClan deputy.
    * SkyClan split up, and some cats go to ThunderClan and some to ShadowClan or RiverClan, Harestar denies any of them to join WindClan.
    * Dovewing gives birth to two gray cats.
    * Bumblestripe is the father (dun dun dunnnn)
    * Graystripe dies of old age.
    * Hawkwing escapes from the Clans and drowns in a flood.

    Whoa. Hope this doesn’t happen 😮