Book News!

I’ve tracked down important information about upcoming Warrior books:

  • The Path of a Warrior is another collection of three novellas. These will feature Shadowstar, Redtail, and Tawnypelt, and they have been written by the very lovely Clarissa Hutton, who has been working with us on Warriors for a long time.
  • Book one of series seven will be called Lost Stars.
  • The 12th super edition, which I’ll be writing later this year, is about Squirrelflight.



  • Kate, do you know the titles for Shadowstar’s, Redtail’s, and Tawnypelt’s novellas?? You said there’s a working title for the SE (Squirrelflight’s Kin).

  • Hi Kate,
    Do you know if there will be a time skip between The Raging Storm and series 7? And if so, how long?

  • I got one more quick question 🙂 Am I right to assume that on Legends of the Clans, the order of the Novella Names match the pictures of the cats on the front? Meaning “Spottedleaf’s Heart” shows Spottedleaf, “Pinestar’s Choice” Pinestar and “Thunderstar’s Echo” Thunderstar? 🙂

  • I’m so happy it’ll be about Squirrelflight!! She’s always been my favorite cat. Strong and stubborn, but short and cute.

  • How long of a timespan does Squirrelflight’s Kin have, Kate? Since you read the outline.

    Like x amount of moons.

  • Kate, do you think it would ever be possible for blogclanners to suggest cats they would like to see novellas/super additions on? Maybe in the form of a poll or some kind of submission box? Even if nothing comes of it I’d be interested in seeing which characters most people want to see POVs of!

  • Ooh, very interesting. I can’t wait for the novella on Redtail, one of the most important characters in the first series, his death setting up everything which came after, so it’ll be nice to have some more development on him, especially as Spottedleaf’s novella had so little of him in it. Shadowstar having a novella is also great to continue on DotC’s legacy, and since Thunderstar’s Echo was very good, I look forward to seeing some more of Clarissa’s work in print.

    And even though I’m yet to catch up with Darkest Night and The River of Fire, I’m really interesting in seeing what the 7th series is gonna be about. Lost Stars makes me think it’s gonna revolve around StarClan some more, and I presume it’ll be a follow-up in some form to AVoS, though I still wouldn’t mind a sequel series to DotC. 😛

    I’m not overly keen on the Squirrelflight SE–I’m indifferent really–but I did enjoy Tigerheart’s Shadow a lot more than I thought I would, so I’m confident it’ll still be a good read no matter what.

    Thank you very much for the insider info, Kate! 😀

  • AHHHHH! Yes I’ve always wanted a book on these characters! I have no doubt they’re gonna be awesome, and I do have a few questions and suggestions.

    Kate, is the novella on Tawnypelt about her as a warrior or an apprentice? Because if it’s apprentice that probably means it’ll be about why she joined ShadowClan. If it’s about her as a warrior it could be about her, her kits, and still not feeling completely accepted in ShadwClon. Oooo, a great scene from that could be when she chose to name her kit Tigerkit!

    Okay, I do have a couple suggestions for some novellas ans SEs. I feel like for a SE Sol would be a perfect choice for one. He’s clearly got an interesting backround, and we could see more things like how he met Midnight. And for some novellas, I know you’ve heard my suggestion about making one on Mille, but a couple other good choices for some could be Mothwing or Blackstar. My friend gave me the idea for one on Blackstar, becase he’s her fav character and she feels he’s sometimes forgotten. She wants that one to be about him trying to be leader even though he was never named deputy, and about his obvious lack of faith in StarClan at times. I’m sure you know what the novellas on the other two would be about 😛 .

    Those were just some fun suggestions. Jeez this comment got WAY too long sorry lol! Thanks for reading my ideas and comments!

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