The first book of A Starless Clan (Arc 8) will be called River! Chat away with your theories and predictions!

Blurb of River:
A dark age has given way to an era of peace in the five warrior Clans, and with it comes a promise of hope. As their leaders deliberate on unprecedented changes to the warrior code, three young warriors set their paws on the paths that will decide their futures.
In ThunderClan, warrior apprentice Flamepaw, a descendant of the legendary leader Firestar, struggles under the weight of his famous kin’s legacy, while young ShadowClan warrior Sunbeam has doubts of her own. But in RiverClan, medicine cat apprentice Frostpaw looks eagerly toward the horizon, awaiting the day she will be called upon to help her Clan—a day that may dawn sooner than she ever dreamed.
My hopes for this book are that the Warrior code is changed a bit more! And that the other leaders will step down to make room for new leaders who can keep that code! And when I say new leaders, I mean cats who are new to both the old code and a new one and can thus better lead the clans without bias or fear!!
Examples would be any cats born in the last few arcs. So around the age of Sunbeam, Flamepaw, and Frostpaw (so maybe Sun and Flame will directly correspond to this!!)
If I had to choose those new leaders, I’d say: Flamepaw for Thunderclan, Sunbeam for Shadowclan, one of Frostpaw’s siblings for Riverclan, Beekit or Beetlekit/ one of the cats in Tinycloud and Sparrowpelt’s most recent litter, for Skyclan, and Appleshine or Woodsong for Windclan!
Granted, the chance of all this happening is very low, but it would be cool :p
it WOULD be fun!
It’s nice that there will finally be a focus on RiverClan. Maybe it’ll finally be confirmed if Reedwhisker and Duskfur are mates or not! I hope they are, because I want Bluestar to have some living descendants.
MIstystar is on the front cover. Will she die in this book?
I thought that the main characters in the next series would be Spotfur’s kits. Guess not. Although Violetshine and Twigbranch only got POVs starting from Thunder and Shadow, so maybe.
Sunbeam was born in Tigerheart’s Shadow. She’s a warrior already. What’s she doing with some random apprentices from other Clans?
How is Flamepaw still an apprentice?
So Mothwing takes a new apprentice….Filling Willowshines paw prints will be hard.
It’ll be nice to have more of a focus on Sparkpelt’s kits! Has Flamepaw ever actually said anything?
About Reedwhisker, we absolutely NEED some more Bluestar ancestry. And I believe Mistystar will die too. Although if Mistystar lived for the rest of Warriors it would be pretty funny 😛 And since Spotfur’s kits have no part in the story yet, nor names, I suppose they decided to not use them – since we already have 3 POVs, I don’t think there’ll be more, but I may be wrong. And also, maybe Flamepaw will become a leader and be the next Mistystar. :P… and wait has Flamepaw actually never said anything? Woah.
Sunbeam is the younger sister of Needletail, whom she has never met. I wonder how that impacted her and her littermates? Maybe the book will say something like “the memories of her unknown older sister hovered like a specter over her parents” or something.
Ooh, maybe so! I never knew she never met her but I kinda never read that closely 😛
We Know Frostpaw Has Blue-Green Eyes, So I’m Guessing Her Fur Color Is A Frosty Color, Like Silver Or White!
OMGGGGGGGGGG I THOUGHT TBC WAS THE LAST ARC. THERE IS A NEW ARC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D
I think StarClan will come back because it is CLAN singular so maybe it will not speak to one clan? but I doubt that because its not enough of a problem. so I think a clan will turn against StarClan like RiverClan? but maybe its just talking about the dark forest.
I think StarClan will come back because it is CLAN singular so maybe it will not speak to one clan? but I doubt that because its not enough of a problem. so I think a clan will turn against StarClan like RiverClan? but maybe its just talking about the dark forest.
I didnt mean to post this twice
Don’t worry, happens to everyone!
The arc title is literally “A Starless Clan”. Chances are, Mothwing will be in RiverClan, she has no connection to StarClan, so Frostpaw will be called to help her Clan earlier than anyone else. She could be the only remaining connection to StarClan RiverClan would have. That could be interesting, the perspective of a medicine cat apprentice with the weight of her whole Clan on her shoulders. It also says the Warrior code will change—I think this means that the cats will all be able to go to RiverClan without breaking the Warrior code. Mistystar is on the cover—maybe this means she’ll either support or oppose the cats meeting up. The book is called “River”; Does this mean RiverCLAN, or the actual river? If it’s the actual, river, what will the river have to do with this? Will the river be poisoned? Will it have to do with StarClan in some way? This could be really interesting, this book is really exciting!
Oooooh I never thought about the ACTUAL river being the book’s title… I think if anything here, it’s like, uh… maybe the river in starclan is poisoned? I’m pretty sure there’s a river there… and maybe the dark forest, like, poisoned it?
What I think will happen (piggy-backing on Freeflame’s theory) that the leader AND deputy will die in the book for each clan, so…..
TC: Ivypool would be too obvious soooooo…..Mouse(whisker)star would be interesting
RC: Hmmmmm…….Maybe Frostpaw chooses warrior life? Froststar?
SC: Dovestar.
SkC: Root(spring)star or Violet(shine)star
WC: Breeze(pelt)star
I want Ivystar 😛 but I feel like Mousewhisker wouldn’t be a leader because ThunderClan is a Clan where most plot points happen, and I think that Mousewhisker hasn’t had a PoV, so it kinda wouldn’t make sense for him to become leader? But it could happen
I don’t think Frostpaw will go to a warrior path because it seems like she’ll be needed to connect to StarClan. I’m thinking we might have Reedstar or Icestar
Dovestar is a very unlikely option. She never wanted to be leader. Maybe we could have another Sunstar clone? 😛 (Sunbeam)
I think Hawkstar is the most likely to happen but sure, Rootstar or Violetstar could happen.
…I mean, Breezepelt could lead WindClan, but if I’m being honest, that idea’s a little scary 😛 (Remember how in TPoNS he tried to stop Bristle from going to WindClan until she explained everything?)
Ivystar I have been waiting for for quite a long time, but Mouse would be interesting, and at the same time I feel like he’s going to get himself killed before anything lets him become a leader. I think it’s possible that Frostpaw will actually be FORCED to be a medicine cat, even though she WANTS to be a warrior. It would be kinda awesome though. For SC I agree with Willowpaw… Sunstar clones everywhere, why not one more? 😛 That or Lightleap. Rootstar seems… unlikely? In my opinion, there is a set age limit to be a leader of about 2 series except Firestar, because Firestar is FIRESTAR. Breezestar would be… iNtErEsTiNg… not sure if I’d want to live in WindClan under HIM…
Hey Kate
As we know, Frostpaw is one of the main characters of season 8. Now that she is coming into our focus, do you know who her father is? Also, do you have fur colors for her siblings yet?
I know nothing yet!
I like to think she’s either half-clan or that Curlfeather had a fling with a random rogue.
I wish they maybe had released this announcement later on, but still an exciting announcement.
Hmm for some reason I agree and disagree 😛
I predict that because Mistystar is on the cover, Mistystar will die in this book. I also predict that this is going to be about WarriorClan, and it will be made into a real Clan or either the members join one of the five Clans.
And I also hope that Spotfur’s kits will be named Leafkit and Spottedkit heh.
a) Yes Mistystar we alllll want you to die please please mistystar b) WarriorClan to me feels like something we’ll get another SE about before it collides with main series… c) I think Spot’s kits will be named, like, Cinderkit and Spottedkit? And Finchflight is fine but I think Finchfeather is prettier…
I think Spotfur’s kits will be named Snapkit, Flykit (after Snaptooth and Flywhisker) and Stemkit (after Stemleaf)
that sounds super cool but I’m leaning more towards like maybe SparkPelt being leader or Ivypool who are direct kin of FireStar and also know the old code well and can accept the new code equally plus maybe like Twigbranch or Rootspring from skyclan plus he is very open minded and I really hope bristlefrost or rootspring joins the others clan. for windclan I already like harestar but for shadow clan I think the leader should be lightleap and for river clan mistystar is great
Ooh Sparkstar that sounds nice! Lightleap too I want her to be a leader, and also I will kindly disagree please go away mistystar 😛
Mistystar is kind of a fun character but mostly because her questionable behavior now is kind of a parallel to her mother’s deteriorating mental state at the end of her leadership. Or at least that’s my attempt at making a reason for it.