River Spoiler Page

The first book of A Starless Clan (Arc 8) will be called River! Chat away with your theories and predictions!

Blurb of River:
A dark age has given way to an era of peace in the five warrior Clans, and with it comes a promise of hope. As their leaders deliberate on unprecedented changes to the warrior code, three young warriors set their paws on the paths that will decide their futures.
In ThunderClan, warrior apprentice Flamepaw, a descendant of the legendary leader Firestar, struggles under the weight of his famous kin’s legacy, while young ShadowClan warrior Sunbeam has doubts of her own. But in RiverClan, medicine cat apprentice Frostpaw looks eagerly toward the horizon, awaiting the day she will be called upon to help her Clan—a day that may dawn sooner than she ever dreamed.

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  • Does anyone know how old the still living former main characters are in the current series?

    ex: Bramblestar, Jayfeather, etc.

  • Emberstripe’s Theories after reading in Wiki… Part 1
    Lightleap is a VILLAIN! She somehow got the badgers&dogs to kill them… or maybe conspiring with Sol?
    Bramblestar is somehow voted out and killed(maybe by Lightleap) cuz of Nightheart
    Sky: maybe Leafstar is dead?
    Somehow Jayfeather is dead(all cats who mentioned as old is dead)
    Blazefire got trapped in a shallow TUNNEL(maybe the tunnel that leads to ThC/WC)
    uh… more after I read the books

  • Also…
    I’m pretty sure that something would happen to Bramblestar&Squirrelflight
    Mayyybe they would kill all leaders and let minor characters be the leaders(too dramatic so like one in a million)
    +Probably a battle will come soon(maybe in ASC#2 or ASC#3

  • this sounds really awful but this is what i want to happen in each clan:

    thunderclan: bramble gets demoted and lionblaze becomes the leader, only to also get demoted [and after that maybe ivystar or mousestar]

    windclan: harestar kicks the bucket and we get breezestar, crowstar or sedgestar

    shadowclan: hopefully tigerheartstar won’t die, as he’s the youngest leader and one of the most interesting-

    skyclan: hawkstarrrrrr-

    riverclan: minnowstar for president [icewing is fine too ig]

      • I think Crowstar should happen personally – as it’s actually confirmed to happen in Midnight. One of the chapters state, that a dark-grey apprentice (which they were referring to about Crowpaw that was unnamed in the beginning) would become the leader of WindClan one day. I’d like a gruff, old man leader for awhile atleast. Not all leaders have to be young. But yes, in many cases they should be. There is no way Breezepelt would become leader, alot of cats in Windclan are way too underdeveloped in character to be chosen – experience is very important in my book. Also Mousewhisker x Minnowtail for lifeeeeeeeee

    • I’d like to see Tigerstar step down & have Cloverfoot take over since Berryheart had something to say about him & his kin after all. I would agree with Minnowtail becoming a leader because I feel like she earned it after mentoring three cats & having trained in the dark forest. For Harestar maybe we could get something in the book wind (whenever that will be) about him maturing a bit to realize how he hasn’t been the best & should step down. I also think that Sedgewhisker should be leader since Crowfeather is close to being in retirement

  • So, once thing I wanna ask the Erin’s because this has been a question for years and with nothing said.

    Please, tell us. Before he died, did Reedwhisker leave behind and mates or kits. In RiverClan? Possibly in another clan, did he finally have a mate who was expecting kits with all of these new codes coming up? Or perhaps did he have any pregnant mates outside the clan?

    The line of Bluestar ending? That would be so dang depressing.

    (Su Susann had a real interesting time connecting all the cats in clans together.)

    • Kate is not answering questions on the blog I think. We’ll just have to wait and see if this information gets revealed.

    • I was thinking that too! Like now that he’s gone there must some info to give if Duskfur & Reedwhsiker became mates after all. Since Kate was really hoping for them to be a cute couple

    • I agree! Like now that he’s gone there should be some info to give if Duskfur & Reedwhisker were able to get together or not. Since I like it they would’ve made a cute couple & I know that Kate has been thinking about Reed & Dusk as being mates for a while

      • I would love to see Duskfur have Reedwhisker’s kits. It would be dissapointing if Bluestar’s line just ended – atleast let Mistystar’s last son have kits! Reedwhisker died for nothing then if he didn’t.

      • OH addition to my previous comment because i was brainstorming. Duskfur and Reedwhisker have already had kits. It’s Curlfeather and Podlight!!!! Why? Because Duskfur’s kits had no named father and it was said that at some point soon, their father would be revealed. It’s sad that Curlfeather is dead now though 🙁
        Podlight has to stay strong!!!

    • While they’re not direct decedents, Bluestar still has quite a few distant relatives in Thunderclan via her nephew, Whitestorm! I don’t know if that really counts as part of her “line”, but it might give you comfort to know most of Thunderclan is still related to her somehow 😛

      Birchfall (Great grand nephew)
      Ivypool (Great great grand niece)
      Thriftear (Great great great grand niece x2)
      Flipclaw (Great great great grand nephew x2)
      Cinderheart (Great grand niece)
      Hollytuft (Great great grand niece)
      Sorrelstripe (Great great grand niece)
      Myrtlebloom (Great great great grand niece)
      Bayshine (Great great great grand nephew)
      Spotfur (Great great grand niece)
      Graykit (Great great great grand nephew)
      Stemkit (Great great great grand nephew)
      Bristlekit (Great great great grand niece)
      Fernsong (Great great grand niece)
      Poppyfrost (Great grand niece)
      Cherryfall (Great great grand niece)
      Molewhisker (Great great grand nephew)
      Lilyheart (Great grand niece)
      Honeyfur (Great great grand niece)
      Leafshade (Great great grand nephew)
      Finchflight (Great great great grand niece)
      Nightheart(Great great great grand nephew)

  • THEORY: Berryheart’s going to be the next villain and try to convince Sunbeam to be one too. Berryheart got a lot of cats to join this group that’s goal is to make the warrior code back to the way it was. One of those cats was Curlfeather and they’re the ones who killed Mistystar (idk how) and Reedwhisker.

    • Oooh that’s cool!

      I still firmly believe that Vip will be the villain of this arc, though

    • Okay, okay here me out. But after some people discussing something that i saw a number of months ago that was stated by Kate – but my theory suggestion was kinda placed aside as a joke from other people. I think that the next villain will be from ThunderClan. Who? What? Why? Finchlight that’s who. A relatively good character, who excells in her training – but at somepoint goes down a darker path. I don’t believe that Finchlight had done anything malicious quite yet – but it’s a possibility she might of. I know this theory seems out of the blue, but Kate said Finchlight is suspious so is she? Also Night vs Finch battle it out, between siblings. Berryheart i don’t think is evil, she’s just an old, traditional grump. There will be plenty of traditional grumps. But y’know who knows.

      • Ever since I saw Kate say that she would never trust Finchpaw, I’ve wanted her as a villain ever since.

      • Well, it could also be just her being really tired & just her entire body giving out with how old she is & her heart may have had a very slow rhythm instead. Since heart attacks in cats are extremely rare there’s very little possibility Mistystar wouldn’t have a heart attack possibly even at her age.

  • Woaooaoaoh, okay so! There’s ALOT to unpack in River. Like wowzers.
    First off; we’ll begin with ThunderClan.

    Flamepaw – passing his assement and being named after Firestar’s warrior name to Flameheart? Then Flameheart completely being against being in Firestar’s shadow? And then Bramblestar naming him Nightheart, love it! I believe that Nightheart, despite his dark coat and amber eyes; looks very similar in build wise to Firestar. However, has thicker fur because of his inheritance from Tigerstar. He’s very intelligent, and i believe he may make a great leader one day – and maybe, who knows, mix up the warrior code a little. I do hope him and Firestar can have a heart-to-heart moment. He also seems very grumpy, which i like, grumpy antagonist.

    Finchpaw’s warrior name is Finchlight – which is ironic Night vs Light, heh. She seems to dislike her brother’s behaviour, but she seems like a good character. But who knows, maybe there’s plans for her in the future? If they make Finchlight and Nightheart like Zuko and Azula – that would be interesting – or atleast in a way.

    Also, Bramblestar needs to retire atleast; if the erins are brave enough to kill him of then great! But i think the old man needs retiring – it would be strange if they just rescued him and he’d just nope out. Also, i’m bored of him. Make Ivypool leader please and thank you. Mousewhisker or Stormcloud as deputy would be amazing also.
    (post count…)