What is Dovewing’s REAL eye color? by Farwater

Farwater share what they found while wondering about Dovewing’s eyes.

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I have had some confusion about Dovewing’s real eye color. I did some fact checking about it, like “Can white cats have golden eyes?” and things like that. I have found that the answers are vague, but I got a general idea. Dovewing can have any eye color, but the most common eye colors for white cats are gold and blue. that narrows it down. the problem is, white cats with blue eyes are most likely the cats that are deaf, and Dovewing is not deaf. there are a lot of cats with white fur and blue eyes that are not deaf, so it is still an option. enough with the facts for a while. now, on to what the Erins put in the books. most of the time, her eyes are blue. some people disagree, but I did a little skim of 3 books that have Dovewing in them, and most frequently the eye color is blue. back to the facts. I found that most cats with white fur also have blue eyes. If you search “pictures of white cats” on the internet, most of them have blue eyes. I found that 56 out of a hundred white cat pictures have blue eyes, and 44 have golden. What I’m trying to say is that Dovewing most likely had blue eyes. You might disagree, but all the facts state that I’m most likely correct. Besides, in the book “Thunder and Shadow” it mentions that she has blue eyes and her eyes are not mentioned in any other color. I think that saying that Dovewing have green of golden eyes was a mistake that was not caught by the editor. I have worked long and hard on this article, so please don’t get mad at me if you think I’m wrong. If you want, you can research this topic on your own, and see for yourself that Dovewing most likely has blue eyes. This topic has been around for years, but I think I am one of the only people to research it, with both facts and information from the book. Thanks for reading!

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  • This is a great article! That makes sense. I think that it could’ve been the lighting (somehow) on the cover on the Fourth Apprentice and it’s probably mistakes every else. This is the theory I came up with, but I didn’t spend a lot of time on it.

    • I agree that this is a great article. I know there has been a lot of confusion recently with the Warriors Wiki and such. I thought that her eye color was blue, but this really helped clear everything up.

  • Great article, Farwater! 😀 You have a lot of good points. 🙂 It does make sense for Dovewing to have blue eyes, instead of gold or green.

  • I agree! I skim over the books so fast that i never really noticed that her eye color changes! 😛

      • actually, she has to have blue eyes. she is the reincarnation if doves wing, and as the other 2 reincarnated cats look like thier old selves, and as doves wing has blue eyes, dovewing ob viously has blue eyes.

        • Yeah….well, according to the latest books, especially Tigerheart’s Shadow (which mentions Dove’s GREEN eyes over 50 times) her eyes are most definitely green. 😀

    • Me too. And btw, she is not white. She is actually smoky gray, or light smoky gray.
      Just letting you know☺️I like to imagine her w/ green eyes, because of her mother(who had green eyes) and also her grandmother Ferncloud has green eyes. I like to imagine her like that.
      But I enjoyed your article & your opinion

    • i think so too, because in the first book of omen of the stars book cover ( forth apprentice ) it shows dovewing with green eyes on the cover. at least when (not if in my opinion) we get the warriors movie we might be able to get our theory proven right or wrong

  • Ummm….. Dovewing is gray and though the Erin’s say that she has blue eyes, when she was born it said she had green and that’s how I imagine her.

  • Ok, so I like your arguments, they’re all pretty valid.

    Well, until you actually check some facts.

    I don’t mean to sound rude, but Dovewing is grey, and in the most recent books, she has green eyes, most likely because the editors have decided to settle the argument of her eye color for themselves. Plus, if she had green eyes, it would be a nice little touch since Hollyleaf also had green eyes, and Dovewing was kind of, for lack of better words, a replacement for Hollyleaf. The part where you say that her being mentioned with golden eyes is an editing error is probably correct, as she is only ever really mentioned with golden eyes once or twice.

      • You’re right. It’s only Kate’s opinion, and Kate doesn’t have the final say in the colours of eyes or pelts. She doesn’t even have the power to name kits anymore. The editorial team has the final say in everything, and lately it’s been green. Even in a book Kate wrote, Tigerhearts Shadow, her eyes were stated to be green over 40 times. Her opinion is valid, but for her to fight so hard over something that has so much proof against it is just plain ridiculous.

        • She wasn’t arguing but I do agree, Dovewing might actually have green eyes. After reading the article, I am starting to have second thoughts but if you do look at the cover of The Fourth Apprentice, she has green eyes. It might have been an editors mistake or something or she might really have green eyes. Who knows. Anyway the book isn’t a picture book for a reason, they want you to imagine it your own way. 🙂

  • Hello Farwater!
    I love the amount of effort you put on figuring out Dovewing’s eye color. This would be very accurate- if Dovewing’s fur color was actually white. I have no intentions to be rude, sorry if I came off that way. I believe Dovewing’s fur color is actually pale gray, and the Fandom Warriors Wiki says that her eyes are green. Also, every single one of the most recent Warriors books say that Dovewing has green eyes.

  • Well, Dovewing seems to have green eyes overall. But that doesn’t necessarily mean she has a fixed eye colour. She could have green eyes with flecks of gold. that turn blue in the night or the light. Or any one of those combinations. However, I think Dovewing does have green eyes as a whole. Green eyes are quite common among cats and as Dovewing does slightly look like Ferncloud (her grandmother) her eyes being mainly green seems to be the most logical explanation.