The first book of A Starless Clan (Arc 8) will be called River! Chat away with your theories and predictions!

Blurb of River:
A dark age has given way to an era of peace in the five warrior Clans, and with it comes a promise of hope. As their leaders deliberate on unprecedented changes to the warrior code, three young warriors set their paws on the paths that will decide their futures.
In ThunderClan, warrior apprentice Flamepaw, a descendant of the legendary leader Firestar, struggles under the weight of his famous kin’s legacy, while young ShadowClan warrior Sunbeam has doubts of her own. But in RiverClan, medicine cat apprentice Frostpaw looks eagerly toward the horizon, awaiting the day she will be called upon to help her Clan—a day that may dawn sooner than she ever dreamed.
Berryheart’s actually kind of interesting…
I think she might be the villain of this arc….
Yeah I think so too.
She’s… dynamic
Wow, I’m so glad that even if Sunbeam and Blazefire can’t have a healthy, drama-free relationship (because those never happen like ever in this series) they at least broke up maturely.
Lol yeah
My thoughts on River:
I really liked this book yet I did find some spelling mistakes which really got me confused for a moment like once they misspelled leaf-bare as lead-bare XD. This book definitely had more dialogue and i really liked how spire and fringe had a secret romance and that fringe left her clan to be with spire. here are my thoughts on the protagonists.
Flamepaw: Ik that not many people like him but he’s my favorite of all the protagonists. I find his character really interesting and i liked seeing how he dealt with his family line. I like how he acted when he got his warrior name and also WHY did bramblestar give flampaw flameheart as his warrior name like wth is trying to make another firestar?? I think nightheart suits him betta.
Sunbeam: I really like her and at first i was TRICKED into thinking blazefire really liked her and they would be mates. UGH so annoying and if blazefire doesn’t like her who DOES he like??? I like how she and flampaw understand each other so much. Also, i ship ✨flamexsun. ✨ 😎
Frostpaw: some people think she’s a whiny cat who isn’t sure of herself and don’t really like her, but i think she’s a good character. i like how she connects with StarClan and how much she cares about Mothwing. it was so sad and unexpecting when curlfeather died, like, WHY STARCLAN WHY WHY MUST U DO THIS. it’s sad. i hope maybe icewing will be the next leader. oooh maybe a cat from another clan will join rc and become leader 😮 but that will probably NOT happen :c
also why isn’t Rootspring beepaw or beetlepaw?
bErRyHeArT iS eViL 100 pErCeNt FoR sUrE
i would love a female villain who is a protagonists’ mother 😮
also lightleap’s a villain and a evil spoiled sassy disgusting fake obsessed with trying to prove herself brat. c; oh and a fake friend
srry if this was messy im rlly crazy >;)
Glad you liked the book, and yes NightSun is so adorable!!
My favorite protag so far is Sunbeam.
Honestly this book was pretty good
I headcanon blazefire as aroace
I agree
I totally agree
I hope Birchkit becomes Birchfoot in his warrior ceremony😏
Oh wait maybe tho-
“Every cat assumed that Birchkit had been named after the senior warrior. ”
Or Birchfoot, instead of Birchfall…
There is litterally no other cat named birch- alive besides birchfall. Birchkit was named after him.
someone can be named after more than one person-
Besides, I never said a cat from the Warriors universe, no need to be rude 🙂
Guys, Sunbeam and Nightheart are NOT that far apart in age. Nightheart was made a warrior really late and is the same age as rootspring. Plus, Nightheart and Sunbeam met when they where ADULTS. (If they met when Nightheart was 15 and sunbeam was 23 it would be different) Nightheart was around 21, and sunbeam was about 25. It’s fine.
I have A LOT TO SAY about this book. First of all, WHY LIGHTLEAP WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU why IN StARclANS NAme dO yOu HAte SUnBeaM sO muCh!!!!! Flamepaw failing his assessment twice was also pretty sad ngl, but I was glad he passed. And why did Bramblestar give him the name Flameheart? Flamepaw clearly thinks that he is based too much off of a cat who he has barely even heard of! Why, Bramblestar? Berryheart is also acting a little suspicious but Bramblestar was acting very suspicious. Like the-cat-we-know-just-got-taken-over-by-a-spirit suspicious. something is not right there… AND THEN MISTYSTAR DIES FOR NO REASON AND THEN REEDWHISKER DIES AS WELL FOR ALSO NO REASON AND THEN NOW I GET WHAT-
now I get what the blurb means by saying that Frostpaw would get involved sooner than she ever dreamed. And then StarClan decides to make her mom the leader and then just kill Curlfeather for good measure. Excuse me? I think StarClan is evil! (plus their judging system is also just weird).
oof this is getting a bit messy
I don’t think starclan sent the dogs. They genuinely thought she was going to be leader, some cat else probably sent the dogs.
Frostpaw is related to Mistystar:
Mistystar and Blackclaw had Reedwhisker and his siblings,
Reedwhisker and Swallowtail were mates and had six kits, one of them being:
Petalfur, who was mated to Mallownose and had three kits, one of them being:
Jayclaw, who was with Curlfeather and had:
Frostpaw, Graypaw, and Mistpaw!
(Pss, I found this by Mintfur’s wiki family tree)
I wouldn’t trust the family tree yet if nothing has been confirmed in the books.
Is this a head canon?, because Petalfur’s parents are canonically Icewing and Mintfur, as well as Reedwhisker having no confirmed mate.
Yeah, this definetely isn’t canon
This isn’t canon.
But here it states that one of the Erin’s (Su Susann) says (on a Facebook page which Vicky agreed on) that Reedwhisker and Swallowtail were mates and had Mintfur and Rainstorm, but they didn’t get to mention it directly on the books. It pretty much makes it cannon if Vicky agrees with it..
“Victoria Holmes, commonly referred to as Vicky, is a former[1] editor[2] of the New York Times bestselling Warriors books, written by Kate Cary, Cherith Baldry, and Tui Sutherland,[3] and published by HarperCollins.[4] She, along with Kate, Cherith, and Tui, write under the pseudonym “Erin Hunter”,[5] While she was the main editor of Warriors for many years, she had chosen to step aside from working on the main arcs,[6] and has now fully retired from working on the Warriors series.[1]“ from the warriors wiki. Vicky hasn’t written a warriors book in years. She is a ghostwriter. Su susann is barely canon, and this post is very old. This is not canon.
I can confirm Beekit’s comment. Vicky has retired from the Erin Hunter team and she actually isn’t even ghostwriting or involved with the Story Team in developing the future storylines of the series, though she is still writing her own books!
Su Susann was, as far as I know, a fan of the series who talked with Vicky pretty often and Vicky had temporarily redirected Warriors questions to Su because she was just too busy or didn’t have the answers. Su, for some reason that I personally don’t know, tended to answer some of the “no canon answer” questions with her own headcanons, and Vicky didn’t stop her from doing so for a while, which led to people (including the Warriors Wiki for quite some time) to believe that Su’s headcanons were canon. Vicky did eventually come out and say that Su’s headcanons were not canon and not confirmations of anything not explicitly mentioned in the books, and that caused a massive backlash against Su because people thought she had been lying to them and taking advantage of her apparent familiarity with Vicky. Fans actually drove her out of the fandom with a lot of hate comments and I think even death threats, and I think that was one of the lowest moments of the Warriors fandom.
Wow, I never knew that. I knew Vicky Holmes wasn’t a writer anymore but I never knew about Su Susann.
I feel bad for su susann, she just was a really, really enthusiastic fan
Me too.
Death threats are way too harsh for just sharing a few ideas.
Finished River…alas, I didn’t really like it 😛
Every sentence Nightheart thinks is so “woe is me”, to the point where I almost found it funny. I mean, this kid literally claims that no one is as miserable as he is, when the only thing wrong with his life is a little bit of family drama. Also, said drama wasn’t really beleivable. Half the clan is related to Firestar. Why does anyone care if Nightheart is his great-grand child? Regardless, the entirety of Thunderclan was comically mean in this book.
Sunbeam’s story line was a little better, but as usual, I really just can’t get invested in romance based drama. She mopes over Blazefire, and I just sit there wondering what the purpose of his existance is. Seeing the political conflict in Shadowclan was interesting, though.
Frostpaw’s POV was the only one I liked 😛 she was cool.
HOWEVER, here’s a question for you all: Why can Starclan bring Tigerstar back to life when Shadowclan needs a leader, but they can’t do the same for Curlfeather?
starclan: hm yes, this tigerstar clone that is relevant to the plot somehow….what the heck. even though he’s dead, let’s just revive him for the lols
also starclan: no, guys, we can’t revive curlfeather and that’s final.
Who says the can’t? The book literally ended right when curlfeather died. Also, the situation is different. Tigerheart fell from a high height and had many broken bones, but was still holding on. Curlfeather was mauled to death by dogs, torn apart limb by limb. And her body was never taken to the moon pool.
That’s true, I suppose they still could save her.
Yes Frostpaw is best POV
Uhhh because they couldn’t get Curlfeather to the moonpool and StarClan doesn’t want Tawnypelt to be leader
Because Frostpaw wasn’t alive for Tigerheart’s Shadow, I’m guessing. She’s a small child and she was probably standing there, not knowing what to do. She didn’t know about Tigerheartstar’s revival, most likely, and didn’t know she could attempt the same thing with Curlfeather. Plus, she was the only one at the scene, and there’s no way she could’ve dragged Curlfeather up to the Moonpool by herself, and it was too late to go back to camp.
I liked Sunbeam’s friendship conflict with Lightleap, and I think the Berryheart thing will escalate next book. Thank goodness they got the romance drama out of the way for the next book, where Sunbeam will be useful. If she becomes mates with Nightheart, though, I will scream in Bristle x Root repeat
Thank you for agreeing with me that Nightheart sucks 😌
Give Lilyheart a break mate, you don’t know better than her
I hate Nightheart so much 😛 he may annoy me more than Dovewing, which, given his pov doesn’t even have a romance element yet, is really saying something.
(if he gets together with Sunbeam I may scream 😛 )
We can scream together 😉
plot convenience…it’s a thing this decade
seriously though the amount of lore that’s been scrapped these days is…alarming. Remember the days when it was an honor for apprentices to eat with elders? Everyone forgot about that by TNP.
Mistpaw is such a sweetheart 💙 I just wanna hug and protect this precious soft child, she deserves all the love. Her siblings too.
Like, can I adopt these poor orphans 🥺 the babies need love and care..
I (platonically) LOVE Frostpaw.
#frostpaw needs a therapist
She probably does
Was anyone else sad about the lack of Spotfur in River? After the development she got in TBC, I’m really hoping she appears more in Sky. We need some closure on how she’s doing without Bristlefrost to help with the kits! (Although it seems like Daisy was assisting, which is nice).
I’m really, really hoping that Fernsong will help out with the kits. Of course, I’m very prepared for disappointment, because warriors doesn’t do older sibling/younger bonding time.
I’m always sad by lack of Spotfur
Sparkpelt, I feel, gets too much hate after River. She legitimately tries to connect with her son (and the circumstances that drove them apart were not her fault and she had no control over them) and he pushes her away. Him. Nightheart. And then he makes up a story in his head about how his mother hates him (she doesn’t) and gets upset with her and then walks away and then wonders about why Sparkpelt and he don’t have a close relationship. The very worst thing I can remember Sparkpelt saying to him was that he of course passed his assessment because of Firestar’s blood, which is really a minor infringement that hurt a lot because of Nightheart’s own insecurities. And he never communicates those insecurities until his naming ceremony, which was pretty explosive. And it just annoys me to see people blaming Sparkpelt when she’s actually trying to be a good mom.
Plus she has shown many signs of postpardum depression.
Exactly. So I fail to see how their distance is Sparkpelt’s fault instead of just a unfortunate result of a long string of tragic events (Larksong’s death causing Sparkpelt to start kitting prematurely while her mate died right there in front of her plus one of her kits being stillborn causing her to have postpartum depression making her unable to be present for Night and Finch compounded by their additional separation when Sparkpelt was exiled by a murderous dictator who’d already tried to kill her once and Finch went with her and Night stayed behind). I mean, that right there is just so much suck and neither Spark or Night had any control over any of it. (Sorry, this is just my rant)
Nightheart is being hecking immature
Also Finchlight volunteered to go with Sparkpelt, Sparkpelt didn’t choose her, but they were close on the journey, whereas Nightheart never made an effort to connect with Sparkpelt, so the blame’s on you Nightheart
If LightBlaze happens I will scream
tbh it would just be a really, really screwed up thing for them to do after they both more or less ditched Sunbeam
edit: speedy moddo