River Spoiler Page

The first book of A Starless Clan (Arc 8) will be called River! Chat away with your theories and predictions!

Blurb of River:
A dark age has given way to an era of peace in the five warrior Clans, and with it comes a promise of hope. As their leaders deliberate on unprecedented changes to the warrior code, three young warriors set their paws on the paths that will decide their futures.
In ThunderClan, warrior apprentice Flamepaw, a descendant of the legendary leader Firestar, struggles under the weight of his famous kin’s legacy, while young ShadowClan warrior Sunbeam has doubts of her own. But in RiverClan, medicine cat apprentice Frostpaw looks eagerly toward the horizon, awaiting the day she will be called upon to help her Clan—a day that may dawn sooner than she ever dreamed.

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  • Hey Kate, I’m really exited for the new book and just wanted to ask some questions^^

    Q1. Which medicine cat do you think shares the most similarities in personality with Frostpaw?
    Q2. Where is Flipclaw?
    Q3. Which POV from ASC is your favorite so far?

    Ty for reading and if you take the time to answer

    • 3. Probably Sunbeam
      2. They probably forgot to add him to the allegiances. He’s probably in ThunderClan. Or he left to live in the Tribe of Rushing Water with Feather. More than likely in ThunderClan.
      1. Frostpaw had this… air of superiority about her, so Jayfeather for that, but she’s also much more respectful towards StarClan and not really snappy or grumpy, but her air of superiority kind of matches Jayfeather. I guess I’d omit Shadowsight and Alderheart, so probably Leafpool? Leafpool and Jayfeather? She doesn’t feel as quiet as Leafpool though. I’m not really sure.

  • Okay so I read the prolougue and then looked at the alliegiences, and I think I know who’s going to be in the forbidden romance. Stop reading this comment right now if you don’t want to hear about it. Okay, no people who don’t want it spoiled? Here it is.

    Fringewhisker and Spireclaw. Now, I could be totally wrong, and this is totally wrong, but I have called it.

    Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
    I’m hyped for April!

    • It’s definitely Fringewhisker & Spireclaw. Based on their description it’s gotta be them. But I’m glad that it’s a forbidden romance that aren’t between main characters! So it’s a plus

  • Found a mistake in ch2
    under her pads “What is it like?”
    But other than that its looking like a good book so far! excited!

  • Very impressed with the preview. I wasn’t sure about yet another arc, but I’m very intrigued by the possibility of changing the warrior code for cats who fall in love (I think those two in the beginning are Spireclaw and Fringewhisker, since the descriptions match.). I’m also very glad that they’ve addressed Sparkpelt’s absence as a mother with Flamepaw; it definitely should have had an impact, and it seems like it did. Curious to see who’s Cinnamontail’s mate (always thought she’d end up with Antfur). I already don’t like Sunbeam and Blazefire together, though, so I hope that changes.

  • I was kinda hoping for over enthusiastic 8 year old Frostpaw. We already got worrier medicine cat with Alderheart and Shadowsight. I already don’t like Sun x Blaze, I want Light x Blaze, so I hope it changes. I also wanted Rootspring to get Beetlepaw or Beepaw. I hope we get to know more about their siblings because Kate said something about not trusting Finchpaw, what’s that about? And more Pouncestep since we got to see her other littermates.

    • Yeah! I like that Frostpaw shares a more energetic and confident personality like Cinderpelt, I like her a lot already.
      I do however love SunBlaze already, I can’t wait to see where their relationship goes<3

      • i’m not sure. but in a moonkitti video– i think “talking: patrol kits”– has a screenshot of when kate said that.

      • Flowerstep
        October 16, 2021 at 11:45 pm
        Hello Kate! I’m sorry i haven’t been on for so long! I just read the excerpt and can’t wait; the book comes a day after my birthday :3

        But anyway, I have some questions!

        1. If you change one thing about the Warriors society, what would it be?

        2. How do you think Thrushpelt reacted to seeing Stonefur and Mistyfoot alive in Riverclan after his death?

        3. Are there any other cats in (living, current) Thunderclan that you think are villain-worthy? Like, is Plumstone secretly plotting our demise or something?

        October 19, 2021 at 3:15 pm
        1. Elections
        2. How do you think they reacted?
        3. Plumstone? Never. They’re a dear. I will never entirely trust Finchpaw though.

        October 21, 2021 at 7:01 am
        OOOOOOOH good to know ;D Looking forward to the next arc, then. Thanks Kate!

        And 2. I think he was pretty darn happy that they lived a good life and hung out with Mosskit until her parents came. I have a headcanon that he was there to welcome Stonefur after his death and still chats with him from time to time, but spends his time in Starclan chilling in the sun like he deserves. We love Thrushpelt <3

        October 25, 2021 at 4:44 pm
        I ❤️ your head canon.

        October 23, 2021 at 6:58 pm
        Ooh, will Finchpaw be the villain next arc?

        October 25, 2021 at 4:35 pm


  • Rank your favourite protags in order!
    Here’s mine:
    1. Flamepaw
    Honestly, it’s nice to have some issues that I can relate to! Family issues may seem boring, but it’s what happens in reality! It’s also simple, yet complex, and it’ll be very interesting to see his relationship with Finchpaw, Sparkpelt, Sorrelstripe, and Baypaw!
    2. Frostpaw
    Honestly, I’m pretty neutral on her, but her chapter was kind of boring and there wasn’t much I took out of it. Also, we KNOW that the path leading to the Moonpool has dimples of pawsteps on it!!
    3. Sunbeam
    I don’t like her. I have no idea why, but I just don’t like her. But her relationship with Lightleap was interesting.

    • 1. Sunbeam. I love her relationships with the cats around her and how she told Shadowsight about Lightleap’s behavior. She’s an admirable friend and just has a wonderful personality. I can’t wait to see where the story takes her.
      2. Flamepaw. His relationship with his mom is interesting and I like how he feels a need to differentiate himself from his famous family members. I also think his different beliefs on clan politics is unique.
      3. Frostpaw. I like her bubbly and energetic personality, but also how she’s somewhat less herself around new cats. It’s realistic and makes sense. Her weird power could be pretty interesting too. I just think her first chapter wasn’t as interesting as the other two.

      Overall I love all the protagonist and think they have a lot going for them.

  • If flamepaw gets with myrtlepaw or baypaw gets with finchpaw, I will scream cause in the blerb Flamepaw calls baypaw his brother like 10 times.

    • Gosh I hope that doesn’t happen^^
      I’m sure they’ll remember that Baypaw and Myrtlepaw are Flamepaw and Finchpaw’s foster siblings.

    • I doubt any of those pairs you names will get together. I think these are some more major cats and the fact that Flamepaw feels like they are his family will have role in the arc, so I don’t think they’ll forget. I wouldn’t be surprised if I see Flamepaw and Baypaw getting shipped among the fans though.

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