The first book of A Starless Clan (Arc 8) will be called River! Chat away with your theories and predictions!

Blurb of River:
A dark age has given way to an era of peace in the five warrior Clans, and with it comes a promise of hope. As their leaders deliberate on unprecedented changes to the warrior code, three young warriors set their paws on the paths that will decide their futures.
In ThunderClan, warrior apprentice Flamepaw, a descendant of the legendary leader Firestar, struggles under the weight of his famous kin’s legacy, while young ShadowClan warrior Sunbeam has doubts of her own. But in RiverClan, medicine cat apprentice Frostpaw looks eagerly toward the horizon, awaiting the day she will be called upon to help her Clan—a day that may dawn sooner than she ever dreamed.
New book preview!!! I’m so excited for this series!!!!
also uh. one of Spotfur’s kits being named Bristlekit may or may not have made me start crying.
There’s a exclusive excerpt in!
River excerpt!!!!
+I’m waiting until April to read this book…
Spotfur’s kits are Bristlekit, Stemkit, and Greykit
Do you know who will write 8.5, Kate?
If the last arc’s pattern is anything to go by, Cherith will write 8.5! But the Story Team may throw a curveball and get Kate to write it. We’ll just have to wait and see 😉
Lightleap is a toxic friend. Prove me wrong.
(Also all the new characters sound so interesting in the preview. Frostpaw definitely having a crush on whistlepaw, flamepaw pressuring himself to be perfect and being distant from his mom, and sunleap having a nice boyfriend and being a chill gal.)
I am squealing with joy at the new excerpt!! Spoilers, but:
-More DovexTiger kits! named after the grandpas…AWE
-Baypaw and Flamepaw brotherhood, my heart
-Flamepaw has genuine identity problems and a shaky relationship with his
family?? WHOOA (also, he knows who he’s related to? WHOOOOOOOOOA)
-a forbidden relationship that isn’t between two main characters?? WHOOOOOOOOOOOA
-Frostpaw is a bebe
-Sunbeam and Blazefire, AWEEE
-Lightleap antagonist??
-Alderheart being portrayed as the good boi he is
-Cinnamontail and Slatefur having a whole clan of babies, so cute
-Thornclaw retired?? NANI???
-Flutterfoot’s name, omg, I love that
I’m so excited for this book! AHHH!
I had a long comment about a long River excerpt reaction, but it was too long so splitting it into multiple comments,
River excerpt!
Spotfur named her kits after her mate, her close friend, and Graystripe.
That is really sweet.
And Dovewing and Tigerstar’s new kits (unsure when that happened, but I really don’t care) are named after their fathers.
That is also really sweet.
I have cleverly deduced that Fringewhisker and Spireclaw are the cats in the prologue. And Spireclaw is Sunbeam’s brother too!
Spireclaw noticed Mistystar’s age. Finally. No one ever says anything about how she’s practically ancient. She might finally die this book. I hope anyways.
I like this friendship Flamepaw and Baypaw seem to have going on so far. I hope it stays around.
That’s an… interesting idea Flamepaw.
It’s nice Flamepaw mentioned that he doesn’t look like Firestar. You know, now I think of it, maybe the Firestar’s legacy thing makes a little bit of sense. Lots of time has past. Firestar has a lot of kin, most of which are doing great/have done great things with their lives and are very amazing warriors.
Aw, Flamepaw misses his father. That’s sad.
And Sparkpelt isn’t a good mother to him and shows obvious favoritism to Finchpaw.
He failed his assessment, because of course he did.
Overall, I like Flamepaw a bit more than I expected.
Sparkpelt doesn’t show favoritism. In a couple months she got mauled by dogs, the love of her life died, and one of her kids also dies. Squirrelflights Hope shows how she is depressed and doesn’t know how to talk to her kits. This isn’t new information, we just see a different side to a depressing story. She doesn’t show favoritism. Flamepaw feels DISTANT from her. He sees her walking up to finch paw, and walks away. It’s very complicated.
Angsty Flamepaw??? I want him to snap possibly, his insecurities will tow down on him and he will become even more so distant, possibly even train in the dark forest? But at some point he will prove himself as FLAME not FIRE. Firestar is one side of the coin, whilst Flamepaw is the other.
Unlike Firestar, he’s not perfect – atleast that’s what Flamepaw THINKS. I need them a heart-to-heart moment!!!
Hey! Frostpaw isn’t gray! She’s a white and brown she-cat!
So Jayclaw is dead I guess. Also, Curlfeather, I get you care about your kit, but reassuring her by reminding her she predicted her fathers death? Poor Frostpaw.
Mothwing, stop talking bad about Shadowsight.
And yeah… herbs are probably more important than StarClan. I’m sure both the medicine cats who don’t have a connection with StarClan would agree.
You are right Frostpaw, Shadowsight is not weird!
And of course she instinctively like Alderheart, I mean, who couldn’t.
And yeah, Jayfeather does seem a very intimidating cat to know.
Also, I think “We’re wasting moonlight!” is his catchphrase.
I’m glad Whistlepaw and Frostpaw are becoming friends.
I love Frostpaw already. I thought I would.
I think frostpaw being called white and brown is a mistake given that she’s described in the allegiances as grey and on the cover of river she is grey. Maybe they changed her appearance for some reason, but I’m pretty sure it’s a mistake.
I like frostpaw already too
What if Frostpaw is tri-coloured? Like brown-and-white with light-grey patches or like another combo? I don’t know, it’s likely a mistake – but designing her would be fuuuun.
Sunbeam is in love with Blazefire? That’s really interesting. Better than a forbidden relationship I suppose. I wanted single Sunbeam, but I’ll stay open minded and see where this goes. It seems like Blazefire returns the feelings, so that’s interesting. Clear Sky x Bright Stream is the last relationship we had where they started off the arc together/both in love with each other. Hopefully Blazefire lives past River.
I hope when the time comes that one of Dovewing and Tigerstar’s kits will be Sunbeam’s apprentice.
Sunbeam is a rule sort of cat. Interesting.
Aw, poor Lightleap. I want to give her a hug.
Okay, Lightleap, you could be a bit of a better friend. But I still love you.
I’m glad Lightleap’s insecurity about what happened in A Light in the Mist is being touched on, and in such a unique way too. I don’t recall this sort of handling of insecurity in Warriors before, I’m interested to see where it goes.
Shadowsight’s a good brother. Nice to see him and Sunbeam being friends too. I didn’t think about that. I hope we see more of it in the future.
I really like Sunbeam too.
I’m really excited to see where A Starless Clan goes! I have a feeling this arc is going to be really good and really good characters and friendships and hopefully Blazefire and Sunbeam will be cute together if Blazefire returns the feelings. This was a good excerpt to start off a hopefully even better book and then a hopefully even better arc.
Who knows, maybe Sunbeam over the to books that she’ll be featured in, maybe she’ll start to question if being in a relationship will actually work out or not since she’s gotan important role in the two books & (hopefully) decides that being in a relationship with Blazefire isn’t going to work out & she could possibly leave to stay in RiverClan. Also about the rules kind of thing, I want to see more of that with Sunbeam whether decide to stick close to the rules & with her clan-including Blazefire or just maybe she’ll break a few of them for the greater good
I like the direction they’re taking for each of the protags, and I’m exited to see more. This arc has great potential
I’m absolutely in LOVE with every single name for the new kits. So many new prefixes!!! Whisperkit, Ridgekit, Brookkit, Firkit, Stripekit, Streamkit…OBSESSED. Also the fact that Tigerstar and Dovewing named their kits after their fathers, Blossomheart named her son after her brother, and Spotfur’s kits being named after Bristle, Stem, and Graystripe are all just so wholesome and adorable. Also did anyone notice that Flipclaw is absent from the allegiances? Did he die??
I love the prologue showing a forbidden romance between 2 characters that we never really see. Reminds me of BeechfurXGorsetail!! Lastly, any theories on the fathers of Larkwing and Blossomheart’s kits? I’m guessing Slightfoot for Larkwing and Quailfeather for Blossomheart.
Hey you guys the characters that appear in the prologue that has a forbidden romance is Spireclaw and Fringewhisker. I did some research on their looks.