Top Ten of my Most Hated Couples by Lionessheart

Lionessheart explains their dislike for couples in Warriors.

Artwork by OceanMist78

Hi ! I’m Lionnessheart, and that’s my first article. For this one, I’m going to talk about my least favorite couples in the Warriors Series. Please, be aware that I’ve not read DotC yet, and most of the novellas. Ah, and excuse me if I make some English errors, I’m not English 🙂
Here we go!

Runner up 1: Appledusk x Mapleshade: In my opinion, this couple just should never have happened. Appledusk treated her horribly and I think everyone can agree on that. And…Mapleshade was a psychopath who way over-reacted. I’m sorry to say this but well, it’s true. Even if she kinda has her reasons, she shouldn’t have done all the things has done. I understand her madness, but…It’s kinda her fault if her kits drown. We can’t blame anyone for that except her. If you don’t agree with it, it’s entirely okay, but that’s just my opinion.

Runner up 2: Pinestar x Leopardfoot: Ahem, this couple is creepy since…He’s older than both of her parents. Plus the couple wasn’t really developed, it kinda happened just like this without any development. The Erins never really get the time of developing the couple a little bit more.

10) Bumblestripe x Dovewing
Guys, just, come on. Dovewing never loved him. We all know she was in love with Tigerheart and still is. I will not say she used him…But I seriously think that she thought that she loved Bumblestripe, but never really does. Tigerheart was her true love, no matter how much their relationship was childish. Not Bumblestripe. He was just a friend for her.

9) Feathertail x Crowfeather
(I will probably get a lot of hate for this one. Please, don’t get mad at me for that. Just respect my opinion…and read why I don’t like this couple.)
Well, this couple is way too overrated in my opinion. It has 0 development, they look boring together, Feathertail is so overrated and annoying in my opinion, I dislike both of the cats, Feathertail most likely only like him like a school crush, or maybe even just like a little brother. And…SHE’S FREAKING DEAD FOR STARCLAN’S SAKE !!! Plus I hate how the relation begin…
“Crow: I’m grumpy, I hate everyone, don’t talk to me, you’re all so stupid!
Feather: Oh my little Crowy, you’re so cute, don’t worry, I’m here!
Crow: Eh…OMG, SHE’S SO PRETTY AND PERFECT AND OMGGGG I LOVE HER I WANT TO SPEND ALL MY LIFE WITH HER!!!! PLZ BE WITH MEEEE YOU’RE THE ONLY CAT I WILL EVER LOVE !!” Seriously ? Is that what you call a developed relationship? And the drama of the young apprentice that randomly fell in love with a full-grown warrior has been way too much repetition in the series. Seriously it’s almost a copy of the FirexSpotted ship, in less annoying.

8) Spiderleg x Daisy
Um, Is there actually anyone that likes this one? This couple is just the description of the bad couple. And the way they both behave is inappropriate for a couple in love! Spiderleg was really a bad mate and Daisy was REALLY annoying around him.

7) Heathertail x Breezepelt
This couple is cute, to be fair. But I dislike both of the cats so much that I can’t really like it. And Heathertail is so annoying…No, I just can’t like the couple. I don’t know why.

6) Shellheart x Rainflower
Well…Shellheart just deserves better in my opinion. He seems to be a nice cat, and Rainflower is just a complete jerk. And there are a few things that bother me with this couple. As you know, Rainflower is a really hated character and I think that you can all guess why. So, kinda everyone hates her, but no one seems to notice how much the ShellxRain couple is horribly bad and abusive. Why ? Just…why ? Shellheart loved her, with all his heart, and her too, probably. But just remember. When he breaks up with her, it’s obvious that he was sad, logical if you love your mate. Rainflower, on the other hand, doesn’t even seem to care about that! Actually, this bothers me a lot because I mean…It was kind of abusive. But oh well.

5) Bramblestar x Squirrelflight
Yeah, I know pretty much everyone loves this couple because of so many reasons. But in my opinion, this couple is horrible. Both of these cats are annoying in my opinion: Bramblestar’s whole personality is just based on the fact he’s Tigerstar’s son, who isn’t evil. And Squirrelflight…I just can’t stand her. Plus I don’t like the couple development for some reason. And making her deputy just because he trusts her again is an awful decision. She might be a good deputy, but I’m not sure she would make a great leader! Honestly, I hate everything about this couple.

4) Millie x Graystripe
In my opinion…They should have stayed friends. Even at first, I didn’t like Millie because she was kind of a Mary-Sue and well, she was just annoying. And in my opinion, she kinda “ruined” Graytripe’s character,  he was such a good character at first, and now, he’s just plain and useless! I seriously think he should have stayed single, it would have more fit his undeniable love for Silverstream. And Millie should just have stayed Graystripe’s friend, or become mates with Diesel or anyone but Graystripe. They show no real chemistry together, except maybe in the manga (even if it was more friendship rather than love to me), and Millie…Let’s just say it, she’s an awful mother, as well for Briarlight as her other kits.

3) Firestar x Spottedleaf
I freaking hate this couple! This couple is super undeveloped. He just falls in love with her after he sees her for five seconds! And it has a creepy age gap: he was just six months/moons when he first meets her, and she was like…25 ? 30 months? Come on, it’s like a 12-years-old teen falls in love with a 30-years-old nurse! And they just talk to each other 5 minutes in the whole series! I know she visits her dreams, but it was still strange to me. Sorry if you like it, by the way.

2) Heathertail x Lionblaze
I really hate this couple. It was really undeveloped, they meet at a Gathering and boom, the next time they see each other, they are in love. And honestly, it wasn’t even a love relationship! They just played together in the tunnels like kits, how do you call this a couple? And again I hate Heathertail. Plus the majority of the “couple” is focused on Lionblaze’s dreams when he kills her… Honestly, I wouldn’t even call that a couple. I would call it friendship, young love maybe, but not a couple.

1) Crowfeather x Nightcloud
This couple is the worse thing that ever happens in the whole series. He just used her and Breezepelt to prove his loyalty! He acts like a sociopathic jerk, his actions as a mate are horribly abusive…And UGH. Everyone blames Nightcloud for all the bad things, but was it her fault? No ! Do she asked to be manipulated? No ! People call her jealous, but hey, wouldn’t you be jealous if you discover your mate have loved another she-cat for the whole time? Don’t tell me you wouldn’t. And same for her harsh personality, she was just terribly hurt and it was entirely Crow fault if she is! I feel so bad for her. All she wanted was love. She thought she have find it with Crowy’. But he ignored her feelings, played with it and used her to prove to the Clan he was loyal. Crowfeather, don’t you have other ways to prove you’re loyal other than playing with a she-cat heart and feelings ? Seriously, they could have been happy if he doesn’t have been so arrogant. The couple have no chemistry, none of the cats really love each other, so for me, this is the worst couple.

So that’s it! I hope you liked it! And remember, this is just my opinion. If you don’t agree with it, it’s totally okay, but I was just stating my opinion 🙂 Bye!

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    • I 100% agree with all of these, ESPECIALLY Crow x Feather and Crow x Night. They’re getting in th way of Crow x Leaf (my OTP).

  • Well done! I agree with all of these!

    Well.. except for Bramble x Squirrel, Squirrelflight is my FAVORITE character and I love the ship!

    I am so glad that you didn’t put down Crow x Leaf and put down Crow x Feather and Crow x Night. I absolutely LOVE Crow x Leaf!!

    • I agree with most of what you said. I only disagree with SquirrelxBramble, HeatherxBreeze (ok I don’t love them but I think it’s better than LionxHeather), and FeatherxCrow (they are okay with me). Don’t you dare say that to Brightwing cause I know she loves Feathertail I believe. Squirrelflight is among my top fav cats and I love her a lot (sure she was annoying but that’s what makes her funny and awesome. I also like her one white paw, lol. I think it’s cute. Shes also a great mother. I like her more than Leafpool honestly)!!

      Anyway I don’t approve of FirexSpotted, NightxCrow, MilliexGray I don’t have an opinion on, LionxHeather annoyed me a lot, BumblexDove annoys me as well, ShellxRain I don’t have an opinion on either and nor do I have one on LeopardxPine and MaplexApple.

      However great job! Like I said, I agree with most of what you said. 🙂😉

      SquirrelxBramble 4 da vin

  • nice article 🙂 but in my opinion Feathertail is one of my favorite cats, but hey it’s your opinion and i do have to admit Feathertail is an overrated character 😛 and i do hate crowXfeather

  • I agree with everything, but:

    FeatherXCrow – I admit, this isn’t my favorite ship, but the way you described it isn’t at all the way it happened

    PineXLeopard – This couple is on my IDC list. It did have a bit of development, but that’s it.

    I disliked the way you described my poor Mapleshade

    HeatherXLion – I don’t love it or hate it

    SquirrelXBramble – this is the only one that I strongly disagree with. This is a well-developed, well-thought-out ship that deserves more appreciation.

    FireXSpotted – this is an okay couple.

    SpiderXDaisy – I think that this was an okay couple. I just dislike how Spiderleg acted – but I think that he really did care inside.

    ShellXRain – you know, they made up in StarClan

  • Great article! 😀 I agree with some of your points, but not all of them.
    Couples I don’t agree with you on:

    I agree with you on the other ones, I’m not a big fan of those, either.

  • I agree with most of these except Millie X Gray (It’s one of my favorites) and Bramble X Squirrel. I’m neutral on Crow X Feather, Pine X Leopard, and Heather X Lion.

  • I agree! The ships are literally so random (sorry erins) and like some of the cats personality are really different

  • Hmm, I feel like a lot of the hate towards various couples is simply because you don’t like the cats, in the case of Bramblestar and Squirrelflight at least. So there’s not much there to debate, your opinion is your opinion. However on why Bramblestar made Squirrelflight his deputy, the two of them had worked well in the past and it was meant to demonstrate his forgiveness towards her. Plus with the exception of Ivypool, I can’t picture another cat more fitting as the role of Bramblestar’s first deputy, I mean Squirrelflight experienced the great journey with him and supported him through that, forgave him during some of his difficult trials with regards to Hawkfrost and his father, and she did everything she could to be a good mother to their adopted kits. She was a big supporter in his life and plus, they’re both so close in age I don’t think it’s likely Bramblestar will die to let Squirrelflight take his place. Granted we thought that about a few leaders and we turned out to be wrong, but I get the feeling that the same is unlikely to happen to Bramblestar.

    Onto the matter of Mapleshade, ultimately I think Mapleshade was fooled and drawn in by Appledusk thinking he loved her above everything when I think they were in his mind just a fling, as he called his actions a mistake. Word of God might say otherwise but the fact that when Mapleshade was about to give birth to his kits in the first place he was into that other riverclan she cat is pretty telling that he;s got an option elsewhere who’s interested in him and much more easily available. As for her kits drowning, Mapleshade ultimately had no other options, Oakstar made sure of that. the best way if Mapleshade wanted to raise her kits in a clan would’ve been to make an attempt for RiverClan, and unfortunately no one took note that since it was raining any attempt to go there would be extremely dangerous and would endanger the kits, which is against the code. So I can understand her wrath but her murdering spree and madness not so much.

    I do agree with your Bumblestripe and Dovewing points, although Dovewing was kinda pushed into it by Bumblestripe. IT was almost like it was expected of her to fall in love with him. And at the time it was just easier to say yes and decide that she could commit to this in time. But ultimately she couldn’t after she realized where her heart truly lay.

    Millie and Graystripe I disagree. Friends or mates I think they worked one way or another, but just because he took another mate doesn’t lessen his love for Silverstream. I remember a great post I read on Facebook in response to when you lose a significant other. There is no set grieving time, some grieve for a very long time, others for a very short time. Some are able to open their heart and expand it to love another, others can’t. Note I said expand. His love for Millie doesn’t negate his love for Silverstream. It’s like if you made a new friend over the course of your life, do you value that friend less than any other? Or do you eagerly accept this addition to your life, it’s like that except a bit more exclusive.

    I do feel that there was more to Feather x Crow than that, but I never paid it that much mind. I didn’t mind it didn’t hate it, but it happened and I don’t feel it caused any problems for it.

    As for most of the others, I don’t love them don’t hate them. Granted I didn’t dislike Spotted x Fire much until I read Firestar’s quest and got frustrated with how much of a wedge she was driving through Firestar and Sandstorm, go away Spottedleaf leave my OTP alone!

  • I could write a whole page of disagreement on this

    But because my resources are limited to a low speed wifi and no books (I’m supposed to be asleep), I will content myself with saying that I like DoveXBumble, PineXLeopard, LionXHeather and GrayXMillie

    I’ll provide more support later on

    But still, it was a good article 🙂

  • NOT MY BRAMBLESTAR! He is a well developed character that deserves the love he deserves! He proved he wasn’t like Tigerstar. He got over his ambition. You have no right to pick on him like that!

    • Why not? I don’t agree with all of this, but they are allowed to post their own opinion. It’s called freedom of speech.

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