The first book of A Starless Clan (Arc 8) will be called River! Chat away with your theories and predictions!

Blurb of River:
A dark age has given way to an era of peace in the five warrior Clans, and with it comes a promise of hope. As their leaders deliberate on unprecedented changes to the warrior code, three young warriors set their paws on the paths that will decide their futures.
In ThunderClan, warrior apprentice Flamepaw, a descendant of the legendary leader Firestar, struggles under the weight of his famous kin’s legacy, while young ShadowClan warrior Sunbeam has doubts of her own. But in RiverClan, medicine cat apprentice Frostpaw looks eagerly toward the horizon, awaiting the day she will be called upon to help her Clan—a day that may dawn sooner than she ever dreamed.
Hey Kate
The first glimpses of the new season are fabulous. I’m really looking forward to getting to know the three new characters better now.
There have been a lot of new kits as well. Did you write down the fathers for Larkwing’s and Blossomheart’s litter?
Slightfoot and Kitescratch would fit the descriptions of the kits^^
Need some important input from you guyses:
I got permission from Vip to make BlogChat stickers celebrating the release of River that will be available to use on BlogChat for who knows how long. It has come to my attention that Frostpaw has been described with conflicting appearances, so, how do you all imagine Frostpaw to look?
She’s probably supposed to be gray as that’s how she’s described on the allegiances and depicted on the cover. However, because of the white and brown description, I see her as more of a gray-brown color with some white.
I imagine she is a very very light gray cat with diluted lilac patches. Lilac is a light brown, so diluted it would be both gray and brown.
How do I think Frostpaw to look…
Definitely lighter tones of grey, but for her markings, I think she would look more like a tabby, and for the marking color, probably if you have a color wheel, or are using Procreate, just make the same tone of grey, but just darker. Darker grey for the markings. I hope this helped! 😀
i imagine frostpaw to be a light silver with darker grey paws and markings with a white tail-tip and chin with blue eyes.
hope this helps!
where is flipclaw????? he was missing from the allegiances in the preview on the website and he was missing from the a Light in the mist allegiances as well…
I hope nothing has happened to him. I also hope the authors haven’t forgotten about him because he is one of my favourites !!!!!!!
It was stated on the warriors wiki that Flipclaw was not on the allegiances since he was traveling with Greystripe, even though he came back later in ALiTM.
They either killed him off between ALITM and River or just forgot about him again.
I think there’s going to be a forbidden romance between Frostpaw and Shadowsight. There hasn’t been a ship between med. cats yet!
eww. I feel like everyone will hate that. Hopefully it doesn’t happen, we don’t need inconsistent Shadowsight characterization this soon after bristlefrost.
I hope not. Shadowsight is supposed to be an adult and Frostpaw is basically a teenager. It’d be super weird to put them together-
*cough* um lets not forget the aunt-uncle relationship *cough* Dustpeltxfernsong *cough* XD
No thanks haha
No romance between them two.
I kinda like Frostpaw x Whistlepaw :3
same :3
Are you saying you ship light x blaze or light x sun or sun x blaze I am confuzzled
I think they’re saying that they wanted Lightleap & Blazefire to be together. Not Sunbeam & Blaze. Is that correct Tyrone?
I wanted Light x Blaze too. . .
Hey Kate, I don’t think it was confirmed who was Reedclaw’s mate/Kitestratch and Turtlecrawl’s father, do you know who it is or would it be mentioned in a later book?
Wait, Reedclaw’s a female?
Yes? Does it matter?
I saw a comment from someone here on BlogClan that you can become the captain of a ship, so I claim myself as the captain of the Blazefire x Sunbeam ship. Anyone wanna hop on the ship with me?
I will be captain of Frostpaw x Whistlepaw 😀
I’ll join on your ship if you join in on mine
I think Whistlepaw’s medicine cat name will be Whistlesong! Any other ideas?
I’m not sure since I don’t know a whole lot about her yet, but here are some cute ones I thought of:
I know none of you will you able to accept this, but…
We all know Frost x Whistle will not happen 😭
I don’t really care, I never shipped them
What do you mean “shipped” bro the book isn’t even out yet at least wait 2 months to form an opinion
What’s everyone’s opinions on Lightleap now that the preview is out?
I think she is gonna be a really good character, but her recklessness may become grating after a while.
I’m really glad she’s going to get a role this arc. I’m glad her and Sunbeam are friends. I know their friendship isn’t really going well now, but before the whole Dark Forest incident it seemed they had a healthier friendship, and I’m hoping that they heal.
I’m glad that what happened has a real effect on her and it’s dealing with self-doubt in a unique and interesting way, which is great.
I’m hoping she has a really amazing character arc, I have high hopes for her.
I still really like her thanks to ALitM, but I’ll admit she’s not really being a good friend or cat right now, I’m interested to see where her character goes.
I think she is a toxic friend that needs therapy and will get a redemption arc
I do realize the abbreviation is ASC
I really hope Sunbeam x Blazefire stays a wholesome ship and they just support each other through things<3
Yes Please!!!
HOLY STARCLAN! HOLY STARCLAN!!!!! THE RIVER EXCERPT IS OUT!!!!!! I took one look at the ThunderClan allegiances and started bawling. Take a look down at the queen’s section, and you’ll see why. 😭
Oh yeah I just saw that