A new set of 3 novellas will be published April 9, 2019. It will contain stories about Redtail, Tawnypelt, and Shadowstar. Let the discussion begin 😊
Feb 19th, 2019: Page has been updated to be a spoiler page!
Note: We know you’re excited to continue reading about the lives of these characters, and love the world that the Erins have set up, but Kate is very busy and may not be able to get back to you regarding specific questions you may have – and she certainly can’t answer questions that spoil the next books! If a moderator or Kate tells you that they can’t answer your question, then we ask you to respect that answer. Thank you for your understanding! 🙂
Feb 13, 2020 update: Now featuring the right names on the cover!
Hey Kate !
I’m just wondering, was this book incorrect when it says that Redtail killed Oakheart ?
If so, will this issue be fixed as for people beginning to read warriors if they read it out of order it could be incredibly confusing
Thanks 😀
It will be corrected in the next print run!
Okay cool! I was wondering the same thing!!😁
oooo that means i will have a first edition soon!
Yay! I have an exclusive collector’s edition!
Then why is the e-book I’ve borrowed from overdrive have the mistake?
Your library likely still has the first version and hasn’t updated it!
Hello, everybody! Just a general announcment that while we love your curiosity for knowledge and appreciate that you want to learn as much as possible about this wonderful book series, Kate is very busy and may not be able to get back to you regarding specific questions you may have about the series. Please remember that when we say “W.A.S.”, we’re not trying to crush you or deprive you of the answers you seek. We don’t know either, and we’ll be just as excited as you to find out that information in later installments of the series. We’d really appreciate it if when you receive “W.A.S.” as an answer, you do not lash out at the person giving it to you. The mods are not attempting to pull the wool over your eyes. As it stands, many of your questions simply cannot be answered any other way at the current time and with the current published books, no matter how many times one replies to the “W.A.S.” comment with other questions or comments. Please remember that no one is entitled to answers and spoiers from Kate merely because they desire them, and by demanding answers even after being told “W.A.S,” a person is disrespecting her right to decline answering or the mods’ right to inform them of the declination, and being rude in the process. We all want to make this Blog a better place, but attempting to force someone to give you answers is not the way to do it. Thank you for your understanding! 🙂
Hi Kate, hope you’re not too busy to answer this but I was just wondering if you had any idea which afterlife Appledusk went to? It’s something that fans are pretty split on, some believe he deserved to go to the Dark Forest while others don’t.
I don’t know! I’ve not seen him around. I’ll let you know if I spot him in either place 🙂
Your siggie made me laugh, Snowfall 😛 I like it! 😀
Seriously such a funny sig! That totally sounds like Jayfeather!
Hey Kate, ( if your not busy, I understand if you are)
I was wondering, is Badgerpaw mentioned in any other book than Code of the Clans and Enter the Clans?
I don’t remember Badgerpaw at all, so…no?
I believe you mean Badgerfang? He appears in Yellowfang’s Secret!
Hmmm ok thanks I’ll check yellowfang’s secret! Oh and Kate, he is mentioned in Enter the Clans on page………232
It’s such a sad chapter….
and enter the clans too
Oh. The poor kit was three moons old when he died. 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 His warrior name was Badgerfang. He also gave Tigerstar a life.
He is also in Ultimate Guide giving Tigerstar I one of his nine lives
Hey Kate I want to know if Redtail really did father Sandstorm with Brindleface. If not, than who are her parents?
yes, redtail fathered sandstorm!
while he is about the same age as brindleface so he cant be her mother
Kate, sorry to bother you but there are two questions that have been poking at my mind lately and I was hoping you could answer them?
1. Is it ok to refer to Raven Pelt as Ravenstar now? The Wiki still calls him Raven Pelt so I was wondering
2. Out of the second leaders of each clan, we know Owlstar for ThunderClan, Raven Pelt for ShadowClan, Gorsestar for WindClan, but RiverClan and SkyClan’s second leaders are still unknown. Who are they?
Thanks! 😁
You can refer to Raven however you think feels best in context. If they’re unknown, they’re unknown! 🙂
Ok thank you!
I would call him “Ravenstar”.
I think Sparrow Fur was Skystar’s deputy. I think she became Sparrowstar, the second leader of SkyClan.
Night was Riverstar’s old friend and Deputy. I think she became Nightstar, the second leader of RiverClan.
Both Skystar and Riverstar’s deputy’s were She-Cats. They most likely became the second leaders of their Clans.
Which would mean we have a complete list of second leaders of all 5 Clans.
Owlstar of ThunderClan
Ravenstar of ShadowClan
Gorsestar of WindClan
Sparrowstar of SkyClan (unless future Dawn Of The Clan- Era books say otherwise)
Nightstar of RiverClan (unless future Dawn Of The Clan- Era books say otherwise)
“if it didnt happend in the books it never happen” -the wiki
Hey Kate! You said that the mistake with Oakheart’s death would be corrected in the next print run. Has that happened yet?
I don’t know! Has anyone got a new edition?
I was thinking of getting the book again so that’s why I asked. I wanted to be sure it was fixed before I bought it again 🙂
Ah. I’m sorry, I can’t help!
No problem Kate! Thank you for answering in the first place. And I know this is not related to this spoiler page , but since you wrote Moth Flight’s Vision , could you please tell me why Windstar only received 8 lives at her leadership ceremony? Also , who is the father of Gray Wing and Clear Sky , and why was he not included in the books? Thanks for your time!
Did she? I can’t remember. Had she already used one up?
I don’t know I’m afraid. Sometimes, who the parent is is irrelevant to the story. 🙂
She only died after she received her lives , so that’s why I wanted to know why she only received 8 instead of 9. I was confused when I first read that scene and counted the lives she received. And even if she died before she received her lives (like Tigerheart) she should still have received 9 because Tigerheart also received all 9 lives.
If I’m remembering correctly, she was dying as they took her to the Moonstone, so she used one of them up already.
I think. 😛
Thanks, Blueheart. I know we would have thought it through quite carefully 🙂
You always do. 🙂
Perhaps you could go to a bookstore and take a look at it before you buy it?
I would if my local bookstores had English Warriors books… I always have to order them from Amazon sadly.
Aw man. :/ I don’t go to bookstores that often, and by the time I’d stumble into one, you’d probably have found another solution. 😛
Maybe see if the Wiki or anywhere else online has the information?
Trust me , I searched everywhere and I didn’t find anything apart from the fact that in the Amazon description it says “reprint edition” and in the descriptions of the other novellas it doesn’t. But I don’t know if that means anything since reprint edition usually means the new covers for the main series and super editions:/
I don’t think it would have a new cover, so it probably is that one.
If you were to get it, and it not be the new version, would you be able to return it?
Probably… though I’m not going to get it until I’m sure Redtail’s Debt is fixed.
Hi Kate ! I was wondering, do you think Skystar, Shadowstar and Gray Wing also hunt for the Tribe of Endless Hunting ?
Wouldn’t that be lovely? But IDK, I’m afraid.
Um, why does the cover say “spottedleafs heart, thunder stars echo, and pine stars choice?” Is it just me? Anyways, this book was awesome
Because “The Path of a Warrior” contains those three novellas 🙂
It doen’t contain those names in the book it’s self. It’s Shadowstar, Redtail and Tawnypelt in this novella, I believe. I think their called Shadowstar’s Life, Redtail’s Debt and Tawnypelt’s Clan.
Shh, I don’t really read the books much anymore so I don’t keep up on news 😛 I’ll get on finding the proper cover soon!
You don’t read them much anymore!!?? Wow!!
Our own deputy does really read the books anymore!!?? Very much wow!!
I mean doesn’t
I’ve been reading the latest books in TBC but I completely skipped AVOS and probably all the novellas and a decent amount of the super editions. I’m not that interested in the series much anymore and I’m definitely not fixated on it like I used to be!
Ah, I get it now. Is their a reason you skipped over AVOS? is it because the villain gets defeated half way though the arc? *Spoiler* Are you planning to read The Place Of No Stars? When it releases?
I read the first book in AVOS and was just… bored so I skipped the rest 😛 Everything I know about AVOS comes from reading the spoilers on the blog as part of my moderator job. I do plan on reading the rest of TBC because it’s got me intrigued so far!
Question. How did you become Deputy of BlogClan?
Through the BlogClan elections that occur every 2 years! I was voted into the position 🙂 We’re going to have another round of elections this summer, so if anyone meets the requirements to run, they may just be facing off against me…
All darn! Do you need to be a senior warrior first to run? Was it Jayfrost as the previous deputy?
No, but the requirements for participating in the elections as a candidate are similar to the requirements for senior warrior! You have to have been active on the blog for a full year before you are eligible to run in the elections 🙂
Alright then! I can run in 2023 then I believe. I would have be on the Blog for a year November 30th, 2021. then I could run for SW. Good luck Embix! P.S. Are you in a plan to overthrow BlogClan? Because Viper and Sun were acting very sus on Wcrpfourms.
Well, whatever they’re planning has nothing to do with me…
Yeah sure… How does the voting process work? When can you vote?
We’ll have a schedule when elections begin that’ll detail when voting times start and end 🙂 We just use an anonymous poll with the names of the candidates to see who BlogClan wants as their deputy or medicine cat! This occurs after the hustings, which is where candidates will interact with the voters and answer any questions.
How do you become a Mod? How can I become a Mod?
We occasionally open applications for a moderator position if BlogTeam thinks that we need the extra help. Sometimes, we’ll pick someone to become a moderator without opening applications. In either scenario, the people we look at go under heavy scrutiny by BlogTeam before we decide who becomes a moderator 🙂
Oh, I see.
Could we get a new photo on this page that has the right names on the cover?
Should be updated now!
Ok, thanks! 🙂
Hey Kate! (I understand if u cant asnwer) I was wondering what deternins the cats who get super editions and novellas? Is it random or do you pick every cat based on their life and how interesting it is?
There’ so much to consider in picking a character for a SE or novella. We try to think what the fans would enjoy reading and which characters have the most potential for development without disturbing the Warriors universe.
As many inaccuracies as there were in Redtail’s bit, I can say his novella made me love his character a lot.
also I would very much like to animate the little dream sequence thing in Tawnypelt’s novella someday
So I reread Shadowstar’s Life because it’s been a while since I’ve touched any Dawn of the Clans related books and one scene made me think “oh I’m like that” except the scene in question was Shadowstar having existential dread over having one life left-