River Spoiler Page

The first book of A Starless Clan (Arc 8) will be called River! Chat away with your theories and predictions!

Blurb of River:
A dark age has given way to an era of peace in the five warrior Clans, and with it comes a promise of hope. As their leaders deliberate on unprecedented changes to the warrior code, three young warriors set their paws on the paths that will decide their futures.
In ThunderClan, warrior apprentice Flamepaw, a descendant of the legendary leader Firestar, struggles under the weight of his famous kin’s legacy, while young ShadowClan warrior Sunbeam has doubts of her own. But in RiverClan, medicine cat apprentice Frostpaw looks eagerly toward the horizon, awaiting the day she will be called upon to help her Clan—a day that may dawn sooner than she ever dreamed.

❄️🐍Viper Inc: Arson & Tax Fraud🐍❄️



  • I feel like SunxNight is coming whether we want it or not…But River was awesome! RIVERCLAN PROTAGONIST FOR THE FIRST. TIME. EVER!! AND A THUDNERCLAN POV WHO ISN’T ALL “THUNDERCLAN IS AMAZING AND WE ARE THE HEROES”!

    • SnailTail 🐌✨ (She/Her) ✨👾°Christian° 🌵°Asexual° 🖤🩶🤍💜 (Snail that Rests On Sunlit Leaf) 🌿 Snail of the Stars 🌌🌟🌠 Just call me Snail 🐌💖 Hamilton is the best y'all 🎶🎶🎶 says:

      Me when I started reading a Starless Clan: “Okay, the three protagonists haven’t met yet, but they probably will next book. I wonder what their relationships with eatchother will be? I mean, they already used the forbidden romance last arc, they wouldn’t do it again! Also, Nightheart is such an interesting character, I wonder how he will find happiness?”

      Me reading Sky: “Woah woah woah, is that possible romance I see between Nightheart and Sunbeam?! NO, this not how I wanted Nightheart to develop! STOP IT! STOP FEELING ROMMMANNNCCCEEE!” *Meanwhile Frostpaw is being crushed by the unbearable burden of grief and complete responsibility to the Clan*

  • Curlfeather is now in 3rd place on my saddest deaths list. Help.


    • 💮🌸Skye🌸💮 [Skypaw//Skymist//Misty Moon On A Fareway Sky//Has two fanfics going on! Check out Shining Shadows and my newest: Shadowed Path!] says:

      That’s true xD (As for the others, I’d say Jayfeather is included!)

    • SnailTail 🐌✨ (She/Her) ✨👾°Christian° 🌵°Asexual° 🖤🩶🤍💜 (Snail that Rests On Sunlit Leaf) 🌿 Snail of the Stars 🌌🌟🌠 Just call me Snail 🐌💖 Hamilton is the best y'all 🎶🎶🎶 says:

      R.I.P Curlfeather 😔

  • This one was kind of disappointing. The biggest issue is definitely the return of forbidden romance in the series, especially with all three protagonists seemingly either involved in a relationship or hinted at having the potential for one. Frostpaw has enough going on with the murder mystery and hostile takeover plotlines without adding a relationship with a somewhat suspicious clanmate. The problem with Frostpaw having feelings for Splashtail (aside from the power dynamic) is that the only interesting development offered to Splashtail has been hints at him being the murderer. If he IS the murderer, it’s going to be an issue for Frostpaw, especially since she already gets pushed around all the time and doesn’t have a backbone. If he isn’t the murderer, he’s just the stereotypical cardboard warrior and it won’t be interesting to read. I don’t think any of it is a necessary inclusion. The relationship between Sunbeam and Nightheart is riddled with issues, the most notable being that he’s left his Clan with the ASSUMPTION that he will join her clan and be together with her when he hasn’t even spoken to her about it yet. I really hope the next book clarifies that they are not well-suited for each other. Sunbeam is on the rebound from her failed relationship with Blazefire and her broken friendship with Lightleap, and Nightheart is literally running away from his problems. They haven’t had any romantic developments at all beyond confiding in each other a few times, which is more a sign of a growing friendship than a sign that he should leave his entire family and join her group without even asking her about it. In general, I hope that Nightheart’s attempt to join ShadowClan is something he changes his mind about. Leaving his Clan didn’t solve any of his issues, and in fact just compounded them since he yelled at everyone he knows and then just ran away like a spoiled child. I hated him in this book so intensely that I can’t even explain it. He was assigned the duties that go to the youngest warriors in lieu of having any apprentices to do the work. This is an extremely basic concept that he should understand, but instead he chose to whine about this and about everything in his life as if the entire world was against him. I also still don’t understand the whole “expectations of being Firestar’s descendant” thing he’s going on about. It would’ve been a suitable plot point for Squirrelflight or Leafpool, or maybe even one of the Three. By this point in the series, it makes no sense for Firestar’s great-grandson to be talking about blood expectations when most of the Clan is now related to our original protagonist. I did, however, appreciate that this book had more of a slower build than second releases of a Warriors arc typically do. I hope this prevents the usual situation of resolving most of the plot in the third book and then having nowhere left to go afterward.

  • I know that Bramblestar steps down as leader in one of the books! I’m honestly surprised. Bramblestar seems like the type of cat who would want to remain leader.

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