• Kate, though I doubt we will see Twigpaw and Violetpaw’s ceremonies in this book, consider these names. I think they match their personalities:
    Violettail(in honor of Needletail)

  • Hmm… I don’t see why we wouldn’t. Twigpaw and Violetpaw have been apprentices for about two books now, and that’s around the time it took for Sparkpelt. To your point, she was ascended as a warrior in like no time, but in Yellowfang’s Secret Archeye was triggered that Brokenstar was a warrior at 11 moons. Nobody said anything, but then again, they didn’t when Firestar and Graystripe got their names in three moons. So I think it’s a gray area. (Ba dum pshhh)

    • LOL, sure. But it’s either really early, really late, or right time. There really haven’t been any middles.

      • Nobody ever talks about how fast Brambleclaw and Tawnypelt were given their names. I mean they were apprenticed in A Dangerous Path so by early Firestar’s Quest they would be apprentices for only around four moons.

  • Personally i think that Twigpaw should become one of the following : Twigshine , Twigstream and for Violetpaw: Violetstream or Violetshine

    i also think Dovewing and Bumblestripe should have kits toghter or Tigerheart and Dovewing
    Bumblestripes kits : Silverkit , Dovekit , Bluekit, Jaykit
    Tigerhearts kits : Dawnkit , Mistkit , Lionkit and Briarkit

    These are just suggestions and if anyone knows if Bumblestripe or Tigerheart has kits with Dovewing please let me know in the replies below 🙂

  • I have some theories for VoS:
    1- Bramblestar will die in Book 6, but by then Squirrelflight will be dead too
    2- Squirrelflight will fight one of the important rogues who survived SS, and that rogue will kill her.(maybe Book 5)
    3- Alderheart, Twigpaw, and Violetpaw will join SkyClan. Hawkwing will become leader in Book 5 or 6.
    4- Twigpaw will be named Twigblossom
    5- Violetpaw will be named Violettail
    6- Leafpool or Jayfeather will die by Book 6.
    7- Sparkpelt might die…

      • Since I don’t consider Dovewing a mary sue, and Spottedleaf is gone, I think we have our newest Warriors Mary Sue 😛

    • Someone who agrees with Violettail! I think Violettail or Violetneedle.

      Twigshine! In honor of Pebbleshine.

      • Violettail looks pretty odd. Violetneedle just doesn’t sound right. I’m hoping she’ll get a masculine name, like Violetclaw.

        • Same. Violetpaw is a tomboy, so…
          Also, it doesn’t matter how the name looks. Cats can’t write tge way we can, so it’s the sound that matters.

  • I like Twigstorm and Violetshade best, in honour of the clans who took them in.

    Bumblestripe needs to take off his fedora and leave Dovewing alone.

  • Like TNP, there has to be 2 main “arcs” in the series. The “Darktail rogues are trying to murder the Clans” arc is over, because Darktail is (probably) dead, just like the “finding a new home for the Clans” arc was over mid-TNP. The rest of this series might be SkyClan settling in and “AVOS: The Return of the Rogues”

  • Kate is Mousewhisker going to have a mate? Because I’ve heard the rumor that he likes Minnowtail

  • So, here are my predictions:
    Nedleetail will come back.
    Alderheart and Twigpaw will go to SKyclan with Hawkwing.
    Leafstar will die.
    Squirrelflight or Leafpool will die leaving Lionblaze as deputy and Jayfeather as the only Thunderclan medicine cat.
    They will mention that Dawnpelt is dead (Sadly because I like in T&S and SS)
    Cinderheart’s and Cloudmist’s kits will be born.
    Bramblestar will loose a life.
    Darktail will come back.
    Sleekwhisker will come back with the rouges.
    Rowanstar will loose another life.
    Dovewing will be pregnant with Tigerheart’s kits, but she’ll take care of them with Bumblestripe.
    Pebbleshine might come back
    Reedwhisker or Mistystar will die
    Twigpaw will became Twigheart or Twigtail and Violetpaw will become Violetshine or Violetheart

    • Yo. Dark tail is dead. Needletail is dead. I really don’t think alderheart will go to skyclan. Twigpaw might go to sky clan. Violetpaw probably wont. And I really don’t think leafstar will die. She’s not even close to her last life. Why would you think there would be so much deat after the clans got rid of darktail. Things should at least be more peaceful then before. I really don’t think squirrelflight will die nor leafpool. I feel like the book will be mostly about skyclan finding a new territory that would fit their special clan tallents. And I feel like skyclan will be another thunderclan if you ask me 🙀.

      • Leafstar has been leader for eight years. We have no way of knowing how many lives she’s lost since then. 😛

        • Thank you! I actually really think that they’ll kill Squirrelflight since it’s said that Squirrelflight cannot be leader after Bramblestar and we all know how the Erins get rid of the cats

  • So, Thornclaw. He recently became father to Blossomfall’s kits. But I can’t help but think of his age now. He has been mateless for so long. I don’t think the kits will get to know their daddy for long.. Am I the only one?

  • I started reading Warriors in 4th grade. When this book (Darkest Night) comes out I’ll be a 12th grader… time flies and I still love these books so much! ❤️

  • I honestly think Violetpaw will leave ThunderClan, or whatever Clan she’s in. (idek anymore?) She has nothing left. Needletail, her best friend, is dead, and previously the two sisters made it obvious that they wouldn’t leave their Clans for each other. (Twigpaw & Violetpaw). But, I think that Twigpaw will stay in ThunderClan and not leave with her father. The reason I think this is because she has a lot of friends, and looks up to a lot of cats. (Alderheart, Ivypool, Lilyheart, etc.)
    I also think that Pebbleshine IS alive. When I read Shattered Sky, I didn’t believe that. No way. Pebbleshine’s alway’s been tough, and there’s no actual proof that she died, right?
    I think Leafstar will die, too, and Hawkwing will become leader of SkyClan. I really want Sagenose to become deputy. For some reason I just LOVE Sagenose. In Shattered Sky, and Hawkwing’s Journey, he’s always complaining. It’s just so funny. 😀 And then Leafstar snaps at him back. He yelled at Twigpaw saying she didn’t know where she was going.
    I also think that Fidgetpaw, Waspwhisker, and Birdwing will show up again. They neeed to! I hope that Curlypaw will change her mind, and sh efinds everyone. That was horrible, saying straight up to Hawkwing that she didn’t believe in StarClan anymore, and that she was going to become a kittypet! But I liked her. She reminded me a bit of Squirrelflight when she was an apprentice, for some reason.
    AAND, I hope the Clans move. I really do, honestly, because it’d just be awesome, and where else is SkyClan going to go? Ya know? And maybe Purdy has a BROTHER, that they meet, and that whole cycle repeats. (RIP Purdy. :(( )
    I also want Millie to die. Like, really badly. And, I want them to reveal Shellkit’s gender. Yep. And I want Squirrelflight, or some big, main character to die, (execpt Jayfeather) Like, Leafpool or something. It’s been a while since a main character has died, or at least that’s how I feel. ThunderClan has waaayy too many medicine cats.