Crimsonpaw lists their least favourite Warrior cats
Hello fellow clanmates! Today I am going to talk about my least favorite warrior cats!
5. Mistystar – Okay! I actually have a good reason for this (I think!). First of all (SPOILER WARNING!), Mistystar is one of my least favorite cats because she is willingly (WILLINGLY!!) following Fakestar’s (Bramblestar’s imposter) commands regarding codebreakers, even though one, Mothwing, is her friend. I’m sorry, but seriously? I would never ever let another Clan boss me around, especially if I was the leader of that Clan! And frankly, if my friend just let another Clan leader make me atone or whatever the heck Fakestar wants codebreakers to do, I would LOSE MY MIND! Second of all, Mistystar just seems like she doesn’t really know what she’s doing as leader, and that annoys me.
4. Lionblaze- Before all of you Lionblaze fans freak out on me, let me just say this: he’s arrogant and though he could do whatever he wanted with the power that he was given by StarClan in “The Power of Three”. Arrogance? No thank you! Need I say more?
3. Breezepelt- Oh, Breezepelt. The #1 Dark Forest traitor. Like Lionblaze, Breezepelt is also arrogant (Maybe it comes from Crowfeather…), and he sided with the Dark Forest even after knowing what they were planning to do against his family. Really dude?
2. Brokenstar- The fact that Brokenstar harmed kittens and made them go into battle before they were trained angers me. And also, I like ShadowClan, and back in those times, Brokenstar completely ruined ShadowClan’s reputation, and now everyone thinks they are evil, even though (SPOILER ALERT AGAIN!), they seem to be one of the only Clans that doesn’t bow down to Fakestar!
1. Berrynose- I could go on about this character all day. First of all, why was he made deputy?! By being deputy, I’m almost positive that all of the Clans think ThunderClan is a bunch of hooligans now, and that basically destroys everything that Firestar worked so hard to build when he was leader. Also, again, arrogance. And more importantly, he’s annoying, competitive, and downright rude. He’s worse than my brother on a bad day!! (I also love Squirrelflight, so when he took her position as deputy, I actually punched a wall in anger. That’s hatred everyone!!) So, my point being is, no thank you! Goodbye and good day, Berrynose!
Sorry if I was a little over-dramatic and strong about this topic, but I hope you liked my first article, and thank you for reading it! I have clearly have a thing about arrogance…sorry guys! Anyway, comment below what your least favorite character is! I would love to hear your opinion! 🙂
I know the reason why Berrynose became deputy. You may know this pattern.
Sunstar mentored Bluestar
Bluestar mentored Firestar
Firestar mentored Bramblestar
Bramblestar mentored Berrynose
So the impostor (not telling you who he is in case there is someone who hasn’t read the sneak peek on the Warriors website) somehow found out about this pattern before possessing Bramblestar’s body and after exiling Squirrelflight, he knew he had to make Berrynose his deputy in order to follow the pattern.
(This comment is a joke so don’t take it seriously)
I realized that too.
[spoiler title=”tbc major spoiler”] wait so ashfur mentored lionblaze and birchfall (i think) so one of them will have to be leader to continue the pattern 😛 [/spoiler]
[spoiler title=”replying to icepelts spoiler”] birchfall would be a good leader if you think about it [/spoiler]
not on my life
you have to keep the order
Finally someone understands why I hate Lionblaze!
tbh I feel like Berrynose would have made a decent mentor but he didn’t mentor any apprentice so technically it was against the warrior code for him to become depuy. Then again, it IS the imposter, so… 😐
I have to agree with you on Berrynose. Also, when Honeyfern died, he just moved on to Poppyfrost, Honeyfern’s sister. How rude is that? It’s like saying that Honeyfern never mattered.
I know! It’s like he just wanted to cover up the pain from Honeyfern so he mated with someone close to her
yeah I thought Berrynose was a loyal warrior but after finishing warriors the broken code veil of shadows.. I dont think so
I really hate hawkfrost tho
he dared to kill a leader
betrayed his clanmates
trys to destroy the warrior code and the clans
and the worst of all
kills hollyleaf
I actually rlly like Hawkfrost, but he didn’t have to kill Hollyleaf. She should have been one of the three
Accually I agree (even tho Lionblaze is my favorite charecter I totally agree)
Great article!
*intense screeching*
Why are ye so right about everything…
lol guilty Lionblaze fan 🙂
I feel like his arrogance was necessary. Think about it. If he wasn’t a little big-headed in the 3rd series, he couldn’t grow in the 4th!
My top least favorite character is probably Brokenstar
I have to say, i think Lionblaze got a lot less agrogent
also berryxpoppy is cute
I agree with all of those except Lionblaze. I think Lionblaze is a pretty good character, although I would much rather want see Ivypool as the deputy instead of him
Berrynose didn’t even have an apprentice!! Fakestar is so focused on following the code and punishing the codebreakers, but he just broke a code!