Thank you so much to everyone who participated in this year’s gift exchange! As always, your creations were absolutely wonderful and you never fail to blow me away with your talent and creativity! To find your name in...
Okay, so this post is a little later than what I would’ve wanted, but I’ve had a busy week 😛 I’m also a little tired, so, only one cat pic this time 😛 You’re getting plenty from Cadvent, anyway...
The seventh edition of the Blog Monthly is here – written by Lil, fresh off the printing press Hello, everyone!! The Blog Monthly is back and better than ever! I hope you all love this edition, in my opinion it is one...
Blackstorm gives warrior names to bears from Care Bears.
Pandapeltl gives warrior names to dragons from Wings of Fire.
Rosefern shares some thoughts on Jayfeather and Jay’s Wing.
Kate is Wasptail, Petalfur, Furzepelt, Perchwing, Foxnose, Shadepelt, Heronwing and Onestar in Star clan?
And what happened to Ferretclaw, Owlclaw, Otterheart, Rainstorm, Pinefur, Weaselfur, Crouchfoot, Stoatfur and Pouncetail? They vanished!
Oh yeah, Rainstorm. That triggered little kitten that sank in some mud, almost died, tried to savage an apprentice, and almost held ransom for fish. #FavoriteSideCharacter
I think it’s Tigerheart and Hawkwing on the cover, because they might be our new leaders! 😮 Tigerstar and Hawkstar! 😮
That’s a good prediction, but I sure hope most of it is wrong! (No offense intended.)
I hope we get to see some sort of grandparent relationship soon.
Havent seen a developed one since Yellowfang and Silverflame.
Maybe Brackenfur and Cinderhearts new kits. Or Leafpool and Cinderheart’s kits would be intetesting.
I read that as “Brackenfur and Cinderheart’s new kits” and I was like “Brackenfur! You naughty boy!”
Maybe Leafpool wants one of Lionblaze and Cinderheart’s new kits(another litter coming soon!)Littlekit after Littlecloud?
In apprentice quest we had the grandparent relationship between Sandstorm, Alderheart and Sparkpelt which was pretty nice
…. 😛
I think Twigpaw and Violetleaf are on the cover. Graystripe will die of old age in this book, the its the beginning of Tigerhearts shadow. A good name for Twigpaw as a warrior name could be Twigleaf or Twigclaw and for Violetpaw it could be Violetleaf or Violettwig coincidence.
I think Violetflower and Twigtail are good names right?
Twigtail is canon. 🙂
I personally like the names Twigshine and Violetneedle. However not too sure on -needle being a suffix. Kate, will we see Graystripe die in AVoS? If he doesn’t say W. A. S. 😛 He’s been my favorite character and the last of the Fire/Sand/Dust/Gray generation.
Well, technically -Needle is a canon suffix, we have Pine Needle in a vision of shadows. 😛
Technically DoTC was suffixes not used the same as the modern warriors, like you wouldn’t see a cat in the new arcs called Jackdawcry or Shatteredice. I think there’s a slight difference that comes from their name having only one word.
True. 😛 But /technically/ 😉
I feel like Twigwing would be a good name for Twigpaw. It kind of relates to her finding SkyClan (y’know, wings let you fly in the sky) and it just sounds nice. And maybe Violetfang for Violetpaw?
Yeah, -fang is a pretty underused suffix. (Yellowfang is like the only one.) Not sure about Twigwing but we got a cat called Birchface so I’m pretty sure anything goes…
Also Violetwing wouldn’t be too bad. I almost think Twigshine and Violetwing is perfect.
Actually, there are also Badgerfang, Whitefang, Lizardfang, Flintfang, Adderfang, Mousefang 🙂
Is Whitefang a reference to something? 😮😉
Probably not… but we can pretend…. (I LOVE THAT BOOK!)
Yeah, but there’s also Mudclaw, Brambleclaw, Thornclaw, Rippleclaw, Tigerclaw, Thistleclaw, Red Claw, Redclaw (WC), Shrewclaw, Mudclaw (SC), Chiveclaw, Jayclaw, Owlclaw, Blackclaw, Whiteclaw, Juniperclaw, and Clawface. That’s all I could get off the top of my head, but you get the point. Lol.
Oatclaw, Voleclaw, and Crowclaw too.
I agree there should be more warriors characters with the suffix -fang! 😀
When I first saw that, I thought it was Twigwig. XD
Okay, I have my heart set on Violetwing. Any other Violet suffix I never liked that much but I think it’s a really pretty name. Kate, I know you won’t tell us their names or if we we’ve get them in DN but don’t you just love that name? 😉
It is a lovely name, Ashfire 🙂
– Either the Clans move territory/start to move territory to the place surrounding a lake which Twigpaw found on their way (likely), or SkyClan moves away again. OR, maybe only SkyClan moves to the other lake territory.
– Twigpaw moves to SkyClan, /maybe/. I’m not as sure about this one as I am with the others.
– Violetpaw’s final Clan is either ShadowClan, ThunderClan, or SkyClan. Her gratitude towards Rowanstar for allowing her to stay in ThunderClan for a while makes me think that she might want to be with her kin. Maybe the whole Hawkwing family will be in SkyClan if that’s the case, because I think that Violetpaw would want her family to all be together. Poor girl probably just wants a friend 🙁
– Possibly, Greystripe dies. I hope to StarClan that he doesn’t, but he’s so old. I’d be surprised if he lived another year.
– Hey, maybe, when the Clans move territory, they encounter Needletail on the way or at the new territory!
– Of course, Twigpaw and Violetpaw will be receiving their warrior names.
– Cinderheart and Lionblaze’s kits will probably be born.
– ThunderClan loses one of its medicine cats, whether by giving one to SkyClan (Alderheart, imo, since he went on the quest to find them and he’s the protagonist), or by death (either Leafpool or Jayfeather 🙁 ). I mean, three is just way too much!
– When SkyClan talked about the fire having burnt out but them needing to find the SPARK, it made me think that maybe Sparkpelt plays a role! It also fits because she’s a descendant of the fire (Firestar) just like a spark is a derivative of a full-on fire.
– If Squirrelflight dies (I hope she doesn’t, but she is getting kind of old), Lionblaze will take her place as deputy.
I think Brackenfur or Ivypool will be deputy
I think Lionblaze will be deputy, and when he becomes leader, Ivypool will be his deputy. 🙂
I disagree. Ivypool has a much bigger lead. Bramblestar thinks about smarts too, not just skill in battle. As far as I can tell, Lionblaze is hot-headed and too distrusting.
Lionblaze was one of the Three, and also a loyal mate and warrior and one of the most trusted cats in ThunderClan. Though I love Ivypool, it was reckless of her to go to the Dark Forest (before she was spying of course) and I don’t think Bramblestar has forgotten that. Lionblaze also trained in the Dark Forest though, so I’m not sure if that was a good point. :/
It would be pretty hypocritical of Bramblestar to judge Ivypool for training in the Dark Forest, considering he trained there with his father. 😛
Brackenfur is older than Ivypool and Lionblaze and one of the oldest cats in the clan
ps. he is older than his leader
I think CinderHeart or IvyPool will become a deputy.
I do want CloudTail,BrightHeart and BrackenFur retiring to the elders den.Or dying.
GrayStripe should die.
BrambleStar should lose a few lives.Two most likely.
LeafPool and SquirrleFlight should also retire.
LeafStar should die too.
TawnyPelt should retire too.
VioletPaw and TwigPaw sould get their warrior names.
RowanStar could lose a few lives.
MistyStar should die.
Why is no one thinking Berrynose? Yes, he was reckless when he was younger, but for a moment in Bramberstar’s Storm he acted quite well and was thinking of the future of his clan. Also with that, he was Bramblestar’s apprentice and it seems to be a big trend of making your apprentices deputy.
Some examples: Bluestar and Firestar, Raggedstar and Cloudpelt, Tallstar and Deadfoot, Doestar and Pinestar.
Actually, in ThunderClan, the Leader’s apprentice is the succeeding leader. As Sunstar mentored Bluestar who mentored Firestar who mentored Bramblestar. If this continues then Berrynose might become next leader.
Another trend is that Oakstar’s son was Pinestar whose son was Tigerstar whose son was Bramblestar. Leaders tend to run in the family, so by that logic Alderheart should become leader as he’s Bramblestar’s son but he’s a medicine cat, so he ruined the legacy.
Will we see more of Sparkpelt? I really like her and I’m one of the few who actually prefer her over Alderheart ^u^. She’s very proud and optimistic at the same time which I don’t really see often in characters.
My plot failed! Curse youuu Kate!!! *runs off into the night*
Asking Kate about canon information from DN is like asking a mother to kill her children. 🙂
Ha! What plot??
I was trying to be clever and trick you into revealing the warrior names! >:D I also find it kind of cool that I’m talking with the author of the books I read Day in and day out 🙂 So thank you for writing the series I love
It’s a pleasure! And I’m afraid trick me into revealing names is hard because my memory is so short! 😀 I’m luck I can remember my own Warrior name 😀
Wait, you have a warrior name for yourself? If you remember, will we see it in any upcoming books? I would love to see what you came up with 😉
It won’t be in a book because my warrior name is Cakestar 🙂 Or maybe that’s just my BlogClan name…hmmmm
If you had another warrior name, one that followed the traditional naming system, what would it be? 😀
I’m going to have to think about that for a while….
What about Lakestar? Lake kinda sounds like Cake.
Mm cake
I guess you’ve been dealing with this kind of stuff for almost a decade so you’ve probably seen all the plots 😉
Ha! 😀
What’s the craziest plot you’ve seen?
In a Warriors book? The Warriors Olympics! I decided that Vicky had gone utterly bonkers when she came up with that event 😀 It was HUGE fun to write though 😀 😀
Must’ve been! It looked fun and uplifting considering all the bad stuff….
I forgot, but who won?
ThunderClan, surely?
The leaders decided that each Clan was a winner, but each leader singled out one apprentice who did exceptionally well and promised to give them first pick of the fresh-kill pile when they got home or something. 😛
Well remembered. My memories of the Clan Olympics kinda mix with memories of a book I read when I was a kid about Douglas in Scotland (The Magic Roundabout was the best kids’ TV programme in Britain in the 1960s/70s). So I always imagine cats trying to toss cabers…which is probably why the concept amuses me so much.
Which apprentices? (I would be responding to Jayfrost, but the reply button isn’t showing up)
Kate… That is majestic. Cats throwing cabers. Just, wow. 10/10. Now I’m thinking of cats throwing like Redwoods. Thanks, Kate XD
If you go on Wattpad you’ll see all kind of warriors spoofs based on funny themes, like Firestar hating waffles. It’s hilarious to see books usually wrote more serious to being Brambleclaw and Ashfur battling each other to death… in Smash.
I’ll have to check it out. Firestar and waffles love it! 🙂
What about cat hockey?
I totally bought cat hockey for some reason. 🙂
Haha, cats already like batting things around with their paws, so cat hockey didn’t seem like much of a stretch to me. 😛
Exactly! 🙂
You need to do that again.
Also, what do you think is the thing you regret the most about the warriors series?
Nothing! 😀
Im so glad Bravelands was released cause so far its decent and now I have something to balalance the dreadful summer and winter gaps between warrior books.
Well, it’s not like Kate, Cherith and Clarissa (?) can magically write 70,000 words in five minutes ^^ I get you, though.
I know aha. Good work takes time
LOL, yeah. The anticipation…then I read Bravelands in one night, re-read each arc in warriors in two days and say, “Hos else can I cover the gaps?”
I’m almost finished with Beavelands! (Stinger! WHY!?)
I’ve been rereading the magic cats arc for over and over. Now I have Ivypool as one of my favorite warrior cats, along with Graystripe and Brackenfur.